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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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and buy fire emblem awakening for your XL!

I didn't like the demo, although I've played and loved FE on GBA, but I can't stand long story dialogues or cut scenes in games anymore (unless it's in the caliber of The Last of Us). Plus I have like 7 games in my 3DS backlog now :)


My friend today gave me a new 3DS XL and five games: Luigi's Mansion, Mario Kart, Mario 3D Land, New Super Mario Bros 2, and Donkey Kong Country. And when I asked him why is he giving it to me, he says "Just so you know that your friends love you."

Wow, eh?

My friend must hate me then :_(
[he gifted me a Vita]


I didn't like the demo, although I've played and loved FE on GBA, but I can't stand long story dialogues or cut scenes in games anymore (unless it's in the caliber of The Last of Us). Plus I have like 7 games in my 3DS backlog now :)

I feel the same way. I'm playing The Last of Us and Fire Emblem Awakening at the same time and the dialogue just drags after playing something like tLoU.


I didn't like the demo, although I've played and loved FE on GBA, but I can't stand long story dialogues or cut scenes in games anymore (unless it's in the caliber of The Last of Us). Plus I have like 7 games in my 3DS backlog now :)

I feel the same way. I'm playing The Last of Us and Fire Emblem Awakening at the same time and the dialogue just drags after playing something like tLoU.

boooo these guys :p

but yeah TLOU was amazing, wait until
.. that was my fave part.

and that gay
scene lol

speaking of backlog, i haven't finished luigi mansion 2, kid icarus and more :(
Anyone getting a sugar daddy vibe from this Glenn Greenwald guy?



I feel dirty and unworthy. For I am enjoying a Gameloft game. I shall remain in the Gameloft closet, though, I doubt my friends would understand :/
Hm, I think this might be the most comprehensible post you've ever made.
but what does "brotherly talk" mean words have meaning umop

Words do have meaning, but they're not always the most literal kind of meaning, that was why I used the word "avuncular". Aside from it being a dope word, and aside from meaning "of or relating to an uncle", it also applies to people that are 'uncle-like'. I've read the phrase "his avuncular gaze" to reflect the care or concern of a platonic sort of guardian relationship. An other, obvious example is a lot of people have family friends where by close association to their parents they become a kind of surrogate aunt or uncle, which is then reflected in speech like "Uncle Bob" or whatever. Familial relations can be taken literally, or sometimes people have a relationship with others that evokes the feeling of familial bonds ("he's like a brother to me.") I think it's clear that that's the kind of thing that was meant. Words do have meanings, but they're rarely so literal as you seem to be suggesting, speech and writing would probably be very dreary were that the case.


I feel dirty and unworthy. For I am enjoying a Gameloft game. I shall remain in the Gameloft closet, though, I doubt my friends would understand :/

I dunno, back in the dumbphones era I played a lot of Gameloft platformers (mostly licensed titles like Prince of Persia, Die Hard, Splinter Cell etc.) and they were fun. Sure, they were mostly creatively bankrupt (and looking at the stuff Gameloft develops nowadays, their games still are), but I can't say anything bad about their gameplay.
oh my FUCKING GOD the band of my life is coming to Phoenix on november and I'm three hours away 0_____0
I will do anything to be able to see them jesus christ. Okay, shit I fucking hate being underage I need to get my sister to take me >:|

I dunno how this lgbt related so here they are
...Anyway yeah carry on.


I dunno, back in the dumbphones era I played a lot of Gameloft platformers (mostly licensed titles like Prince of Persia, Die Hard, Splinter Cell etc.) and they were fun. Sure, they were mostly creatively bankrupt (and looking at the stuff Gameloft develops nowadays, their games still are), but I can't say anything bad about their gameplay.
I remember playing their Prince of Persia game.

On my N-Gage. I'm full of shameful confessions.


I remember playing their Prince of Persia game.
On my N-Gage. I'm full of shameful confessions.

If you don't see me on Steam tonight, it's because, even though I'm southern white trash, you've managed to now sink below even those low standards and I've been forced to unfriend you. At this point I fully expect your "mobile phone" is actually just two Dixie cups and string :/


I think I've seen one N-gage in my whole life, it was back in high school and one of the rich kids got one for some reason (I had a 3310 and I was proud of that >.>). Games looked like shit and he looked like a complete idiot whenever he was making a call.

