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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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irresponsible vagina leak
What could it be if I can't stop thinking about him? I'll look forward to the day I have dat special boyfriend.

Well you can get a handkerchief put some chloroform and ask your straight crush if that smells like chloroform... The rest shall be history (JK)

With time you'll get over it and meet more people that will also give you those thoughts. Hopefully that someone special appears soon and no need to deal with the non reciprocated feelings from the other half. It can seem at first frustrating to have a straight crush but when you have many straight crushes you know what to expect and then not be so irritated and just enjoy the show. :p


Being 'shy', afraid of pain or whatnot is just you being too lazy to start and finding excuses not to. You wanna change and not put any kind of effort into it? Tough shit, ain't gonna happen. (I mean 'you' in a more general sense, not you Mr Zombie personally :))

Again, I disagree. Speaking from experience, when I started working out and had to go to gym alone I felt intimidated by the guys doing their trainings on weights. "They will laugh at me struggling with those kiddie weights" I was thinking to myself, when they were lifting things that were literally make the bar bend while I was squating with 30kg max. That feeling was sometimes so strong that I was ending up doing something completely different than what I had planned. Of course, looking back now it was stupid and irational (because now I know that no one really gives a shit what you are doing, at "worst" someone will come to you and give some advices or correct your technique) and might look like an excuse, but back then it was a legit issue for me.
I went to the beach on Saturday... and felt bad about my body :(.

I've seen your photos. I don't believe you. Unless you live in a place where everyone has Apollo-like body.


I disagree. (then again I don't think free will exists, but let's not even go there)

Blaming obesity on "gluttony and sloth" is an outdated view in medicine and healthcare. Similarly, people used to (and still do, unfortunately) stigmatize people with certain mental disorders for being weak-willed or whatever, as if someone can "will themselves" out of it if they only tried hard enough. Again, very unscientific.

For some people, being unable to exercise might be due to "laziness" or "excuses" as you say, but for many, perhaps the majority, it's much more complicated than that.

I did not mention or even brush obesity. I was just replying to the claim that social anxiety prevents some people from exercising. I believe this is false because you can work out at home and thus eliminate all of the sources for social anxiety. Then if your cat watching you cause you anxiety, just lock it in another room.

You're entitled to your opinions of course, but I can't think of valid reasons why the majority of people would be unable to exercise (and I'm talking exercise in the broader sense, you don't have to look like an Adonis). I am sure that most of the time it's just that the person don't really want to. Concerns about looking dumb, not knowing what to do and so on can be easily answered by 1) working out at home, 2) looking things up in a book or on google.

Again, I disagree. Speaking from experience, when I started working out and had to go to gym alone I felt intimidated by the guys doing their trainings on weights. "They will laugh at me struggling with those kiddie weights" I was thinking to myself, when they were lifting things that were literally make the bar bend while I was squating with 30kg max. That feeling was sometimes so strong that I was ending up doing something completely different than what I had planned. Of course, looking back now it was stupid and irational (because now I know that no one really gives a shit what you are doing, at "worst" someone will come to you and give some advices or correct your technique) and might look like an excuse, but back then it was a legit issue for me.

I am well aware of that feeling, but like I said earlier, you can work out at home until you get to the point where you feel comfortable going to the gym and doing your thing. You don't need a lot of weight, you can use bands.


Thanks guys. :p
With time you'll get over it and meet more people that will also give you those thoughts. Hopefully that someone special appears soon and no need to deal with the non reciprocated feelings from the other half. It can seem at first frustrating to have a straight crush but when you have many straight crushes you know what to expect and then not be so irritated and just enjoy the show. :p
those are good words. I've had lots of straight crushes, but this one feels different. Haven't shaken it off for 7 years now :(. Even if he was gay he would still be way out of my league with the bod he has. I really want to meet that special someone soon.
I've seen your photos. I don't believe you. Unless you live in a place where everyone has Apollo-like body.

The photos you've seen are very carefully selected ones from a pool of hundreds that I deemed not good. When I put photos up on Flickr my intention is not to portray reality, but instead to get the best I possibly can out of using myself as a model (since I don't have another choice) in order to make an aesthetically pleasing and erotic photo.

In other words, I can look "good enough" from certain angles, under certain lighting, right after getting a "workout pump", and occasionally with the help of some photoshop.

