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To be honest, that doesn't seem very offensive to me. It doesn't even really make sense, isn't shota more of a genre than an adjective? (In my vast depth of experience)

Ew. No one actually calls people that in real life I'm guessing, so some weirdos online called you "a shota" or what? chrishansen.jpg

Edit: If you were born in '84 I don't think you have anything to worry about.

I'm pretty sure he said he was 15 in the Real Pictures thread. Assuming I'm thinking of the right person.
What an irresponsible post. I can't fathom how you can advise a suicidal individual to get medical help but to specifically not mention THEY'RE SUICIDAL!! so they can get the "good drugs" (which are primarily anxiolytic and have minimal effect on depression). What the fuck is wrong with you?

Benzodiazepines don't treat suicidal impulses; they're for generalized anxiety, panic disorder, agoraphobia and the like. They're also not what you're going to receive from any non-quack for insomnia, as they cause the same physiological changes and chronic effects on your body as alcohol and barbiturate use and are riskier to withdraw from than opiates. I was on Klonopin for a couple years and asking my psychiatrist to taper off was one of the best--and most difficult--things I've ever done. The anxiolytic properties weren't working on me anymore but I still had a terrible addiction, and that I learned is the common outcome of chronic benzo use.

If you're going to get help take advantage of it and be honest with your doctor, even (especially?) about existing addictions or self-medication. Unless you don't care about your condition improving and are trying to score drugs for recreational use or to sell there's nothing to gain from being dishonest.

Why would you lie about being suicidal? A lot of places have laws where a suicidal person has to be detained for 72 hours. Usually escorted to a mental hospital in a police car and forbidden to leave. Its a humiliating ordeal -- especially if you have to tell people where you've been for the last few days. Not wanting to be detained is good reason enough. I don't think its helpful at all.

This person talked about alcohol and pain killers and I suggested Xanax, which is commonly used to treat depression. I don't see why you suggest that its not. I've been prescribed it for depression and anxiety before. And yes -- it gives you a little buzz but that's hardly worse than the side effects of other depression meds. SSRIs commonly take weeks to work and Seroquel can cause a huge weight gain.


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This person talked about alcohol and pain killers and I suggested Xanax, which is commonly used to treat depression. I don't see why you suggest that its not. I've been prescribed it for depression and anxiety before. And yes -- it gives you a little buzz but that's hardly worse than the side effects of other depression meds. SSRIs commonly take weeks to work and Seroquel can cause a huge weight gain.

No it isn't. It's used to treat anxiety and anxiety that happens to be comorbid with depression. It isn't going to help someone with their suicidal thoughts and no doctor in their right mind is going to give you a benzodiazepine as the primary treatment for depression and suicidal ideation. In such a case it'll be given with SSRIs, SNRIs or something like Lamictal or Seroquel; some people just choose not to continue with what they're prescribed other than the Xanax because they feel no immediate effect from it. Xanax abuse is rampant because it's so terribly addicting, but it's not treating your depression.


No it isn't. It's used to treat anxiety and anxiety that happens to be comorbid with depression. It isn't going to help someone with their suicidal thoughts and no doctor in their right mind is going to give you a benzodiazepine as the primary treatment for depression and suicidal ideation. In such a case it'll be given with SSRIs, SNRIs or something like Lamictal or Seroquel; some people just choose not to continue with what they're prescribed other than the Xanax because they feel no immediate effect from it. Xanax abuse is rampant because it's so terribly addicting, but it's not treating your depression.

I'm admittedly a bit rusty, but I'm pretty sure Xelios is correct. Xanax works on GABA versus SSRI's working on serotonin. So, two completely different neurotransmitter systems.


They are indeed. It started a couple of weeks ago. I didn't think it would be awkward but I'm not gonna lie.

It's kind of been awkward.

Please, please, please tell me you made the "so when's our turn?" quip.

Only thing to do with awkwardness is make it even more awkward!
Just blindfold them both and keep them in different rooms. Take your roommates' opposite cells and text them you want to experiment.

Proceed to go to town on both and improve their sexual energy.

You're welcome.


Urgh, I need to learn not to let what other people think of me bother me so much. Always been a problem, admittedly. Even feel like shit when I see anti-gay posters on GAF, vague or not... Even if that example is rather hilarious. It's completely irrational, just something I need to work on.

I think I'm going to be closeted for a long time at this rate.


I don't get why every good looking guy ignores me. What's so unappealing about me that I'm not even worth a chat?


Urgh, I need to learn not to let what other people think of me bother me so much. Always been a problem admittedly. Still feel like shit when I see anti-gay posters, vague or not.

I think I'm going to be closeted for a long time.

