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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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I don't know...On one hand, my purely emotional reaction to this is "fuck yes!"

But then I wonder if punishing Mozilla and Brendan Eich for something he did years ago is the right thing to do. After all, Mozilla as a company is not anti-gay, and I doubt he would have made it anti-gay. And his donation to Prop 8 was done in private and without the use of Mozilla money or their support. And I tend to not be for the public lambasting of people for what they choose to do and believe in their private lives. It feels a little hypocritical.

I mean, as unfortunate as it is, a LOT of Californians supported Prop 8. Should all of them be hunted down and lynched for it?

Also: I hope Mozilla is around for a long, long time. I recently switch back since Google started fucking with the simplicity and speed of Chrome. and Firefox's new beta is fantastic. The first time in years that I can honestly say it's better than Chrome in pretty much every way.
IMO you're overthinking it. Capitalism, free market, there's kind of no place for "fairness" here. Clearly it wasn't a sound business decision for Mozilla to have a CEO that holds these opinions, you can't force people to support something. I personally boycott products because of animal cruelty, can you tell me how is this any different? It's my right to NOT buy stuff, and my reason could be as simple as... uh, thinking the CEO is ugly, or as deep as having strong philosophical differences with him, or something :p

People decide to not buy stuff based on colors, brand names, shapes, etc. - This is not any different, and if anything there's an actual reason behind it. I'm perfectly okay with this.


The moral of the story is that anything you do can be used against you in the future.

Also don't do things that might piss off future customers.


I use firefox and opera. I try to abstain from supporting the software conglomerates when I can.


IMO you're overthinking it. Capitalism, free market, there's kind of no place for "fairness" here. Clearly it wasn't a sound business decision for Mozilla to have a CEO that holds these opinions, you can't force people to support something. I personally boycott products because of animal cruelty, can you tell me how is this any different? It's my right to NOT buy stuff, and my reason could be as simple as... uh, thinking the CEO is ugly, or as deep as having strong philosophical differences with him, or something :p

People decide to not buy stuff based on colors, brand names, shapes, etc. - This is not any different, and if anything there's an actual reason behind it. I'm perfectly okay with this.

But think of all of the times conservatives threatened to boycott a company because they supported LGBT rights or employed people who supported LGBT rights. That wasn't Ok, and the main argument used in their defense was "their personal beliefs have no bearing on their ability perform for the company."

I dunno, maybe I am over-thinking it.


But think of all of the times conservatives threatened to boycott a company because they supported LGBT rights or employed people who supported LGBT rights. That wasn't Ok, and the main argument used in their defense was "their personal beliefs have no bearing on their ability perform for the company."

I dunno, maybe I am over-thinking it.
But they're free to do that. Hey, it sucks, but they are. Not supporting a product/service/company is not wrong under any circumstance, and gladly this is happening to people/companies that have hateful views.


Today I learned that people who boycott (who mind you were only a portion of the reason this result came about) have to justify themselves to random people's scrutiny.

People have every right to take their business elsewhere for whatever reason they please, and strawmen and terrible analogies can't change how capitalism works. It's telling that posters in that thread have to put ALL of the blame on those darn meddling activists and not on the man who refused to take responsibility for his actions; nor the company who thought they could just slip him by as if their own employees and community would be fine with a homophobe suddenly heading their entire business.

But I suppose it's nice to see how many posters simply "tolerate" the LGBT community here, and still give legitimacy to the idea that we don't deserve rights as a valid viewpoint. Us mean old gays are gonna ruin the world with our pushing for a cause, ya know.


Today I learned that people who boycott (who mind you were only a portion of the reason this result came about) have to justify themselves to random people's scrutiny.

People have every right to take their business elsewhere for whatever reason they please, and strawmen and terrible analogies can't change how capitalism works. It's telling that posters in that thread have to put ALL of the blame on those darn meddling activists and not on the man who refused to take responsibility for his actions; nor the company who thought they could just slip him by as if their own employees and community would be fine with a homophobe suddenly heading their entire business.

But I suppose it's nice to see how many posters simply "tolerate" the LGBT community here, and still give legitimacy to the idea that we don't deserve rights as a valid viewpoint. Us mean old gays are gonna ruin the world with our pushing for a cause, ya know.

Wow. Is there a thread about this and do I want to read it? Fuckers.

No honey, sorry. Although I like smooth and hairy, but trimmed is better than a hairy guy shaving.

