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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Here's some Asian beefcake:


Damn he is a beefcake. I notice a lot of asian guys work out here in the Houston area lol. Whoa and I thought I had some dramas, this is what happens when I don't read the thread for a few days I get lost. :eek:

Right now me and my boyfriend are trying to work things out for the better and so far so good, it's just gonna take me a while to recover but I told him we just need to make new memories to lessen the impact of the past.


First let me address why I didn't respond on this topic the last time: As I said I got busy for a while, and there were many posts from different people to reply to, I had them all bookmarked and I even started drafting a reply, but then I procrastinated on finishing it and the more I waited the more difficult the task felt. The discussion had moved on by then, so I decided to let it go.

I'm posting my unfinished draft here, even though it's only addresses a couple of the previous questions I got.
Snake, I do appreciate the response, thank you. You have to understand that from my point of view it looked like my question went unanswered and you just let it go. I didn't bother bringing it up again until this topic came up again after a couple months and I reiterated my question.

I never said that our sexual attraction preferences are not influenced by our social environment. I am pretty sure they are. I've said in another thread that I believe our environment plays a far more influential role in shaping who we are and who we become than our DNA does. I think this also extends to sexuality; identical twins who have identical DNA don't always have the same sexual orientation (see Jason Collins).

This effect of the environment begins in the womb, and the vast majority of human brain change and development happens in early childhood.
I wasn't aware of your posts in that topic and didn't realize your view was more nuanced than the impression I got from your posts in here. I inferred that you were suggesting that racial preference came down to some part of the fetal development process, either DNA or the effects of the womb environment. I think we are in agreement more than I initially thought when it comes to the effects of the social environment and how it influences preferences.

I really don't appreciate this "detective work" of digging up my months old posts and reposting them.

I just want to address the whole "innate" thing you keep bringing up. First of all I never used that word and as I said above I believe more of human personality is acquired than is innate. So we might actually be on the same page here, except that I don't see how this is an argument against having racial preferences when it comes to sexual attraction.

I like what I like today due to a countless chain of events and the environment (family, society, media exposure, etc.) that shaped me throughout my life. The effects of these influences have wired my brain a certain way, so even though they might not be genetic in origin, effectively and practically they are just as "innate". Do you suggest I start watching porn with guys I don't find attractive in hopes to "undo" some of the environmental and social influence that shaped my brain for 34+ years?
It's not really detective work so much as having a good memory. Like I stated earlier, I felt my question ~2 months ago went unanswered and I saw an opportunity to ask it again. You never said the word innate, I agree, but I got the impression the first time we had this talk that you were suggesting there's some kind of "Sorry, Asian guy, I wasn't born with the Asian attraction gene" thing at work here. Reading your reply right now I see that wasn't what you were necessarily suggesting.

Is it more likely that I would be attracted to non-white ethnicities had I grown up in a more diverse society? I would say yes, most likely. But so what? Am I supposed to feel guilty about which country I was born in, which schools my parents sent me to, and what media I was exposed to while growing up?
I'm not sure if this is rhetorical but I'd say yes to the first question and no to the others. gerg basically said what I was thinking. It's not about making people feel guilty, but my problem was that I felt like I was asking questions and getting no answers regarding nature vs. nurture and racial preference. And then the conversation just cut off. So it was frustrating.

I think it's a difficult issue. (And I mean that in a more general sense, not just related to sexual attraction.) I don't think that people should feel guilty about their origins, but I do think it's important that they acknowledge what they are, what the repercussions of their origins are, and then react to them appropriately.

...it was to explain that highlighting this as an issue isn't about "talking down" other people's preferences, but about expounding and discussing something that is a real problem.
Exactly. It's not just coincidence that people post pictures of the people they do. It's a sensitive topic, and when the subject gets broached and people react defensively, shit hits the fan. But it gets tiring seeing the same type of pictures that get posted when you're aware of how racial hierarchy plays into the reality you're witnessing.

I'm honestly not interested in doing these mega-posts, spending a long time parsing quotes and worrying about every word I say being misunderstood and used in a flame war against me. I just want a safe, friendly place to make casual, random posts about whatever is going through my life or my mind at the time (and yes, that might include posting pics of guys I find hot), but apparently some of you are more interested in heated discussions and spending hours carefully composing your posts.
It's not about wanting to parse posts carefully and start flame wars. I saw a discussion that wasn't being prompted and I decided to post about it. This could have been resolved months ago had I seen this kind of reply earlier. Again, from my point of view it just seemed like you dropped out of the conversation.

