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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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I'm feeling really troubled right now so I needed to rant, sorry :p my family is in town and it has been really taxing on my nerves, I feel cheated into bringing them here through really stealthy emotional blackmail only mothers can do, and my brother is in the most insufferable attitude since he broke up with the guy he was seeing, if it was just regular grief I could deal, but he is all about binge drinking and looking for hookups (which is being mild about it, he wants basically to whore himself out) and that is something I'm not going to support in any way, monetary or otherwise. I honestly whish he had never come, he's a retarded immature, degenerate person, I almost want him out of our lives, he's been basically torture for my parents.

At least my father seems happy, he stresses for some things but there's been a long time since I saw him being this happy.

The worst is that I'm stucked with them until mid January, I hope I don't have a meltdown and tell my brother that he can go kill himself for all I care, it is certainly the last thing I or anyone wants.

The good (bad) thing is that I will not party that much while they are here, I really wanted to though, that was the point, but I'm not going to go out with someone with such crappy self seem. I don't mind if we drink, make out with some ugly guy or throw up, I mind him wanting nothing but being the boytoy of the dark room while blacking out.

At least my friend "broke" things of, so he won't be bothering with going out every damn weekend, and his lewd, confusing images and messages in whatsapp, only to say that he just wants to "be friends" afterwards.

rant over :) thanks for reading.


SO like my co-worker platonic crush smelled really good today, good-smelling people turn me on, that's sounds so creepy but I wanted to get it out my chest.
too bad he gives me no signs of ever wanting to do anything with me outside of work, not even friendship *sigh*
I always smell good (or so I've been told)..too bad noone has a crush on me. :(

Where do you work, so I can send my resume? :p
lol are you having self esteem problems or something?
More than usual, yeah. Today my low selfsteem just got worse because of the haircut thing. My Mom took me there and I was just going to go with the same cut as before, except my Mom started complaining in front of the hairstylist about how I always look the same bla bla bla so I just choose something from a book to get her to shut up.

So after I got it cut I tried to convince my Mom to let my sister fix it so it looked better, but she was like "You're such a weak person" "Why can't you speak up?" "I wasted 8 dollars on you" And "Just because it's a Man's haircut" that pissed me off so I just told her to shut up and she said "What kind of weird bug did I give birth to?" and I told her "All you ever do is spit fire out of your mouth" and she got offended so much lol, she was expecting me to apologize but I just gave her a weird look and walked away.

Shit, sorry for unloading just needed to get it off my chest.


Your brother is gay too Mantidor?

Yup. He has claimed to be bisexual, pansexual and a lot of different things too. It almost feel forced at times. Like if his current orientation isn't "edgy" enough he has to go another level.

I'm not one of those who think bisexuality doesn't exist, but it's undeniable some people do use it as a "safe" step or a "risky" step depending on personality.

I just don't really know what can I do about him. The answer is probably "nothing", I'm afraid.
Some people are just primed to self-destruct. I think all you can do is hope they snap out of it before causing any kind of serious damage. He's probably too locked into his current train of thought to hear anything you say, even if you say all of the right things.


Hunky Nostradamus
More than usual, yeah. Today my low selfsteem just got worse because of the haircut thing. My Mom took me there and I was just going to go with the same cut as before, except my Mom started complaining in front of the hairstylist about how I always look the same bla bla bla so I just choose something from a book to get her to shut up.

So after I got it cut I tried to convince my Mom to let my sister fix it so it looked better, but she was like "You're such a weak person" "Why can't you speak up?" "I wasted 8 dollars on you" And "Just because it's a Man's haircut" that pissed me off so I just told her to shut up

Don't let other people make you feel bad about your hair, and in the future do not change your hairstyle to please them. I've been there sis it's not worth it. Shield your ears from the haters by listening to this and feel better <3

and she said "What kind of weird bug did I give birth to?"



You guys are giants. I'm 5'4" - i have no issues with it though, except for my unusually large Shakira hips. My hips don't fucking lie.


Some people are just primed to self-destruct. I think all you can do is hope they snap out of it before causing any kind of serious damage. He's probably too locked into his current train of thought to hear anything you say, even if you say all of the right things.

Yeah you are completely right, I do hope he indeed snaps out of it, being away from the country and his social groups might help.


