Well Sony's conf just killed all good momentum when the Tretton replacement came on stage and started talking about stuff people don't care about for half an hour. Also, I don't E3 is the right venue to announce you're making exclusive TV series... (especially when that announcement comes nearly after your PR dude saying "After all, it's all about games right guys?").
Outside of that:
-Destiny looks amazing (the fact that it's not coming to PC is baffling, what the hell Bungie/Activision).
-The Order looks great but so scripted I'll just watch a stream at some point.
-Bloodborne had a nice CG trailer, doesn't tell me much about the game though, I wish CG trailers wouldn't exist.
-LBP3 looks like LBP, terrible platformers hidden behind a really cute world and cool content builder system.
-I don't care about Uncharted, and again, CG trailer...
-I don't care about Arkham Knight.
-I don't care about MK X, NetherRealms' fighting games really don't gel with me for some reasons.
-Not a single game announcement for the Vita, poor brave little console.
Also people will cheer for anything, even when there's nothing to cheer about. A guy could have just said "Hi" on stage and some people would cheer. It's nothing really but I find it irritating.
Nintendo's "event" will be :
-Smash, Smash, more Smash
-Pokemon RS remakes
-Sonic Boom for 15 minutes because lol.
-Indie games sizzle reels
-Bayonetta 2
-Maybe X
-Some very short CG trailer for Zelda, or some concept art.
-Plenty of time wasted on Wii Sports club.
-Maybe a new IP...