Seems that you guys are partying a lot tonight, huh?
I like indie/indie rock a lot, some electro, some pop. Basically will listen to anything that's passing on my Spotify radio.
Some of my favorite include Arctic Monkeys, Phoenix, Alt-J, Broken Bells, Lykke Li, The xx, Passion Pit, The Wombats, Bloc Party, OK Go, The Strokes, LCD Soundsystem, Hot Hot Heat, Robyn, La Roux, Yelle, Janelle Monae, Ellie Goulding, etc...
LOVE the new Daft Punk album.
Also I'm going to see Alt-J in concert in September and I am SO excited.
Wait, do you make your own music? That sounds really fun.Sleepy, but working on my music![]()
Wait, do you make your own music? That sounds really fun.
That sounds nice, I think it's also great that you have a goal and that you seem determined to achieve it!Eeh not really hahah I make arrangements for my symphony band. Latin music, mostly. But yeah, lot of fun.
However my lifetime goal is composing an universal suite. Probably will do it in my 80's but whatever that's my dream, hopefully it goes alright![]()
LOOKS LIKE SOMEBODY IS NOT A VIRGIN ANYMOREEOk I think I'm bi. I feel weird and my head is dizzy right now with this stuff.
If you don't mind me asking, what is a universal suite? I googled and found hotels. And it's great that you're working with music in some capacity! I'm thinking about buying a piano and learning how to play it. A real piano sounds so goooood. And I think it would help me in the musicality of dancing.However my lifetime goal is composing an universal suite.
Oh a suite is what some people call symphonic poem, or in a lesser extent a "symphony" (those tend to be a little more in the virtuoso kind and less in the "listeneable"). Have you watched Cloud Atlas? It's like what the Cloud Atlas is.If you don't mind me asking, what is a universal suite? I googled and found hotels. And it's great that
you're working with music in some capacity! I'm thinking about buying a piano and learning how to play it. A real piano sounds so goooood. And I think it would help me in the musicality of dancing.
So how's everyone doing?
I'm sorry man, please share your story
Eeehh NO!
I just think I quite like a girl and I think she likes me too. Oh lord :O
Eeehh NO!
I just think I quite like a girl and I think she likes me too. Oh lord :O
Eeehh NO!
I just think I quite like a girl and I think she likes me too. Oh lord :O
Everybody go and watch Pacific Rim on 3D IMAX ASAP.
Excellent movie, visually stunning (seriously, it's a visual delight). It's the first time I have thought the 3D effect really adds something to the experience (not even The Hobbit or Avatar made me feel this way). Plus, if you are a fan of good fights, monsters and mechas... you won't be disappointed.
I feel like watching Evangelion again.
Plus, it has both Charlie Day and Charlie Hunnam <3
Everybody go and watch Pacific Rim on 3D IMAX ASAP.
Excellent movie, visually stunning (seriously, it's a visual delight). It's the first time I have thought the 3D effect really adds something to the experience (not even The Hobbit or Avatar made me feel this way). Plus, if you are a fan of good fights, monsters and mechas... you won't be disappointed.
I feel like watching Evangelion again.
Oh a suite is what some people call symphonic poem, or in a lesser extent a "symphony" (those tend to be a little more in the virtuoso kind and less in the "listeneable"). Have you watched Cloud Atlas? It's like what the Cloud Atlas is.
In summary it's a kinda long piece of music for orchestra or symphony band or whatever wiith various movements each one representing something, inspiration can be literary, theatrical, films or whatever you like, I think mine will be inspired in life itself.
And buy that baby and bring it home, you'll never listen to music normally again!
Orange is the New Black is awesome. It also has quite an incredible portrayal of a trans woman. And really everything else, race, gender, and sexual preference. It's also hilarious.
I saw Pacific Rim on 3D IMAX yesterday. I kinda disagree about the 3D. I feel like it didn't work that well on such a big screen. There was much more ghosting and it made some of the poorly shot action scenes even more disorienting. I think it would've been better without the 3D. Besides that, it was great and really intense. Agreed on the two Charlies, but I have to Robert Kazinsky, the Australian guy, was particularly adorable.
Eeh not really hahah I make arrangements for my symphony band. Latin music, mostly. But yeah, lot of fun.
However my lifetime goal is composing an universal suite. Probably will do it in my 80's but whatever that's my dream, hopefully it goes alright![]()
That actually sounds really cool.. I'd love to hear some of it if it gets finished. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by symphony band,though.. Are you in a symphony or a band>
How old are you? I fell into that trap a few times when I was young. I knowbetter now.myself
Not saying you couldn't be Bi, but I think some gay guys confuse feelings they have for certain women as sexual attraction.
Go with the flow. If you like her and she likes you don't over-think things. It'll sort it self out.
lolOh lord
Pacific Rim was amazing. I'm a fan of Del Toro's work and knew going into this that it would be a visual treat, but I was completely blown away. I had only seen a few trailers and tried not to spoil myself, boy did my mouth drop at the entire Hong Kong scene. There were plenty of holy shit moments in that battle, especially near the end. The way the movie highlights scale in the battles is amazing and not like anything I've ever seen. Doesn't even compare movies like Transformers or Cloverfield, this is on a whole other level. It is visually STUNNING and I was literally perched on my seat and screaming the entire time.