No wonder that thing failed hard.
Just wanted to share this:

There's this guy who I first met like 10 years ago, I think a bit more. I was probably about 15 then. By then I didn't have any gay friends / experiences. I've never been too outgoing and I've always hated sports. My older brother loves all kind of sports, so he had plenty of friends in our neighborhood with whom he used to play or just hang out. I don't remember why but there was one day I actually went outside with him.

That day I met this guy. I don't know what it was but I felt that he liked me, not just as a friend. I think he was very nice to me. Anyway, I didn't really talk to him again other than probably saying hi if/when I bumped into him. I dismissed it as me being silly, I mean it couldn't be truth, he was very masculine and he was friends with my older brother, they played sports, etc.

Flashback to a couple of years ago. I bumped into him again. This time he was introduced to me as a (male) coworker's boyfriend. I was floored. My "gaydar" was actually right?. After a while we added each other on FB, etc. Sometimes I felt he was a bit intense, like writing me every other day or so. Eventually I told him I was gay (it wasn't too hard to figure out, I had my relationship status/partner on display). He was like "if I knew you were gay I would have hit on you back then". Eventually it kind of faded away, I was in a relationship (I think he had broken up with his boyfriend by then) and it felt a bit like cheating.

I talked to him again a couple of months ago, I was just curious and thought it might have been worth giving it a shot since I was single again. We chatted for 2 days or so but I stopped texting him because I felt there was someone else in the picture. And there was. Not too long after that I found out he was dating a coworker's cousin (this is a new place, not my old job). I thought it was kind of weird but it's pretty usual here, the gay community seems very small for a big town.

Yesterday I found out he broke up with his boyfriend, through my coworker. I was suspicious and asked something (sort of unrelated) to her which led to her revealing him they had broken up. Deep inside I was like: YES!!!! NOW'S MY TURN!!!!

Either way I just thought I'd wait it out before even contacting him because it seems they just broke up a few days ago.

Out of the blue, he texts me earlier today. He says hi (on instamessage, which was kind of weird since we talked on whatsapp the last time, but I think he may have lost his phone). He asked how I was and we talked a bit. I wrote him later tonight asking about his day. We talk a bit more. He asks about boyfriends to which I reply "No boyfriend". He said: "I'd say I'm sorry but if you broke up it was for a reason", which I thought was sort of a way of saying "I'm glad you're single" but let's not read too much into that.

So yes, I'm very excited about the idea of possibly dating him because it feels like something out of this world, like those things you see in movies, all this weird backstory. I have to say I sort of felt butterflies (I guess nervousness/excitement) when I was talking to him this morning, it's kind of silly but I like it.
Just a little update, last night we talked a bit more and there was some more flirting coming from him. As I said earlier he had contacted me through Instamessage and he told me that he didn't know we were the same age. I asked him what did that mean (just wondering why he pointed it out) and he said that I looked younger.

So later last night he told me he was traveling with an old lady who didn't stop talking so I jokingly asked him if she was hitting on him, to which he replied something like "I wish it was a guy hitting on me. A young guy. Who looks younger than he is". I laughed it off and we talked for a bit more until he had to board the plane.


Just a little update, last night we talked a bit more and there was some more flirting coming from him. As I said earlier he had contacted me through Instamessage and he told me that he didn't know we were the same age. I asked him what did that mean (just wondering why he pointed it out) and he said that I looked younger.

So later last night he told me he was traveling with an old lady who didn't stop talking so I jokingly asked him if she was hitting on him, to which he replied something like "I wish it was a guy hitting on me. A young guy. Who looks younger than he is". I laughed it off and we talked for a bit more until he had to board the plane.

That's the sort of things that I like when being flirted with, yet when told the story makes me cringe, ha.


So I re-discovered this quote today and thinking back on how some people here complain about being single and really wanting a bf, I think it was appropriate.

“The (500) Days of Summer attitude of “He wants you so bad” seems attractive to some women and men, especially younger ones, but I would encourage anyone who has a crush on my character to watch it again and examine how selfish he is. He develops a mildly delusional obsession over a girl onto whom he projects all these fantasies. He thinks she’ll give his life meaning because he doesn’t care about much else going on in his life. A lot of boys and girls think their lives will have meaning if they find a partner who wants nothing else in life but them. That’s not healthy. That’s falling in love with the idea of a person, not the actual person.”

- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
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