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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Well, I think that for a lot of people gay parades have became more of a social event like circuit parties and less about activism for the acceptance of homosexuality. So in that sense the idea of "pride" has been eroded over time and sound more like a slogan that people toss around.

In addition to that, sexual fetish exists regardless if you're straight or gay, yet you don't see people celebrate it openly as much as they do at gay parades. To me personally being gay is certainly not about being into leather or domination or latex, etc. We are already labeled as deviant, I guess I don't see how celebrating fetishism advocates for our cause.
Well, I think that for a lot of people gay parades have became more of a social event like circuit parties and less about activism for the acceptance of homosexuality. So in that sense the idea of "pride" has been eroded over time and sound more like a slogan that people toss around.

In addition to that, sexual fetish exists regardless if you're straight or gay, yet you don't see people celebrate it openly as much as they do at gay parades. To me personally being gay is certainly not about being into leather or domination or latex, etc. We are already labeled as deviant, I guess I don't see how celebrating fetishism advocates for our cause.

I concur~


irresponsible vagina leak
Well, I think that for a lot of people gay parades have became more of a social event like circuit parties and less about activism for the acceptance of homosexuality. So in that sense the idea of "pride" has been eroded over time and sound more like a slogan that people toss around.

In addition to that, sexual fetish exists regardless if you're straight or gay, yet you don't see people celebrate it openly as much as they do at gay parades. To me personally being gay is certainly not about being into leather or domination or latex, etc. We are already labeled as deviant, I guess I don't see how celebrating fetishism advocates for our cause.



Yeah you've said that before. You see those sequels as different type of game but I don't. Get over it! Not everyone wants to see the same character being regurgitated over and over again. Especially for 30+ years of his/her life.

I'm over it, I'm just pointing out how illogical your argument is :p

My school is doing a gay culture month too! (Third world here hoho) but most college people are open minded so I feel it's kinda wasted. The average Joe is the one that IMO should be on our side, and that average joe more often than not totally doesn't have idea what we really stand for. Or his idea comes from what media tells him.. And you know the kind of things the media picks the most.

Is this Bogotá? because seriously that kind of thing is not wasted at all. I still have to clarify with my friends that no, I do not like dressing up in women's clothes.

Parade stuff, I've been to one, and it was great. I think people see what they want to see. If all you recall from the parade is the guys in speedos and not the gay scientists, or the veterans, or the pflag mothers, then it's on you and you alone.

Thinking about how gay parades started, how it was at the beginning 10 or 20 people, scared to shit but also incredibly courageous, makes me think is completely counter productive to say to anyone they should or should not parade depending on how they are and how they want to express their "non-shame". I would prefer to not use pride because it has too much negative connotation, but "non-shame" doesn't roll out as well :p there was a time when just walking down the street and saying you were gay was seen as shameful, and people (even within the gay community!) would say stuff like "that is embarrassing we should be more discrete". To understand why parades are important, and should not be censored to anyone, see what happens in parades in places like Russia.

The thing that stuck with me the most from that parade I attended to was a group full of people with different anti-homophobia signs, one of those was: "if gays are sinful hell will be fabulous", I chuckled. And yes, they were all dressed normally.

There was also unfortunately a crazy woman running around near those guys with a "you need psychological help" sign, with telephone numbers and everything, probably an ex-gay movement nut. Surprisingly, no one really paid much attention to her, at some points I was afraid she'll be attacked, but no such thing happened, people mostly ignored her, or laughed.


Is this Bogotá? because seriously that kind of thing is not wasted at all. I still have to clarify with my friends that no, I do not like dressing up in women's clothes.
And this is why stereotypes are bad :p

there was a time when just walking down the street and saying you were gay was seen as shameful, and people (even within the gay community!) would say stuff like "that is embarrassing we should be more discrete".
But every gay person can relate to not being able to openly say you're gay. Not comparable to leather fetishes or thong dancing IMO.