Don't let other people make you feel bad about your hair, and in the future do not change your hairstyle to please them.

This this this this omg this. My hair being the way it is gives me such a nice boost of confidence (because I know how fucking awesome it is :3), don't ever let people bully/persuade you into a haircut/style change you don't want! >:/
More than usual, yeah. Today my low selfsteem just got worse because of the haircut thing. My Mom took me there and I was just going to go with the same cut as before, except my Mom started complaining in front of the hairstylist about how I always look the same bla bla bla so I just choose something from a book to get her to shut up.

So after I got it cut I tried to convince my Mom to let my sister fix it so it looked better, but she was like "You're such a weak person" "Why can't you speak up?" "I wasted 8 dollars on you" And "Just because it's a Man's haircut" that pissed me off so I just told her to shut up and she said "What kind of weird bug did I give birth to?" and I told her "All you ever do is spit fire out of your mouth" and she got offended so much lol, she was expecting me to apologize but I just gave her a weird look and walked away.

Shit, sorry for unloading just needed to get it off my chest.

Wow. That really sucks that your mom is basically verbally abusive toward you. Have you talked to her about this at all?


More than usual, yeah. Today my low selfsteem just got worse because of the haircut thing. My Mom took me there and I was just going to go with the same cut as before, except my Mom started complaining in front of the hairstylist about how I always look the same bla bla bla so I just choose something from a book to get her to shut up.

So after I got it cut I tried to convince my Mom to let my sister fix it so it looked better, but she was like "You're such a weak person" "Why can't you speak up?" "I wasted 8 dollars on you" And "Just because it's a Man's haircut" that pissed me off so I just told her to shut up and she said "What kind of weird bug did I give birth to?" and I told her "All you ever do is spit fire out of your mouth" and she got offended so much lol, she was expecting me to apologize but I just gave her a weird look and walked away.

Shit, sorry for unloading just needed to get it off my chest.

My mom says things like that to me except regarding other things (since she doesn't know) and I usually just tell her to shut the fuck up, except it's a lot worse for you being young and completely dependent upon them. Sorry :(

Anyway, height. I'm 5'9 (actually probably more like 5'8 and 1/2) and I'm wildly insecure about it. Actually I go through phases. But the guy I been seeing is like 6'2 and I like it.
Don't let other people make you feel bad about your hair, and in the future do not change your hairstyle to please them. I've been there sis it's not worth it. Shield your ears from the haters by listening to this and feel better <3
I actually got teary eyes from this, I'm so weak lmao

This this this this omg this. My hair being the way it is gives me such a nice boost of confidence (because I know how fucking awesome it is :3), don't ever let people bully/persuade you into a haircut/style change you don't want! >:/
Thanks Sai, this is probably the last time I'm getting my Mom to take me to the barbershop lol.

Wow. That really sucks that your mom is basically verbally abusive toward you. Have you talked to her about this at all?
No, what's the point? Based on other conversations I've had with her, she would just give me a nicer version of "Why should I treat you differently?"

I just feel like she's so fake. She watches the church thing on TV and says the prayers but the next moment she's talking shit about "The Lesbians at work" or whatever. I can't talk to my siblings because they always take her side, what's the fucking point? I feel so alone when it comes to the issues with my Mom, but I keep myself from exploding because I should be thankful, I mean, they worked to raise us and keep us alive and move us to Arizona.. me and the next day she tells me shit like she did today, and it messes with me.
Sorry for the paragraph again, jesus christ lol.
Yeah you are completely right, I do hope he indeed snaps out of it, being away from the country and his social groups might help.

I think the trick is mostly being there in a constructive way when the delusion begins to slip. I have some single-minded or compulsive tendencies, so I kind of get where your brother is coming from. That moment always comes when you can't really delude yourself anymore, but sometimes it is only a moment, when that happens maybe he can use your help.
That seems rather unfortunate. Height difference shouldn't be a deterrent.
I wasn't expecting it to be too much of an issue for what it was but I'm at the extreme side of short at 1.54m (roughly 5'1") while he's 1.88m (6'2") so it's quite a substantial difference. Ii wouldn't think it's too 'fucked up' as others have implied because I can understand that it could be quite a considerable turn off. Disappointing regardless though.

guys / gals that height are the best
I like you.


height is overrated anyways.

