I think you like being comfy. I shave because I gotta do a job search otherwise I would have a beard too. I wear band t-shirts or videogame shirts and some b-ball shorts. Then again I dont go out that much.
Since you also have a beard, I have a stupid question I can't help but ask: do you also feel kind of
naked without it? Although I guess it's a matter of habit, I feel weird after I shave it, it just feels off. And it's not just me, I often got comments from my friends and relatives that I look
weird without it, lmao. That really does wonders for one's self-esteem <3
As for the clothes and the
unkempt beard, I agree, it's just being comfy, there's nothing wrong about it.
Any luck finding a job so far?
Why, thank you very muchly~ However, due to the unique way that the UK's college system works, I have technically failed. But it's still a bit of optimism in my usual tirade of failures. Anyways though, thanks! And have a nice sleep. Preferably a long, wedding-less sleep.
Oh, man, that sucks :/ I suppose that now you have to repeat courses you haven't passed, right? Or how does that go in the UK?
You're so sweet, mister! O____O I'll keep me coming if you do!
You're the sweet one!

I think I can speak on behalf of the entire LGBT gaf if I say
yes, please.
Nah I just didn't want to seem like I'm fishing please all the good comments you want ! All in fun and nothing wrong with making each other feel good!
I didn't take it that way because you were explaining your fitness regime, so it didn't look like compliment-fishing at all. Even if it was, there's nothing bad about it here and there
As for your question about relationships, I was in one for almost 2,5 years, although the last six months were long distance. I can seriously say that those months were by far the most emotionally exhausting months I've ever gone through and I would never wish that torture upon anyone. Two weeks before we broke up, my ex finally admitted he wasn't sure whether he felt anything towards me at all, so I had to pull the plug because he didn't have the guts to do it himself. It took me nearly a year to recover from all that. Because of that experience, I don't think I'd ever want to go through a LDR again, I'm too fragile for that.
I have to say one thing, though: I
really admire those people who make it work, it's not easy. It's definitely not impossible if both partners are equally committed.
By the way, here's something not entirely related to Christopher's question, but it's a piece of advice for everyone: Please learn from my mistakes and don't reach out to your ex with a long-ass mail a few months after the breakup, if you feel hurt about it. Even though my life's a big-ass mess, I usually say I wouldn't change a single thing about it.
However, that is the
only thing I'd change if I could turn back time, honestly.
Christopher, you also mentioned
Looking. I can kind of see why you'd think the show did the gays a disservice, although personally, I wouldn't take it like a representation of the entire gay community, it's just a fun soap opera with gay characters in it. I guess for the writers those characters in a long-term relationships wouldn't be as exciting as the ones who are
for something substantial, so that's why most of the guys on the show are like that, that is - dumb, shallow and horny, it's better for drama.