So I finally made an appointment to get dat lump checked out. Ultrasound day after tomorrow. I feel sick. Anyone had a testicular ultrasound? Was it shitty? What should I expek :(

Oh no, I hope everything is ok. I've had the Ultrasound done before I was diagnosed and it was an okay experience. The thing is, the person doing the Ultrasound isn't going to be able to tell you anything about it. You'll have to take the disc to a Urologist and have them examine it. So it's just more waiting to find out what the lump or mass is.

It was slightly awkward. You cover your penis with a towel and they apply stuff to your testicles. It's a rather long process of about 30 mins. I had a girl doing the Ultrasound, although I would have preferred a guy. I just feel more comfortable with male doctors, which is why I made sure my Urologist was male.

Anyway, good luck and let me know what happens if you can through PM. I don't check the thread often.
You know I was talking about chest hair not pubes (those can and must stay) right Kitchen?

Yeah, I know. Chest hair can be extremely sexy, especially if a guy has a dusting of it. But when a hairy chested guy shaves, it just looks odd to me especially when they're usually hairy elsewhere. I trim my chest hair usually, just to keep it neat.


I like when a guy is shaved personally. Lets me get to all the skin and all. Course I've dated someone who..was very hairy. So I'm not super agaisnt it.


Yeah, I'm attracted to skin, and not the stuff that covers it. Being hairy is like having a layer of clothes you can't take off. It's unsightly and uncomfortable to me. Not grooming yourself at all is more a sign of bad hygiene than anything else.

That post cemented that I'm never going to have the opportunity to post .gifs accurate enough to a situation. "How on EARTH did he have a dead-on .gif for that?"


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Ty4on said:
Anything can happen in 10 years. Netscape went from being the biggest browser to completely dying in 10 years (97-07). The last versions looked like Firefox with a skin.

Because it kinda was.

Netscape split off Mozilla Suite to be "Open-Source." Firefox split off from Mozilla Suite to be a leaner version of Mozilla. Firefox took off due to said leanness "get whatever you need from extensions."

That's all she wrote.
How the hell are you supposed to start conversations with people making eyes at you in public? I was in a coffee shop today with some coworkers and the guy ahead of me in line kept making eye contact with me and smiling. I froze, and basically did nothing. Anything other than this would have been acceptable.
How the hell are you supposed to start conversations with people making eyes at you in public? I was in a coffee shop today with some coworkers and the guy ahead of me in line kept making eye contact with me and smiling. I froze, and basically did nothing. Anything other than this would have been acceptable.

I think you usually start by smiling back :p


How the hell are you supposed to start conversations with people making eyes at you in public? I was in a coffee shop today with some coworkers and the guy ahead of me in line kept making eye contact with me and smiling. I froze, and basically did nothing. Anything other than this would have been acceptable.
Lol, I know this feel. I just convince myself I'm seeing things :x
I think you usually start by smiling back :p
I sorta did, I guess? I made eye contact and smiled while turning my head. But I didn't lock eyes and make the connection known. It's weird, I'm not used to it so I get immediately self-conscious whenever it happens.

I mentioned my dilemma afterward to the coworker and she said she noticed it too, though she had nothing for me. I feel like I would be a much more socially adept person if I always had a drink in me. That's what I want my default social setting to be.

EDIT: Omg your replies since I started writing this. I had almond milk in my coffee, so there's a nut joke to be made there somewhere.
Damn. Hoping you would shoot it out your nose in laughter.

Yay! My 5,000th post. And it only took 6 years. Lol first two years don't count since I signed up but then forgot about it for two years.
But what if asks about cream in his coffee?


I sorta did, I guess? I made eye contact and smiled while turning my head. But I didn't lock eyes and make the connection known. It's weird, I'm not used to it so I get immediately self-conscious whenever it happens.

I mentioned my dilemma afterward to the coworker and she said she noticed it too, though she had nothing for me. I feel like I would be a much more socially adept person if I always had a drink in me. That's what I want my default social setting to be.

EDIT: Omg your replies since I started writing this. I had almond milk in my coffee, so there's a nut joke to be made there somewhere.

Yeah, I'm kind of the same way. What kind of works with me is I find in situations where I'm stressed my breathing changes and I sort of go into fight or flight mode, if I observe and regulate my breathing I can get past the sort of 'panic' reaction and adjust a bit to retain my faculties. It's weird how central something like breathing can be in regulating your state of arousal or panic or whatever, at least for me. Then it becomes a bit more natural and less of a big deal because you've done it before, but ymmv. I think when you're gay too you maybe internalize more anxieties and stuff for obvious reasons, and often this is directly supported by things like breathing patterns and stuff.

Yay! My 5,000th post. And it only took 6 years. Lol first two years don't count since I signed up but then forgot about it for two years.

