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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Right in the middle of a Zelda convo. Well, I must say I'm a big fan of the series. I've played practically every Zelda game and those I like the least have significantly less active gameplay (Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks and Wind Waker). In fact, Wind Waker was the biggest disappointment to me; I was expecting so much and got so little (even Aonuma admitted that the game was incomplete).

Favorite Zelda game would be Ocarina of Time, followed by A Link to the Past.


Because IME, I get bored with anything that's gone beyond 3-4 iterations. For example, I love Dead Space but even I'd say that the 3rd game wasn't needed after the first 2.

You've played one game.

Zelda games are so vastly different, you have the 2D entries, who have their own quirks, then Ocarina, then Majora's Mask (a completely different game), then the insanity of Wind Waker, then Twilight Princess, which would be the allegedly first "copy" of one of the predecessors (Ocarina) but who stills manages to surprise here and there, and then, you have Skyward Sword, where the control method alone is another completely new stuff. Not to mention the handheld games. Seriously I can't think of series as varied as this one. When people criticize it is precisely because how non traditional this or that entry is.


Hunky Nostradamus
Groose is one of the best developed Zelda characters


More importantly what's actually wrong with newer Zelda games is bad pacing.

One of the things ALTTP and OOT got right (I'd say The Wind Waker as well but that's contingent on how much you like/dislike the boating) is that there are medium-length (only occasionally exceeding 90 minutes) segments that are fairly straightforward before actually getting into the meat of the game, which are the dungeons. You've got a proper breather-buildup-climax cycle that gives the games a better feeling of variety.

The newer games tend to have 2-4 hour breaks between the dungeons where there's a constant stream of environmental puzzles and meandering, which completely screws with that and makes it feel like a giant slog.

Think of Brickwalled music production in video game form.

Let's be honest: there are a TON of things wrong with the newer Zelda games and one really can't distill them all into any one thing.

DS3 was a steaming pile of shit.

No it wasn't.

You know who'd be great in Zelda again? Midna!

Yes! <3 Midna


irresponsible vagina leak
I was talking about gay parades and I felt like bringing my piece of mind here.

What are your thoughts on the gay pride/parade event?

Why if we want to be seen as equals many people act the fool on the parades? I mean the bullshit of guys in thongs, making out and many other things that really should remain private. There are families supporting the LGBT there and having gays nearly nude in the middle of the day ain't a good way to show that we want equality. We want equality yet it seems we want to be treated like a unique snowflake with the way the community handles the parades. If you want to be nude or nearly nude do it at the comfort of your own house. Such an important event should be done with taste. Casual clothes (or a rainbow themed shirt/accessories if anything) with some banners and flags and call it a day. If we want equality we shouldn't be going with some inappropriate clothes for a parade where families with kids are watching and even supporting. Even making it easier for those who judge us to have a reason to hate us.


I don't like them. They just confirm the worst stereotypes to people. It's even worse because some people that are perfectly normal love them to act like whores blowing kisses to children etc. I'd like just a "human parade" or something :p


Let's be honest: there are a TON of things wrong with the newer Zelda games and one really can't distill them all into any one thing.

Maybe. The pacing is the only thing that really consistently bothers me with Zelda games.

Like, I would have wholeheartedly enjoyed Skyward Sword if they didn't put an insane amount of padding between the dungeons.

No game, I don't care about the mutant tree-penguins, random ass minecart sequences nor do I want to visit the same out-of-the-way location 4 times to complete the story.


irresponsible vagina leak
I don't like them. They just confirm the worst stereotypes to people. It's even worse because some people that are perfectly normal love them to act like whores blowing kisses to children etc. I'd like just a "human parade" or something :p



I think outlandish dress and campiness is fine. Overly sexually charged conduct should definitely be watched for though.

There's a need to maintain an image, but trying too hard to fit in isn't doing much more than asking for assimilation, which I find abhorrent because you're doing as little as possible to actually change the status quo and glossing over the differences that should actually be understood and appreciated in a pluralist society.
I think outlandish dress is fine. Conduct needs to be more carefully controlled, at least as far as being outright sexually charged.

