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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Hunky Nostradamus
There isn't all that much details. Only lasted a few weeks because I got really paranoid that I could get into ... legal trouble. I met him on a site where you show off your junk. He was into me, I showed him my other parts. He showed himself off and he messaged me very often. I pretended to be 18 at first. One day I told him the truth, and he said it was fine, just don't tell anybody.

Online only though he wanted to meet me in Illinois



There isn't all that much details. Only lasted a few weeks because I got really paranoid that I could get into ... legal trouble. I met him on a site where you show off your junk. He was into me, I showed him my other parts. He showed himself off and he messaged me very often. I pretended to be 18 at first. One day I told him the truth, and he said it was fine, just don't tell anybody.

Online only though he wanted to meet me in Illinois

That's not much of a sugar daddy. lol


There isn't all that much details. Only lasted a few weeks because I got really paranoid that I could get into ... legal trouble. I met him on a site where you show off your junk. He was into me, I showed him my other parts. He showed himself off and he messaged me very often. I pretended to be 18 at first. One day I told him the truth, and he said it was fine, just don't tell anybody.

Online only though he wanted to meet me in Illinois

You can't get into legal trouble, he's the one that can get into trouble, the age difference is too big I personally think he was taking advantage of you, and hell you are still 17! be careful on the internets, it's a good thing you didn't meet him.


You can't get into legal trouble, he's the one that can get into trouble, the age difference is too big I personally think he was taking advantage of you, and hell you are still 17! be careful on the internets, it's a good thing you didn't meet him.
I registered there to show myself off to older men. He wasn't taking advantage at all.


the piano man
was it officially illegal what Crayon's sugar daddy was doing?

I mean, it was all online, are lines clear or blurry in those cases?

EDIT: mmhh.. Crayons must have lied about his age while registering to that site, so that would make the sugar daddy not guilty of illegal things, right?
Hello everybody! I've had some interesting developments in my dating life in the past couple of weeks that I’d like to get some insights on, but first some background info.

I'm 28. I lack any real long term relationships. The longest I've ever been with someone was in high school and that was a secretive year long thing. Looking back I wouldn’t say that this was a healthy relationship. My boyfriend treated me poorly for the majority of the time we were together. This was also the last person I have had penetrative sex with. Everything since then has been hj bj combos with friends or really, really short term relationships ranging from a week to a month or so. I'm used to being by myself emotionally and physically. Looking back I'd have to say that out of all the guys I tried to build relationships with there are only two of which I feel like I missed out on something or had real potential with. I've always sort of felt I just haven't ended up liking that many people for whatever reason. Until I was 27 I lived in a smaller town. I thought moving to Seattle would jump-start my quest for a significant other, but it’s taken longer than I’ve expected to connect with someone or to feel comfortable enough to do so. After two years this is where I’m at...

After another confused straight boy crush earlier this summer I met a bisexual guy on OKC who was keen on ditching his then girlfriend if things “went well between us”. I initially pushed him away saying it was a bad idea. He then came back saying his girlfriend said it was okay for him to experiment and some crap like that. After some back and forth we decided to be friends. Right before our we met each other in real life I see that he has become engaged to his girlfriend. I checked with him to confirm that this was a friends only thing. From then on out, friends. He’s sweet and has similar interests to me. I’ve enjoyed his company and I’ve been needing a friend myself.

About two weeks ago him and his girlfriend broke up. He had previously mentioned to me that things were rocky between them. He had also implied that he popped the question to see how serious she was about the relationship.(who does that?) That sounded pretty strange to me honestly and if the things before weren’t a clear indicator I’d probably now be wise to avoid getting involved with him romantically. It’s clear he has some issues he needs to settle with his sexuality. I’m bored and lonely and upon finding he feels the same we make some plans. He came over to watch a movie the other night and I thought at most we’d maybe cuddle. Less than ten minutes in his hands are up my shirt and down my pants and we’re moving full force into sexy times. I felt a familiar sensation creep up; paralysing fear. We attempted to do the easier things, but I didn’t feel turned on and couldn’t get hard. He wanted to have sex, but I told him I couldn’t even though I had been thinking about doing this with him for a while. We finished up the movie just holding each other. The next day I felt bad, broken and like I’d never be able to be intimate with someone. I was totally blaming myself because I had encounters with people in the past where the first time was so nerve wracking for me that I couldn’t enjoy myself. I sort of figured it would be this way forever at the rate things were going. Needless to say I wasn’t looking forward to my date that I had planned that night earlier in the week with another OKC person.

