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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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is the guy you just broke up with?
No :(

It's a long, long story (that I posted here quite a while ago). To make it short I fell in love (?) with him, so I broke up with my previous BF (not the more recent one) of 5 years. He is in a relationship though he admitted liking me more than he should back then (almost a year ago).


No :(

It's a long, long story (that I posted here quite a while ago). To make it short I fell in love (?) with him, so I broke up with my previous BF (not the more recent one) of 5 years. He is in a relationship though he admitted liking me more than he should back then (almost a year ago).

do you guys still keep in touch? is he still in a relationship?

anyhow if you are still in love with this person you definitely did they right thing braking up with the other guy a couple of days ago
do you guys still keep in touch? is he still in a relationship?

anyhow if you are still in love with this person you definitely did they right thing braking up with the other guy a couple of days ago
We used to but I kind of cut him out of my life after he did a couple of racy comments around september (because it upset me, that he would do that knowing he has a boyfriend and that I have feelings for him).

I later wrote him on his birthday in december, just telling him there were no bad feelings. He contacted me early this year, I think in January, asking me about how I was, etc. I commented I was dating someone and he vanished almost instantly (he gave me an excuse, but it was kind of weird).

As far as I know, he's still together with his BF. I warned the guy I was dating that I wasn't really over him.


Everyone may have an agenda, but "gay agenda" is an explicitly coded term loudly advanced by people who would have everyone believe that there's an element of counterculture at work with the aim of compelling children to turn gay and usurp morality. Real, non-straw gay agenda? Love and acceptance for gay people and equal protections under the law. Period. Are you really surprised that gay people don't wish to lend legitimacy to the talking points of bigots by using their dog whistle terminology? Really now.

Marry me!

To add specificity to the post, from wikipedia:

Of particular note is that assertion that the 'agenda' is some hidden, secret and ultimately destructive goal of LGBT individuals for undermining society. Yes, everyone as an 'agenda' but it is never used in the same context as this phrase. Thus, when people say specifically "I don't agree with the gay agenda" what they're are referring to is this coded message that was fabricated by opponents as a scare tactic against equality.

Specifically, if you press people on what the hell "gay agenda" means, I would be extraordinarily surprised if a few of them let alone the majority say "equal rights and acceptance for sexual minorities."

Back off, she's mine!


We used to but I kind of cut him out of my life after he did a couple of racy comments around september (because it upset me, that he would do that knowing he has a boyfriend and that I have feelings for him).

I later wrote him on his birthday in december, just telling him there were no bad feelings. He contacted me early this year, I think in January, asking me about how I was, etc. I commented I was dating someone and he vanished almost instantly (he gave me an excuse, but it was kind of weird).

As far as I know, he's still together with his BF. I warned the guy I was dating that I wasn't really over him.

try to find out if he's still dating the other guy.
the fact that once i found out you were dating he disappeared makes me think that he might be available now.

Just don't specifically ask about that, it would be rude
Do you think doing this could change people's perspective? I mean assuming the people you told liked or respected you before you told them.

Do you think they gain respect for all gay people and think something like "hey MyAbsolution is a great guy, maybe being gay isn't so bad" or do they just change their opinion of you to fit their worldview "MyAbsolution is gay? I never did like him much"

Have you ever had experience with either happening?

Unlike what some younger folks in this thread may think (yes I mean Instigator) I did not mean turn it into a war by dropping the "im gay" bomb.

Just say "umm i happen to be Gay" in a casual way. That isn't starting a battle, at all. Its actually talking through an issue rather than letting idiotic comments slide. If you slapped the person and fought them, yeah thats different.

YES I HAVE DONE THIS when someone was not saying very nice things about gay people. So no, I am not "all talk" (not your words)

Know what they did? They apologized immediately, we had a casual and warm discussion about what they had said, and they even offered me a full time job (a few weeks later), to which I accepted. So yes, they obviously felt sorry, and gained respect for me for standing up for myself. We became good friends.

There was no battle, no one raised their voices, and minds were changed afterwards. What would have happened had I NOT said anything? I would have been a total bitch, not offered a job, and this person would continue thinking the same stupid stereotypes for the rest of time.

I stand by all of this and I think it's far more rational, cool-headed and useful considering what we know than the bombastic advice advocated by militant GAF (yourself included), disguised as hyperboles or not.

Umm, you twisted it that way. My advice was completely cool-headed and ADULT (see what i did there!). We talk things out homie.


Gay agenda.
Umm, you twisted it that way. My advice was completely cool-headed and ADULT (see what i did there!). We talk things out homie.


Gay agenda.

Uh was I talking to you?

And nah, your advice was just a knee-jerk reaction. You didn't seem to take into consideration whatever reservations the OP had. You brought it up (again), I'm giving you my thoughts.
No, you didn't address me personally, but you did paint us all with a giant mrs doubtfire confrontational crazy brush.

I did take his reservations into account. My advice was and still is drop the gay bomb; the person was his friend and seemed civil in general right? 99% of the people ive encountered have no fucking issues with gay people and they are just talking outta their ass to kill time, same goes with workers who love to gossip about what other people do that annoys them. In the workplace, out of a hundred people I told I was gay, not one ever had an issue. Even the religious ones.

That really big bomb saying "umm i happen to be gay" isn't all that big of a deal in the real grown up world (which you are a part of?). In MY amazingly young person career-less experiences it has always been civil using this approach. And i actually feel good doing so. I don't end up feeling like a spineless bitch.