@Replicant: it's silly and selfish asking stuff you don't like to cease existing. Just keep not buying them, it's basically the same thing! :p


@Replicant: it's silly and selfish asking stuff you don't like to cease existing. Just keep not buying them, it's basically the same thing! :p

That's basically what I've been doing since Gamecube. Stop supporting Nintendo. But the original question was if Zelda was overused and IMO, it is. Series is 30 fucking years of being regurgitated. Some of you may like the same thing all over again. The rest of us don't. And IMO, that's what get Nintendo into the rut it is now and why some of us no longer want to support them again.


And this is why stereotypes are bad :p

But every gay person can relate to not being able to openly say you're gay. Not comparable to leather fetishes or thong dancing IMO.

But stereotypes are sometimes true, there are gay men who like to dress up in women clothes. I do not like thong dancing, but I really don't see how I could have an argument to tell someone to not thong dance in a place like a parade. A parade is a celebration, they like dancing in thongs! and leather people like leather things! you can't "sanitized" a gay parade because then it would be meaningless. A very different thing would be some local gay club hiring gogo boys to promote the place, that would be in really poor taste and I would be perfectly ok to see that banned from the parade.

If you are bothered about leather daddies or lesbians in motorcycles or other stereotypes, instead of saying to them to not go, you should join the parade and make the "normal gay" wing of the parade :p


Zelda still sells better than most new IPs. It's not Mario or Pokémon, but Zelda games are guaranteed to succeed. See, in the real world, that's exactly how you measure if something is overused or not. Not out of ~artistic integrity~ that simply doesn't exist in gaming (everyone keeps making games in long running successful series, not really a Nintendo thing). Their biggest money makers for generations are Mario and Pokémon, they'd be so stupid to stop making those games. In the same way Capcom makes bank with Resident Evil, Monster Hunter and Street Fighter. Namco with Tekken, SoulCalibur, Pac-Man. Sony with Gran Turismo and God of War (and lots of Uncharteds for a one-generation old series). Ubi spamming Asscreed games shamelessly. EA being EA with their yearly series.

Nintendo's struggle is with a very poorly designed home console and a handheld market heavily affected by mobile games. And even then, what sells the most on their current systems? Their old series. Welp. I guess it's easy to forget that 3DS had a slow start until *gasp* Mario and Monster Hunter appeared. Or that for 3 generations straight, the best selling games on Sony systems have been Gran Turismo and GTA. Games =/= movies. And again, even with movies, don't expect Batman, Mickey Mouse, X-Men or Spider-Man to disappear anytime soon.

@mantidor: But I don't want to censor anything! I'm just saying it's not representative, because it isn't, and it does perpetuate a stereotype that is mostly not true. Unless you're all leather lovers or something :p


Nintendo trolling in my gay thread D: I'll repeat it until you get pissed, you've played one game, whatever you say about this series as whole is meaningless.

@mantidor: But I don't want to censor anything! I'm just saying it's not representative, because it isn't, and it does perpetuate a stereotype that is mostly not true. Unless you're all leather lovers or something :p

But it is representative, these guys and gals exist.

As I said, if you think the parade is not representative, you should join in. Parades are celebrations, and everyone should be invited.


How are you gonna discredit an entire section of the gay community, Rm? That's pretty shitty. Folks into leather are not just made up people, there's a whole culture there within itself.


Representative: Typical of a class, group, or body of opinion (says Google).

Yeah, you're not going to convince me those groups are typical. That's not trying to discredit them or even imply anything about them, othen than stating I'm pretty sure they're not the norm.


But they ARE a part of the community, which is the important part, and their representation is important to the people who are a part of that group.


Rm88~ said:
Nintendo's struggle is with a very poorly designed home console and a handheld market heavily affected by mobile games. And even then, what sells the most on their current systems? Their old series. Welp.

Nintendo's struggle has been chronicled long beyond Wii U's shitty performance. And none of those franchises have been whored out for 30 fucking years! But whatever, I've ceased to care about Nintendo a long time ago. They got themselves stuck in this rut and their loyal customers only encourage them further by buying the same thing over and over again instead of demanding changes.

mantidor said:
Nintendo trolling in my gay thread D: I'll repeat it until you get pissed, you've played one game, whatever you say about this series as whole is meaningless.

If I want to troll I'd be meaner than this. And y'know what? Nintendo will get trolled hard this E3 with or without my help.