I met him at the bookstore and we decided to go to a coffee shop. He’s taller than me, younger by five years and comes across as rather intelligent and worldly for his age. We share a few surface level nerdy interests. He’s into metal, has some facial piercings and works at a homeless youth center. He comes off a bit brash, but he’s handsome and has a warm, bubbly personality. After about an hour he suggests we head over to my place since it’s on his way home and watch a movie. We park it on my bed and gradually move to the same place I was the night before, but this time we actually watch the movie to it’s conclusion.

I don’t know exactly what he did differently. This guy made me feel comfortable, sexy and excited. He was just the right amount of aggressive without being pushy. Before the night was over I had done a lot of things that I wouldn’t have imagined doing on a first date with anyone else. I got the impression he knew what he was doing and I was more than happy to let him show me the ropes. Of course we asked each other about our sexual history and statuses before going too far. He wanted to go all the way, but I told him I wasn’t ready for that yet. He was fine with that as there were plenty of other things to do. I was elated that I was finally clicking with someone.

Next day I went into work lacking sleep, but feeling really good. We kept in touch and made plans for the weekend. He texted me saying that he wished we were still laying in bed holding each other. I felt the same and pushed on through the day smiling. Friday night I met him at a concert and he introduced me to a few of his friends. Later that night they dropped us at my place and we had another fun night trying all kinds of things. We both lived up to our OKC “versatile” answers. Hah! I can’t even put into words how nice it was to finally feel close to someone. It’s like all the worries and anxieties I’ve had about opening up to people intimately have gone away.

Now, for the negative stuff. Due to my personality and previous situation I tend to look for problems where there aren’t any. The flipside however is I don’t want to be an idiot should I be missing something. Should I be worried that he’s such a master in bed? He’s so sweet and has a million nice things to say to me that at times it feels too good to be true. On the other hand I might be so fucked in the head that I can’t comprehend why someone would like me that much. He says he has only had one boyfriend and hasn’t had sex for a long time (I realize that’s relative). After he asked me how long it has been since I’ve been tested and what I’ve done since then (as well as disclosing his own information) he asked if I would want to have sex without a condom. I told him that I wasn’t comfortable with the idea at this time. Should that be setting off an alarm? I mean, I’m writing this so obviously it did. Based on everything I hear the last thing I want to do is have unprotected sex with anyone. It seems like the easiest solution is to go get tested together and avoid assuming anything bad because I’m thinking that I like having him around. The only other negative thing that has come up is his casual interest in astrology. I always feel like I’m in the minority not wanting to talk about that garbage. I’m at the point where I’d be happy to see this go somewhere. If it doesn’t I’ve at least gotten over my initial fear of intimacy and I think I’d have a lot less anxiety about dating other guys. Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.


Age is a big problem for me, I'm not young, but also I don't have a lot of experience. I usually just throw the age number number out of the window, I'm in no position to be picky about that.

Yes it's a tricky business; anyone my age is bound to be way more experienced than me, and/or looking to settle down, which is very intimidating. Plus I tend to be attracted to younger guys, but I don't really think I can hook a cute 22 year-old with my looks, and I'm not rich enough to be a sugar daddy just yet...


Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.

I think you should take things slow and just try not to think about it. I completely understand how you feel since I also tend to overthink things, but I believe you're selling yourself short. This guy sounds sweet and seems to honestly like you. I'd just suggest you enjoy the moment. You sound more worried about things that might happen than what is actually happening.


Hunky Nostradamus
Should I be worried that he’s such a master in bed?

No, of course not.

he asked if I would want to have sex without a condom. I told him that I wasn’t comfortable with the idea at this time. Should that be setting off an alarm?

Er, asking someone you just met to have unprotected sex isn't very smart. I wouldn't necessarily interpret that as him trying to sinisterly infect you with an STD or whatever, but it does indicate a serious lack of judgement on his part. If he asked you, someone he just met, to go bareback, then it's probably safe to assume that he's done that before in the past with other people. Be careful.

The only other negative thing that has come up is his casual interest in astrology. I always feel like I’m in the minority not wanting to talk about that garbage.

As long as he's not, like, basing all of his decisions upon astrology or whatever then I don't think it really matters. Just tell him you're not really interested in that sort of thing and any respectful person should drop the subject.
I think you should take things slow and just try not to think about it. I completely understand how you feel since I also tend to overthink things, but I believe you're selling yourself short. This guy sounds sweet and seems to honestly like you. I'd just suggest you enjoy the moment. You sound more worried about things that might happen than what is actually happening.