Cool, I'm almost there too, both the number and time frame.


Going to my old college town this weekend with my GBF and we're staying with this other gay guy and going to the homo bar. It's gonna be such a gay weekend.
Yay! My 5,000th post. And it only took 6 years. Lol first two years don't count since I signed up but then forgot about it for two years.
Congrats! I'm 4 years in and only just broke 1100 :-\ Though I go through long periods of not posting anything at all.

Yeah, I'm kind of the same way. What kind of works with me is I find in situations where I'm stressed my breathing changes and I sort of go into fight or flight mode, if I observe and regulate my breathing I can get past the sort of 'panic' reaction and adjust a bit to retain my faculties. It's weird how central something like breathing can be in regulating your state of arousal or panic or whatever, at least for me. Then it becomes a bit more natural and less of a big deal because you've done it before, but ymmv. I think when you're gay too you maybe internalize more anxieties and stuff for obvious reasons, and often this is directly supported by things like breathing patterns and stuff.
Yeah it's crazy. I find myself going into this crazy mental shell, then do what Rm88 said, convince myself it didn't actually happen.


Yeah, I'm attracted to skin, and not the stuff that covers it. Being hairy is like having a layer of clothes you can't take off. It's unsightly and uncomfortable to me. Not grooming yourself at all is more a sign of bad hygiene than anything else.

I feel kind of insulted by this.
Yeah it's crazy. I find myself going into this crazy mental shell, then do what Rm88 said, convince myself it didn't actually happen.

A lot of people subtly hyperventilate in stressful situations, things like breath holding and stuff is pretty normal in stressful or more intense task-driven situations but it easily becomes over habituated and the threshold for that behavior becomes too low. This can result in something called behavioral hypocapnia where the body lacks CO2 so the blood becomes too alkaline upsetting the ideal pH balance, and it becomes harder to deliver oxygen to cells because hemoglobin more readily holds on to it (so over-breathing paradoxically causes a kind of oxygen starvation), which can result in an essentially different personality to take over, at least that's what it feels like for me. For example I become more stilted, get a sense of derealization and become emotionally blunted. It's funny because the 'common-sense' advice of taking a deep breath usually isn't helpful either, since the two factors are depth and rate. If you have a fast breathing rate, then deep breathing is bad because you're getting too much oxygen, but most of us feel the need to take a deep breath to calm ourselves down, which actually worsens our condition :p Not that this is a solution to everything, but I find it easier to work with somatic processes than mental processes with my own anxieties personally. You get enough headroom to still steer your course and make decisions instead of just being subject to this flood of anxiety.
A lot of people subtly hyperventilate in stressful situations, things like breath holding and stuff is pretty normal in stressful or more intense task-driven situations but it easily becomes over habituated and the threshold for that behavior becomes too low. This can result in something called behavioral hypocapnia where the body lacks CO2 so the blood becomes too alkaline upsetting the ideal pH balance, and it becomes harder to deliver oxygen to cells because hemoglobin more readily holds on to it (so over-breathing paradoxically causes a kind of oxygen starvation), which can result in an essentially different personality to take over, at least that's what it feels like for me. For example I become more stilted, get a sense of derealization and become emotionally blunted. It's funny because the 'common-sense' advice of taking a deep breath usually isn't helpful either, since the two factors are depth and rate. If you have a fast breathing rate, then deep breathing is bad because you're getting too much oxygen, but most of us feel the need to take a deep breath to calm ourselves down, which actually worsens our condition :p Not that this is a solution to everything, but I find it easier to work with somatic processes than mental processes with my own anxieties personally. You get enough headroom to still steer your course and make decisions instead of just being subject to this flood of anxiety.
I have to pay more attention to what my body is doing whenever I enter a situation like that. That was an incredibly detailed explanation, and I had to access my long lost physiology knowledge bank to process it. Thanks ;-)
I have to pay more attention to what my body is doing whenever I enter a situation like that. That was an incredibly detailed account, and I had to access my long lost physiology knowledge bank to process it. Thanks ;-)

I'm like always the-rapizing myself, this is just something I've been reading about more lately to evaluate against my own experiences, so my pushiness is zeal from that first blush of enthusiasm for a concept that makes some intuitive sense to me :p
I'm like always the-rapizing myself, this is just something I've been reading about more lately to evaluate against my own experiences, so my pushiness is zeal from that first blush of enthusiasm for a concept that makes some intuitive sense to me :p
Haha no, it's great! I like when people enthusiastically explain things that they're passionate about. It's a great way to learn new things from anybody you talk to.