I'm 173 cm @ 60 kg (5'7" @ 132 lb)... that's borderline skinny. My biggest complaint about my body is my chest; if it were bigger I think I'd be happy.

As for the guys on the beach, yeah there were some pretty big and sculpted guys (and I think a few were gay), they were enough to make me feel scrawny.


I was just reading the 'Are men starting to have unrealistic physique standards for their bodies?' and wanted to ask gaygaffers a question. Somebody said that the gay community have unrealistic physique standards and expect everyone to be ripped. Do you think this is the case?
I think there are two sides to that question and other posters have already touched upon them - I think that gay men have an unrealistic standard for their own physique, but are less demanding of other men. So I would argue in general that a gay man's worst enemy can be his own self-perception in this regard. Of course there will always be guys who like a very particular build, even to the point of fetishisation, but to me it seems that in general the gay community celebrates diversity.

I would compare this to the generalisation that all gays are size queens, which is simply not true. Sure, we love to consume porn that features guys with incredible bodies and big cocks, but I think in reality our tastes are more down to Earth.
Although perhaps Ratsky is right, I mean what's the point in bottoming if you don't get a perforated colon out of it?

I agree with you about exercise, working out is really just making a small commitment that will contribute to your long term health. We're forgetting though that a change in diet would most likely also be required for many people and for some people that is very hard.

Every time I have a conversation about working out and improving diet, I always come back to having short term goals. I think that if people focused on losing 5 pounds at a time, or adding 2 more reps to their set, instead of looking at photos of some adonis and wondering why they don't look like that yet, they would have a much better time of it.

I does require a dose of willpower and I think that for a lot of people it's just not worth the effort, despite any harm their diet and sedentary lifestyle may be doing to their health. Which brings me on to...
I disagree. (then again I don't think free will exists, but let's not even go there)

Blaming obesity on "gluttony and sloth" is an outdated view in medicine and healthcare. Similarly, people used to (and still do, unfortunately) stigmatize people with certain mental disorders for being weak-willed or whatever, as if someone can "will themselves" out of it if they only tried hard enough. Again, very unscientific.

For some people, being unable to exercise might be due to "laziness" or "excuses" as you say, but for many, perhaps the majority, it's much more complicated than that.
Do you mean that being overweight or obese can be someone's destiny?

Yes, there are some people who have inherited or medical conditions that makes it very difficult for them to lose weight. However, these people are in no way the majority. The main problem with the modern problem of obesity is the modern diets of processed foods loaded with sugar and the modern sedentary lifestyle regarding work and leisure time activities.

The question of mental health is another problem entirely, and ironic considering one of the best things you can do for mood disorders is to exercise. In fact many in the medical profession would suggest exercise as the primary treatment for depression for example.

I don't think anyone was suggesting that someone with a serious mental health condition should just 'get over it'. That being said, the majority of people do not have serious mental health problems or inherited weight disorders. I really do think they are just making excuses.

There is a bit of a weird dichotomy here, because the media makes it look like it's really easy to look herculean, so people get unrealistic expectations and expect to look fantastic with little effort, so then people can get frustrated and give up. To look like Hugh Jackman would take a lot of work.

But we're not talking about looking like Hugh Jackman, we're just talking about working out a bit every other day. People like to make out like getting fit is an incredibly hard thing to do to make themselves feel better about not getting up off their butt, but like people are saying an hour a day to be fitter and healthier is really not that hard of a commitment in the grand scheme of things.
Do you mean that being overweight or obese can be someone's destiny?

No, that's not what I mean. What I'm saying is that there are usually more factors involved (and ones having a bigger impact on body composition) than "willpower" or even exercise itself. I strongly believe in Mark Sisson's statement that "80 percent of your body composition is determined by how you eat", the remaining 20% are determined by your genes and exercise.

Anecdotal evidence: I personally workout less than 5 minutes a day, and that's not even every day. I also live a very sedentary life; I work entirely from home and I only leave my flat when I'm forced to buy groceries (for which I drive). Yet I'm considered by many to have "a hot body". Ergo: Diet >>> Exercise.

Genes don't play that big of a role either; 3 out of 4 of my siblings are either fat or have a belly.