Yeah, overthinking things is my specialty. I'll try to keep a lid on it. I just have no frame of reference for how freaked out I should be by him suggesting we bang without a condom. If we continue to see each other and it comes up again I'll suggest that we both go get tested.


Yeah, overthinking things is my specialty. I'll try to keep a lid on it. I just have no frame of reference for how freaked out I should be by him suggesting we bang without a condom. If we continue to see each other and it comes up again I'll suggest that we both go get tested.

Yeah, Ratsky's advice is on the money. He has probably done it before, and if it bothers you there's no need to be shy about it. Your health should always be one of your top priorities. I don't think there's anything weird about suggesting you both get tested if he wants to have unprotected sex.


Yes it's a tricky business; anyone my age is bound to be way more experienced than me, and/or looking to settle down, which is very intimidating. Plus I tend to be attracted to younger guys, but I don't really think I can hook a cute 22 year-old with my looks, and I'm not rich enough to be a sugar daddy just yet...
You made Gunman Clive, you get a pass by fame.
Er, asking someone you just met to have unprotected sex isn't very smart. I wouldn't necessarily interpret that as him trying to sinisterly infect you with an STD or whatever, but it does indicate a serious lack of judgement on his part. If he asked you, someone he just met, to go bareback, then it's probably safe to assume that he's done that before in the past with other people. Be careful.

Yeah, it really didn't mesh well with the picture he's painted of himself so far. He doesn't eat meat for ethical reasons, he's very much into social work and wants to change things for the better in his community and he's just flat out fucking sweet and compassionate. I get the impression that he's pretty kinky and barebacking is just up there as one of the things he'd like to try along with other stuff. Once couples have been together for a while don't they tend to stop using condoms if they are exclusive? I know that's the case with the straight people I know.
When I was a broke 20 year old an online sugar daddy bought me Zelda OoT with a couple of other N64 games. Never met him and I don't think I even ever sent him nude pics. We just exchanged emails. Good times.


Yes it's a tricky business; anyone my age is bound to be way more experienced than me, and/or looking to settle down, which is very intimidating. Plus I tend to be attracted to younger guys, but I don't really think I can hook a cute 22 year-old with my looks, and I'm not rich enough to be a sugar daddy just yet...

omg you are the gunman clive guy! As Snake said before forget about your prejudgment, if you like someone go talk to him, the worst thing that could happen is him saying no, you get over it and look for someone else. That's why I throw age out of the window, it's only going to limit myself. Also the more you talk and meet people the more your tastes refine, I was all about looks when I was younger, now it has evolved, and I can even like an average looking guy if he clicks in the right way, of course this is unfortunately not easy in our community which value looks so much, but just because it isn't easy doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

I registered there to show myself off to older men. He wasn't taking advantage at all.

When I was a broke 20 year old an online sugar daddy bought me Zelda OoT with a couple of other N64 games. Never met him and I don't think I even ever sent him nude pics. We just exchanged emails. Good times.

Oh boy, it really is a thing of case by case basis, but I will never ever see older guys doing this with younger guys in good eyes. They are taking advantage of your inexperience, and no Crayons, you being the one who was looking for it doesn't mean you were not being taken advantage of, just be safe.

I fantasized with older guys all my younger years, but thanks heavens or Budha or whatever nothing ever happened, now that I'm in my thirties I see why such relationships are anything but trouble. Again its a case by case thing and people are sometimes more mature than their age, but even then it's better to be safe than sorry.


Oh boy, it really is a thing of case by case basis, but I will never ever see older guys doing this with younger guys in good eyes. They are taking advantage of your inexperience, and no Crayons, you being the one who was looking for it doesn't mean you were not being taken advantage of, just be safe.

I fantasized with older guys all my younger years, but thanks heavens or Budha or whatever nothing ever happened, now that I'm in my thirties I see why such relationships are anything but trouble. Again its a case by case thing and people are sometimes more mature than their age, but even then it's better to be safe than sorry.

Being taken advantage of my inexperience seems pretty hot tbh.


said no one ever

I had a butt buddy this past summer who led on sugar daddies to get all sorts of expensive crap.
It seems like it'd be fun if I was into old dudes.

On an unrelated note, maybe I feel insecure about my "n-word privileges" because I'm not totally gay, but does anyone else catch themselves thinking people seem really really gay, but as an observational thing, not a derogatory thing? I'm sure it'd confuse the hell out of people, but let me try and explain. Like, if I were to actually say something to them about it (nobody in particular) like "wow, you look super gay" they'd get pissed about it, but then my immediate reaction would be "oh, so it's not okay to look gay?"