The entire movie is a homage to mech animes like Big O and Evangelion. It does it extremely well and I really don't see anyone in the future pulling it off as well as Del Toro did. Weak points are the character development and acting, but the Jaeger's and Kaiju are the real stars of the movie. You couldn't put some heavy-handed Evangelion shit into this movie, because it would drag it down and ruin the pacing. We got just the right amount of information we needed to move the story forward and set up the awesome battle scenes.
I recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good action flick with amazing visual flare. Don't go in expecting anything other than an amazing thrill ride. I'll be doing my part and seeing it again sometime this week. Also picked this up today at FYE, totally channeling EVA-2 vibes.
Everybody go and watch Pacific Rim on 3D IMAX ASAP.
Excellent movie, visually stunning (seriously, it's a visual delight). It's the first time I have thought the 3D effect really adds something to the experience (not even The Hobbit or Avatar made me feel this way). Plus, if you are a fan of good fights, monsters and mechas... you won't be disappointed.
I feel like watching Evangelion again.
Plus, it has both Charlie Day and Charlie Hunnam <3[IMG][/QUOTE]
It opens here until god damn august 31 :( :( :(
I'm going to end up all spoiled :(
wait imdb says august 9! yay!
Thats almost a month anyway, I'm getting so spoiled T_T was everyones weekend?
Is there something you want to tell us?
did u n saikun do it
That would have been a good gay love story loldid u n saikun do it
did u n saikun do it
Kids grow up.My 4 year old niece is precious as a bee.
jk, <3 you sai was everyones weekend?
is that the same guy who played Cole Phelps in LA Noire :lol
Yup. He did the voice acting and the mo-cap from what I remember. was everyones weekend? was everyones weekend?
My weekend started today after work. No specific plans other than trying out a gym for the first time and probably grabbing a drink with a friend from school before she moves to Spain. Lucky bitch. ;__;
So I've been looking into the CRON lifestyle for its health benefits (acronym stands for calorie restriction with optimum nutrition), where you restrict the amount of calories you consume but you still get the RDA of vitamins and minerals and all of that stuff by tracking the food you eat with nutrition software so you don`t actually experience any malnutrition like a person might normally on a more restrictive diet. There's a lot of speculation about whether it increases lifespan in humans or whatever like it does in lab animals (where it's seen to extend lifespan by like 50%, the question is if that extends to long lived animals like humans), but aside from that question it apparently reduces the risk of illness associated with aging (heart disease is practically reduced to zero, and cancer is lowered by like 50% or something, etc) which is more healthful than even exercise on a more standard diet composed of healthy foods, so they say it's the most viable lifestyle if not for life extension then for 'health extension'. Usually there are superficial concerns that if you're restricting your calories like 20% less than the 'set point' or the weight you tend to stay at naturally when younger you're going to have a pretty low BMI and lean build and all of that, because who wants to look emaciated etc, but looking more into it maybe it's just me but if I looked like this dude I think I would be okay with that. Normally I'm attracted to a heavier build but instead I think a lithe body like that is actually really sexy. What do you guys think?
Just eat whatever you want and if you die young so be it.
No to that, for one thing you have more mental clarity and energy in a calorie restricted or partially fasted state because of lower insulin levels and stuff, and it's good for increasing brain derived neurotrophic factor and preserving fluid intelligence, and diminishing the risk of Alzheimers as we age, etc. Health and mental clarity are easily worth more than being able to eat more calories imo.
Really I got into it because I plan to become a Buddhist monk, and they like basically all monastics don't eat all that much and they're philosophically disinclined to eat for pleasure. I think this would be good practice for that. In some men it also diminishes libido somewhat and that would be a boon for me because I think about sex all the time and it's pretty annoying.
Yeah, well, I heard that people can live up to 126 years under induced semi conscious coma with an intravenous nutrition supplement delivered to them every 8 hours - that way you won't have to worry about any of that pesky pleasure stuff and you'll be able to reach a state of mental clarity much faster. I hear it's all the rage in (insert place where monks live)! was everyones weekend?
The jhanas are said to be vastly more pleasurable than any other experience available to us, a person can experience a much more significant degree of pleasure through practicing renunciation![]()
Also mental clarity means being awake, which is obviously preferable to torpidity.
And people on CR still get pleasure from eating besides.
Except you have a higher degree of awareness than someone living a more ordinary life? It's like the opposite of a coma. Renunciation is better seen as a form of emancipation rather than escapism, because you're letting go of the things you can't really hold on to anyways, the motive to do so emerges from contact with some of the harsher aspects of reality, it's constructive optimism tempered by sober realism.Renunciate via coma! We are in agreement then!
What are you doingTorpidity is the only way to reach maximum vascular liquidity and existential bliss. I thought you said you read up on this subject?
Why did you quote my postNot the kind I'm thinking of. This CR drains all possible pleasure from the monk's being. Involuntary voluntary tenancy!