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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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How do I post a pic like that? I want to show my ride!
Apparently there's an easier way, but I just post it to Miiverse and then open Miiverse on PC.

What does the 3-star ranking require? Just three stars in all the cups?
Yup, 3-star ranking in 150cc and Mirror. I have only a handful of Mirror cups left! It's especially frustrating with my slow-as-heck character/vehicle choices :p Sometimes I cheat and I use Bowser or Metal Mario.

Mario Kart 8 gifs are the best thing ever BTW.
Good to hear :)

Okay here's my first Gay Story Time / Request For Halp:

So my best friend (who's gay) has a new platonic friend (also gay) that I kind of have a mega crush on. He's funny, goofy, pretty, and does drag part time, which for some reason I find super attractive. Just shows that he's in touch with himself enough and knows how to entertain/perform. Anyway, I'm struggling with it because they hang out all the time (meaning the three of us have been hanging out/going out a lot together) and I'm not sure how he feels about me. I've been having suspicions that maybe their friendship isn't as platonic as they're letting on considering how much they hang out, but then again they've both told me in no uncertain terms that there isn't anything there. He's complimented me a handful of times here and there (saying I'm a good friend, or I'm nice, etc.) and there's been moments where he's maybe shown something there, like resting his head on my shoulder on a car ride home, grabbing my hand at the club when we're walking through a crowd, things like that. It makes me feel like I'm in high school trying to decipher his behavior, and I'm not willing to ask him about it because I don't wanna risk alienating him or the friendship. I just think Okay, I'll just keep being myself and just build our chemistry with each hangout, and if something comes out of it I'll let it happen organically. Sometimes I feel like something's progressing and then sometimes it feels like the opposite.

We went out last Sunday night and we were sorta tipsy, and I mentioned that I wanted to re-arrange my furniture the next day, and he got excited telling me that he wanted to re-arrange it coz he loves doing that. Then we drunk-excitedly planned for it to happen. The next day he messages me early being like "Can I come over? :)". I was sure he'd forgotten about it coz he was drunk, but thought since he remembered and approached me early on that it was a good thing. This was also gonna be the first time we hung out 1 on 1 so I was nervous about what would come out of it if anything.

So the bitch comes over and the entire time he's just in re-arranging mode. It was kind of awkward coz I was being casual and asking if he wanted anything to eat or drink and he's like LEGIT ready to move my furniture around. So the whole time he's sort in serious face and giving me ideas for placement and stuff, and I'm cooperating. My assumption was that we would finish working on the apt and then we can play videogames or day drink or chill out or something (he kept mentioning beforehand that he wanted to play Smash Bros with me, so I figured that would be inevitable). But no. We finish up and he's like "alright I better head out, I gotta go see my family for a bit," and then just leaves. lol

Haven't gotten to see them since but I thought that was super weird. Sooo bottom line, I have no idea what he thinks of me, and in what way, and that 1 on 1 threw me off to the point where I'm wavering on my own feelings towards him. Was he nervous, or was he friendzoning me? I 'unno. Can someone diagnose me? lol
Yup, 3-star ranking in 150cc and Mirror. I have only a handful of Mirror cups left! It's especially frustrating with my slow-as-heck character/vehicle choices :p Sometimes I cheat and I use Bowser or Metal Mario.

Mario Kart 8 gifs are the best thing ever BTW.
I just found out today that there is a Mirror-mode (not entirely sure how I forgot this, honestly), so I have a long way left to go. I've also started tackling time trials here and there.

For most of the Grand Prix stuff, I wound up using Shy Guy with a variety of different vehicle combinations. Now that I'm doing clean-up, I find myself using the Mii much more.

I really really really hope Nintendo offers DLC for this. This would be the first game I ever subscribe to a season pass, or its equivalent. It's such a damn fun game.

And MK8 gifs are creeping up everywhere now, and I couldn't be happier. :-D


I just found out today that there is a Mirror-mode (not entirely sure how I forgot this, honestly), so I have a long way left to go. I've also started tackling time trials here and there.

For most of the Grand Prix stuff, I wound up using Shy Guy with a variety of different vehicle combinations. Now that I'm doing clean-up, I find myself using the Mii much more.

I really really really hope Nintendo offers DLC for this. This would be the first game I ever subscribe to a season pass, or its equivalent. It's such a damn fun game.