Which brings us to the matter of whether fat people are themselves to blame for their obesity. Countless books, blog posts, talks and conferences were given on that and the debate is on-going (see Gary Taubes' Good Calories, Bad Calories. Or watch this recent and highly recommended TED talk, and followup Q&A).

My takeaway from it is that looking at it as a "Calories In -minus- Calories Out" issue is misguided. Also most people are ignorant to the crap they are fed (in terms of unhealthy processed foods and misinformation) by corporations, media, the medical establishment, and the government (not intentionally by all parties; this is not a conspiracy theory, but a story of bad science lingering for decades)


They are fantastic Ricky! You're looking sexy!

Edit: I came out to my friend who I only see 1 week per year and his response was amazing. Such a lovely, caring guy and want him to stay in my life. He's a special friend and it won't be anymore than that. Said he felt honoured that I told him. Wasn't that nerve wracking telling him.

Bailey 87

They are fantastic Ricky! You're looking sexy!/

It will never get as hot as you I'm sure.


Oh you guys. Thanks for the kind words :)


No, that's not what I mean. What I'm saying is that there are usually more factors involved (and ones having a bigger impact on body composition) than "willpower" or even exercise itself. I strongly believe in Mark Sisson's statement that "80 percent of your body composition is determined by how you eat", the remaining 20% are determined by your genes and exercise.

Anecdotal evidence: I personally workout less than 5 minutes a day, and that's not even every day. I also live a very sedentary life; I work entirely from home and I only leave my flat when I'm forced to buy groceries (for which I drive). Yet I'm considered by many to have "a hot body". Ergo: Diet >>> Exercise.

Genes don't play that big of a role either; 3 out of 4 of my siblings are either fat or have a belly.

Which brings us to the matter of whether fat people are themselves to blame for their obesity. Countless books, blog posts, talks and conferences were given on that and the debate is on-going (see Gary Taubes' Good Calories, Bad Calories. Or watch this recent and highly recommended TED talk, and followup Q&A).

My takeaway from it is that looking at it as a "Calories In -minus- Calories Out" issue is misguided. Also most people are ignorant to the crap they are fed (in terms of unhealthy processed foods and misinformation) by corporations, media, the medical establishment, and the government (not intentionally by all parties; this is not a conspiracy theory, but a story of bad science lingering for decades)

I disagree somewhat, do your brothers eat the same as you?

Ok actually I think I completely agree, the calories in calories out is a myth, metabolism of the person is the more important factor. Now if you eat uncontrollably prepare to gain weight, but if you were to feed the same quality and amount of food to two different persons don't expect the same result.
do your brothers eat the same as you?

No, they don't. Nobody I know IRL eats like I do (Paleo), they think it's ridiculous.

metabolism of the person is the more important factor.

And metabolism is highly affected by diet. Some people are more susceptible to develop metabolic syndrome than others (i.e. they "break their metabolism" by eating crap). But it's completely avoidable (and in many cases reversible; see video I linked above) by changing the diet.


No, they don't. Nobody I know IRL eats like I do (Paleo), they think it's ridiculous.

And metabolism is highly affected by diet. Some people are more susceptible to develop metabolic syndrome than others (i.e. they "break their metabolism" by eating crap). But it's completely avoidable (and in many cases reversible; see video I linked above) by changing the diet.

I think diet is a little factor. Anecdotal evidence: we all know the skinny guy that doesn't gain any weight no matter how much he eats (and they actually eat a lot) and the chubby friend obessed with diets that just can't lose it, no matter how much he/she starves and excercises.


I think diet is a little factor. Anecdotal evidence: we all know the skinny guy that doesn't gain any weight no matter how much he eats (and they actually eat a lot) and the chubby friend obessed with diets that just can't lose it, no matter how much he/she starves and excercises.
There's a problem with this "theory" - unless you strictly count the calories both guys ate during, say, one month (without mentioning physical activity - the skinny guy doesn't need to be an athlete, but probably walks a lot more and it's less sedentary even indoors), you can't say "but this guy ate half a pizza and he's skinny!".

When I go to all-you-can-eat places with my friends, as an underweight guy, you wouldn't believe how much I can eat if I want to. But the truth is... well, today my "breakfast" was a ~250 calories chocolate roll (and I walk a TON).

People who stick to their diets for a long time see results. Gastric bypass surgery is VERY effective. Diet is most definitely the number one factor here.
If we're posting summer pics...