And as such, again, I don't think they should be censored or anything. I'm just expressing my discomfort with the fact that it's a very common stereotype, and that doesn't mean I see them negatively or anything. I don't even know how to change such perception. They are more likely to attend one of these events, and this is why I think parades are inherently flawed as tools for communication of a very diverse group of people.

@Replicant: The people buying Mario and Pokémon don't demand changes because they like Mario and Pokémon, and genuinely want more of them. Have you considered that? :p As I said before, those series outsell most new IPs. That is how you measure what the market wants, there's no other way. BTW I'm watching The Amazing Spider-Man 2 later today! That franchise is 52 years old.


Fetishism is sexual preference neutral, anyone can participate in it, it is a part of all communities. So the question becomes this, is pride parade a celebration of our right to love another person of the same sex, or is it the celebration of any sexual behavior? Are these people there to support and promote gay rights or fetishism? Because as far as I can tell, fetishism is not something you advertise or openly socially acceptable even if you are straight, why then does it seem more prevalent in gay gatherings? Or am I suppose to have the view that since we're all marginalized, we have to band together?


If I want to troll I'd be meaner than this. And y'know what? Nintendo will get trolled hard this E3 with or without my help.


Fetishism is sexual preference neutral, anyone can participate in it, it is a part of all communities. So the question becomes this, is pride parade a celebration of our right to love another person of the same sex, or is it the celebration of any sexual behavior? Are these people there to support and promote gay rights or fetishism? Because as far as I can tell, fetishism is not something you advertise or openly socially acceptable even if you are straight, why then does it seem more prevalent in gay gatherings? Or am I suppose to have the view that since we're all marginalized, we have to band together?

But leather culture is more than just the sexual fetish.

I guess that is the point, the only thing we have on common is our sexual orientation, but gay culture is more than just liking the same sex.
I had no idea GAF has such a large gay community. Hello everyone and does anyone want to play some titanfall I could really use some gay friends who game.


Pride Parades need to be more straight. We need to fool straight people in pretending to like us because 'we're just like them'. What about the children tho, what about family honors. We need to care what straight people think and conform to their ideals. We need to change for them. Or else we'll never be included.


That's exactly where I disagree. I don't associate being gay with any of those displays. I'm not less gay because I'm not into leather. I'm not trying to be straight or fool anyone by not feeling represented by stereotypes. Come on.


That's exactly where I disagree. I don't associate being gay with any of those displays. I'm not less gay because I'm not into leather.

No but some gay people are into it. And so are some straight people. The parade is about expression. So might has well have some fun.


So I'll say once again - I don't think they should be censored or anything. Just don't expect everyone in a very diverse group to feel identified with it.


Gold Member
Said I'd try to do more to start educating people, so I figure I can start by using the internet to my advantage. Opened up a Youtube channel and am planning to make weekly videos. There aren't many gay military folks blabbing their point of view, so I figured I may as well offer my own perspective.


I'm open to criticism of course, good or bad. If I say something stupid, let me know! It's a brand new channel, so I figure posting it here can get the ball rolling, I guess.


So I'll say once again - I don't think they should be censored or anything. Just don't expect everyone in a very diverse group to feel identified with it.

that's why there are literally at least a hundred other floats to identify with/feel good about at parades
If I'm reading correctly, a chief compliant seems to be that parades enforce stereotypes. But I have to ask, so what? Educating people is nice, but it's not an obligation.

If dancing around (or being stereotypical) makes someone happy, and they're not harming anyone, then I don't see a problem. Yes, there are people that will draw the wrong conclusions--use that behavior as an reaffirmation of their ignorant views--but that's on them, not on the dancer.


So I'll say once again - I don't think they should be censored or anything. Just don't expect everyone in a very diverse group to feel identified with it.
Sure, but good thing the parade is about openness instead of exclusions ;)


that's why there are literally at least a hundred other floats to identify with/feel good about at parades
We're going in circles here. Yes, but the attention is (at least here) focused on the stereotypical displays. It's not their fault and I don't think they should change. I'm basically just saying "man, it'd be nice if the general public (here) would be exposed to everything and not just this part". And yes, I do think an effort could be made so that happens (here).