That's an old thread, hehehehe,what an ass, glad he's banned honestly, don't let it get to you, people can be horrible and all but just know that you're not doing anything bad by being yourself and they're the ones who're wrong. I know this won't help much but everyone hates others for trivial things, you can always take solace in the fact that there are people who will like you for who you are.


I don't get why every good looking guy ignores me. What's so unappealing about me that I'm not even worth a chat?

You are good looking, these people are just bastards and not worthy for you ;)

Urgh, I need to learn not to let what other people think of me bother me so much. Always been a problem, admittedly. Even feel like shit when I see anti-gay posters on GAF, vague or not... Even if that example is rather hilarious. It's completely irrational, just something I need to work on.

I think I'm going to be closeted for a long time at this rate.

That is exactly what my father thinks about homosexuality and is my main reason for not coming out until I can finally be economically susteinable.

Oh and I just watched the fifth episode of game of thrones season 1 and we can see the penis of Theon :O It was big


I don't get why every good looking guy ignores me. What's so unappealing about me that I'm not even worth a chat?

You're hot. They're probably intimidated.

I get really nervous/intimidated when attractive people approach me. And when I'm nervous everything about me projects "leave me alone" to the point where I'm almost hostile when in reality I really want to jump your bones.


You're hot. They're probably intimidated.

I get really nervous/intimidated when attractive people approach me. And when I'm nervous everything about me projects "leave me alone" to the point where I'm almost hostile when in reality I really want to jump your bones.

My experience is mostly from dating sites and they either don't answer my first message or we have a long chat, agree to meet and when it's time to meet they back out. I haven't been able to meet a single guy I was interested in.

Real life doesn't seem to be much different. So far I've only gotten attention from creeps.

I think you're hot too Royalan, it's a shame we're not in the same country ;)


Urgh, I need to learn not to let what other people think of me bother me so much. Always been a problem, admittedly. Even feel like shit when I see anti-gay posters on GAF, vague or not... Even if that example is rather hilarious. It's completely irrational, just something I need to work on.

I think I'm going to be closeted for a long time at this rate.

Dude's an ass but that thread's almost four years old. Those are some ancient bones you're digging up.

My experience is mostly from dating sites and they either don't answer my first message or we have a long chat, agree to meet and when it's time to meet they back out. I haven't been able to meet a single guy I was interested in.

Real life doesn't seem to be much different. So far I've only gotten attention from creeps.

I think you're hot too Royalan, it's a shame we're not in the same country ;)

But you're so good loo-

Oh, there it is. Yeah, dating sites are (from my experience) a giant crapshoot. I've never had anyone I've message get back to me and the ones I met that contacted me were... well I'll just say I'm still single.

Just grow that beard and you'll have lots of fawning in this thread.


My experience is mostly from dating sites and they either don't answer my first message or we have a long chat, agree to meet and when it's time to meet they back out. I haven't been able to meet a single guy I was interested in.

Real life doesn't seem to be much different. So far I've only gotten attention from creeps.

I think you're hot too Royalan, it's a shame we're not in the same country ;)

Aww shucks. *.*

Anyway, what does your profile say? Maybe it's too forward (or not forward enough)?

Maybe the pictures. too

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Hey folks. I don't post in here often, but I read it daily. For those of you that don't recall, I came out this last fall after 17 years of marriage, 20 years together. I've been struggling a lot with depression due to being lonely and fear that I made the wrong decision, not to mention already having anxiety disorder. There have been good times, and I've even dated a bit in the last few months, but I was just testing the waters.

Anyhoo, I wanted to ask you all how you deal with a family member, or a friend even, who is so homophobic that if you were to tell them you were gay/bi that they wouldn't say another word to you. Specifically, for me it's my dad. He's an extremely southern, extremely conservative, backwoods hick/redneck type guy, essentially the opposite of me. We've been seeing each other a few times lately, and he's apparently either heard or figured out, or at the very least suspects, that I'm gay and that it caused my divorce. He hasn't come right out and pointed a finger at me on it, but instead has been complaining about how gays are ruining marriage, how it isn't a choice, and how I better not choose to do it or I'll "burn in Hell with the rest of the gays" (that's a direct quote).

This was today he said this, after we spent some quality time together upgrading my car, which I enjoyed. I'm trying to spend some time with both of my parents, but he's making it very hard on me, and I'm pretty upset about it today after returning home. As I was leaving, he told me to "take it easy", "get into church", and "don't turn queer". His words.

Thoughts? I'm inclined to just ignore it as much as I can, but it really makes me not want to spend much time with him.


I think that he knows. Is he the kind of person who listens before judging? If so, come out to him, but try to explain that what he is complaining about is not true, and that he shouldn't qorry about you.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
I think that he knows. Is he the kind of person who listens before judging? If so, come out to him, but try to explain that what he is complaining about is not true, and that he shouldn't qorry about you.