5'11". 1.81

Good for you. :)

I realized that height really is 'overrated'* when I saw that Verne Troyer is a much more charismatic person than Bruce Willis.
Still, I am a bit jealous and I probably will always be jealous of people taller than me.

* for the lack of a better word

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
You guys are giants. I'm 5'4" - i have no issues with it

Same height here. Irritates the hell out of me when "normal" height guys complain about being short.

My boyfriend is about 5'3" and I still poke fun at him for putting 5'6" in his Okcupid profile. After playfully calling him out on it during our second date ("Honey, you are in no way that tall.") he basically said that sometimes we shorties just have to do what it takes to get some attention, heh.


I'm 5'6 I think (haven't mesured my height in ages). I guess that's normal height but I was still the shortest dude in my class in high school and I'm one of the shortest of all the people I know. My bf is 5'10 I think.
I'm going to watch a movie with one of my ex's. Hope it's not too weird. We've kept in touch here and there but haven't seen each other since I broke up with him back in April. He's the one who insisted in going and it is a bit weird because we're watching The Hobbit and our first kind of date was watching the first part.
That sounds like it will definitely be weird.
Back then we had been chatting for quite a while and I didn't really want to watch The Hobbit but he really wanted to see it and he insisted a lot until I finally gave in. So he's been insisting for months about going to watch part 2 for a while as well (in a kinda silly way, like: "Are you taking me to see The Hobbit?", "When are we watching The Hobbit"?). I didn't really look too much into it.

I broke up with him because I felt he wasn't as invested into our relationship as I was, I got tired of constantly being let down.


So...what to do when people just stop talking to you...ignore you...don't answer calls..or texts...?

At first I thought it was just "people been people", but through the years and dozens of similar situations I started wondering if the problem was just me. And in this cases it was just me trying to make friends since I don't have many. But I guess calling/texting someone to just ask "hey, how are you?" is seen as too desperate.

And to end this year even better...a straight friend and crush of sorts that I really liked as a friend (because he was straight), suddenly stopped talking to me last week..and now it turns out he's dating
another guy
!! Which is really cool...but here I am back to the "not talking to you" cycle.

Oh well. For 2014 guess I'll just avoid any interaction with people outside my dad, brother and 3 friends. Tired of feeling like shit while trying to make friends; which is supposed to make me feel better.


So...what to do when people just stop talking to you...ignore you...don't answer calls..or texts...?

mmmrhhm I know that feel.

Don't stop trying to make friends, though! Try to be friends people that you have more in common with, though.

If I were to give a bit of friendly advice, it'd be to call/text/talk about actually doing stuff together, as opposed to just texting for the sake of texting or being bored. Even I sometimes don't know what to reply to some people's texts. Also, not many people are into just "talking".
So...what to do when people just stop talking to you...ignore you...don't answer calls..or texts...?

At first I thought it was just "people been people", but through the years and dozens of similar situations I started wondering if the problem was just me. And in this cases it was just me trying to make friends since I don't have many. But I guess calling/texting someone to just ask "hey, how are you?" is seen as too desperate.

And to end this year even better...a straight friend and crush of sorts that I really liked as a friend (because he was straight), suddenly stopped talking to me last week..and now it turns out he's dating
another guy
!! Which is really cool...but here I am back to the "not talking to you" cycle.

Oh well. For 2014 guess I'll just avoid any interaction with people outside my dad, brother and 3 friends. Tired of feeling like shit while trying to make friends; which is supposed to make me feel better.

I have the same problem. Easiest way to do it is just move on and catch rebounds until you find something substantial of your own. I just keep trying with the best and forget the rest. That being said, I can't say I completely blame people because I tend to have a cutoff of roughly 3 years with regards to keeping straight-up friends , not relationships, so the fact that other people may have shorter tolerances shouldn't be much of a surprise. This being a generation of social media platforms designed exclusively for cockteases is also a factor; people move on if their dick isn't getting sucked right just now. Happens to everyone. Just wait for ADD-generational social shit to blow over and find some decent friends and fucks during the interim.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Heh, I know that feeling. But I'm a bitter bastard so I threw that feeling down a well and just don't care about it, fernoca.
Just got back from my non-date with my ex. It was nice. I was worried it could lead to something complicated/confusing but nothing really happened. Also The Hobbit sucks.
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