Educating people is nice, but it's not an obligation.
I personally don't feel we're yet at a point where this is an okay view. We'll have to agree to disagree. To me that's a top priority.


Okay, I'm on my desktop now, so I can actually type stuff better.

And as such, again, I don't think they should be censored or anything. I'm just expressing my discomfort with the fact that it's a very common stereotype, and that doesn't mean I see them negatively or anything. I don't even know how to change such perception. They are more likely to attend one of these events, and this is why I think parades are inherently flawed as tools for communication of a very diverse group of people.

Parades are for pride, not for communication. Honestly, I don't give a FUCK how many straight people show up. It's not for them. We're not there to enlighten them, we're there to celebrate the many facets of our culture, and to have a good time doing it. You wanna dress in a collared shirt and nice pants? Go for it.

Fetishism is sexual preference neutral, anyone can participate in it, it is a part of all communities. So the question becomes this, is pride parade a celebration of our right to love another person of the same sex, or is it the celebration of any sexual behavior? Are these people there to support and promote gay rights or fetishism? Because as far as I can tell, fetishism is not something you advertise or openly socially acceptable even if you are straight, why then does it seem more prevalent in gay gatherings? Or am I suppose to have the view that since we're all marginalized, we have to band together?

To the bolded: It can be both.

To the italicized: I'm not familiar enough with LBGTQ+ history to say for sure, but maybe because fetish-type-stuff and being gay were both seen as deviancy at one point, that we see it as more okay to be open about our fetishes when we're not straight?

We're going in circles here. Yes, but the attention is (at least here) focused on the stereotypical displays. It's not their fault and I don't think they should change. I'm basically just saying "man, it'd be nice if the general public (here) would be exposed to everything and not just this part". And yes, I do think an effort could be made so that happens (here).

I honestly don't know what to say except that if you, as a non fetish gear-wearing gay man, feel underrepresented in a pride parade, then get together with your friends and start something up, and march in your next parade.
If we are to critique gay parades giving off bad impressions to outsiders we must look at parade/carnival culture all together. It's celebratory and often features moments that will be viewed as deviant behavior. But it also shows diversity. We gotta look at diversity in the gay community as a whole and also respect and tolerance within our community as well as outside it.
Homophobes will totally respect us more if we were just less, y'know, gay, guys. Never mind all those heteros flaunting their heteroness all the time.

Don't play this on their terms, man. Google respectability politics.
This is very very true too and can be applied to other stigmatized people in society as well. If we think giving into their ideas of respect may get us better impressions on people ( which it certainly can and does though ) doesn't change the fact that a person if they don't like you for being gay or lesbian, trans, a certain race ethnicity or among many other characteristic traits, that does not mean that by not seeming like a stereotype to them is going to change their opinion. Me not looking like a black stereotype in society to a racist idiot isn't going to change the fact that they're not gonna like my black ass. They'll find more to judge you on. ( I learned the hard way)


]If we are to critique gay parades giving off bad impressions to outsiders we must look ate parade/carnival culture all together. It's celebratory and often features moments that will be viewed as deviant behavior. But it also shows diversity.[/b] We gotta look at diversity in the gay community as a whole and also respect and tolerance within our community as well as outside it.

This is very very true too and can be applied to other stigmatized people in society as well. If we think giving into their ideas of respect may get us better impressions on people ( which it certainly can and does though ) doesn't change the fact that a person if they don't like you for being gay or lesbian, trans, a certain race ethnicity or among many other characteristic traits, that does not mean that by not seeming like a stereotype to them is going to change their opinion. Me not looking like a black stereotype in society to a racist idiot isn't going to change the fact that they're not gonna like my black ass. They'll find more to judge you on. ( I learned the hard way)

omg, thank you! I totally thought of that last night but just couldn't word it to my liking. You're totally right.

And the rest of your post is pretty spot on as well. Some people might come around when they discover that not every gay dude is a super femme maneater type, but not everyone will. Some people will continue to hate us just because of who we are, and they won't change.

I had no idea GAF has such a large gay community. Hello everyone and does anyone want to play some titanfall I could really use some gay friends who game.