I am not interested in the latter, particularly because these arguments go nowhere. Nobody has ever changed their mind about something they feel strongly about on a message board. I have enough stress in my life as it is and I don't want this place to add to it.

So I'm out of here.
GAF has definitely enhanced my knowledge about a number of subjects and I have changed my mind because of discussions I've seen here. So I disagree.

To be honest, I'm ambivalent about whether you leave or not; I don't know you well enough. But I hope when you see my post you'll realize there's no hard feelings and I think there's been a number of misunderstandings from both sides. Thanks for your response.


I don't think any of us are racist, at least I haven't seen anyone openly posting racist stuff, so I'm not sure what he's trying to do besides alienate people before going back to popgaf.
It's not about posting racist stuff. Racism isn't just about lynchings, burning crosses, and separate water fountains. It's much more subversive and subliminal these days. It's pervasive and it affects all communities. Just because no one's getting beaten or killed doesn't mean the psychological effects it has on someone have any less importance. Racism does play out in the gay community when you see what types of people are lavished upon and how when there are racial preferences it's usually of the "no Blacks or Asians" variety. That instastud article posted before spoke volumes.


So you do think Snake posting pics of guys exclusively of the type he likes is racist? :/

I just can't get behind this. To me it's not different from Neojubei's openly Asian-only taste just because it's more common.


I've already stated a couple times that racial preferences aren't necessarily racist. I don't feel like retyping everything, but I know you've seen at least one of my posts where I said that before.


So you do think Snake posting pics of guys exclusively of the type he likes is racist? :/

I just can't get behind this. To me it's not different from Neojubei's openly Asian-only taste just because it's more common.

I think these things operate at two levels.

A person having an individual preference, properly expressed, is naturally fine. We can't change what we do or don't like, and, like Naked Snake pointed out, asking him to fancy ethnicities he just doesn't find attractive (or doesn't usually find attractive) is essentially like asking a gay man to fancy a woman. It (most likely) won't happen.

However, there's then the question of why certain ethnicities are more or less attractive more broadly, and why certain "looks" or "ideals" become associated with specific ethnicities. One example, which set this whole discussion off, is the "boy next door" look, or that "all-American" look - if these looks become predominantly attached to a specific ethnic group (as they are), then that says something, implicitly yet intrinsically, about the ethnic groups they exclude. What has often caused this to happen is, unfortunately, racism, or the effects of it.

I think in philosophy you'd call this a "heap" issue. (Fake edit: Wikipedia lists it under "Sorites paradox".) That is, if you keep on removing grains of sand from a heap of sand, when does it stop becoming a heap of sand? One person preferring Caucasian men is not a problem; lots of men (and I mean on a scale of millions) preferring Caucasian men is possibly symptomatic of one.

I actually made a conscious effort not to comment directly on the appearance of the men posted. All I wanted to do was to highlight that there is good reason as for why people may negatively judge the "boy next door", "all-American", or other predominantly white "looks" (for a lack of a better word).


It's not about posting racist stuff. Racism isn't just about lynchings, burning crosses, and separate water fountains. It's much more subversive and subliminal these days. It's pervasive and it affects all communities. Just because no one's getting beaten or killed doesn't mean the psychological effects it has on someone have any less importance. Racism does play out in the gay community when you see what types of people are lavished upon and how when there are racial preferences it's usually of the "no Blacks or Asians" variety. That instastud article posted before spoke volumes.

Oh believe me, I agree with you.
I just find it really annoying when someone posts pictures and is all of a sudden accused of being racist because it's only whites.
Oh believe me, I agree with you.
I just find it really annoying when someone posts pictures and is all of a sudden accused of being racist because it's only whites.

Yeah that's hypocrisy. The heart wants what the heart wants (or something like that). I am mostly into latinos, I have dated an asian and a latino guy. I have never dated a white guy even though I am white. But if people saw who I dated they would say I have dated for personality lol...not looks.

My goal in daily life is that I can look, but no touch!


