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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Some guy actually argue that a specific type conference will boxed in gay gamers. As if gay gamers can't attend normal convention and vice versa for straight gamers.
Am I missing out for not really ever listening to pop or whatever the kids nowadays listen to? Like Adele and Ke$ha and Nicki Minaj and stuff. All I know of Ke$ha is that godawful "I'M BUZZING ON THESE BUBBLES, I SIP THEM IN MY GUZZLE" song.

I like Lady Gaga and Cher. Haven't heard anything by Marina. Most of the "radio music" (aka stuff people have actually heard of) I listen to is about 30 years behind because I listen to 80's stuff.

Otherwise I mostly like alternative, ambient, and I'm kind of a basshead so I enjoy Pendulum and whatnot.


Am I missing out for not really ever listening to pop or whatever the kids nowadays listen to? Like Adele and Ke$ha and Nicki Minaj and stuff. All I know of Ke$ha is that godawful "I'M BUZZING ON THESE BUBBLES, I SIP THEM IN MY GUZZLE" song.

I like Lady Gaga and Cher. Haven't heard anything by Marina. Most of the "radio music" (aka stuff people have actually heard of) I listen to is about 30 years behind because I listen to 80's stuff.

Otherwise I mostly like alternative, ambient, and I'm kind of a basshead so I enjoy Pendulum and whatnot.

Did you actually lump Adele in with Kesha and Nicki Minaj?



Did you actually lump Adele in with Kesha and Nicki Minaj?

I know! What an insult to the both of them.

As for your original post Wahrer, you're only missing out if you feel you are. I've not read a single Harry Potter (despite having been in the perfect age bracket for them), and I haven't seen all of the films either.


I know! What an insult to the both of them.

As for your original post Wahrer, you're only missing out if you feel you are. I've not read a single Harry Potter (despite having been in the perfect age bracket for them), and I haven't seen all of the films either.

That's true, one can actually sings while the other too are just performance artists.


the piano man
hhhmmm... ;-(

what can I do to to meet a nice, likeable man besides going into those fucking annoying online dating sites?

I am soooo craving right now...

exercise and workout have only made things much worse, I used to need sex but not like this.

The feeling when you just finished working out, are all pumped and swole and feel like the strongest man on earth and would gladly take a guy in yours arms, kiss all of his body from head to toes and fuck him all night until he begs you to stop AND actually have feelings for him....

o.k, I''ll stop.... sorry for that.


irresponsible vagina leak
hhhmmm... ;-(

what can I do to to meet a nice, likeable man besides going into those fucking annoying online dating sites?

I am soooo craving right now...

exercise and workout have only made things much worse, I used to need sex but not like this.

The feeling when you just finished working out, are all pumped and swole and feel like the strongest man on earth and would gladly take a guy in yours arms, kiss all of his body from head to toes and fuck him all night until he begs you to stop AND actually have feelings for him....

o.k, I''ll stop.... sorry for that.

Chloroform and a blanket. There you go.


Sphinx have you tried going to gay bar or other gay centric places? Might work better than dating sites, even though it's intimidating at first.

I have no idea if they're pop but I've been cracking out on some Roison Murphy and Lorde lately. Soooo gud.

Lorde is amazing, can't wait till she releases her album. Tennis Court and Royals are pure joy to listen to.
hhhmmm... ;-(

what can I do to to meet a nice, likeable man besides going into those fucking annoying online dating sites?

I am soooo craving right now...

exercise and workout have only made things much worse, I used to need sex but not like this.

The feeling when you just finished working out, are all pumped and swole and feel like the strongest man on earth and would gladly take a guy in yours arms, kiss all of his body from head to toes and fuck him all night until he begs you to stop AND actually have feelings for him....

o.k, I''ll stop.... sorry for that.

I know the feel. I'm monster horny after a workout. Seeing beastly men about pushing abd lifting things don't help.


So if there's something even remotely close to an upside to NOT working out, that'd be having a perfectly manageable sex drive? :p


Guys, a friend of mine and I were talking earlier and he wanted my advice on something. He also asked me if I could post it on my "gay forum thingy" so as to have other gays take on it. Here it is and if you have a minute, please post what you'd do in his situation (and no, this isn't about me since I am single and the only people I have a crush on right now are single as well!).

