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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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first male kiss was in a elevator. Me and this guy were alone and he just reached over and started making out with me. We kept making out all the way to the movies and he started clinging to me wanting more.

He said my beard felt nice on his skin. :/ My first and only male kiss.


lol, I can't even remember my first male kiss. I can remember the girl, but not the guy.

Yeah, I don't remember my first guy kiss either.

Edit: I'm going to assume it's because girls are so traumatic that the experience is forever scarred into our psyche.


lol, I can't even remember my first male kiss. I can remember the girl, but not the guy.
Who is the character on your avatar and what's the game he comes from?

Tomorrow I finally go to school again, after two weeks, waking up early is a bad thing for me :(


Who is the character on your avatar and what's the game he comes from?

very hot
concept art for Cole for Infamous 2:


Do some of you have plans for adopting or having kids?

Yes, I want to have biological children if possible.
I plan on scaring the shit out of my child on a daily basis by forcing them to watch scary 80's children's movies. If they can tolerate my bullshit, they will be a stronger person for it.


I dropped the love bomb today.

He dropped it back.

Feels surreal.

We're around 4 months....just felt right.

Gotta be honest, even in a heterosexual relationship I think I want to adopt just because I have such shitty genetics that I don't feel like making someone else spend the rest of their life having to deal with them.


I dropped the love bomb today.

He dropped it back.

Feels surreal.

We're around 4 months....just felt right.


4 months is pretty fast, but that's cool! I'm happy for you! [:

Gotta be honest, even in a heterosexual relationship I think I want to adopt just because I have such shitty genetics that I don't feel like making someone else spend the rest of their life having to deal with them.

I think I'd do that too if I was straight. I have crappy genes, and plus the whole natural birth thing seems so dangerous and torturous and awful. I don't get the appeal at all. I sometimes wonder why so few straight couples seriously consider adoption when there are so many kids out there already that don't have loving parents. Who knows? I'm pretty ignorant about the adoption process. It's probably a pain in its own way.
Ughhh, remembering my first (and last) kiss makes me nauseous. I didn't find him attractive and he had bad breath. I was desperate at the time, I suppose, and feeling old at 21. I gagged, and he asked me if I was okay. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I was moments away from throwing up into his mouth. :x


everything happened, to keep it short. he's really great i hope it continues.

the whole situation is hilariously juvenile in many ways, but that's fun in its own way and we're young so i'll go along with it.


Do some of you have plans for adopting or having kids?

I have more than enough kids already with my sister and cousins hellspawn so no kids for me. Ever. Unless I adopt them already grown up (5 or 6 years old) when they don´t need you constantly above them and you can do cool outdoors stuff.


lol, I can't even remember my first male kiss. I can remember the girl, but not the guy.

Oh shit, my first make out session was when I was 11, with a girl.

First male kiss was most likely the first time I had sex so I guess I was 20. I don't think it was particularly good. It was fine, got the job done.

Now my best kiss, that I remember perfectly. Mmmmh.
I had broken up with my boyfriend of 2 years, was just getting back into dating. First guy I went for drinks with, went really well, had tons to talk about. Second date, I end up going back to his place and he had the softest lips. It was awesome and I still think about it 4 years later, ha.

I dropped the love bomb today.

He dropped it back.

Feels surreal.

We're around 4 months....just felt right.


Congrats Magnus! I'm happy to read that :)


Do some of you have plans for adopting or having kids?
i definitely want to have kids in the future, whether it is through adoption or other means. i have no plans to do this anytime soon though. maybe when i'm 30ish.
I dropped the love bomb today.

He dropped it back.

Feels surreal.

We're around 4 months....just felt right.

congrats! it's a great feeling.
4 months is pretty fast, but that's cool! I'm happy for you!
is it really that fast? seems pretty standard from my experience (with my relationships and others i know of). anecdotal, of course!


-My first kiss in general was with a 40 years old guy (when I was like 23.. :p). No problems with the age, did had problems with the fact that he smoked, I wasn't aware of that . Well, no problems with him smoking per se, but more with the fact that he smoked right before the kiss. So..yay! having my mouth and face all covered with his saliva and cig-smell as my first kiss ever!!! :p

-As far as kids, I'd love at least one. Hopefully before I'm 50; so..I still have 20 more years to work things out!! :p

-And yeah, 4 months is "average time", at least to me. I mean, my parents met, dated and got married in under 12 months. They've been together 44 years.


I remember a college teacher telling us her parents got married the day after they met. Unsurprisingly it was a train wreck of a marriage :p


Hunky Nostradamus
everything happened, to keep it short. he's really great i hope it continues.

the whole situation is hilariously juvenile in many ways, but that's fun in its own way and we're young so i'll go along with it.

You owe us a longer explanation after everything we've done for you tbh. Spill it.


Might be sad, but I have no idea who I kissed with for the first time.
I was on my trip and had a week in Sydney, made out with someone at a club, then with someone else and... yeah.
I don't feel too bad about it TBH.

As for kids. I would LOVE to have at one or two, but I have no idea how that's gonna happen since adoption by a gay couple is not permitted here in Israel. I'd like for it magically to happen when I'll be 30, but since I'm 25 soon and it seems so close, for some reason I doubt I'll settle at that age.