I'm quite surprised that the "boy next door" is refered to as a white boy by many people. For me it was always about the simple, yet charming, fellow - your above average everyday man.

Naked Snake, if you're still here, don't let this things prevent you from posting here again. You've done nothing wrong, and just because a few people (Don't know exactly how many) are giving you a hard time doesn't mean that the rest of us don't value your opinions and \ or enjoy your stories.


Oh believe me, I agree with you.
I just find it really annoying when someone posts pictures and is all of a sudden accused of being racist because it's only whites.

These threads have had a long history of people being unable to talk about what they like in a guy. You like twinks? You're a pedophile! You like "studs"? Only hairy guys are "men"! You like people of your own race? Racist! You like people of a different race? Self-loathing!

There's no winning. And I suppose it's an accurate reflection of the LGBT community in general; we champion for equal rights but are in reality one of the most exclusionary communities out there. Gays who think that bisexual people don't exist. Gays and bis who treat transgenders like freaks. Transgenders who are homophobic. Extreme feminist lesbians and misogynist gays. Even splits within, say, just the gay community. Twinks vs. bears. "Whites only, Asians only, blacks only".

The fact that people can turn being discriminated into more discrimination is one of the most perplexing things I've ever seen. It's as if love and tolerance becomes a foreign thing when you yourself face intolerance. How does that even work?


These threads have had a long history of people being unable to talk about what they like in a guy. You like twinks? You're a pedophile! You like "studs"? Only hairy guys are "men"! You like people of your own race? Racist! You like people of a different race? Self-loathing!

There's no winning. And I suppose it's an accurate reflection of the LGBT community in general; we champion for equal rights but are in reality one of the most exclusionary communities out there. Gays who think that bisexual people don't exist. Gays and bis who treat transgenders like freaks. Transgenders who are homophobic. Extreme feminist lesbians and misogynist gays. Even splits within, say, just the gay community. Twinks vs. bears. "Whites only, Asians only, blacks only".

The fact that people can turn being discriminated into more discrimination is one of the most perplexing things I've ever seen. It's as if love and tolerance becomes a foreign thing when you yourself face intolerance. How does that even work?

Well said. There's no winning indeed, and I can't understand that.
As a minority that suffers from it, it seems ridicoulus to inflict suffering on other minorities, or on your own "kind".
(I feel like my English wasn't that great here, but I'm sure you get the point)


Well said. There's no winning indeed, and I can't understand that.
As a minority that suffers from it, it seems ridicoulus to inflict suffering on other minorities, or on your own "kind".
(I feel like my English wasn't that great here, but I'm sure you get the point)

As gay people, we're all minorities in here. We just, for some reason, want to make majorities and minorities within minorities.


I'll try to lighten things up with a nice story that happend to me a few days ago.

I was a my brother's friend wedding (is kinda a friend of mine as well), and while dancing, I noticed some guy was somewhat looking at me. I figured it's nothing...
Afterwards I sat next to him on a bench, and he mumbled some words while smiling at me (we were both really drunk). He then put his hand on my inner thigh, and then I got really suspicious. After that... well, he leaned in and kissed me.

I was shocked for a while, and a minute later he kissed me again. This time, a friend of his pulled him away telling him "you know it's not okay to kiss boys when you're drunk dude". At this point I was really confused. I asked his friend if he's straight, to which he replied "yes!".
I told him I don't think he is, but whatever.

10 minutes later he threw up and didn't recover for a while. All I thought about later was that I hope my brother and his friends didn't see me. While I'm out, it's still emberassing...


I'm honestly not interested in doing these mega-posts, spending a long time parsing quotes and worrying about every word I say being misunderstood and used in a flame war against me. I just want a safe, friendly place to make casual, random posts about whatever is going through my life or my mind at the time (and yes, that might include posting pics of guys I find hot), but apparently some of you are more interested in heated discussions and spending hours carefully composing your posts. I am not interested in the latter, particularly because these arguments go nowhere. Nobody has ever changed their mind about something they feel strongly about on a message board. I have enough stress in my life as it is and I don't want this place to add to it.

