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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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How soon would you feel comfortable telling someone that you missed them?

Met the Lebanese guy for the second time today (two weeks after our first meeting), and in the middle of kissing he says "I missed you"

I replied "me too" (what else could I say?), he goes "Liar", lol

Few months ago I was with a guy I was kinda dating, we had known each other for a few weeks and went out several times. Then I hadn't seen him for a week or so and I told him "Can I say that I missed you?", he paused and then replied "Yeah you can", I said "It doesn't sound weird?", he said no, but he didn't say he missed me too. That and his cold behavior in general that night made me realize that my feelings for him were much stronger than his for me, so I decided to back off and see how/if he reacts. He didn't, and we stopped seeing each other.

Oh and I guess I'm back to posting here, I kinda knew I would be. Hopefully I won't let a few overly sensitive individuals affect me this time.

I'm from far an expert in situations like these, but after two dates it seems a bit fast. Usually I'm against playing games and all for saying what you think, but that's not always the case, beacuse like you said, it points to strongs feelings one has to another.
I guess there's not right answer, but I'd wait at least a month, unless I'm seeing that person every day.


I started season 4 of Glee today, and I must say this Jake fella sure is pretty.
That dancer guy is hot as well, but Jake is sooo cute (although he looks very young, so I hope I'm not creepy :p )


Will drop pants for Sony.
So, after a long while of not touching Grindr, I figured I'd give it another try. How bad can it be, right? Well.......



WTF GAF? WTF?!!! Am I just too vanilla for this app?

Wow I never get any responses from guys on grindr.

Least someone found you nice looking to chat with you
I would be weirded out if the first words a stranger said to me were basically "Make me your bitch" lol

Is this kind of stuff really common on Grindr and shit?


The worst is when they have speeches planned. Some dude who was pretty cute with decent stats started up a conversation with me. I kept asking where he was (because he was apparently in earshot going off of the app), if he had a face pic, etc. and he just kept asking if I wanted to see him blow his load.

Girl, that is called a bot.


I fail to see how this is not vanilla

I think liking that type of attitude and disliking it are both "vanilla". I can't exactly speak from the bountiful amount of experience I've personally had, but certainly from media I feel exposed to (gay-related and otherwise) I'd agree that that the "agressiveness" of that text is quite par for the course. A lot of the vocabulary related to sex is about winning and losing, sometimes with quite violent undertones ("I'd hit that", for example).

On the one hand, if that's what you're into, go at it. But I don't think it's any less normal not to want to be so aggressive regarding sex, and I think it unfortunate if people then get anxious about not wanting to be so aggressive.

(Even now I still find myself surprised at how aggressive, and almost violent, a lot of porn is, even if it's supposedly "just" two guys having sex.)

On another note, any UK Gaffers catch the "Crazy About One Direction" documentary? The whole situation is crazy. I'd hate to be any of the 1D guys right now.


Poet Centuriate
So what's non-vanilla stuff supposed to be called, anyway?


I don't think there exists a name for it. The "vanilla" denotes a purported lack of flavor or deviation from what is considered "standard." The same connotation occurs within gaming as well, in relation to stock/"vanilla" releases vs. non-standard/modded versions. If anything, one would probably refer to the fetish/kink/whatever itself more a specific flavor.

I think, anyways.


Had a really nice date tonight. Such a cute guy. Everything flowed quite smoothly, and I ended up walking him to his home, which was 30 minutes away from the bar and from where I stay, because it was just nice talking. I really wanted to kiss him, but he was terrified of doing it where he lives, so another time hopefuly.

I hate not knowing exactly what the other side thinks at the end of something like that, but I guess he enjoyed it as well. He even texted me that he had fun tonight.

Hopefuly I'll meet him again this week. He's going back to his home, but maybe he'll come back this week. (we met where we both go to uni, but the year just ended)
Had a really nice date tonight. Such a cute guy. Everything flowed quite smoothly, and I ended up walking him to his home, which was 30 minutes away from the bar and from where I stay, because it was just nice talking. I really wanted to kiss him, but he was terrified of doing it where he lives, so another time hopefuly.

