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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Was bored at work and decided to write something randomly like I always do. Here's the result. (I never double check things once it's out my head)

No guys allowed in your room. Good thing one I'm not. Don't want these special sleepovers to stop. Evolution is real. god's not real to approve this deal. I made to myself at the age of 9. To fall in love by the time. It'd be to late and the decision is no longer mine. So we stay marathoning Cheetah Girls, getting our Raven Simone on. Young having fun, so by time we're old enough. The state of our birth will lighten up. Allow for us to marry, and the middle schoolers call you Mrs Sally. I'm Carrie, Mrs Svens-Thompson when you're feeling nasty. Til then we're practicin'. In the world series nearly every weekend. Hoping for no TV movie drama if we get caught. Not crazy/beautiful in love, but also not delirious and lost. Neither is us shall be Paulie and the end I'm Shore. 


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's not the same...

Gonna cry myself to sleep while hugging my Emma Watson body pillow.


Haha is this considered "southern" cooking, it doesn't make you white trash unless you have a TV show about it. :p

Howdy, I'm in the Houston area. I have something you might think is awesome to enjoy depending on if you are at least 18...

I'm 23, what is it? Lol


TLDR: I'm being irrational, and I know it, but am having trouble stopping. And I think it'd be really lame to try and discuss any of this with her, because she may get offended that I even felt like this to begin with.

Back when I was 8th grade, one of my friends who was a war refugee had to go back to his hometown with his family, and I remember being so furious at him just because I knew the friendship would ultimately dissolve. So I acted like the biggest jerk out of spite, which did the intended effect of pushing him away, although I regretted it later on. It was such an immature thing to do, to be honest.

I think ShironRedshift has said nearly everything that needs to be said, I agree with everything. To me it seems that deep down you care a bit, and you'd rather get it over with now rather than deal with it later. Of course, I may be wrong, only you know how you really feel, but if you care, then do yourself a favor and don't be like that towards that girl because you'll regret it.

It would suck if that girl was indeed using you, but if that turns out to be true, then look at it this way: you won't see her sorry ass ever again. I hope your suspicions don't turn out to be true, though.


My friends Greg and Nate are married now for errrr ... 1.5 years now? They've been together for 5 prior. They absolutely hated this view, and felt like it made gay people seem terrible, and unable to integrate into society normally.

We use to talk all the time and was very frustrated when he felt like he couldn't have gay friends, because they always try to hit on him or his boyfiend. Like I said, and maybe no one will agree with me but I think that Looking should have had at least one character who was portrayed as having stability with maybe one with a kid or something just to give light to the little shows that gay people idenifiy with that it's ok to have ONE person who can be that everything for you.

Again personal opinion.

Congrads on 32! Apparenlty I'm 28 and if your 30 your dead in gay years they said on the forum lol?
Yeah. I'm past dead already! Gay zombie! :p
I liked Looking, but agree and it's sadly a problem that I see across it and other TV shows that feature gay (male) characters. Either one of them is not steady at all (but will learn to be!!) or just go hopping from bar to bar having casual sex, or a relationship is like a switch; something that they use whenever they turn on and then..just turn it off. Though Looking also made fun of that "wow you've been in a relationship 2 years that's like..eternity in gay years right?" (or something like that in an episode :p).

It's also a stereotype that sadly many don't seem or mind to change at all, and are happy to just move along. Like the movie 'The Normal Life' (recent, also from HBO..starring Mark Ruffalo, Matt Bomer, Taylor Kitch; during the start of the HIV crisis in the 80s and the whole "gay cancer". The characters trying to fight and spread information across the other gay men, but they admitted that it would be hard precisely because the problem with gay men back then..were the same game men, using sex s a way of life and been shocked at the idea of not only not having sex for a time, but not having it with multiple people at least.

But as I was told (more than) once; it seem to be part of the nature of men per se, rather than gay men. Same way many straight men are seen as womanizers, not like stability and hitting on everything that has a "nice ass"; combine that with liking men and that's the result. Doesn't mean that every guy is like that, but it kinda makes things harder for the ones that are not.



I am slowly getting into super hero comics and I began to wonder: Is there a super hero comic with a gay main character?

I am slowly getting into super hero comics and I began to wonder: Is there a super hero comic with a gay main character?

Rorschach from Watchmen is gay, apparently. Or so some people believe. But he's the only main character (if you can call him that) who's gay (if you can call him that).

EDIT: Catman too.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.


Just in case you couldn't tell he was gay, he wears a pink shirt.


Wiccan and Hulking from Young Avengers are OTP.