And MK8 gifs are creeping up everywhere now, and I couldn't be happier. :-D
I agree that it's awesome, I basically played 2 days straight and now I'm sad because it's 11:42 a.m. and I won't be home until much later :( Stupid responsibilities getting in the way of Mario Kart!

And yes, DLC please, because the roster is actually kind of bad. And more vehicle parts would be awesome! :p

I agree that it's awesome, I basically played 2 days straight and now I'm sad because it's 11:42 a.m. and I won't be home until much later :( Stupid responsibilities getting in the way of Mario Kart!

And yes, DLC please, because the roster is actually kind of bad. And more vehicle parts would be awesome! :p
I'm loving this new psychotic Luigi meme going around now.

And yeah, I was actually expecting Nintendo to branch out with this iteration and throw in other Nintendo properties - the Rosalina Smash reveal trailer had Kirby flying around the Rainbow Road level during a race and I thought for sure this was a sign.

Yeah, I want new levels, parts, characters, everything. They can have all of my money.


Thanks for the kind words guys. I got up in a better mood and was thinking on ways to keep myself busy on the day so I'm drained at night so I don't go through that as often as its happening lately. (Work out, read books, etc) I have to simply think more often that all this stuff is simply temporary and everything eventually will fall into place sooner or later. It's not like I'm drowning in debts, about to lose my home or anything. I'm in a bad spot for now but I have nothing to worry about at the moment considering I really have no big responsibilities to take care of atm(Thankfully) and I'm getting enough money to pay my stuff and still able to help a bit home. There are people in worst situations and this and they still keep a better mood than me so I need to look more outside of the box. Anyway thanks again for the kind words and may the selfies, poke talk, etc continues. :p

While what you said is true, it's always worth noting that there are always people who have it worse than us, but that doesn't make our problems any smaller or less important. Don't beat yourself up over being in a bad place, it's a normal reaction to everything that has happened to you. However, the most important thing right now, aside from job hunting, is like you said, to keep yourself occupied by reading, working out, whatever makes you feel good. It will get better, hopefully as soon as possible :)

Good to hear :)

Okay here's my first Gay Story Time / Request For Halp:

Oh, man, this is a really tough one, OMG. I would also be extremely confused as fuck by those tiny gestures such as hand-holding. I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to ask a few questions. Is he a touchy-feely kind of guy, is he like that with everyone?

I'm even more confused by the furniture rearranging part. Did he talk to you at all while he was doing all that, or was he only focused on moving the furniture? Is there any concrete sign of interest from his part, or could there be a possibility that you're reading into all this a bit too much?

Perhaps he's just trying to make a good impression on you because of your best friend. You'll definitely need to spend more time with him before you can make any kind of a conclusion.


irresponsible vagina leak
I agree that it's awesome, I basically played 2 days straight and now I'm sad because it's 11:42 a.m. and I won't be home until much later :( Stupid responsibilities getting in the way of Mario Kart!

And yes, DLC please, because the roster is actually kind of bad. And more vehicle parts would be awesome! :p


You will get more baby versions of the cast and metal versions.
Oh, man, this is a really tough one, OMG. I would also be extremely confused as fuck by those tiny gestures such as hand-holding. I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to ask a few questions. Is he a touchy-feely kind of guy, is he like that with everyone?

I'm even more confused by the furniture rearranging part. Did he talk to you at all while he was doing all that, or was he only focused on moving the furniture? Is there any concrete sign of interest from his part, or could there be a possibility that you're reading into all this a bit too much?

Perhaps he's just trying to make a good impression on you because of your best friend. You'll definitely need to spend more time with him before you can make any kind of a conclusion.

Well I've never seen him be as touchy with other people... it's possible that maybe he's that way with others and I'm not seeing it myself, but I just know from experience that little things like that (lingering hug, he even "playfully" gave me a backrub while I was driving him back from downtown... for some reason) typically are associated with a little something brewing there.

As for the furniture thing, he wasn't chilly or standoffish so much as he was... focused? He didn't announce his leaving in an awkward or forceful way, he said it kind of casually. He was asking me what I thought about his re-arrangement ideas so it wasn't quiet or anything, it just wasn't really that fun. He's usually a goofball, so it's strange that he would go out of his way to propose coming over and then just not seem that excitable. He also seemed a little tired so maybe that was it too.