My shoulders look unnaturally enormous in this pic! It's a weird effect from propping yourself with your arms at the edge of the pool; my friend's shoulders looked the same in the photos and we laughed about it.
I think diet is a little factor. Anecdotal evidence: we all know the skinny guy that doesn't gain any weight no matter how much he eats (and they actually eat a lot) and the chubby friend obessed with diets that just can't lose it, no matter how much he/she starves and excercises.

Speaking as that skinny guy who doesn't seem to gain weight, honestly I probably only eat like a pig on occasions. Or I'll eat one single meal like a pig, and then my next meal will hardly be anything because I just won't be that hungry for the rest of the day after having a huge lunch.


the piano man
I have been trying to grab the attention of some muscled guys and they have SERIOUS anger management issues, it's not like I am rude and it doesn't happen with normal guys but they get all worked up over nothing.

most are really rough around the edges, like, pretty rough in the way they behave and relate to others.

ohhh :) PICS!!! is it time for a new batch of gaygaf pics?? ^_^


the piano man
I don't have pics outdoors but this is a few days old at the gym and haven't posted it anywhere else in GAF

(sorry for the censorship. Upon meticulous inspection, lol, it appeared to be a bit NSFW).


Bailey 87

If we are doing summer pics then this is my brother (left) and me (right) during Pride in NYC

Both looking really good, loving the arm muscle.

I don't have pics outdoors but this is a few days old at the gym and haven't posted it anywhere else in GAF

(sorry for the censorship. Upon meticulous inspection, lol, it appeared to be a bit NSFW, lol).

looks like fitness gaf is out today. Picture taken in the gym at the squat rack



the piano man
Both looking really good, loving the arm muscle.

another thing I like in the Alcoori genes is the pale white skin, LOOOVE me some pale white skin like the moon,

looks like fitness gaf is out today. Picture taken in the gym at the squat rack

we gotta summon Darth, Excelforward and all of fitgay-GAF. Come on people, the pics, hand them over.

lol, that black bar is unnecessary. I don't think most of us would complain. :3

yeah but I am sure Mumei is lurking, don't wanna risk :p

Bailey 87

another thing I like in the Alcoori genes is the pale white skin, LOOOVE me some pale white skin like the moon,

Agreed pale white skin is so hot I hate how everyone wants a tan nowadays. Listen Gaygaf as a caramel skin owner it's overrated. You need to love that pale milk like skin LOVE IT.

we gotta summon Darth, Excelforward and all of fitgay-GAF. Come on people, the pics, hand them over.

Yes I think everyone should post some new pictures!
Agreed pale white skin is so hot I hate how everyone wants a tan nowadays. Listen Gaygaf as a caramel skin owner it's overrated. You need to love that pale milk like skin LOVE IT.

Yes I think everyone should post some new pictures!

No it's not. I have a HUGE thing (no pun intended) for latin/tan guys. I mean, I'd never turn someone down because they weren't but it's not something that excites me.


Any Gay Gaffers up for Animal Crossing? Love this game.

Agreed pale white skin is so hot I hate how everyone wants a tan nowadays. Listen Gaygaf as a caramel skin owner it's overrated. You need to love that pale milk like skin LOVE IT.
Had you not been with Graham I think you would've liked me if I was more muscular. You're both a great couple though! (sun)

Bailey 87

Any Gay Gaffers up for Animal Crossing? Love this game.

Had you not been with Graham I think you would've liked me if I was more muscular. You're both a great couple though! (sun)

I don't care about muscles though. Well I don't care about upper body muscles, lower body muscle is a must (dat thighs dat ass) but yeah My partner being muscly is not a requirement
even though my boyfriend is a muscly fucker :p

Ginger hair>>>>>>>muscles :p


I don't care about muscles though. Well I don't care about upper body muscles, lower body muscle is a must (dat thighs dat ass) but yeah My partner being muscly is not a requirement
even though my boyfriend is a muscly fucker :p

Ginger hair>>>>>>>muscles :p
...I wish a lot of people were like you. It would make my life a lot easier. I'd like my future bf to have a little bit of muscle at least but they need to be really caring and have a great personality. You will find the majority of the hunkiest of hunky guys will fail to meet that latter requirement because they'll be really shallow.
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