So after months of good relationship between me and my father all that was neccesary was a sight of me and my bf talking two houses besodes me (as he took me home) for my father don't talk to me again. Fuck this life.
Except you have a higher degree of awareness than someone living a more ordinary life? It's like the opposite of a coma. Renunciation is better seen as a form of emancipation rather than escapism, because you're letting go of the things you can't really hold on to anyways, the motive to do so emerges from contact with some of the harsher aspects of reality, it's constructive optimism tempered by sober realism.
What are you doing Why did you quote my post
Parents are overrated.So after months of good relationship between me and my father all that was neccesary was a sight of me and my bf talking two houses besodes me (as he took me home) for my father don't talk to me again. Fuck this life. was everyones weekend?
So after months of good relationship between me and my father all that was neccesary was a sight of me and my bf talking two houses besodes me (as he took me home) for my father don't talk to me again. Fuck this life.
I don't have idea.What was his reasoning?
He's mad that you were talking to your bf? Did you know you were gay? Did he know your bf?
I did manage to have sex on Friday night, thus completing my resolution for 2013 which was to sleep with 12 new people, one for each month of the year. I'm a little ahead of schedule but that's OK.
Of course, he actually liked him at first but things went down fast, for some weird reason; I had 2 gay friends at my house last friday and my father was totally fine (one of them was mi ex bf even) and he was kind to them, yet I was with my bf OUTSIDE the house, just talking, my father gets home, pass thorugh us and closes the door fiercely and then, bam, he doesn't talk to me. I tried to greet him when I got home but I could see the rage on his face, it feels so wrong, it's like if my father accepted that I'm gay ONLY when I don't act gay. Fucked up, and it fucked up my night, too, and I'm so far from graduating from college that I can't figure a way for me to get out of this frustrating cycle. I'm in their house for 2 more years minimum unless some weird miracle happens. After I get my degree I'm so flying far to Canada, far, far, far from them, especially him, I love him, but he affets me so damn much.
Nah he's not mad at the world, he talked normally to my mum and my siblings. He got a laugh with them, even. I don't understand either. And about your last sentence, well, kinda, the first friday in our new home (in our new city where my bf lives) we were watching a movie (Silent Hill 2 uke: ) in my bedroom with my sister, my father walked in and I was with my bf laying on bed (in no contact) and he ordered us to tur on the lights and open the door and he was a complete ass afterwards (isn't it late?) we had a talk latter and he still at least greeted my bf, the other day I was again in my bedroom with my bf watching silly youtube videos and my father came home early and we didn't hear him until he was at home, we freaked out of course and got away in a rush, of course heard us laughing before and, well he probably thought we were having sex or something, things never came back from that day, but it was like 3 months ago. Still, he didn't tell me anything or whatever, today he just got mad.. I dunno it could be that he definitively hates my bf and not me or whatever but I still feel like shit, and obviously my bf feels like shit too, and, well, I dunnoo what to do other than cry and have crazy thoughts.Hmm...maybe he's not actually mad at you? Maybe something happened at work or something like that and he's taking it out on you? Give him a few days and see if he won't open up to you a little. It doesn't make any sense that he'd turn on you all of a sudden like that, especially after being okay with it for as long as he has. Has he ever seen you kiss another guy? Did you kiss your bf in the car and did he see you? For some parents, it isn't really "real" until they witness it first hand.
I know I am I'm no place to tell you this, or my opinion, because I've had quite a few breakdowns in this thread regarding my parents but you should think that is your and your boyfriends relationship. Not your Dad's. You could occupy yourself with something while you're at your home and your dad is around or something, maybe go out with your bf or friends more. Anything to get you away from what's bringing you down.Nah he's not mad at the world, he talked normally to my mum and my siblings. He got a laugh with them, even. I don't understand either. And about your last sentence, well, kinda, the first friday in our new home (in our new city where my bf lives) we were watching a movie (Silent Hill 2 uke: ) in my bedroom with my sister, my father walked in and I was with my bf laying on bed (in no contact) and he ordered us to tur on the lights and open the door and he was a complete ass afterwards (isn't it late?) we had a talk latter and he still at least greeted my bf, the other day I was again in my bedroom with my bf watching silly youtube videos and my father came home early and we didn't hear him until he was at home, we freaked out of course and got away in a rush, of course heard us laughing before and, well he probably thought we were having sex or something, things never came back from that day, but it was like 3 months ago. Still, he didn't tell me anything or whatever, today he just got mad.. I dunno it could be that he definitively hates my bf and not me or whatever but I still feel like shit, and obviously my bf feels like shit too, and, well, I dunnoo what to do other than cry and have crazy thoughts.