I'll tell myself I look into things too much, but then something happens that throws off my algorithm. I haven't gotten enough 1 on 1 time to really get a clear idea of where he is, and it's possible that maybe he thought that I was being off that day and decided to leave. I'm just gonna keep being my goofy-ass self when we hang out together and not fret about it. Honestly that last interaction turned me off a bit so I'm not really wrestling with this as much at the moment. :/

EDIT: And Happy Birthday sis!! Thanks for the feedback <3


I bought 4 copies of Metroid Prime to try and get a 1.0 version for speedrunning. sifting through my collection I just noticed that I already had a 1.0 copy to begin with.

Kinda dirty though and I have no idea how to clean these things.

I also lucked out and got a 1.0 copy of Prime 2 the first try. (I had sold Prime 2 when I got Trilogy not knowing that they had patched out all the exploits)

Anyway I'm not looking for sympathy or anything right now I guess I needed to vent somewhere, somehow. Excuse the mediocre english and grammar but my head aint in the right place to write things properly.

Fatigue in that sort of circumstance is natural. I unfortunately have very little to say that others haven't already, but I will say this; you've only truly failed once you've given up.

Which avatar should I use? It's Agron from Spartacus.
He was involved with a guy on that show.


(I like the expression of the guy in the back.)

Top dat hoe

I agree that it's awesome, I basically played 2 days straight and now I'm sad because it's 11:42 a.m. and I won't be home until much later :( Stupid responsibilities getting in the way of Mario Kart!

And yes, DLC please, because the roster is actually kind of bad. And more vehicle parts would be awesome! :p


More proof that Waluigi was the heroic Luigi all along.
Some of them were a little bit.. I just didn't realize that many people had that sort of opinion about me haha :( I think I'm gonna take a little leave of absence.. Sorry everyone

... Gosh. That's upsetting... Well, people here actually have a high opinion of you, y'know. I know I do. But still... Again, sorry. Do take care~


irresponsible vagina leak
Some of them were a little bit.. I just didn't realize that many people had that sort of opinion about me haha :( I think I'm gonna take a little leave of absence.. Sorry everyone
I was laughing at the reactions. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing.


Some of them were a little bit.. I just didn't realize that many people had that sort of opinion about me haha :( I think I'm gonna take a little leave of absence.. Sorry everyone

No :(, stay, I think you're super nice and I really like your selfies and your voice. I'd miss you D;
I guess I'm just a bit sensitive to certain things o__o I'm really sorry.. I'll try to stick around, but maybe I'll try to just.. Tone down my constant excitement maybe?? I'm sorry everyone.

... Ehh... There is no problem with your mannerisms and the like. It merely adds to your character... There's nothing wrong with that! Really! No need to apologise...


I guess I'm just a bit sensitive to certain things o__o I'm really sorry.. I'll try to stick around, but maybe I'll try to just.. Tone down my constant excitement maybe?? I'm sorry everyone.

Awwww, yeah, I understand :(, I honestly did think they were pretty mean jokes but I'm not really sure if they were being serious or not, regardless, your excitement is great and part of who you are so don't feel you need to censor your behavior here, this is a thread for everyone and we deal with all kinds of personality types, so keep being yourself *hugs*.
Something on the top 40 definitely.

Ah, but the vast majority of them songs are pre-butchered. We should take stuff from the 80s. But why stop at the Safety Dance? Let's steal Dance of the Knights by Prokofiev. Or shall we go back further and steal stuff off of Mozart and the like? THAT would be a butchering~
Ah, but the vast majority of them songs are pre-butchered. We should take stuff from the 80s. But why stop at the Safety Dance? Let's steal Dance of the Knights by Prokofiev. Or shall we go back further and steal stuff off of Mozart and the like? THAT would be a butchering~
Or a 3,456,723rd rendition of Don't Stop Believin.


Why not both?
I can't wait to play RS3DS. Never played the originals.
Just be sure to buy the superior Ruby version :3

Also you guys should sing AKB48's new single "Labrador Retriever". Because it's titled "Labrador Retriever". Oh Japón. Plus, can you really butcher an AKB48 song?


irresponsible vagina leak

Eww no.

Or a 3,456,723rd rendition of Don't Stop Believin.

Let It Go Cover 999999999999999999999999999. Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics, Straight Up by Paula Abdul, I Will Always Love you by Whitney, My Heart Will Go Own by Celine. We can do a medley of 80s love songs too.

What if we had a Pokemon Kart?

gayGAF's heads would collectively explode
Mine would not explode. Pokemon Snap 2 might do the trick.
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