He's a religious extremist who wouldn't listen. I don't know what he'd do if I just came out and said it, but a shunning would be the least of it.

Maybe he does know. That would be interesting, if so, because it means he's willing to guilt me into admitting it's a choice or some shit. I don't know how he could, though. I think he's just afraid that's the case, since I haven't been dating (that he knows) and I don't have a good reason (for him) to have divorced.


He's a religious extremist who wouldn't listen. I don't know what he'd do if I just came out and said it, but a shunning would be the least of it.

Maybe he does know. That would be interesting, if so, because it means he's willing to guilt me into admitting it's a choice or some shit. I don't know how he could, though. I think he's just afraid that's the case, since I haven't been dating (that he knows) and I don't have a good reason (for him) to have divorced.

Are you prepared to cut him out of your life?

I'm going to assume, given your background, that he's quite along in years. I know it's probably not the most encouraging thing to say, but the older people are the more they get set in their ways. If he's still together with your mom and you're on good terms with her, then there is the possibility that she could bring him around.

But I'm not sure what the odds are of you doing it yourself if you come out. If you do make that step, it would have to be with the knowledge that either you or him may refuse to continue talking to the other afterwards.

I... don't really have any helpful advice to offer, unfortunately. I'm sorry for your predicament. :(


Yes Disisead Yak, your problem is extremely difficult, and I'm sorry that you have to go through this. If your mother knows, then she may help you with your father and will make him understand your situation. But out of that you can't do nothing if he is the religious man that is stuck in the bible way of thinking.


If my dad (parents, family members, friends, literally anyone) said some hateful stupid shit like that to me, I'd cut them out in a minute. Ain't nobody got time for that shit. Sorry that you've gotta put up with it, man.

They are indeed. It started a couple of weeks ago. I didn't think it would be awkward but I'm not gonna lie.

It's kind of been awkward.

Maaaaad awkward. Hey, they get an A+ for convenience though.
I wouldn't even remotely consider this advice, because honestly I don't know, but if you do come out to him you're kind of giving him a chance to rethink some things though of course it may not very well play out that way. I think it would be a blessing to be able to die less burdened by aversion or distaste for things, and while you can't really lead him to make that decision it might be considered a somewhat compassionate gesture to tell him with that thought in mind knowing the effect that it might have on your relationship. Though this is all too theoretical for me to have any confidence in saying if this might really be appropriate.

If my dad (parents, family members, friends, literally anyone) said some hateful stupid shit like that to me, I'd cut them out in a minute. Ain't nobody got time for that shit. Sorry that you've gotta put up with it, man.

I think sometimes it's not really a matter of protecting yourself, because you know even if they really mean it that it still doesn't mean anything to you. The people who harbor hateful attitudes are hurting themselves so in a way it can be kind of pitiable, though I don't generally agree with the idea of pity. I think it's sometimes more complex than just removing them from your life.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
My mother does know, and is totally accepting, however they have been divorced since I was in my teens, so she doesn't have any influence over him at all.

The more I think about it, and in talking with my sisters (who have also suffered his disdain, for different reasons), I just have to chalk it up to him being a senior who is set in his ways, as BeesEight alluded to. He's been this way in varying capacities for decades now, and simply isn't going to change.

It saddens me, because I've made the effort to reach out, reconnect, and hang out with him, do stuff, etc. I don't want to endure thinly-veiled anti-gay rants every time, so I guess if it continues I'll either sever ties almost completely (minus holidays), or come right out and, uh, come right out. I have a feeling either way, ties... they be severed.

Thanks all, for the advice/kindness.


If my dad (parents, family members, friends, literally anyone) said some hateful stupid shit like that to me, I'd cut them out in a minute. Ain't nobody got time for that shit. Sorry that you've gotta put up with it, man.
You'd take a higher road than me, heh. I'd be mightily tempted to pen a polemic so fiery it'd burn the house down, pile scorn up to their armpits, etc.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
This was today he said this, after we spent some quality time together upgrading my car, which I enjoyed. I'm trying to spend some time with both of my parents, but he's making it very hard on me, and I'm pretty upset about it today after returning home. As I was leaving, he told me to "take it easy", "get into church", and "don't turn queer". His words.
This made me laugh vociferously.

Your dad sounds like a typical old-fashioned (by that i mean unabashedly homophobic) dad. You should have just told him right after he said, "Don't turn queer."

"You can't turn queer if you already are, Dad!" :p
He's a religious extremist who wouldn't listen. I don't know what he'd do if I just came out and said it, but a shunning would be the least of it.