There's a need to maintain an image, but trying too hard to fit in isn't doing much more than asking for assimilation, which I find abhorrent because you're doing as little as possible to actually change the status quo.

I agree. I mean it's a parade, not really my thing but they're kind of supposed to be silly and sensory. I'd draw the line at debauchery.


Most of the time there is condomn rain, men in speedos slapping each others buttocks and drag queens hugging unwilling espectators, come on, that's not going to change any status quo for good :/


Gold Member
Gay pride parades are about as diverse as the people they represent. Some are the equivalent of a mini Mardi Gras while others are family friendly marches. Have either of you actually been to one?

We still don't even have legal gay marriage across all 50 states in the US and much of the world still despises LGBT folks, so acting like gay pride parades are a problem because some people might draw negative conclusions based on the actions of a few unsavory members seems awfully bizarre to me.

Let me frame it in a different way: if eliminating negative stereotypes is that much of a concern, what have you done lately in public to combat this issue?


Homophobes will totally respect us more if we were just less, y'know, gay, guys. Never mind all those heteros flaunting their heteroness all the time.

Don't play this on their terms, man. Google respectability politics.


I think changing the way we act and appear in order to appease straight people is the last thing we should be doing. It pretty much borders on internalized homophobia.

Down with straight people 2k14

If you don't want to dress up or take part, fine, but let those of us who want to show pride in a variety of ways do it. I'll keep rocking my rainbow socks and fairy wings to my grave.


I see it as an expression of identity. Like, straight people can do whatever they want like kiss in public, but in most areas, Lord forbid if two guys kiss. Not to mention the centuries of persecution, hate, etc. I see no issue with it.

Besides, equality should be equal terms of treatment, not everyone acting the same.


That all seems really harmless to me.
I can imagine it being very uncomfortable for outside people and it kinda reinforces the "gays are effeminated men hungry for sex" stereotype that so far is a thorn in the toe of marriage equality ("they can't really /love/"). A gay pride parade imo should be colorful and happy, but with a message, one that doesn't get translated as "we'll corrupt your children and we totally wish we were fucking now". But that's my opinion of course, if people want to to it they can however they please.
It's not about acting straight, is that /we are not different/ aside of our preference for one gender over another. We're not aliens.


"Allies" who would abandon the cause because of a select group of people were not allies to begin with. I don't want those people's support.

Edit: I guess I'm kind of militant about it, but acceptance and tolerance for all queer people is pretty important to me.

Edit 2: and maybe if the pride parades you've gone to are only running floats full of naked dudes, maybe it's time to step up and start changing it? Here in Chicago we have a huge variety of floats from causes and businesses that come out and show their support for the community.
I can imagine it being very uncomfortable for outside people and it kinda reinforces the "gays are effeminated men hungry for sex" stereotype that so far is a thorn in the toe of marriage equality ("they can't really /love/"). A gay pride parade imo should be colorful and happy, but with a message, one that is not "we'll corrupt your children and we totally wish we were fucking now". But that's my opinion of course, if people want to to it they can however they please.

It must be really burdensome trying to account for the myriad factors why some people would have their minds made up on a whole demographic.


"Allies" who would abandon the cause because of a select group of people were not allies to begin with. I don't want those people's support.

Edit: I guess I'm kind of militant about it, but acceptance and tolerance for all queer people is pretty important to me.
I understand. But understand that for many people /that could be their only exposure to the community and the one they form their opinion from/. Most of my friends and acquitances are straight and you'll be surprised of how many things that are natural to us or normal they get completely wrong, or how "ignorant" or misinformed they could be ("Do you mean you gay dudes won't try to turn me gay?" ; "Do transexuals don't take delight in fooling straihjt people?" ; "So you guys want to marry because you love each other and not because you want the benefits?"; "So gay bars aren't a bunch of guys cloth-fucking each other all night with strangers?" ; "You believe in god? I thought if you were gay you despised religion"; "wait, you actually really /love/ each other?,I thought you only wanted to fuck" - Actual quotes-)
Edit 2: and maybe if the pride parades you've gone to are only running floats full of naked dudes, maybe it's time to step up and start changing it? Here in Chicago we have a huge variety of floats from causes and businesses that come out and show their support for the community.
Yep this too! Could just be my bad luck.