Maybe I'm just bipolar.


I guess people would take it the wrong way due to the fact most people who would say something like that say it to be insulting, not saying you are but is no secret that a large segment of the population still believes being gay is bad. It also counts as stereotyping which may not be accurate.

confession time, I'm catching feels for a co-worker, they're not too strong yet but I kinda feel myself getting attached to him, weirdly protective too cuz this boy is new and I've been coaching him for a bit and I see him progressing so fast!, I'm only working with him one day of this week though and I'm already missing him *sobs*, I'm 99.9% sure he's straight though so I might have to get over him at some point, can't help it though he's so cute ahhh, I sometimes wish I was a girl so I could have a bigger dating pool.


Lol, sometimes I think "maaan, that guy sure is gay" too. And as you say, not in a derogatory way. But yeah, it's better to not say it, you never know what other people will find offensive (and really, why would I need to say it anyway?). As this thread has shown, the "some jerks ruin it for everyone else" mentality is fine so we avoid using words that some people use indeed as insults. IMO, it's dumb.


You made Gunman Clive, you get a pass by fame.

I was on a date with a guy that had actually played Gunman Clive once. That was a pretty special feeling, but I wasn't that interested in him

Hi beril


Speaking of older men, I always into them, my 1st one when I was 18 he was 32 not a serious one tho, but yeah I'm always into older one and despise anyone younger than me.

Until I met my last one, he's the opposite of my dream guy, but yet i fell for him.


My ideal age is definitly 17-28. I'm 19, so I can still go for guys two years younger but I'd be okay with guys older than me but still in their twenties. I would like to be around someone who happenss to have my same interests and ideals but I wouldn't mind someone a bit different than me because I would appreciate some lessons about life and stuff here and there.
Being taken advantage of my inexperience seems pretty hot tbh.
I don't speak from experience in this field, but even if something seems appealing to you in fantasy, it doesn't necessarily translate into reality. Keep it in fantasy. Maybe when you're an adult, role-play it with someone you trust.


My brothers have said that I don't fit into 'the' stereotype. I really don't if I do or don't but there are some facet of the gay community that just don't interest me.


Being taken advantage of my inexperience seems pretty hot tbh.

In what would you like to be taken advantage of? That's an oddly worded question.

My brothers have said that I don't fit into 'the' stereotype. I really don't if I do or don't but there are some facet of the gay community that just don't interest me.

I think most people have facets of the gay community that just don't interest them. Which facets are you referring to exactly?
So naive. And I'm young but I just can't see how you enjoy it.

So gay

j/k but wouldn't your familly consider your gayness just by that? I mean, people do believe in stereotypes, so that would be an obvious hint.
Maybe but I'm caring less and less, I don't know what's happening I used to try so hard to be "Straight acting" (I know, I was/am pretty stupid) but now I'm just like whatever.
Also if they're going by stereotypes then they'll also believe I'm straight because I always put on some loud Rock music in my room.


Being taken advantage of my inexperience seems pretty hot tbh.
You're nuts.

I am violently fighting the urge to sing Lady Gaga songs in my room.
I might loose.
Lol, why? Sing whatever you want to sing. Sure, I would think you have terrible taste, but who cares? :p

My brothers have said that I don't fit into 'the' stereotype. I really don't if I do or don't but there are some facet of the gay community that just don't interest me.
Yeah, same.


Perhaps. A guy cheated off my math test and I got a hard on.

O mai gat!

Maybe but I'm caring less and less, I don't know what's happening I used to try so hard to be "Straight acting" (I know, I was/am pretty stupid) but now I'm just like whatever.
Also if they're going by stereotypes then they'll also believe I'm straight because I always put on some loud Rock music in my room.

Oh well, I'm just saying. Good that you don't care much.

I don't do anything that screams gaaay (excet no having grlfriends, but people think I do have one lol), but I'm always being cautios about not doing something that may say something about my sexuality and I'm always worried about that. Specially when I'm around hot guys and I want to look at everywhere and staring at them. I wish I didn't have to pretend so I wouldn't have to worry about that small thing.


Being taken advantage of my inexperience seems pretty hot tbh.
All things stop being equal in your circumstances, however, because you're not searching out people who can legally consent to your... fetish. You're searching for what amounts to authority figures, which from a legal and moral standpoint turns things into a shitstorm because you're a minor, your judgment is undeveloped and you're seeking out circumstances that could impair that judgment even further.

That isn't a personal slight against you in particular, I was once a 17 year old with bad judgment too.
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