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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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First gay bar? I think it one in Vancouver when I was in the process of moving out here. Friends took me on a Friday night, but it was surprisingly dull.

When I had my own apartment in Seattle a couple of weeks later, I think soco took me and the aforementioned Canadian friends to some bear bar and I was soooo out of place. At least they were friendly.

I remember being too afraid. The boy I was dating by the time was my first real gay date and he told me "Well, do you wanan dance a little?" and I was like "Dance? with a man? for real? uhmm I'm not sure..." Still curiosity got the best in me and well, I'll never forget that moment when I passed through the door that a big muscled man opened for me while saying "Welcome to "The Dollar" " and inmediately changing the city silence for Madonna's Celebration.
I felt so free.
A truly iconic moment of my life.
How was your first Bar experience? was it good? bad? laughable? let's share! :D

I was 14 or 15, got drunk and danced on a table, some dykes were cheering me on. A mess.

Went "properly" when I was 19 and was a little nervous; knew I was amongst my people when an ABBA remix started blaring.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I scrolled past this as the violins from "The Great Elsewhere" played, kinda cool.

Fuck damn, that youtube quality garbage.


Never been to a gay bar. Friend's fiancee keeps trying to force me to go. Last thing I need is to be in an awkward club where I can't dance and am forced to listen to terrible music.

Or maybe that's the first thing I need. Forever alone.

I have no idea what this means but I love you for it anyway.
... Where? I mean, besides the 30-something year old who lives across the street. He's the only one I know. Otherwise they are mythical creatures in a sea of depressingly gone to seed middle-agedness around here. :x

Sagi >>>>>>>> (ad infinitum) Kalas

Shouldn't insult yourself like that, really.

Hah, i live in a suburban neighborhood and close to an elementary school so the families are all pretty young. I saw the guy I mentioned earlier earlier in the week as his son threw a ball into the street and I had to brake to avoid hitting it. He waved and smiled. Then the other day he was out mowing his lawn in plaid shorts and sunglasses.One of these days Im going to have a wreck oogling hot bodies.


Never been to a gay bar. Friend's fiancee keeps trying to force me to go. Last thing I need is to be in an awkward club where I can't dance and am forced to listen to terrible music.

Or maybe that's the first thing I need. Forever alone.

I have no idea what this means but I love you for it anyway.

How do you know you won't like it if you've never been? Like straight bars there are different kinds of gay bars. Some are more like what you describe, but some are chill and divey.
I find it fascinating that people seem to be somehow afraid of going to gay bars, as if they can categorically say it's not for them, they're not that kind of people. Most of them are just like regular bars, except it's a sausage fest.


How do you know you won't like it if you've never been? Like straight bars there are different kinds of gay bars. Some are more like what you describe, but some are chill and divey.
I find it fascinating that people seem to be somehow afraid of going to gay bars, as if they can categorically say it's not for them, they're not that kind of people. Most of them are just like regular bars, except it's a sausage fest.

Well, I don't like straight clubs to start.

And you're right I don't know if I'd hate it or not. Just, the thought still leaves me a little anxious. I don't know how to really describe it but I'd feel a ton more comfortable going with a (hypothetical) gay friend than a straight one. I appreciate their offer and attempt to be supportive but I'm so used to being one way that this sort of thing just makes me feel awkward.

I still wouldn't like the music, though. And while I'm sure there are gay clubs that would have a selection I would enjoy, they're not anywhere near the small town I live in currently.


Gay, straight, trisexual, asexual, I avoid places with/that:

- LOUD music I don't enjoy
- Cigarette smoke
- Revolve around dancing
- Revolve around getting wasted
- Cigarette smoke
- Cigarette smoke

So I'm fine with going to a bar with my friends (never been to a gay one, though), but clubs... clubs are out of the question. There are times when I just can't avoid being dragged to a club with some friends, it's always a not-very-pleasant experience. Different strokes and all. I'm BOARING like that.
Gay, straight, trisexual, asexual, I avoid places with/that:

- LOUD music I don't enjoy
- Cigarette smoke
- Revolve around dancing
- Revolve around getting wasted
- Cigarette smoke
- Cigarette smoke

So I'm fine with going to a bar with my friends (never been to a gay one, though), but clubs... clubs are out of the question. There are times when I just can't avoid being dragged to a club with some friends, it's always a not-very-pleasant experience. Different strokes and all. I'm BOARING like that.

A lot of places have separate sections for all of the above. Except smoking, you can't do that indoors in public places here.

I don't care about the quality of the music if I'm in good company!
How was your first Bar experience? was it good? bad? laughable? let's share! :D

My first experience with bars was, IIRC, in college during bar crawl. The straight bars were lackluster. Mostly people talking and drinking.

The one gay bar in area was great. My friend and I just danced.


My first gay bar... It was awful, all those fantasies of the place that would finally set you free were shattered. People were really cold and unsupportive (or at least that was my impression), trying to navigate that world alone was disheartening.

I went later with a couple of really good straight friends, but I ended up shielding behind them, had more fun of course, but I felt even more alone. Went to the only "bear" bar I saw and it was much better, first time I danced with a man, but it was filled with very old people, and something didn't click.