So I'm out of here.
That's very sad to hear :/
I liked your posts, they felt like a breath of fresh air despite coming from an old profile. I know how tiring it can be to have responses pile up and never get back to them, but I've only gotten a fraction of the replies as you. I've felt that unsettling feeling when it feels like the thread is all against you, but I've never had anywhere near this amount of shit thrown at me.

Hope the best for you in the future. You deserve a job and a BF!

since some poster complaining about pictures

so i'll just send a link

do not click the link if you don't wanna see 4 SFW pictures of an asian bear


not the most good looking/sexiest out there, but i really attracted to him
Thanks! I really love that look, but hadn't seen asians with it. My tumblr is crowded with those kind of bears (you know, young and smooth :p ).
He's definitely hot, but I think the asian guy with the belly in the background is even hotter :3
I thought the same thing heh
Phew, not the only one :p
These threads have had a long history of people being unable to talk about what they like in a guy. You like twinks? You're a pedophile! You like "studs"? Only hairy guys are "men"! You like people of your own race? Racist! You like people of a different race? Self-loathing!

There's no winning. And I suppose it's an accurate reflection of the LGBT community in general; we champion for equal rights but are in reality one of the most exclusionary communities out there. Gays who think that bisexual people don't exist. Gays and bis who treat transgenders like freaks. Transgenders who are homophobic. Extreme feminist lesbians and misogynist gays. Even splits within, say, just the gay community. Twinks vs. bears. "Whites only, Asians only, blacks only".

The fact that people can turn being discriminated into more discrimination is one of the most perplexing things I've ever seen. It's as if love and tolerance becomes a foreign thing when you yourself face intolerance. How does that even work?
I like you! Seriously, that's one of the best GAF posts I've read.

I'm a hypocrite, I've jumped on bandwagons of pwning as it is called, but I know very well that hatred makes no sense under no circumstance so I try not to. I think it comes from people who were hated (as a minority) in the unconscious because they're finally on top and in the consciousness because it is or is twisted to be the ones hurting. I know I shouldn't say much about the situation in the US where minorities can't walk outside without being inspected, but hating people who've got knowledge about it just makes it worse.

That post felt strange to write... Everything took a lot more time so time for bed!


Will drop pants for Sony.
Told a straight crush I had a crush on him and he said he was flattered. For some reason I hate myself for feeling this way about him


Told a straight crush I had a crush on him and he said he was flattered. For some reason I hate myself for feeling this way about him

All you can do is moved on now. I know it's hard ive been in the same shoes but you cant dwell on that guy. Straight guys just arent going to give it up.


Told a straight crush I had a crush on him and he said he was flattered. For some reason I hate myself for feeling this way about him

Take your time and when you're ready, move on.
I've been there 9 years ago.
I fell in love with my straight best friend. It took me 3 years to moved on. He's married now.


My vita arrived yesterday. Unfortunately there's two more weeks of bills before I can grab a memory card. Argh.

What you are instinctively attracted to has nothing to do with racism. I cannot help what I chub up to. That said everyone should taste the rainbow atleast once.
I'm tempted to not watch the Olympics if Russia/IOC doesn't reverse their position (teehee) but its not like they earn anything off me regardless if I watch or not. But it would make me feel better on principle.

But, how could I say no to Mr Horton? He'd be lost without my watching.

Can't believe what I just ate today for lunch...

I wish I could throw it all up. I need to change this is ridiculous the amount of calories fat, and sodium I just took in, not to mention the carbs :(
I'm tempted to not watch the Olympics if Russia/IOC doesn't reverse their position (teehee) but its not like they earn anything off me regardless if I watch or not. But it would make me feel better on principle.

But, how could I say no to Mr Horton? He'd be lost without my watching.


He'd be extremely lost, since it's the winter olympics.


That's almost my daily calorie intake, lol. But it's not that bad, just try to have light, veggie-ish meals for the rest of the day.


I need your help.

would you guys consider this pic NSFW and will it get me banned if I post it as a whole in a thread?


No. I don't think boxer briefs are considered NSFW or ban-worthy (especially since the photo focuses on legs). Otherwise half of pics posted in this thread would deserve a ban :p


I need your help.

would you guys consider this pic NSFW and will it get me banned if I post it as a whole in a thread?


Showing it as a full image? NSFW-ish... may not have any issues, and if there are issues you shouldn't get reprimanded.

As a link? No, you'd be fine.
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