Maybe he does know. That would be interesting, if so, because it means he's willing to guilt me into admitting it's a choice or some shit. I don't know how he could, though. I think he's just afraid that's the case, since I haven't been dating (that he knows) and I don't have a good reason (for him) to have divorced.

Well I hate to state the obvious, but you basically said it yourself: hes not the understanding type, and wouldn't listen.


Guess like Bees said, are you prepared to have him absent? Sounds like he is just a pile of hate who I would want nothing to do with personally. Doesn't sound worthy of being a father figure.

Tell him or not, shitty situation. No win scenario. :(


All this shota talk.....

Anyway, I have a dumb problem. I came out to my mom when I was 18, and she was fine with it, but neither of us made a big deal about it. I'm 25 now, and have been living back home for the last year, and she has been bugging me non-stop about going out and getting a girlfriend, ect. And I don't think she is joking around with me- she is serieous.

How the fuck do I come out to her a second time? I don't want to embarrass either of us, but I also have a feeling that she just didn't believe me the first time.


All this shota talk.....

Anyway, I have a dumb problem. I came out to my mom when I was 18, and she was fine with it, but neither of us made a big deal about it. I'm 25 now, and have been living back home for the last year, and she has been bugging me non-stop about going out and getting a girlfriend, ect. And I don't think she is joking around with me- she is serieous.

How the fuck do I come out to her a second time? I don't want to embarrass either of us, but I also have a feeling that she just didn't believe me the first time.

She doesn't want to know the truth, she didn't accepted you the first time and you'll have to be clear about who you really are.


All this shota talk.....

Anyway, I have a dumb problem. I came out to my mom when I was 18, and she was fine with it, but neither of us made a big deal about it. I'm 25 now, and have been living back home for the last year, and she has been bugging me non-stop about going out and getting a girlfriend, ect. And I don't think she is joking around with me- she is serieous.

How the fuck do I come out to her a second time? I don't want to embarrass either of us, but I also have a feeling that she just didn't believe me the first time.

How did you come out the first time? Is it possible she misunderstood or thinks you're bi?


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
All this shota talk.....

Anyway, I have a dumb problem. I came out to my mom when I was 18, and she was fine with it, but neither of us made a big deal about it. I'm 25 now, and have been living back home for the last year, and she has been bugging me non-stop about going out and getting a girlfriend, ect. And I don't think she is joking around with me- she is serieous.

How the fuck do I come out to her a second time? I don't want to embarrass either of us, but I also have a feeling that she just didn't believe me the first time.
Just say, "Don't you mean boyfriend?"

That's all.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
This made me laugh vociferously.

Your dad sounds like a typical old-fashioned (by that i mean unabashedly homophobic) dad. You should have just told him right after he said, "Don't turn queer."

"You can't turn queer if you already are, Dad!" :p

Yup that about sums him up. To set the scene if I had done exactly what you asked, we were in his shop, with my car in a state of dismantlement (at least the front fenders/air intakes), installing a new CAI, and it would have went over like a lead balloon. I don't honestly know what he would have said, but I'm guessing he would have shutdown and after I left would have never said anything to me again.

MyAbsolution said:
Well I hate to state the obvious, but you basically said it yourself: hes not the understanding type, and wouldn't listen.


Guess like Bees said, are you prepared to have him absent? Sounds like he is just a pile of hate who I would want nothing to do with personally. Doesn't sound worthy of being a father figure.

Tell him or not, shitty situation. No win scenario. :(

I think that's ultimately what's going to happen. I can either continue seeing him here and there, ignoring his homophobic comments, or cut him out all together. It's sad, but he's old and not likely to change, given his upbringing and general environment (rural Arkansas). I'm lucky that my mother and two sisters are completely loving and supportive and just generally cool. I can be myself with them. It just saddens me that my father is that way, but I look on the bright side, that I have family that is accepting. Some folks, some of you even, may not have that. I shall count my blessings. Thanks again for the words of advice.


My mother does know, and is totally accepting, however they have been divorced since I was in my teens, so she doesn't have any influence over him at all.

The more I think about it, and in talking with my sisters (who have also suffered his disdain, for different reasons), I just have to chalk it up to him being a senior who is set in his ways, as BeesEight alluded to. He's been this way in varying capacities for decades now, and simply isn't going to change.

It saddens me, because I've made the effort to reach out, reconnect, and hang out with him, do stuff, etc. I don't want to endure thinly-veiled anti-gay rants every time, so I guess if it continues I'll either sever ties almost completely (minus holidays), or come right out and, uh, come right out. I have a feeling either way, ties... they be severed.

Thanks all, for the advice/kindness.

Do keep us updated with whatever you decide. And good luck man, I don't envy your position. :(
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