Maybe it was the city, Bogota can be a daunting place sometimes, or maybe I wasn't ready. Thingd certainly improved when I moved to Rio! Ironically I went back and discovered probably the most amazing place I've ever been to, the club has like 10 different places it is impossible to not find something you'll like. Being with my brother and cousins helped of course, it was amazing.

Well, I don't like straight clubs to start.

And you're right I don't know if I'd hate it or not. Just, the thought still leaves me a little anxious. I don't know how to really describe it but I'd feel a ton more comfortable going with a (hypothetical) gay friend than a straight one. I appreciate their offer and attempt to be supportive but I'm so used to being one way that this sort of thing just makes me feel awkward.

I still wouldn't like the music, though. And while I'm sure there are gay clubs that would have a selection I would enjoy, they're not anywhere near the small town I live in currently.

I have to agree straight friends can be not ideal, my female cousin was pretty awesome company though, but this other friend I have has been odd, I'll see how I do this next weekend with her.

You should really go to one anyway, at least go to the gay district of your town, or is it that small?


Best part about Coachella (and festivals in general) is the all the half naked/might as well be naked dudes
and gals
running around the grounds. :D

Oh and the music isn't bad either, I guess.


Gay, straight, trisexual, asexual, I avoid places with/that:

- LOUD music I don't enjoy
- Cigarette smoke
- Revolve around dancing
- Revolve around getting wasted
- Cigarette smoke
- Cigarette smoke

I don't mind cigarette smoke (my mom is a smoker, so I'm used to it) and dancing (I enjoy it, but I'm probably looking like a paralytic from the outside :p), but god, LOUD music is what I hate about clubs. I've been in few (straight) clubs with friends and when the music starts playing you can as well forget that someone is sitting beside you because you can barely (if at all) hear her/him.


Best part about Coachella (and festivals in general) is the all the half naked/might as well be naked dudes
and gals
running around the grounds. :D

Oh and the music isn't bad either, I guess.

I expect LOADS of pictures when you come back. :p


Henderson is actually not one of my favorites or anything, I just think he's rather easy on the eyes (sometimes - he can look terrible, it's weird). I don't really have a favorite in this match.
Gotcha. Yeah I don't mind Bendo, but when he starts getting super preachy I kind of get annoyed lol.

My rooting for Gilbert BIG TIME is pretty bias since I've met him before at a fan expo. Shot the shit for a good 15 minutes, he was so nice. I've also been a huge fan of his for over 4 years. One of my all time favs. I've not met Bendo but I have seen him fight live before at UFC 129.

Also seen live fights of Nate Diaz (seen fight live twice). My fav fighter. I think hes hot even though he looks like a monkey.

This was all in Canada, and funny enough, despite them all fighting canadians during the times they fought here... i still rooted for the other side. I rooted for Diaz (against Mcdonald), Shields (against GSP), and Bendo (against Bocek) over the canadians they fought; good lord the boos really drowned out my cheers lol. I still clap and cheer for everyone as I think booing is disrespectful, especially when its just booing because someone is of different nationality. Stupid.

I didn't even root for Rory Mcdonald either, and he is from my hometown (ive seen him fight amateur several years before his ufc debut).


Gotcha. Yeah I don't mind Bendo, but when he starts getting super preachy I kind of get annoyed lol.
Yeah, that's the worst part, actually :/ Bleh.

I myself am a quite big Erick Silva fanboy. He's entertaining to watch, down to earth from what I can see, and he's stupid hot, haha. And I agree about the booing thing, it's just... why? I don't get it. Especially if it's only because the person you're booing wasn't born within a specific geographic perimeter.


I've always found martial arts really interesting. Street Fighter II pretty much got me into gaming, so stuff like UFC with diverse fighters from all over the world competing with different fighting styles is quite appealing to me.
So I went out for a leisurely walk yesterday (also had to get some things from the store) and think I over did it cause I went out again today and my right hip near the joint is aching.
Yeah, that's the worst part, actually :/ Bleh.

I myself am a quite big Erick Silva fanboy. He's entertaining to watch, down to earth from what I can see, and he's stupid hot, haha. And I agree about the booing thing, it's just... why? I don't get it. Especially if it's only because the person you're booing wasn't born within a specific geographic perimeter.

Yep I recall you are an Erick Silva fanboy lol. Yes hes very sexy.

Oh totally, why would you boo someone... especially when a fighter puts on entertaining fights? Who cares where they are from? If they put on amazing fights and give it their all they deserve some applause. Booing is the prime reason I absolutely believe Brazil has the worst fans on the planet, PERIOD.

I'll never understand the appeal of UFC.

Ok I do, but I just can't enjoy it in any form.

I first got hauled off to watch MMA fights at bars with my friends in 2005. At first I hated it, thought that only the most barbaric individuals must be competing and didn't understand the appeal of two people fighting.