But who knows...
My first kiss huh. Went out with a group of gay friends. I had never kissed someone before. One of my friends was really drunk and felt sorry for me, so in the middle of the dancefloor he said "Come here", grabbed me, and kissed me full on, tongue and all. This was a year ago. 23 now.

I guess there are more romantic ways to experience your first kiss, but worse ways as well :p

And I would love to have children someday. I can barely take care of myself at the moment though, let alone a child. But if I find someone, and he wants kids as well, and were doing ok financially, and we feel like settling down, yup, I'd really want a kid.


In the last few years my desire to have kids has actually decreased.
I think it's due to the fact that it used to be an abstract idea that seemed enticing to me. However, in the last few years I experienced kids first hand since my brother and several cousins got kids and I am absolutely sure I don't want them right now or in the next 5 years at least.
Every time we get together they monopolize the conversation. I don't think I had a good convo with my brother since my nephew was born. We only talk about how little Timmy did this and that and how Sarah is cute (spoiler: she's not) and how Barnaby likes to clap his hands (he's just being clumsy).
Sure they can be cute, but cute can only last so long. I don't even mind the crying, pooping, and slobbering. I just want to be able to have an adult conversation the one week a year I go home. The kid's there the whole year, can't you just spare an evening for your own brother?
The one night the kid went to bed before we had dinner all together, surprise, we actually had a pleasant conversation that didn't revolve around the nephew, but around me.

I am jealous of a 1 year old.


In the last few years my desire to have kids has actually decreased.
I think it's due to the fact that it used to be an abstract idea that seemed enticing to me. However, in the last few years I experienced kids first hand since my brother and several cousins got kids and I am absolutely sure I don't want them right now or in the next 5 years at least.
Every time we get together they monopolize the conversation. I don't think I had a good convo with my brother since my nephew was born. We only talk about how little Timmy did this and that and how Sarah is cute (spoiler: she's not) and how Barnaby likes to clap his hands (he's just being clumsy).
Sure they can be cute, but cute can only last so long. I don't even mind the crying, pooping, and slobbering. I just want to be able to have an adult conversation the one week a year I go home. The kid's there the whole year, can't you just spare an evening for your own brother?
The one night the kid went to bed before we had dinner all together, surprise, we actually had a pleasant conversation that didn't revolve around the nephew, but around me.

I am jealous of a 1 year old.

I think anyone with new parents for friends knows that feeling. lol,


I guess I should say hi. Have made two posts, but I have lurked since 09/10. Gay, male, out, no BF. Haven't posted much because I haven't had much to say :p

My first kiss with a boy was with a straight guy, and it lasted 45 seconds, and I know that because it was filmed. Long story short he was drunk and it was for a knot on our hat.


I don't even remember my first kiss that well. I know who I did with because I woke up in his bed the next day (most awkward waking up I ever experienced for multiple reasons), but I don't remember how and why we ended up making out (I wasn't out at all at the time and had only the slightest feeling the guy was gay).

I don't want kids, I thought I did before but I experienced taking care of a group of 5 to 7 years old kids every saturday for a year and that was a complete nightmare, I tend to find most kids annoying now :(

Anyway, going to try bartending in a pretty popular (regular) bar in my city this thursday, they gave me a month to prove myself. It pays really well especially if you work on big days and I really need the cash so I hope it works out.

Conor 419

Hey guys, you may remember a while back me and my gay pet snake had a strained relationship, well, after an awful lot of trust and understanding we've put that all behind us and now I love Snakey for who he is. Thank you for helping me come to the right decision Gaf, everything is going to be okay from here on out.


Hunky Nostradamus
Hey guys, you may remember a while back me and my gay pet snake had a strained relationship, well, after an awful lot of trust and understanding we've put that all behind us and now I love Snakey for who he is. Thank you for helping me come to the right decision Gaf, everything is going to be okay from here on out.

Is "Snakey" a pseudonym for your penis?
I'll be joining umop and Nohar in the monastery shortly. Surrender to inevitability!

But I actually want to be a monk :mad: Doing it out of cynicism would probably suck.


Let's start our own monastery. I'm quite partial towards the Alps.


The Alps would be cool, though I'm looking into local places (like in Canada) so I can take care of my parents when they get all old and stuff, since I guess it's pretty common for Theravadin monks to do that.

*laughs nervously, as he is considering the same option*

... I'm only half-joking. I think I had my share of bad guys and poor decisions (from my part).

I'm also done with partying: all I got for going out was tinnituses. Left ear first 5 years ago, and now the right one after an incredibly bad night last week-end where I forgot to bring earplugs (not that I could know in advance that the restaurant was in fact a party-cave where the music would be as loud as if I was in a nightclub - seriously, WHAT THE F***). Why are my ears so fragile ? I even covered my ears during the whole night: between worsen my initial tinnitus or looking ridiculous, my choice was quickly made, and even that wasn't enough. Yes, I'm really bitter right now.

And of course, I won't be able to go see an otolaryngologist until a few days, if not weeks, because there aren't many in my town, and because I'll be put on the waiting list (though, it's still better than taking an appointment with my dentist...).

... This is going to be a gorgeous day. Add me to the "ranting ones" list.

Yeah I'm done with partying too, really the only time I do that sort of thing now is if there's a DJ or something I want to see, and then I don't even drink and barely socialize. That sucks that you're prone to tinnitus.
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