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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Well, it's the best I could do with my attempts at being logical.
I don't have much logic.

In all seriousness, though, exactly how many Ultimate Latinos are here?


Ultimate Latinos, I'm crying... ahahaha.

Perf translation. :)

Also, me and friend had a discussion over him being only attracted to white girls. When I said I find all races attractive he literally thought I was insane. I kind of feel sorry for him, since I'd imagine that'd limit your options quite a bit (lol who am I to judge I only have the option of few select gay dudes).


Ultimate Latinos, I'm crying... ahahaha.

Perf translation. :)

Also, me and friend had a discussion over him being only attracted to white girls. When I said I find all races attractive he literally thought I was insane. I kind of feel sorry for him, since I'd imagine that'd limit your options quite a bit (lol who am I to judge I only have the option of few select gay dudes).

I really find it hard to believe that people with a racial sexual preference are "judging" them based on the race. It's just what they are attracted to physically - doesn't make them prejudice or racist....


I really find it hard to believe that people with a racial sexual preference are "judging" them based on the race. It's just what they are attracted to physically - doesn't make them prejudice or racist....
Wasn't saying he was, just saying how that would suck since it limits your choices. :p


I always get Latino but I'm a special mix I'm Italian and African American :0. Weird mix but totally true if my hair grows long it gets curly


Don't you hate when the guys showing most interest in you are not the ones you're most interested in? I've only dated for 2 weeks and I'm already over it haha.


Buenos días a todos :)

¡Buen día! El pronóstico para hoy es: Cielo nublado con proabilidad de tormentas eléctricas leves. ¡No olvides llevar tu paraguas al salir de casa!

I asked before, but why did you change Fei's hair to red?

I'm pretty sure Latino GayGaf has always been a majority. :p

Oh, sorry, I totally missed your previous post then.

Answering your question: I feel that's how he should have looked like once he accepted ID as part of himself in the game.


Whenever it does rain I just get these massive headaches, also I got a new pair of glasses which no longer transition to sunglasses in sunlight. :( it's the worst. I never knew how much of a hassle it was walking outside :(


Whenever it does rain I just get these massive headaches, also I got a new pair of glasses which no longer transition to sunglasses in sunlight. :( it's the worst. I never knew how much of a hassle it was walking outside :(

I love rainy days. My favorite days are 60% cloudy and slightly cold. It's even better when the cloud formations are distinguishable and not just an homogeneous mass of grey covering the sky.


I like rainy days because the sun in Florida is a capricious spoot.

Of course I also hate rainy days because oftentimes there are torrential downpours in the summer and late fall.

I am never living in a subtropical climate again if I can help it.


Also I need to review my Spanish badly. It's been about 3 years since I've been in any classes. I can still understand about 60% of what people are saying, but it's enough to make me miss crucial context (in print only though, I haven't really had the chance to listen to people actually speak it so the moment you try to put me on the street I'm dicked.)
I like rainy days because the sun in Florida is a capricious spoot.

Of course I also hate rainy days because oftentimes there are torrential downpours in the summer and late fall.

I am never living in a subtropical climate again if I can help it.


Also I need to review my Spanish badly. It's been about 3 years since I've been in any classes. I can still understand about 60% of what people are saying, but it's enough to make me miss crucial context (in print only though, I haven't really had the chance to listen to people actually speak it so the moment you try to put me on the street I'm dicked.)

You live in Florida and haven't had the chance to listen to Spanish speakers? Wut...


I'm Latino too. Definitely the biggest portion of GayGAF from what I can see.

Feel free to add me guys:

NNiD for MK8: alvmew
DAGGR: alvmew
WHY do so many queens post a shirtless and/or sexually charged photo of themselves on Grindr and then have "No hookups/friends only" on their profile. I messaged one of them asking "if you're only looking for friendships then why are you showing a picture of yourself in the shower?" And the guy says "I want hot friends who think I'm hot too." Sooo you want friends that you're gonna have sex with. That's the bottom line for you. THAT'S NOT WHAT 'FRIENDS ONLY' MEANS YA TWAT

I should just send dick pics to people with the words "Looking for friends!! :3" written across the shaft >_>

In other news Mario Kart 8 is still flawfree. Finally unlocked Rosalina and all is finally well in the world.


I always get Latino but I'm a special mix I'm Italian and African American :0. Weird mix but totally true if my hair grows long it gets curly
That sounds like a sexy mix to me hahaha.. I am Honduran which would make me a Latino I presume but I am also Garifuna.. See that is what I was born to and I spoke that language before I spoke Spanish.


WHY do so many queens post a shirtless and/or sexually charged photo of themselves on Grindr and then have "No hookups/friends only" on their profile. I messaged one of them asking "if you're only looking for friendships then why are you showing a picture of yourself in the shower?" And the guy says "I want hot friends who think I'm hot too." Sooo you want friends that you're gonna have sex with. That's the bottom line for you. THAT'S NOT WHAT 'FRIENDS ONLY' MEANS YA TWAT

Narcissists. People who think they are too good-looking to hook up with you (well, not you, but "you" in general :p), but would still like to receive compliments from you. They just need others to verify that they indeed look great.