How did you come up with that?I did manage to have sex on Friday night, thus completing my resolution for 2013 which was to sleep with 12 new people, one for each month of the year.
How did you come up with that?
well that's what I was thinking cause they modeled Phelps after him too.
Ah I wish I had some male company tonight.
I love how they heralded LA Noire as "next-gen facial technology" and it was immediately followed (and overshadowed) by about a million other games like Crysis 3, GoW Ascension, Halo 4 etc.
The crazy cop son is cute and has datassI started watching Under The Dome yesteday...
Nah he's not mad at the world, he talked normally to my mum and my siblings. He got a laugh with them, even. I don't understand either. And about your last sentence, well, kinda, the first friday in our new home (in our new city where my bf lives) we were watching a movie (Silent Hill 2 uke: ) in my bedroom with my sister, my father walked in and I was with my bf laying on bed (in no contact) and he ordered us to tur on the lights and open the door and he was a complete ass afterwards (isn't it late?) we had a talk latter and he still at least greeted my bf, the other day I was again in my bedroom with my bf watching silly youtube videos and my father came home early and we didn't hear him until he was at home, we freaked out of course and got away in a rush, of course heard us laughing before and, well he probably thought we were having sex or something, things never came back from that day, but it was like 3 months ago. Still, he didn't tell me anything or whatever, today he just got mad.. I dunno it could be that he definitively hates my bf and not me or whatever but I still feel like shit, and obviously my bf feels like shit too, and, well, I dunnoo what to do other than cry and have crazy thoughts.
I love how they heralded LA Noire as "next-gen facial technology" and it was immediately followed (and overshadowed) by about a million other games like Crysis 3, GoW Ascension, Halo 4 etc.
I've only played Crysis 3 from that bunch of games, but do they really surpass LA Noire's facial animation? From what I've seen LA Noire has amazing facial animations. From gifs alone you can conclude what the character is thinking or saying; it's like watching real people, only a little bit plastic. Not to mention, unlike C3, GoW Ascentions and H4, there are a lot of unique characters in that game.
I haven't played L.A. Noire but I always thought the facial animations looked like a video pasted on top of a mesh and that was a big turn off.I think they look better than next gen games animation wise. They're just so fluid in comparison. Even The Dark Sorcerer had worse facial animation.
He doesn't do anything for me, probably the crazy isn't helping him...The crazy cop son is cute and has datass
I've only played Crysis 3 from that bunch of games, but do they really surpass LA Noire's facial animation? From what I've seen LA Noire has amazing facial animations. From gifs alone you can conclude what the character is thinking or saying; it's like watching real people, only a little bit plastic. Not to mention, unlike C3, GoW Ascentions and H4, there are a lot of unique characters in that game.
Yep its video pasted on top of the mesh basically.I haven't played L.A. Noire but I always thought the facial animations looked like a video pasted on top of a mesh and that was a big turn off.
He doesn't do anything for me, probably the crazy isn't helping him...
Wha...? This is all new to me.
Speaking of Tumblr, has uh- has anybody tested this out?
I do it when I'm brushing my tongue during my dental health regimen sometimes because my gag reflex when doing that can be kind of intense, it helps a bit.
Speaking of Tumblr, has uh- has anybody tested this out?
21 today!
Actually pretty tame. Going out to eat with my parents. I'll go drinking with my friends soon though! I'll be having wine legally tomorrow!
I seem to be the only one who ever updates it, although I think DMPrince and that Greek dude who doesn't post here anymore still have access. If anybody has a Tumblr and want me to add them to the admin list so the fap-o-tron will get more activity, let me know.
21 today!
Actually pretty tame. Going out to eat with my parents. I'll go drinking with my friends soon though! I'll be having wine legally tomorrow!
I just discovered my first white chest hair. Feels bad mang.
It's just a single rogue hair (which I immediately plucked, lol)... how long do I have before my pubes start turning grey?
I never considered dyeing my beard or head, but I don't think I can handle a salt and pepper bush.
I have a coupe of Greys in my beard.Don't dye your hair! White/grey is so sexy! Just roll with it!
I have a coupe of Greys in my beard.
I like it. :0
Im getting red hairs instead of greys. WTF does that means?