I also don't like them and I understand my view is not popular here. Our priority should be to educate people, yet a parade (not only gay parades but parades in general) is pretty much supposed to be a wacky crazy celebration. Of course there's a place for those, but that place is not being the very first thing you think of when you hear "gay people event". Parades are not supposed to educate people, and focusing on hyper-sexualized behavior does nothing to encourage equality or tolerance. I feel like these parades are harmless at best. And the fact that plenty of us don't feel any kind of identification with these events (I don't go to parades, period - gay or otherwise) shows that they shouldn't be our strongest message.


It's a parade, not an information booth. Parades are what, a day or a weekend? We have the rest of the year to educate.

Also, we all encounter different things in our lives that we probably could relate to, but that we have no interest in. That's okay, but we have to remember that they're important to someone. Especially when it comes to things based around cultural pride.


It's a parade, not an information booth. Parades are what, a day or a weekend? We have the rest of the year to educate.
When do you think we have more their attention? :/
Also, we all encounter different things in our lives that we probably could relate to, but that we have no interest in. That's okay, but we have to remember that they're important to someone. Especially when it comes to things based around cultural pride.
True. Pehaps That's why I don't like them? My sexuality is something so personal to me I really can't see myself putting it on a "groupal" status or other people expressing it according to my personal feelings and what it means to me.

Now I just want to go to Chicago's gay parade :p


irresponsible vagina leak
Homophobes will totally respect us more if we were just less, y'know, gay, guys. Never mind all those heteros flaunting their heteroness all the time.

Don't play this on their terms, man. Google respectability politics.

It's not about acting less gay or does being gay means dressing up in jocks and call it a day?


It's a parade, not an information booth. Parades are what, a day or a weekend? We have the rest of the year to educate.

Also, we all encounter different things in our lives that we probably could relate to, but that we have no interest in. That's okay, but we have to remember that they're important to someone. Especially when it comes to things based around cultural pride.
I understand parades are important to some people, I'm just saying they do nothing to educate or promote equality because they're just loud eco-chamber-ish celebrations.

When do you think we have more their attention?
Basically this. Gay parades get tons of coverage, more so than most (all?) other events focused on homosexuality. We use our biggest communication tool to... dance in thongs.


On education, this discussion has made me realize that I could do more to help on that front.

I think I could too. I do my best on GAF, and thankfully my friends in real life aren't in much need of education. I get a little hotheaded about these things though, so I need to watch my temper haha.

I understand parades are important to some people, I'm just saying they do nothing to educate or promote equality because they're just loud eco-chamber-ish celebrations.

Dude. Frankly, it's in the fucking name. Pride. Parade.

Not LBGTQ+ Informational Session.

Edit: Again, I don't know about your situations, but this month my school is having LBGTQ+-related events every day, from discussions, to movie showings, to outings, and there's even gonna be a "gayming" session in a couple weeks for all the nerds here. The pride parade is not our only source of exposure here, and for that I am beyond grateful.


Dude. Frankly, it's in the fucking name. Pride. Parade.

Not LBGTQ+ Informational Session.
You're ignoring half of my argument - I just feel they're wat too protagonistic and massively outshine educational efforts.

Edit: Again, I don't know about your situations, but this month my school is having LBGTQ+-related events every day, from discussions, to movie showings, to outings, and there's even gonna be a "gayming" session in a couple weeks for all the nerds here. The pride parade is not our only source of exposure here.
Yeah, I hear it's cool over there in the first world :p I never attended a school with LBGeTc. groups. And I'm talking about Mexico City, where gay marriage is legal.

Here in Toluca, whenever I hear something gay related on the news it's -always- about a pride parade.


irresponsible vagina leak
I think I could too. I do my best on GAF, and thankfully my friends in real life aren't in much need of education. I get a little hotheaded about these things though, so I need to watch my temper haha.