I hate not knowing exactly what the other side thinks at the end of something like that, but I guess he enjoyed it as well. He even texted me that he had fun tonight.

Hopefuly I'll meet him again this week. He's going back to his home, but maybe he'll come back this week. (we met where we both go to uni, but the year just ended)

Sounds good (I know dem feels). Wish you good luck!

How old are you two? What did you guys do talk/about on your first date? :)


Sounds good (I know dem feels). Wish you good luck!

How old are you two? What did you guys do talk/about on your first date? :)

Thanks :)
We're both 25, and we talked about a bunch of stuff I guess. A bit about our families, more about our trips to overseas (I talked a lot about mine, lol - I'm always passionate about this subject), and about when \ how we came out to our family.
I'm sure we talked about other stuff, but that's just on top of my head.

And to top it all, my roomate wasn't home, and I played some more of The Last of Us (sooooo good)
ugh, I really want to play The Last of Us. I played it for a 3 hours maybe but it keeps crashing my PS3, so I stopped it cause that eventually kills the console (happened to many people with old PS3s apparently). I think I'll try playing it again in winter trying to keep the console as cool as possible (don't have AC or fan).

I played what did from it on the Sony HMZ-T1 and it was glorious. The first console game I really get into since forever.


I would guess that most vanilla sex does not involve one partner going "please use and humiliate me sir". Not that asking for humiliation and dominance is particularly ~CrAzY~, but its certainly not vanilla.

Well, I guess to some it might not be "vanilla", but to me it's pretty normal.

If someone messaged that to me I'd definitely answer back.


Good evening people!

So I just had a heavy week with school and loads of things to do and study, but soething else happened.

As I've said before, I'm gay, maybe bi but I still don't know and I'm confused about it, so I'm only interested about men right now.

I have two (girl) friends. Let's call them Ana and Joy. Ana is a very intelligent person (best in class, etc) and has a (very abusive) boyfriend. Joy is single, older than me and is into one of those 7th day religions.

Well, Ana suspected that Joy was into me and I was into her, so she wanted to know if that was true and see if we could be a couple (cute, huh?). Ana told Joy that I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend the next day (WTF?) and that what would she say about that. She indeed was in love with me.

Ana then Ana asked me by Facebook the next day if I had interest in any girl. I told her the true (NO!). She then insisted and again I said no. She told me that she was dissapointed because she thought that there was a love being cooked between me and someone else. I then asked her who she was, because I.had no idea about who would want something with me. She denied me the answer, but I insisted so badly (don't blame me, I was curious) that she finally revealed that it was Joy.

I told Ana that I was sorry and that I had no interest in Joy or any woman, that I lack time for a relationship and I was concentrated on other things. She insisted that I tried something with Joy and that we would be a really cute couple and that Joy would be a good woman to me, etc, etc. I said NO and then she revealed me how she knew that Joy was in love with me. I was pissed by that and
told her that I would tell Joy the truth.

The next day I spent some time with Joy and asked her first if Ana had told her something two days ago. She said no and asked me why? I started to laugh out of nowhere and I tried to evade that topic and not insisted later.

At night Ana told me by Facebook (again) that Joy was crying because she knew that I didn't want anything with her because I laughed while asking that. She insisted that it was my fault and that men are all the same (lol). She insisted that I gave her a chance, that she is a good person and not ugly, etc, etc. I finally told her a definite NO and told her that I wouldn't be her friend anymore because of the damaged she had done and that I wouldn't have a friendship with her and Joy anymore. She said she was crying
but I didn't tell her anything.

It will be awkward because Ana is in one of my classes and I see Joy almost everyday. Sucks that I can say that I'm gay, because I once (like 6 months ago) tried to come out to Joy once but she rejected the idea of me being gay and told me that I should not decide to be gay (as if I could choose, sucker) so I told her that it was a lie and that I was straight.