Say a friend of yours is in a relationship. He seems happy with his bf who you have also met and got to know quite well at this point. You spend a lot of time with the couple; going out with mutual friends, doing stuff together and generally seeing them almost everyday. Although you are genuinely happy for them, especially for your friend, deep down you're starting to develop feelings for him (only to realize that they were always there in the first place), you secretly wish you could swap positions with his bf and yet the craziest thing, you believe that you love him and care about him more than his bf, more than anyone else actually. Of course, he isn't aware of any of all this but you know that he truly appreciates you and loves you as a friend.

And here comes the question. What would you do in a situation like the one described above? Would you risk destroying your friendship and alienating him in the process by telling the truth? Would you take the chance of never seeing him again by disclosing your true feelings for him? Wouldn't be selfish to spoil his happiness by betraying his trust?

My reply to his question was that he should first really think on these feelings he is developing for his friend. Has he really always been attracted to his friend? Is the fact that his friend is in a relationship a factor in the feeling he has developed? Is he developing these feelings because he spends so much time with his friend AND because he's currently single and on the prowl?

Then, if he genuinely is falling in love with his friend, I told him that I thought he should bite the bullet and come clean. Nothing good can come of a one-way relationship and pinning over the guy in the relationship is not going to do any good. If he tells his friends, at least it's out on the table and the friend, if he is really a friend either says that he has had feeling for my friend too OR just tells him that he's flattered but never thought about him that way.
In either way, then my friend knows where he stands and can either potentially be with the guy he's in love OR he can start the mourning process. After all, if the other person is not into you and told you so, what good is there to keep pinning for them?

The other possibility would be to not say anything, but what good would that do? Would he wait around, potentially wasting precious years in being emotionally unavailable, until his friend breaks up with his bf? But then, how long does he has to wait before he swoops in? What if the friend isn't into my friend?

Sure, coming clean might result in the end of a friendship, but what kind of friendship is it if my friend's in love with his friend and his friend doesn't know and doesn't reciprocate? Besides, I don't see coming clean as betraying his trust. On the contrary, by coming clean my friend is being honest and whatever happens, happens.
I am a huge advocate for not staying in one-sided relationships and that friendship where one of the friend loves the other but not the other way around isn't really friendship.

Maybe she was trying to sound like the real Adele then.

You're trying too hard. She is objectively good and you know it.

Lorde is amazing, can't wait till she releases her album. Tennis Court and Royals are pure joy to listen to.

Friend sent me her songs on Spotify, she is indeed great. And she's like 16...


I'm inclined to agree with you. If he's positive it's not some momentary infatuation, your choices are either stay silent and suffer any consequences of pining over an unavailable person that is in a happy relationship and might not have any feelings for you, or put it all in the open. He still might not have any feelings for you, but at least you'd have a definitive answer. And, of course, worst case scenario would be letting it silently fester and get increasingly touchy-feely over time to where you run the friend off with your awkward advances.


i want to say this

not tell that friend, don't say shit, try to get over them.

That's pretty much what I'd do!

but in reality i will do this.

I'm inclined to agree with you. If he's positive it's not some momentary infatuation, your choices are either stay silent and suffer any consequences of pining over an unavailable person that is in a happy relationship and might not have any feelings for you, or put it all in the open. He still might not have any feelings for you, but at least you'd have a definitive answer. And, of course, worst case scenario would be letting it silently fester and get increasingly touchy-feely over time to where you run the friend off with your awkward advances.

i need a closure, so a yes/no answer is better than nothing.
I think the appropriate thing is to not say anything. Part of that line of thinking seems pretty problematic, particularly the thing about feeling like you love him more than his boyfriend. While that may be true it also seems like something a person would tell themselves to boost their sense of importance about the situation. It's their relationship, so your feelings don't really matter (at least placed within that context). There has to be a meaningful opening to say something, like he suggests that he could have an interest in you (but obviously can't due to the circumstances), or they separate or go on a break or something. I think it's inappropriate to inject your feelings into their relationship without an appropriate context. Social interaction has rules and form for two reasons, half if it is just convention and the other half is utilitarian. If he's committed to his relationship (and likely even if he's not that committed too), telling him without an appropriate opening is just going to look like you're trying to break them up, and that's not a very dignified position to be in. That said, I could see myself blurting it out thoughtlessly, stuff like that definitely happens, but I wouldn't intend for that to happen. And to stick around you have to be content with the friendship as it is, otherwise you can come out of the 'waiting game' looking like an opportunist.