Also, welcome! Sorry that your post sort of got buried. If I owned Titanfall I'd absolutely play with you, but I got my fill of the game during the beta :p


Gold Member
Just realized, Gay Pride Memorial Weekend in Pensacola is happening the weekend after I finally get back. YAAAASSSSSSS

Edit: Oh shit, Nocturne is on PSN. TAKE ALL OF THE MONEY NOW


Said I'd try to do more to start educating people, so I figure I can start by using the internet to my advantage. Opened up a Youtube channel and am planning to make weekly videos. There aren't many gay military folks blabbing their point of view, so I figured I may as well offer my own perspective.


I'm open to criticism of course, good or bad. If I say something stupid, let me know! It's a brand new channel, so I figure posting it here can get the ball rolling, I guess.

I subscribed!

I'll watch when I'm home, it looks interesting.
Said I'd try to do more to start educating people, so I figure I can start by using the internet to my advantage. Opened up a Youtube channel and am planning to make weekly videos. There aren't many gay military folks blabbing their point of view, so I figured I may as well offer my own perspective.


I'm open to criticism of course, good or bad. If I say something stupid, let me know! It's a brand new channel, so I figure posting it here can get the ball rolling, I guess.

Very well done~ I liked and subscribed, eheh. I've wanted to do a video in which I babble on about the differences of Homosexuals and Bisexuals at some stage. But I never get around to doing it, annoyingly. Still, well done!


irresponsible vagina leak
omg, thank you! I totally thought of that last night but just couldn't word it to my liking. You're totally right.

And the rest of your post is pretty spot on as well. Some people might come around when they discover that not every gay dude is a super femme maneater type, but not everyone will. Some people will continue to hate us just because of who we are, and they won't change.

So we shouldn't care about those that will realize their errors and change their behavior because there will some haters remaining?




I find it super weird that it keeps being implied that focusing less on stereotypes is something to do in order to appear straight-friendly or to "give in" to some kind of straight ideal.


The thing about pride parades is that they're a remnant of a time when gay culture was much more flashy and flamboyant than it is now, the gay people of the past reveled in their flamboyancy and enjoyed being highly counter-cultural, nowadays most gay people either don't identify with that or just want to fit in with the mainstream, which is totally fine but we've to realize that those gay people of the past were the ones who paved the way for us to be considered acceptable to society so I've always find it sad when a gay kid who just came out insults things like pride parades, drag queens and other things from gay culture's past saying they're holding back progress when progress was kick started by them.
I'm not accusing anyone in this thread of doing this btw, you guys are a cool bunch but I've seen this repeatedly in many other LGBT forums.


Glad no one is against letting people play into stereotypes here! I am shocked that my point is not clear, though. A lesser focus on stereotypes that are bound to -not- apply to lots of people within a diverse group, would be actually more welcoming, representative and less alienating for a lot of gay people.


irresponsible vagina leak
Glad no one is against letting people play into stereotypes here! I am shocked that my point is not clear, though. A lesser focus on stereotypes that are bound to -not- apply to lots of people within a diverse group, would be actually more welcoming, representative and less alienating for a lot of gay people.

I mean I dont have anything about being flamboyant. My issue comes more from the people dressing in jockstraps in the middle of the day and some of the behavior that simply seems toxic.


This was the worst time of the year to start playing Hearthstone, I love TCG too much and I have finals coming up. Any of you guys playing that game?

Anyway, I don't have much to say about Pride Parades because I've never been to one. From what I've seen though the negative press some of you are talking about is rather overstated, most parades are shown in a good light most of the time.


Gold Member
Thanks for the feedback and the subscribes! I've already got an idea for my next topic, should be fun.

Boooooooo!!! Need more things on PS4. inFamous was so fantastic, but the easiest 100% I've ever gotten.
Allegedly, local emulation is in the works for PS1 and PS2 games for the PS4, with streaming solutions handling PS3 titles. I remain hopeful that this is true.

Seriously though, can't believe Nocturne really got released. So pumped.
We have much bigger issues than giving into stereotypes. We shouldn't be any less than we should be if we want yet the choice to act according to how we want should be on our own will as long as it doesn't oppress and harm anyone else. Same goes for much marginalized groups in society. (I've been typing on mobile so my words may seem iffy)
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