People what would you do in this situation? I feel like telling Joy directly that I don't wabt anything with her, but I feel that it could hurt her.

And sorry for the very long post. Hope it is readable, I suck at writing stories in english so I may have skipped some details.

Wait, do you think that this post is thread worthy? Because I would like to see some advise with girls perspective too.


Well Ana seems like a "well meaning" person trying to get into people's business and everything, I find those kind of behaviour rather assholish but she probably thought she was doing the right thing. Joy seem like your typical adolescent girl "in love" with someone.

How old are you guys? I'm assuming you're teenagers.

Oh and instead of changing subject you should have told Joy about Ana's bullshittery and told her that you're not interested, that would have made things more clear. But really, she'll get over it at some point, the awkwardness will go away after a while.


Alrus, Ana and me are 19, Joy is 21 or 22.

Yeah, I complicated things by not telling Joy the full story, that's why I don't know what to do now.

Ana had been pretty shitty with us lately and this was the nail in the coffin. I may have to use her boyfriend to hurt her if needed.

I made the thread anyway lol.
So I just want to say something first, I fucking HATE people like Ana, sticking their nose everywhere and causing a shitload of drama between friendships when it's all good.

I'm sorry for the situation you're in :C But one thing I can say is that the awkwardness might go away and you might all be friends again, at least that's what happened when I had a falling out with my best girl friend. Just keep your chin up.


daripad, I think you should be direct and truthful to both Ana and Joy. Unless there would be social ramifications that you feel prevent this, I suggest even trying to tell Joy again that you're gay. She may not believe you (especially since you'd told her that you were straight before), but at least you'll have remained honest throughout. Tell Ana that she's annoyed you, too, if you haven't discussed the matter already. She should know that.

Whatever you do, I wouldn't try to avoid drama, as it were. Trying to avoid drama generally only creates it.

I may have to use her boyfriend to hurt her if needed.

Yeah, don't be an assholish douche.


ugh, I really want to play The Last of Us. I played it for a 3 hours maybe but it keeps crashing my PS3, so I stopped it cause that eventually kills the console (happened to many people with old PS3s apparently). I think I'll try playing it again in winter trying to keep the console as cool as possible (don't have AC or fan).

I played what did from it on the Sony HMZ-T1 and it was glorious. The first console game I really get into since forever.

You have to find a way to play it. I'm about 7 hours in I think, and it's so much fun. I won't call it best game ever yet, but I understand it should keep improving. I just hope my slim will survive it. I've never heard it sound like that, I feel like it's going to explode soon.

You have the HMZ-T1? Never tried anything similiar to that, but from impressions here on gaf it sounds amazing, especialy in such an immersive game like TLoU.

First of all, about your sexual orientaion, I'll say just do what you feel like. I know easier said then done, and you've already labled yourself as a gay men, but try not to let it dictate your attraction. If you're attracted to a woman, I say go for it. You're quite young IMO, so I think it's a great time to experiment.

About your story - I think you should tell Joy again that you're gay. I don't quite understand why she rejected the idea in the first place. Once you'll tell her, I think it will ease the tension.
Maybe try to have a serious talk to Ana, explain her that she shouldn't meddle in your affairs, and even though she's doing so with good intentions, she harmed both you and Joy.


I'm not sure what to do here. Have wanted a boyfriend for a good while now, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for sex, particularly anal. Do you think that view will change if I meet someone whom I'm insanely attracted to? Would a guy be OK if we were to work our way to having sex? For example with anal, we would start in small steps, then eventually work our way to doing it properly.
You have to find a way to play it. I'm about 7 hours in I think, and it's so much fun. I won't call it best game ever yet, but I understand it should keep improving. I just hope my slim will survive it. I've never heard it sound like that, I feel like it's going to explode soon.

