User 73706
So I re-discovered this quote today and thinking back on how some people here complain about being single and really wanting a bf, I think it was appropriate.
sounds pretty gay to me, huhuhuhuh
So I re-discovered this quote today and thinking back on how some people here complain about being single and really wanting a bf, I think it was appropriate.
I better be able to import my SRIII character.
:| phoenix is ok whateverLMAO
I don't know what would be worse, seeing that band or going to Phoenix.
Wentworth Miller came out ^_^
What's more shocking is the dude is 41.
edit: I wonder if he was the guy from that reddit link earlier.
Wentworth Miller came out ^_^
What's more shocking is the dude is 41.
edit: I wonder if he was the guy from that reddit link earlier.
It's not Ryan Gosling, I have proof from a story about him another GAFfer told.
It's not Ryan Gosling, I have proof from a story about him another GAFfer told.
I'm going to need receipts.
Tell us in pm'sIt's not Ryan Gosling, I have proof from a story about him another GAFfer told.
What reddit link?
Wentworth Miller came out ^_^
Now, I wonder if the reddit AMA guy is Hugh Jackman.
Now, I wonder if the reddit AMA guy is Hugh Jackman.
Wentworth Miller came out ^_^
George Clooney isn't married.
Do you think then, gay guys eventually fall in love with their friends? Has this been your case?I've heard/read somewhere iirc that men and women can be friends but at some point they will fall in love.
I agree with that.
Do you think then, gay guys eventually fall in love with their friends? Has this been your case?
I don't think anyone's arguing against it being a possibility, but rather that it's an exception and not an inevitable development
Guise. What do you think of the "men and women can't be friends" mindset? I think it's funny because in our case... well, I have basically only male friends, and I don't want to sleep with them, lol. So it blows my mind when people say males and females can't be "just friends" (I hate "just friends" BTW, because in my eyes, friends > romance). It's like. Maybe if you're super desperate and see every single male/female as a potential partner? But otherwise I don't believe it. People with compatible personalities can be friends regardless of their gender, IMO.
Gay Gaf I need help because I'm a child. I possibly could be hanging out with this guy I met on Jack'd and I don't know much about him but we might hang out at my place.
Problem is he's not free for a couple days and I had planned on getting beers maybe and watching Netflix or whatever...but I'm worried scheduling it for like next weekend would be too long considering how flaky the guys on these apps are. Thoughts?
My thing is that I guess I can meet in a public place but I'm not really sure what he's expecting or willing to do vs me. I want a relationship someday soon but I'm also pretty horny at the moment and just sex is fine. It's unclear what he's expecting.
Points taken. Technically my apartment is in a complex so it's less private and there's a public bar on site that we could meet at but yeah...
My thing is that I guess I can meet in a public place but I'm not really sure what he's expecting or willing to do vs me. I want a relationship someday soon but I'm also pretty horny at the moment and just sex is fine. It's unclear what he's expecting.
I could do coffee or something maybe at lunch or after work I suppose. It's just a little weirder for me because then other people are around and get to make me feel awkward and less unsure of the conversation I could be having. That social anxiety sometimes :/
Can't be Hugh Jackman, he's already married. Guy in the reddit post isn't. (His girlfriend expects him to).
I'm still going with Ryan Gosling, everything checks outBut honestly I have no idea who it could be and I guess we'll never know... Well until the guy retires from acting at least.
Who is the AMA guy?
Also, this:
is bullshit. Nick tried to pickup one of my (straight) guy friends at a bar in Palm Springs and wouldn't stop texting him.
Who is the AMA guy?
Also, this:
is bullshit. Nick tried to pickup one of my (straight) guy friends at a bar in Palm Springs and wouldn't stop texting him.
Who is Nick?
Calvin's Klein ex boyfriend who is "straight" but "believes in love".
AMA guy (not really an AMA thought, just some guy posting on reddit afaik), is apparently a famous actor who's in the closet and has a beautiful well known girlfriend (been dating her for a while) who is expecting him to pop the question soonish.
He feels terribly guilty about it for various reasons, but is too scared to come out for fear of leasing his leading man status and pretty much his entire career. He's only out to very few people, his manager knows/doesn't really know but told him that "faggots don't make it in this town" or something stereotypical like that. So he stays in the closet.
That's pretty much it.
Calvin's Klein ex boyfriend who is "straight" but "believes in love".
Is there a link to that? Jesus. What a dumbass manager.