Dude. Frankly, it's in the fucking name. Pride. Parade.

Not LBGTQ+ Informational Session.

Edit: Again, I don't know about your situations, but this month my school is having LBGTQ+-related events every day, from discussions, to movie showings, to outings, and there's even gonna be a "gayming" session in a couple weeks for all the nerds here. The pride parade is not our only source of exposure here, and for that I am beyond grateful.

There is a thing that we dont have gay discussions on the schools here. LGBTQ Pride is the only thing people see or the fight for the rights. There is no education or awareness days in here and many places are like that and a parade sure it is a celebration but it could be used better to spread the information about the LGBTQ and a better way to portray us to society without interrupting the celebrations.


My school is doing a gay culture month too! (Third world here hoho) but most college people are open minded so I feel it's kinda wasted. The average Joe is the one that IMO should be on our side, and that average joe more often than not totally doesn't have idea what we really stand for. Or his idea comes from what media tells him.. And you know the kind of things the media picks the most.

All in all Mumei should come in here and end this argument :p


The thing is, I don't think they shouldn't happen or anything. I just think we should make sure they don't outweight the other, more important events in the eyes of the general public.

It's an uphill battle since parades are flashy by nature, but it's our responsibility to figure it out, honestly.


irresponsible vagina leak
All in all Mumei should come in here and end this argument :p

Why should it end? It's probably one of the few gay related things being talked in here. Zelda Talk, Poketalk is ok but gay pride should be a short talk?

The thing is, I don't think they shouldn't happen or anything. I just think we should make sure they don't outweight the other, more important events in the eyes of the general public.



Why should it end? It's probably one of the few gay related things being talked in here. Zelda Talk, Poketalk is ok but gay pride should be a short talk?

He's really illustrated in these matters.

So as a summary of my personal view: If parades are intended serve a good goal, so be it, but we shouldn't rely on a culture caricature (which is the point of a parade) to make us feel more firmly in society.

Each one of us can do that in our circles, one battle at the time, and doing it so we're making ourselves, and the other people, part of the change. This fight for the union can only be won if done by both sides, and for that we must think as ourselves and as the others, even the ones who hate us the most, and by understanding their motives, we could help for those, if not to get changed, to not get repeated. Then change will.come by itself.


My school is doing a gay culture month too! (Third world here hoho) but most college people are open minded so I feel it's kinda wasted. The average Joe is the one that IMO should be on our side, and that average joe more often than not totally doesn't have idea what we really stand for. Or his idea comes from what media tells him.. And you know the kind of things the media picks the most.

All in all Mumei should come in here and end this argument :p

Nah, you guys have good points. But I think the cultural divide here is where we're losing each other.

(I mean, I seriously live two blocks south of a neighborhood called Boystown)


He's really illustrated in these matters.

So as a summary of my personal view: If parades are intended serve a good goal, so be it, but we shouldn't rely on a culture caricature (which is the point of a parade) to make us feel more firmly in society.

Each one of us can do that in our circles, one battle at the time, and doing it so we're making ourselves, and the other people, part of the change. This fight for the union can only be won if done by both sides, and for that we must think as ourselves and as the others, even the ones who hate us the most, and by understanding their motives, we could help for those, if not to get changed, to not get repeated. Then change will.come by itself.

Absolutely agree with the bolded.

However, I'm not sure I see the parades as a caricature of the community. I see it more as a "best of". But again, I think this is the cultural/geographical divide speaking, so I won't hound you about it.

Lol sounds like fun. Can I be your guest? :p

We have several couches, come party anytime :) Dany M and I are excellent hosts and tour guides!

A "best of" scenario would equally represent everyone, and IMO that's not the case.

And I mean, it's logical. People who like loud, flashy, exhibitionist acts are more likely to attend a parade. And they're more likely to get the attention of the media.

Again, geographical divide? That's all I can really say, since my experiences seem to be pretty different from everyone else's. Representation hasn't ever been an issue from what I could see of the past few years of going to the parade here.