The only appropriate way I can think of creating a context is to leave. "I'm in love with you, so I can't be your friend anymore. Goodbye." You have a clear reason to tell him as all you are doing is telling him how you two stand,and it's honest with you and honest with himself. It seems foolish to expect anything from this person. That's not to say that it won't happen, but you should probably start creating some distance now.


I think ultimately your friend needs to do whatever will make him happiest. If his feelings really are eating away at him, and talking about them would help him deal with them, then he should do that. But, at the same time, he should recognise that doing so could lead to be a break down in his friendship, which I think is to be expected.

The thinking that I don't buy is this:

Sure, coming clean might result in the end of a friendship, but what kind of friendship is it if my friend's in love with his friend and his friend doesn't know and doesn't reciprocate? Besides, I don't see coming clean as betraying his trust. On the contrary, by coming clean my friend is being honest and whatever happens, happens.
I am a huge advocate for not staying in one-sided relationships and that friendship where one of the friend loves the other but not the other way around isn't really friendship.

Well, no, that's not a relationship. You can be perfectly good friends without either party loving the other.

[Edit: But, I agree that any type of relationship, whether it be a frienship or otherwise, where it means more to one party than to another can be hard to manage. I think your friend needs to consider whether what he wants most is to handle his feelings or remain friends with this guy. Certainly, he could manage both, but that may help him decide how to approach matters.]

Also, seems you missed my sarcasm in my previous post, Alcoori. : P
I don't like the new Lady Gaga or Katy Perry songs. Am I a bad gay? :/

It sounds like you already have a good answer Alcoori. If he doesn't get those feelings out of the way he will never know what the other guy thinks and will never be able to move on. But your friend should also tell him that he still wants to be friends with him no matter what. I'm still friends with people I have fallen for and don't feel the same way about them anymore.
If you have to ask, you already know.



But I liked her previous stuff...:3

So far so good for me and my boyfriend I think. He has a job now and the rules are strict and he's keeping up with it, I'm so proud of him. I do love him and want to make it work. Today was suppose to be his day off but someone else got suspended so he has to work, not sure if all day. Hopefully he'll have Saturday off or tomorrow so we can spend time together.


I really don't like "pop divas" for the most part. I tend to not enjoy slutty generic "cool" pop regardless of who's singing. Extra crap points if it's pretentious and pseudo artsy like Lady Gaga, I can't stand it. I don't like clubbing music. When it comes to pop I like bright, fun, uncomplicated, feel-good stuff.

Why would you be a "bad gay" because of that? Lol.


I really don't like "pop divas" for the most part. I tend to not enjoy slutty generic "cool" pop regardless of who's singing. Extra crap points if it's pretentious and pseudo artsy like Lady Gaga, I can't stand it. I don't like clubbing music. When it comes to pop I like bright, fun, uncomplicated, feel-good stuff.

Why would you be a "bad gay" because of that? Lol.

Neither of the new songs are slutty, but I get what you're saying.

Honestly the new Katy Perry sounds really generic, the new Gaga I could see myself dance to, but I'm kinda over her.


Hunky Nostradamus
Gaga's new song is a gigantic mess. I don't see it catching on. Katy Perry's new song is catchy, but it sounds really generic and derivative. It feels like I've heard a million other songs just like it before.

It really reminds me of my situation a year or so ago. But I was in a relationship too back then. I opened my mouth and it all went to shit :'(

(but I still had to get it out of my system so I can't really give any advice).


I really like Carter , the guy im talking to. I dunno we gel so much online. Meeting him will be the real test to see if it's real. Tbh I'm kinda scared of it cause for the first time im actually connecting to someone close to me and i dont know why he wants me.
Is Janelle supposed to be pop? Imo she's more R&B/Soul.


Janelle isn't typical pop, but she has a lot of influences that have translated into her music that stem from mainstream pop music. She's more soul than anything, in my opinion. Sometimes it can be really hard to categorize an artist or band, because of different styles that are fused together.


Currently, one of my most anticipated albums outside of the new Nine Inch Nails has to be Chvrches debut album, The Bones of What You Believe. They craft amazing synth-pop jams that are easy to move and sing-along to. I swear every song that they've released is infectious.
CHVRCHES - The Mother We Share - Gun - Recover - Lies (Live)
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