You didn't ask anyone if they had actually done this in real life (someone else did). You just assumed we were all young, jobless, and are all talk on gaf. Thats very cool-headed and logical of you.

I understand we all have advice to give. But did you see me try to justify that everyone elses was shit?

Dead Man

Uh was I talking to you?

And nah, your advice was just a knee-jerk reaction. You didn't seem to take into consideration whatever reservations the OP had. You brought it up (again), I'm giving you my thoughts.

While your dismissal of everyone as being juvenile was well thought out and diplomatic? Yeah :/
No, you didn't address me personally, but you did paint us all with a giant mrs doubtfire confrontational crazy brush.

I did take his reservations into account. My advice was and still is drop the gay bomb; the person was his friend and seemed civil in general right? 99% of the people ive encountered have no fucking issues with gay people and they are just talking outta their ass to kill time, same goes with workers who love to gossip about what other people do that annoys them. In the workplace, out of a hundred people I told I was gay, not one ever had an issue. Even the religious ones.

That really big bomb saying "umm i happen to be gay" isn't all that big of a deal in the real grown up world (which you are a part of?). In MY amazingly young person career-less experiences it has always been civil using this approach. And i actually feel good doing so. I don't end up feeling like a spineless bitch.

You didn't ask anyone if they had actually done this in real life (someone else did). You just assumed we were all young, jobless, and are all talk on gaf. Thats very cool-headed and logical of you.

I understand we all have advice to give. But did you see me try to justify that everyone elses was shit?

But how much of a friend was he really if he was not privy to that sensitive info while other coworkers are/were? We don't know, but my guess not as much as the other people. And we don't know why he keeps that information classified with some people at all. He could be a very private person (so the other coworkers just found out somehow) so casually divulging it was never an option. I can totally relate to someone keeping work and private life separate, gay or straight.
Yep, food is one of the best things about this country. Everything tastes so good. And desserts are also very good.

What? So Mexicans dominate this thread? The list:
Dany M
The guy with the robin avatar (can't remember his username)

Am I missing someone else?

Someday, we will dominate the world (and gay-GAF is our first step)
Hey I'm Mexican :3


What? So Mexicans dominate this thread? The list:
Dany M
The guy with the robin avatar (can't remember his username)

Am I missing someone else?

Someday, we will dominate the world (and gay-GAF is our first step)
I'm mexican too, don't live down there anymore though, and damn, I didn't know there were that many gay mexicans, at least I didn't see them when I lived down there.

Also, I like glee :(, it's my guilty pleasure, I like it cuz of the singing and the fact it's so "gay" ("stereotypical" gay characters don't bother me in the slightest) also Darren Criss is adorable~


So today my boss and some of our co-workers were in a meeting room waiting for some people to arrive. They were pretty late so we ended up talking about random stuff like movies and tv shows. Somehow the show Glee came up. My boss mentions that he's not a fan of what the show teaches. I ask him to elaborate. He says that the makers of the show are pushing a homosexual agenda in too much of an in-your-face and obnoxious manner. At that point, I pretty much responded with "Ahh yeah I know some people don't like that," and the conversation continued on to something else. He is five years older than I am, and he used to be my co-worker before he was promoted to be my boss. He does not know I'm gay, but three of my co-workers do, and they were quiet during the whole Glee conversation.

I was mentioning this to another gay gaffer, and he considered what my boss said offensive because of the use of "homosexual agenda." I didn't really feel offended though, and it didn't really affect my opinion of him. I still respect and admire him a lot. Primarily, because he's a smart programmer, and he's just a cool kid to talk to. What do you guys think? Should I have said something? Do you consider what he said offensive (maybe considering his role as a manager)?

These kind of situations are tough. It happens to me all the time. It is probably better for him and society if you mentioned that you were gay and it is wrong to assume there is a "gay agenda." However, with that said, for me personally. I hate attention, so the last thing I'd do is start an argument over it. If I was close friends with them, I would try to casually bring it up, because I care about them and its worth the risk (its what good friends do, as the saying goes). But if they were almost complete strangers I'd typically avoid bringing it up, especially if I feel it might lead to emotional and/or physical pain (if there were a lot of other homophobic people among the group for example).
try to find out if he's still dating the other guy.
the fact that once i found out you were dating he disappeared makes me think that he might be available now.

Just don't specifically ask about that, it would be rude
I'm 95% positive they're still together... I've seen some "recent" pictures of them
while cyber-stalking him
. Unless it's just that they still do plenty of stuff together. Maybe they were in a rough spot when he contacted me.



Had no idea. I just recognized him from some of the pics he had posted here a while back. Btw, does he still post here? I haven't seen him for a long time.


the piano man
Side note is everyone a bottom? I swear since I grew my beard out they've been coming to me out of the wood work. Its really nice.

from my very anecdotal experience, guys will fall more often for a nice beard than for a body, be it trained and muscled or not.

you are learning this now :p



Beards, helluva drug.


the piano man
ruffles, Broken Ska Record, dragonlife, Jezan, Garcia, hateradio, _Isaac, SaintZ, joseranulfo, inthezone, Nlroh...

So many fakexicans gay gaffers up in this thread!

do you have a list of real mexicans? :p and wasn't inthezone from Monterrey? and SaintZ is from Matamoros if memory serves me well.

What? _Isaac is totally a realxican.

aha, gay, mexican and into weightlifting, I've seen that somewhere else ;)

I was planning on shaving it, but it feels real nice and cozy.

haha, don't do it. keep it and plow every nice ass available in houston, lol.
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