A "best of" scenario would equally represent everyone, and IMO that's not the case.

And I mean, it's logical. People who like loud, flashy, exhibitionist acts are more likely to attend a gay pride parade. And they're more likely to get the attention of the media.


irresponsible vagina leak
A "best of" scenario would equally represent everyone, and IMO that's not the case.

And I mean, it's logical. People who like loud, flashy, exhibitionist acts are more likely to attend a parade. And they're more likely to get the attention of the media.

Correct and I don't have a problem with the celebration at all but I think such an important event could be used better. Just because it's a celebration we shouldn't shove to the side the information we could give to the people. Such even besides the celebration could be a great channel to put our voice there.

if eliminating negative stereotypes is that much of a concern, what have you done lately in public to combat this issue?
I'm voicing my opinion through social media which reaches whatever number of followers I have and talking about it here and other gay sites. I'm not on TV sure, but I'm surely being vocal about it on the internet and spreading the word. If it reaches someone and makes a difference to them I already made the difference even if its a minimal one.


Nah, you guys have good points. But I think the cultural divide here is where we're losing each other.
Yeah, I think there must be a divide in media coverage of pride parades outside of the United States. I can't say I've seen anything particularly titillating on the news when it comes to parades these days. Maybe like ten years ago they were more immature about it, but I think the mainstream coverage has evolved since then.


You've played one game.

Yeah you've said that before. You see those sequels as different type of game but I don't. Get over it! Not everyone wants to see the same character being regurgitated over and over again. Especially for 30+ years of his/her life.

I was talking about gay parades and I felt like bringing my piece of mind here.

What are your thoughts on the gay pride/parade event?

Why if we want to be seen as equals many people act the fool on the parades? I mean the bullshit of guys in thongs, making out and many other things that really should remain private. There are families supporting the LGBT there and having gays nearly nude in the middle of the day ain't a good way to show that we want equality. We want equality yet it seems we want to be treated like a unique snowflake with the way the community handles the parades. If you want to be nude or nearly nude do it at the comfort of your own house. Such an important event should be done with taste. Casual clothes (or a rainbow themed shirt/accessories if anything) with some banners and flags and call it a day. If we want equality we shouldn't be going with some inappropriate clothes for a parade where families with kids are watching and even supporting. Even making it easier for those who judge us to have a reason to hate us.

Not a big deal. People need to realize that there are different type of gay guys and the parade is just one of the many facets of gay people. It's a parade after all, it's about having fun. I'd be more concerned about the lack of diverse representation for different type of gays in the media. Because that's where you can tell stories and inform people. It's kind of hard to do that in a parade.


Yeah, I think there must be a divide in media coverage of pride parades outside of the United States.
That's quite a general assumption. Pride media coverage in western Europe for instance is pretty similar to the US.

I think parades definitely have their own place. While the event itself is flashy and fabulous, many times it inspires media to cover other sides of LGBT culture too. Also usually there are many other kinds of events built around the Pride, the parade is just thee main event.


That's quite a general assumption. Pride media coverage in western Europe for instance is pretty similar to the US.
I wasn't talking about Europe. I was talking about the countries the anti-parade (anti's too strong a word, but you get the idea) users were from, which are largely Latin American countries if I remember correctly.


Like, I would have wholeheartedly enjoyed Skyward Sword if they didn't put an insane amount of padding between the dungeons.

Fi is definitely the worst sidekick ever. The fact I was only able to enjoy the game because of a mod that demoted Fi and made all of her crap skippable speaks for itslef. :-/
Maybe. The pacing is the only thing that really consistently bothers me with Zelda games.

Like, I would have wholeheartedly enjoyed Skyward Sword if they didn't put an insane amount of padding between the dungeons.

No game, I don't care about the mutant tree-penguins, random ass minecart sequences nor do I want to visit the same out-of-the-way location 4 times to complete the story.

I'm playing ALBW and the best thing about is how on-point and fillerless it is. I've been through like, two dungeons in the amount of time it took me to get through Skyward Sword's (boring) prologue.
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