You have the HMZ-T1? Never tried anything similiar to that, but from impressions here on gaf it sounds amazing, especialy in such an immersive game like TLoU.

Yeah I bought the HMZ as soon as it was available (Dec 2011? or 2012? My time perception is always broken), I haven't used it much though. I had some double vision problems with it for the longest time, and recently I opened it and did a mod that improved the experience of using it. It's still somewhat difficult and unwieldy to use frequently. Some 3D games and movies were mind blowing on it, but I didn't feel like it was "worth buying" until I played TLoU on it, which is ironic since the game doesn't have a 3D mode.

I found the game to be rather difficult though ( playing on Normal), I died many many times in the first areas
when you start encountering multiple infected and clickers, inside the abandoned skyscrapers
I had to clear the areas in complete stealth cause the moment I'm spotted by one, I'm swarmed and dead within seconds. After dying so many times in the room with immersiveness of the HMZ it became quite unnerving and unpleasant after a while.


I'm not sure what to do here. Have wanted a boyfriend for a good while now, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for sex, particularly anal. Do you think that view will change if I meet someone whom I'm insanely attracted to? Would a guy be OK if we were to work our way to having sex? For example with anal, we would start in small steps, then eventually work our way to doing it properly.
If you're attracted to the guy, the sex should come (hah) naturally. Not everybody is in to anal, worry about it when you get there, and even then it's probably not something to worry about. I guess you want to bottom? Small steps and lots of lube then, yup.


If you're attracted to the guy, the sex should come (hah) naturally. Not everybody is in to anal, worry about it when you get there, and even then it's probably not something to worry about. I guess you want to bottom? Small steps and lots of lube then, yup.
Most likely Top, but I won't rule out being a Bottom if my boyfriend wants to be one.


I'm not sure what to do here. Have wanted a boyfriend for a good while now, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for sex, particularly anal. Do you think that view will change if I meet someone whom I'm insanely attracted to? Would a guy be OK if we were to work our way to having sex? For example with anal, we would start in small steps, then eventually work our way to doing it properly.

I don't think sex should be something that determines starting a relationship. I think I understand you because I'm kinda in the same boat. I don't have much experience in this section, and I hate the thought that whoever I'm gonna date with, he'll probably have more experience than me. Yes, it sucks, and I think about it, but what can you do?

My point is, if you're eying someone, and you think it can work, go for it and try (I know it's hard) not to think about what's gonna happen on date #whatever when we'll get more intimiate. Cross that bridge when you'll get to it.

I found the game to be rather difficult though ( playing on Normal), I died many many times in the first areas
when you start encountering multiple infected and clickers, inside the abandoned skyscrapers
I had to clear the areas in complete stealth cause the moment I'm spotted by one, I'm swarmed and dead within seconds. After dying so many times in the room with immersiveness of the HMZ it became quite unnerving and unpleasant after a while.

Some sections require you to be stealthy, especialy at the beginning (maybe later, I don't know), but where I'm at now I feel quite comfortable to mix it up. It's weird, usually I restart levels when I get spotted in games (did it even in Uncharted 2 until I said fuck it), but it's so much fun fucking up and try to get out of a jam.


I'm not sure what to do here. Have wanted a boyfriend for a good while now, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for sex, particularly anal. Do you think that view will change if I meet someone whom I'm insanely attracted to? Would a guy be OK if we were to work our way to having sex? For example with anal, we would start in small steps, then eventually work our way to doing it properly.

If a guy's not going to be accommodating in that regard then I don't think he's worth dating anyway.

Plus, penetration isn't the only way to have fulfilling sex.


I found the game to be rather difficult though ( playing on Normal), I died many many times in the first areas
when you start encountering multiple infected and clickers, inside the abandoned skyscrapers
I had to clear the areas in complete stealth cause the moment I'm spotted by one, I'm swarmed and dead within seconds. After dying so many times in the room with immersiveness of the HMZ it became quite unnerving and unpleasant after a while.