Rorschach from Watchmen is gay, apparently. Or so some people believe. But he's the only main character (if you can call him that) who's gay (if you can call him that).
Already read the Watchmen comic book and I really loved it and Rohrschach is such a well-made character (Already one of my favourite comics).
But is there really no other gay MC super hero?

Who's Catman? Heh, I already like the name.

^Bunker looks cool from the design alone. Young Avengers looks a bit cartoonish from the image you posted. Reminds me of Teen Titan.
Already read the Watchmen comic book and I really loved it and Rohrschach is such a well-made character (Already one of my favourite comics).
But is there really no other gay MC super hero?

Who's Catman? Heh, I already like the name.

^Bunker looks cool from the design alone. Wiccah and Hulking look a bit cartoonish from the image you posted, looks interesting.

Catman started out as a Batman villain ages ago. He was basically Catwoman, but not a woman and with less imagination.

He went in and out of obscurity a little bit before the Secret Six (a truly fantastic comic series that everyone should read), in which he became a sort of antihero and actually became distant from Catwoman and Batman. He's surprisingly heroic in his actions.

(Btw, apologies for being accidentally misleading. He's actually bisexual, but the series was cancelled before the writer properly started on that.)


Catman started out as a Batman villain ages ago. He was basically Catwoman, but not a woman and with less imagination.

He went in and out of obscurity a little bit before the Secret Six (a truly fantastic comic series that everyone should read), in which he became a sort of antihero and actually became distant from Catwoman and Batman. He's surprisingly heroic in his actions.

(Btw, apologies for being accidentally misleading. He's actually bisexual, but the series was cancelled before the writer properly started on that.)
I have no problem with Catman being bi-sexual. It's good as long as it deviates from the whole straight male super hero.
I hope I can get those here in Austria. Sadly there aren't a lot of comic shops around here in Linz, I may have to make a trip to our capital city (Vienna) to get them.
Thanks for all the recommendations so far, keep 'em coming!

^ Hi Ratksy,
I'm back from the psychiatry and I have an appointment with a psychiatrist next week.
Thanks for being there for me back then. :3


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The young avengers pic was from a promotional where they got the Scott Pilgrim guy to do a cover. That's not how the stuff usually looks like even though I wish it was.


That's not how the stuff usually looks like even though I wish it was.

Those were my thoughts exactly, actually.

Comic books need to be less realistic-looking.

I would read more of them if they looked like the kind of thing you normally see in cartoons.


I don't know the story behind that particular issue but most of the YA comics don't look like that.

Hello admiral.
I read a summary of the character on wikipedia and it said that he is a original character. Damn, that's impressive. A new gay character. Love it.
The thing is: I never read any Marvel comics beside Deadpool. Should I read all the Origins stories before I dive into Young Avengers?
Trying for 0.0.0? Yeah that's brutal. I just reached Lake Macalania in X HD so I still have a ways to go before I reach that part.
I actually did that one this morning. Took a while, but my frustration was with the 5 treasure chest chocobo race trophy. I finally got it.


Btw. can someone please put rainbow flag behind Ringabel? (My Photoship skills are the worst)

I suck at Gimp, but managed this eventually.

White color to alpha made him transparent so I had to put a white mask behind him and the right side of his outfit confused me before I found a higher res pic.

Edit: *Below* Yours is much higher quality though :p
Before I read the post below I cleaned it up a bit and made a second one with more muted colors because it looked a bit strange next to michaeltraps' avatar.


I read a summary of the character on wikipedia and it said that he is a original character. Damn, that's impressive. A new gay character. Love it.
The thing is: I never read any Marvel comics beside Deadpool. Should I read all the Origins stories before I dive into Young Avengers?

I don't really know anything about it. I only know what it looks like because I stumbled on it on the Marvel Wiki.

Btw. can someone please put rainbow flag behind Ringabel? (My Photoship skills are the worst)

EDIT: aaand someone beats me to it.



Thank you you, Ty4ion and Cakadrious. I'm online on my 3DS atm so I can't chsnge it. Hopefully I'll get ahold of some PC by tommorow, if so I'll change it immediately.


I suck at Gimp, but managed this eventually.

White color to alpha made him transparent so I had to put a white mask behind him and the right side of his outfit confused me before I found a higher res pic.

Edit: *Below* Yours is much higher quality though :p
Before I read the post below I cleaned it up a bit and made a second one with more muted colors because it looked a bit strange next to michaeltraps' avatar.


Did you use his avatar as a base?

I took a clean-ish render from the FFWiki and pasted it onto a cropped image of the Rainbow flag. It takes more time, but the result turns out cleaner than modifying an image already at that scale.