Most recently, a male coworker of mine
went on an adorable rant about the Walking Dead's makeup artist Gregory Nicotero and how he worked on a bunch of his favorite 80s horror films.


Yeah, I'm attracted to skin, and not the stuff that covers it. Being hairy is like having a layer of clothes you can't take off. It's unsightly and uncomfortable to me. Not grooming yourself at all is more a sign of bad hygiene than anything else.

The flying fuck? Bad hygiene? Wow.
Haha no, it's great! I like when people enthusiastically explain things that they're passionate about. It's a great way to learn new things from anybody you talk to.

Most recently, a male coworker of mine
went on an adorable rant about the Walking Dead's makeup artist Gregory Nicotero and how he worked on a bunch of his favorite 80s horror films.

That is kind of cool, I'm not really a horror movie buff or anything but it's interesting how prolific or influential people can be within a particular niche.


Yeah, I'm attracted to skin, and not the stuff that covers it. Being hairy is like having a layer of clothes you can't take off. It's unsightly and uncomfortable to me. Not grooming yourself at all is more a sign of bad hygiene than anything else.


pubic hair prevents diseases, infections and a slew of other things that can be contracted
I feel kind of insulted by this.
The flying fuck? Bad hygiene? Wow.
Yeesh. Yeah dude. Just... no.
That is kind of cool, I'm not really a horror movie buff or anything but it's interesting how prolific or influential people can be within a particular niche.
Yup. Anybody explaining really obscure shit about the things they like is always a blast to watch. Funny thing is, people almost always apologize for waxing poetic, and I think it's amazing.


And you are?

I'm not really sure either.

All I know is that my mother wanted to name me Cletus.

I wish I were joking about that.

A lot of people subtly hyperventilate in stressful situations, things like breath holding and stuff is pretty normal in stressful or more intense task-driven situations but it easily becomes over habituated and the threshold for that behavior becomes too low. This can result in something called behavioral hypocapnia where the body lacks CO2 so the blood becomes too alkaline upsetting the ideal pH balance, and it becomes harder to deliver oxygen to cells because hemoglobin more readily holds on to it (so over-breathing paradoxically causes a kind of oxygen starvation), which can result in an essentially different personality to take over, at least that's what it feels like for me. For example I become more stilted, get a sense of derealization and become emotionally blunted. It's funny because the 'common-sense' advice of taking a deep breath usually isn't helpful either, since the two factors are depth and rate. If you have a fast breathing rate, then deep breathing is bad because you're getting too much oxygen, but most of us feel the need to take a deep breath to calm ourselves down, which actually worsens our condition :p Not that this is a solution to everything, but I find it easier to work with somatic processes than mental processes with my own anxieties personally. You get enough headroom to still steer your course and make decisions instead of just being subject to this flood of anxiety.

What happens to people with perpetually stuffy noses who can only breathe out of one nostril?
Yup. Anybody explaining really obscure shit about the things they like is always a blast to watch. Funny thing is, people almost always apologize for waxing poetic, and I think it's amazing.

I think we all know that one guy that lacks social awareness and ends up talking to you for hours about some mundane subject because you're too polite to tell him to buzz off. One time a coworker talked to me for like an hour and a half about the Stargate Universe series because it was brought up once and I mentioned that I heard it wasn't as good as the other tv series (I've hardly seen a single minute of anything Stargate ever). By the end it was excruciating lol. Another time with the same coworker I mentioned how awful I found the Bayformers series of movies (having only seen the first) and how the later ones were apparently worse going by popular opinion, and he proceeded to tell me how good they were while summarizing the entire plot of each one in detail.

What happens to people with perpetually stuffy noses who can only breathe out of one nostril?

Idk. I think nasal congestion and more pronounced mucous production can be implicated as a symptom of breathing disorders, like hyperventilation, breath holding, or overly thoracic (like using the accessory muscles like the trapezius and scalene muscles instead of the diaphragm), etc, but I don't really know of much outside that context tbh. I assume you probably shift to mouth breathing on occasion out of necessity and that's implicated in hyperventilation, but that's kind of the extent of it.


You pass out whenever you see a cute boy.

I should have suffered permanent brain damage already then.

I tend to gravitate towards attractive men and make friends with them.

Not sure how I do it considering I look very average.

Idk. I think nasal congestion and more pronounced mucous production can be implicated as a symptom of breathing disorders, like hyperventilation, breath holding, or overly thoracic (like using the accessory muscles like the trapezius and scalene muscles instead of the diaphragm), etc, but I don't really know of much outside that context tbh.

Okay. I ask because ti is allergy season and I'm already getting kicked in the proverbial ass.
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