Then I started to really watch it and came away shocked at just how different it really was. The level of sportsmanship in MMA IMO, eclipses absolutely every other major sport on the planet. Two guys (or gals) beat the crap out of each other for 15 minutes, then at the end they smile, hug, shake hands, and even sometimes kiss! Most end up being good friends. Top that off with the amount of respect these fighters give their fanbase on a daily basis... its totally unlike other sports players that don't give two shits about the fans who pay their wages. Money corrupted them. You don't see much sportsmanship at all in other sports, you just see hate between players (hockey anyone?).

Top it off with the fact that some of these fighters do it for the love of the game, and respect the hell out of the art form, NOT FOR MONEY. How many sports player's these days in the NHL/MLB/NBA bitch because they aren't paid more than 20 million? Tons. Many of these athletes in MMA make peanuts in comparison. For some, MMA is a second job.

And the rules in place make it a far far safer sport than even Football, or Boxing. People think MMA is no holds bar but really it is quite managed and ONE KO and you are done. You don't get ten seconds to stand back up and get KO'ed another six times that night.

The fighting itself, eventually started to really appeal to me.. which ill get into on next quote.

I've always found martial arts really interesting. Street Fighter II pretty much got me into gaming, so stuff like UFC with diverse fighters from all over the world competing with different fighting styles is quite appealing to me.

Yep, its that "styles make fights" aspect. Its literally Chess in a cage to me lol. Sometimes you see things that make you scratch your head. Mostly Anderson Silva doing matrix-style dodging of punches lol.

And to me its the purest sport of all. You just use your body. No ball, no equipment. It's just you and the other guy :) I don't really even think of it as violence.


Wavves! Hellz yeah. *high fives Bel Marduk*

Demon to Lean on - Wavves
Well, I liked that song even though I'm more a hard rock and alternative guy.

Also, I find some UFC fighters to be hot, those clothes they use and the way they grab each other turns me on. Though I don't really follow any sports lately, I lost interest in them and I don't know why that happened. I used to love soccer but since something happened with a soccer player I met, that experience left me a bad taste for sports and completely forgot about them.

I was suspecting that a girl was into me, I knew by the way she contacted me and talked to me randomly very frequently, though I haven't seen her in a long time (I used to be very obese). I saw her once and she was like giving me hints that she liked me lol. Then she saw me today (I didn't because I just took the public transportation and left quickly) and she told me by message that she saw me and that she was talking to a friend that I see almost everyday at school. Then she said that she eat me with her eyes :)O) and that I was super thinner (I'm not really, but it's noticeable that I've been losing some weight) and that I was handsome. That was like a confirmation already. I talked with the friend that she was talking to before at school and confirmed that that girl was in live with me. Even though I practically knew, it was shocking.
So guys, if one day she says she's attracted to me, how can I friend zone her without her knowing that I'm gay? I don't want to give hope to her, since obviously I'll never date her.

P.S: Sorry for the long post, I know is not funny to read through this


I've had this happen a fewtimes in high school. And when prom was around the corner they would kindly drop hints that they need a date. I would just shut up. I was completely apprehensive to say anything to these girls about 1. taking them to prom 2. admitting I might not be straight. One girls mom even called me asking me if I had issues I could talk to a priest about. <_<

I know its not exactly what you're talking about but how about that you see her as a good friend that you want to get back in touch with.


I've had this happen a fewtimes in high school. And when prom was around the corner they would kindly drop hints that they need a date. I would just shut up. I was completely apprehensive to say anything to these girls about 1. taking them to prom 2. admitting I might not be straight. One girls mom even called me asking me if I had issues I could talk to a priest about. <_<

I know its not exactly what you're talking about but how about that you see her as a good friend that you want to get back in touch with

This. She is a good friend, and I'd like to see her again more frequently but that maybe would kill her because she would get more obsessed with me.


I'll never understand the appeal of UFC.

Ok I do, but I just can't enjoy it in any form.

My friend is a huge fan of MMA so I watched a lot of fights with him. What I like about the sport is how dynamic fights are and that you can always expect unexpected due to mixed artstyles. Two guys, each with different fighting skills and fighting history, different style so no fight is really similar to another.


It's a lot better than it used to be. I just can't seem to break 125 no matter how much I eat.

I know. 110ish here, but I don't really eat that much. Can go to work hungry and work eight hours without eating. It's sort of worst at the start, but then I get over it and can keep on going hungry. If I get into a habit of eating it gets much better like in high school (sort of, 16-18) I would always get hungry 10-30 minutes before every break because I got used to eating at that time. Went through 4 slices of bread and came home hungry. Now that I'm living for myself and have a very varied schedule (Uni starts at 08 on Tuesday and 14 the other days) I go around spending half my day wondering what to eat and end up with making some oatmeal like always. My weight hasn't gone down though. I don't weight myself very often at all, but it seems like it's sort of been stable through everything.

Health wise there isn't any real issue to being skinny. It's probably not that comfortable (mind you I'm not starving myself :p), but starving animals have shown to increase their lifespan. The essential nutrients were still given, but the calorie intake was 30% lower. Starving generations have also given way to a strange decrease in heart diseases in Sweden. Here's the radiolab about the last one. Very strange effect.

Edit: Bedtime.
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