WHY do so many queens post a shirtless and/or sexually charged photo of themselves on Grindr and then have "No hookups/friends only" on their profile. I messaged one of them asking "if you're only looking for friendships then why are you showing a picture of yourself in the shower?" And the guy says "I want hot friends who think I'm hot too." Sooo you want friends that you're gonna have sex with. That's the bottom line for you. THAT'S NOT WHAT 'FRIENDS ONLY' MEANS YA TWAT

Look at it this way, whenever you see those profiles you can already filter them out and don't waste any time with those vapid people.

I've never used those apps but I heard my friend simply blocks those types of profiles, he uses scruff though.

We need to take over the whole place!

No sabía que eras latino también. Where are you from?


I hope Masquerader doesn't get mad but before the hilarious translation I would've sworn he was just mexican because of the flag and the overall hispanic dominance in gay gaf,
I'm so so sorry, mr italian

Being italian is basically the same as hispanic from what I've heard though heh so Christopher I can see how you can pass as latino :p we are any race mixed at the end of the day.

I hope Masquerader doesn't get mad but before the hilarious translation I would've sworn he was just mexican because of the flag and the overall hispanic dominance in gay gaf,
I'm so so sorry, mr italian

Being italian is basically the same as hispanic from what I've heard though heh so Christopher I can see how you can pass as latino :p we are any race mixed at the end of the day.


... Pfft~

I am Irish, my dearie. Are the flags of Italy, Mexico, and Ireland really that similar~?



... Pfft~

I am Irish, my dearie. Are the flags of Italy, Mexico, and Ireland really that similar~?

D: I'm so so sorry again.




It's not my fault :(

Bailey 87

Narcissists. People who think they are too good-looking to hook up with you (well, not you, but "you" in general :p), but would still like to receive compliments from you. They just need others to verify that they indeed look great.

This^^^ I have a topless pic and I have friends only on my profile. I do it so I can still get the diq pics but have no intention of ever meeting up with people. It's working so far



I'd go for a Wii U and wait until 2015 for a 3DS.

hmm, that seems too long for a 3DS though, I was thinking about getting the 3DS for my birthday, and the Wii U for christmas, that way I can get Smash Bros for both consoles without having to wait for them to come out, I always buy my Nintendo consoles around the time Smash games come out.

Mario Kart 8 though............. hopefully people will still be playing it by that time


I thought Masquerader was from Ivory Coast :O
j/k, I already knew you were Irish

Mario Kart 8 though............. hopefully people will still be playing it by that time

I will be playing Mario Kart 8 at that time.

If I had to buy either at this point, I wouldn't go for 3DS since it would be redundant for me (except if you were a big Pokemon fan). But if you can afford both at some point, I would say that you have to much on 3DS to catch on, so go for it first
I recently had a convo with a few of my straight, guy friends about who they would "go gay" for. Since many of them are crazy into sports, they were picking athletes, duh.

Which got me thinking, who would I go "straight" for. My answer:



Christina Henricks. Woman is fucking gorgeous.

What about y'all?

Good for me that I'm just Mexican, those super mixed heritages are weird
now that I remember, mexicans are mixed too lol

Oh, I was only joking about how similar all five flags are to each other! I'm largely Irish with a very mild hint of English that constitutes my first name. I'm not THAT varied~


Wait..BlueBadger left because some thought he posted too many pictures? Well fuck YOU bitches!! :p [if that wasn't the reason the, don't fuck yourselves...yet. ;)] But then, what happened?

And related to a question Christopher posted earlier about the longest relationship (based on the show Looking; which is quite good)....in my case is 0!

Sadly around the people I've met a general idea is that monogamy sucks and "why settle for just one guy?". Heck, I even read an article a few days ago basically implying that a perk of been gay is that you can be with as many guys you want, and wondered why some would settle for a steady relationship (WTF?) as if that's not the "normal thing to do".

Guess it's why I'm still single. I cook, like to give gifts, play videogames, watch any kind of movies/TV series/, listen to any kind of music, work 6 days a week, when talking to someone I tend to wish for a good day to the other person...but, as much confidence I pretend and try to have (I work on sales, so have to talk to customers on a daily basis)... I'm not a good looking guy.

And across a wave of guys that even post pictures and comments on their Facebooks about "how posting pictures of what you cook is not going to get you on dates" -but his shirtless pictures do help them get dates-) [NOTE: not a personal example, just stuff I've seen across other people's accounts :p]....guess I'm doing everything wrong!!! XD

32 and still single. Here's for another 32 years ......alone!! :p


My father confirmed that we're moving to California. Sacramento, more specifically.

I better enjoy the 3 months or so I have left here. Going to try and see if my friend would have me over for the evening during the period. I want to actually say goodbye properly for once.

Ah. Anyway my condolences. Nobody should be in Florida during the summer (or spring, or fall). I wouldn't wish such a fate on my worst enemy.

Nah, the southwest is worse because of increased risk of kidney malfunction and heat stroke. Year-round tornados and violently unpredictable weather still suck, but it could always be worse.

D: I'm so so sorry again.




It's not my fault :(

Flag colors need more variety.

I demand a periwinkle and Burgundy flag.
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