Hunky Nostradamus
I hope I get to go to the community center next week(I'm not confident enough to go by myself.)
Why not?
I hope I get to go to the community center next week(I'm not confident enough to go by myself.)
Why not?
that's the joke
u got somtin against pokemon m8?
Played every game since Crystal and have a living pokedex.
This shirtless mod for DmC doesn't work, it simply adds a stubble which is kind of a downgrade. I hope I don't have to download the game again to remove the mod, lol (EDIT: Nope, I don't have to).
BTW it's an okay game, nothing special (and a bit too simple, but I just started playing I guess). Cut-scenes ARE kind of an issue, though, but then I'm highly intolerant of them. Gosh, mission 2 is a never-ending cycle of walk two steps, cut-scene, kill a couple of monsters, cut-scene, jump twice, cut-scene.
I just wanted a reason to post this pic of heliolisk cuz I'm a pro pokemon player so I edited my post to fix grammar mistakes I like good grammar (I've been playing since blue/red and charmeleon is my favorite)
he still wrecks fools
The social club I go to meets late in the evening and the drivers from my state are a mixture of morons and psychopaths.
It's a 45 minute trip too.
Somebody important during the development of the game was GaySerious question: why'd they do the whole queer angle thing with DmC? Was it just a westernized attempt of pulling for the whole bishonen thing Japan loves to do?
My opinion is weird right now. I think it's fun, mostly okay, but the flow of the game is disastrous and at least early in the game the combat seems to be rather simple. The music is quite forgettable too. For a $13 game I'm okay with my purchase, also it's amazing how it runs so well on my wimpy PCI had the mod working, but there was a noticeable performance hit.
I was fuming from the previews, but actually end up liking the game and loving the new Dante.
Are you afraid to drive alone?
I still get nervous even with a chaperone. I actually don't have my license yet so if I got pulled over I'd be fucked.
Wait, how old are you? I thought you were in your 20s...
what makes it gay
In a trailer he was called a sexual deviant and so there were expectations, also the punk look makes gaydars do things. Also the sexualisation of Dante suggests androphiles were a target audience.what makes it gay
Serious question: why'd they do the whole queer angle thing with DmC? Was it just a westernized attempt of pulling for the whole bishonen thing Japan loves to do?
I still get nervous even with a chaperone. I actually don't have my license yet so if I got pulled over I'd be fucked.
In a trailer he was called a sexual deviant and so there were expectations, also the punk look makes gaydars do things. Also the sexualisation of Dante suggests androphiles were a target audience.
Yes, but all the things add up to seem like queer men were targeted.That was just a smaller part of their dig at fox news and its pundits.
Pretty sure the Dante in this DmC was an Author Insert originally.
According to the spy:
Aaron has attended numerous sports award shows with Kevin, always color coordinated and without any double female dates, including the ESPYs. Kevin was also the first person Aaron embraced when the Packers won the Super-bowl in 2011. I just find it really strange that as of late there has been many bitter subliminal tweets on Kevin Lanflisis twitter alluding to a relationship much deeper than a friendship he had, with who I perceive to be Aaron Rodgers, because Kevin has NEVER once tweeted about having a girlfriend, just mainly about the Green Bay Packers, Aaron Rodgers, and Justin Biebers music and sitting front row at Biebers concert. There has been speculation for years here in Wisconsin that Aaron is gay.
Does he have gay face
I'm pretty sure some people thought he was queer based on his look and that's what I meant but okay.And "Punk look makes gaydars do things," uh... no. Firm. Sorry, but most of the people that splooged over Donte was gay men that aren't punk. The rest of us rolled our eyes.
About 50/50, actually.
It's like Ellen DeGeneres and Nick Cage had a baby.
That's not gay is it? Just bad taste.Any truth to this or just baseless gossip?
Super Bowl MVP Winner Aaron Rodgers Allegedly Outed By Rumored Boyfriend
[Tweeted about] Justin Biebers music and sitting front row at Biebers concert
It's like Ellen DeGeneres and Nick Cage had a baby.
It's a long story.
Practiced in one state until I was almost ready->had to move-> Thought I was going to a university so I didn't get it-> didn't move->family drama+procrastination-> more family drama->procrastination.
My parents think I'm ready to get it. Once the finances for the next semester are sorted out I think I'm going to take the exam.
It's like Ellen DeGeneres and Nick Cage had a baby.
EDIT: No straight guy would be that ripped and maintain realistic proportions no matter how much he worked out.
It has those themes and it handles the whole thing really well. I won't spoil the game more than that for you though.Gone Home has LGBT themes?
PS:As a reply to your previous post, I haven't finished Persona 4 yet, but it's pretty damn good if you manage to ignore the weeaboo stuff (waifus, etc.) Good enough to justify a system purchase? Maybe. In combination with all the free games you get from PS+, definitely.
I'm watching Teen Wolf and it's 1:21 AM and I'm in episode of Season 2 jesus christ why do I do this to myself. I remember when there was a Marathon for Season 1 on MTV and I watched ALL of it.
edit at 1:45 AM: okay okay he paralysed him but i think he didn't kill him oh my god
edit: it is 4:18 AM and holy fuck holy fuck at episode 8 what just happened everybody needs to watch this show
Any truth to this or just baseless gossip?
Super Bowl MVP Winner Aaron Rodgers Allegedly Outed By Rumored Boyfriend
Season 3 of Teen Wolf is even better and introduces a new gay character too. Glad that the season was divided in two; and the next half begins next week.![]()
boxers worldwide say hello
Hi everyone,
Long time lurker here and for the longest time could not login, but I am back and I hope to be more engaged in this community
Long story short, my boyfriend of two years broke up with me the week before Christmas. Out of the blue he told me he that he didn't love me anymore, that I was the right person at the wrong time, and that he didnt have time for a relationship. He is 23, and I am 24 and I was pretty devastated, especially right before the holidays.
He wants to remain friends and I know we probably will be (I mean I love the guy), but I honestly want nothing to do with him. I go from being really sad to angry to sad again. I know I will be alright and that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but our lives are so integrated. We work together, we have tons of mutual friends (we both moved to the area at the same time to take a job, thats how we met). I know time heals all wounds, but do you guys have any advice on how to deal with this? I'm feeling so down :/
He wants to remain friends and I know we probably will be (I mean I love the guy), but I honestly want nothing to do with him. I go from being really sad to angry to sad again. I know I will be alright and that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but our lives are so integrated. We work together, we have tons of mutual friends (we both moved to the area at the same time to take a job, thats how we met). I know time heals all wounds, but do you guys have any advice on how to deal with this? I'm feeling so down :/
Hi everyone,
Hi everyone,
Long time lurker here and for the longest time could not login, but I am back and I hope to be more engaged in this community
Long story short, my boyfriend of two years broke up with me the week before Christmas. Out of the blue he told me he that he didn't love me anymore, that I was the right person at the wrong time, and that he didnt have time for a relationship. He is 23, and I am 24 and I was pretty devastated, especially right before the holidays.
He wants to remain friends and I know we probably will be (I mean I love the guy), but I honestly want nothing to do with him. I go from being really sad to angry to sad again. I know I will be alright and that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but our lives are so integrated. We work together, we have tons of mutual friends (we both moved to the area at the same time to take a job, thats how we met). I know time heals all wounds, but do you guys have any advice on how to deal with this? I'm feeling so down :/