Played it on hard and 90% stealth. Scarcity of ammo and dying in 2 shots is a good deterrent from running in a room and shooting things up.

I don't think sex should be something that determines starting a relationship. I think I understand you because I'm kinda in the same boat. I don't have much experience in this section, and I hate the thought that whoever I'm gonna date with, he'll probably have more experience than me. Yes, it sucks, and I think about it, but what can you do?

You shouldn't hate it, on the contrary you should take it as an opportunity to learn! You'll get new "tricks", gain some experience and level up!


You shouldn't hate it, on the contrary you should take it as an opportunity to learn! You'll get new "tricks", gain some experience and level up!

That's definiely a great way to look at this. I can't say that I'll embrace it, since it's not easy to change the way you look at things, but I'll do my best.
I just felt a bit... threatend maybe, when I learned that this guy I met with yesterday had a long relationship.


Ana had been pretty shitty with us lately and this was the nail in the coffin. I may have to use her boyfriend to hurt her if needed.
Uh, don't do this.
Unless it involves making out with him in front of Ana/Joy to prove a point.




Rep. Brian Sims, Pennsylvania House of Representatives

I can't believe a government official is this attractive it hurts my eyes to look at him. And he's gay.


Rep. Brian Sims, Pennsylvania House of Representatives

I can't believe a government official is this attractive it hurts my eyes to look at him. And he's gay.

He can punch my ballot if he wants. It's cool to have LGBT voices in government..
Yep he's gorgeous.

Played it on hard and 90% stealth. Scarcity of ammo and dying in 2 shots is a good deterrent from running in a room and shooting things up.

I never ran into a room to shoot things up. I enjoy playing stealthy (my screen name should a clue), but often times I couldn't quite figure out when/if they could see/hear me in particular situations, since there was no tutorial or the stealth system rules laid out before your thrown into the fire. So it took a lot of trial and error to learn those things.
My friend today gave me a new 3DS XL and five games: Luigi's Mansion, Mario Kart, Mario 3D Land, New Super Mario Bros 2, and Donkey Kong Country. And when I asked him why is he giving it to me, he says "Just so you know that your friends love you."

Wow, eh?

I've had a 3DS since launch, but I've been wanting an XL for a while but couldn't afford it, and I even have games that I haven't played because I'm "saving" them until I get the XL. And the funny thing is that my friend didn't know I really wanted one (I haven't seen him in 3 years and we rarely communicated during that time).

He also gave me an extremely warm and loving brotherly talk, advice, and praise. I feel lucky to have friends like him in my life.

Just to make this post LGBT related: he keeps showing me a huge poster of a famous naked Russian model hanging on his wall and says "Is there no way I can convince you?" (to like women), and I just laugh and shake my head. He still can't wrap his mind around how gay men don't find women attractive, lol.



Rep. Brian Sims, Pennsylvania House of Representatives

I can't believe a government official is this attractive it hurts my eyes to look at him. And he's gay.

oh, hi

My friend today gave me a new 3DS XL and five games: Luigi's Mansion, Mario Kart, Mario 3D Land, New Super Mario Bros 2, and Donkey Kong Country. And when I asked him why is he giving it to me, he says "Just so you know that your friends love you."

Wow, eh?

I've had a 3DS since launch, but I've been wanting an XL for a while but couldn't afford it, and I even have games that I haven't played because I'm "saving" them until I get the XL. And the funny thing is that my friend didn't know I really wanted one (I haven't seen him in 3 years and we rarely communicated during that time).

He also gave me an extremely warm and loving brotherly talk, advice, and praise. I feel lucky to have friends like him in my life.

Just to make this post LGBT related: he keeps showing me a huge poster of a famous naked Russian model hanging on his wall and says "Is there no way I can convince you?" (to like women), and I just laugh and shake my head. He still can't wrap his mind around how gay men don't find women attractive, lol.

i find woman attractive, but not sexually lol

and buy fire emblem awakening for your XL!
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