Why are there handsome men my age in suits on my facebook feed.

I just took care of business 30 minutes ago.

EDIT: Damn it why does this always happen?

Some gaming side members (usually juniors) seem so oblivious to what's okay to say, lol.

Subtle dickery is not most Gaffers' strong point



Did you use his avatar as a base?

I took a clean-ish render from the FFWiki and pasted it onto a cropped image of the Rainbow flag. It takes more time, but the result turns out cleaner than modifying an image already at that scale.
Yup. I felt stupid when I realized there were way higher quality pics out there, but it was fun and turned up surprisingly OK considering there's a big white mask behind him and compression artifacts I had to erase.

Choose whichever you like best el gato. I am not very skilled and just made it because I had just come to my main computer with GIMP installed and saw no replies to your post.


Yup. I felt stupid when I realized there were way higher quality pics out there, but it was fun and turned up surprisingly OK considering there's a big white mask behind him and compression artifacts I had to erase.

Choose whichever you like best el gato. I am not very skilled and just made it because I had just come to my main computer with GIMP installed and saw no replies to your post.
Thanks,again, for doing all the work. But like I said before, I can only change it tomorrow since I only have a 3DS on my hand. (Or can you change avatars in the Wii U browser, i don't know that stuff.)


Could someone LGBT-ify my avatar?

Badge or filter? I can definitely do the former but don't have enough experience for the latter.

Yup. I felt stupid when I realized there were way higher quality pics out there, but it was fun and turned up surprisingly OK considering there's a big white mask behind him and compression artifacts I had to erase.

Hey, you know how to do something I don't. And something important at that. GIMP takes time to learn but if you can already do that you could probably master it in no time.


Nah, they know exactly what they're saying, they just don't care. Why should they have to pretend to be nice to the "dirty homos"?
Not just the Juniors, though.

But I'm used to it. I'm now also shunned in my family (because I told some people that I'm homosexual (my grandmother, my brother amd my now ex-best friend). FML

Dead Man

See cute guy at club, talk to cute guy, get along well, seems real nice but not interested in me. Get in taxi with his friend to split the cost since they live in my direction, she asks me why I didn't go home with him since he was keen. Fuck. :(


Sorry for my late reply, sis. And btw, thanks for answering my question :*

Taking risks is always hard, but you'll have to do it sooner or later, otherwise you'll be stuck in one place. I know I've said that I could relate to many things written in here too many times, and I'll say it again this time because, sadly, I know how it looks like when you keep it safe all the time - you miss out on everything.
I hope that unlike me, you don't miss out on a lot of great things. Try to find the strength to deal with things that bother you and things you're afraid of, only you can do that.

Come back, BB!
sorry for late reply as well, thank you so much for the advice, It really helped me, I will do everything in my power to fight my complacency and find the courage to face any challenges ahead of me *hugs*

also, damn cute guys, why are they everywhere? D;


See cute guy at club, talk to cute guy, get along well, seems real nice but not interested in me. Get in taxi with his friend to split the cost since they live in my direction, she asks me why I didn't go home with him since he was keen. Fuck. :(

Call him maybe?


Jesus, are slutty gay apps the only way to meet other gay men now?

I'm in Asheville, NC - one of the most prodigious gay city's on the East Coast, and I still can't seem to find a sweet gay gamer cub to cuddle with and talk about how fun it would be to go on long hike's together....


Jesus, are slutty gay apps the only way to meet other gay men now?

I'm in Asheville, NC - one of the most prodigious gay city's on the East Coast, and I still can't seem to find a sweet gay gamer cub to cuddle with and talk about how fun it would be to go on long hike's together....

Where's your bf?


Where's your bf?

We broke up a few days ago. It was a good relationship - but we both agreed that we would make better friends. We both are still hanging out and playing video games and stuff even after we just broke up. For my first real relationship, it was an unimaginably easy break-up. Zero animosity between us.


Whats up homos? all my friends abandoned me tonight I ended up alone at home D: I really wanted to go out, but I was with my cellphone and after being robbed so many times I didn't want to risk it by being by myself out there.

Everyone on the street where I went through on my way home seemed ready to party so I'm kind of bummed right now.

See cute guy at club, talk to cute guy, get along well, seems real nice but not interested in me. Get in taxi with his friend to split the cost since they live in my direction, she asks me why I didn't go home with him since he was keen. Fuck. :(

heh that is so me, I wouldn't be surprised the other guy thought you were the one not interested, and completely gave you the wrong clues. Seems like a good match then! hehe I'd try to contact him again.
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