Square is in the business to make money - why would they release a game on the Vita?
Pretty much. The whole reason they never released it on the PSP to begin with was because the platform was dead in the west, so it really wouldn't make much sense to port it to a platform that's in the same situation--might as well have just released it for the PSP to begin with following that logic.
Of course, I definitely understand being disappointed with it not being on the Vita and ideally games should be released on as many platforms as possible so that as many people as possible have the opportunity to play it.
However, at the same time, the way I look at it is that yesterday, we pretty much had no hope that Type-0 was ever going to get localized at this point. At this point, it was just too far gone. At best, we were just going to get Agito, the mobile version of the game (which it turns we're also indeed getting, of course), and even that, while likely, wasn't quite a sure thing.
But now, after years of waiting, it turns out that they are indeed remaking the game so that fans in the west finally have the change to play the game and have made the decision to release an HD remaster of the game on the Xbox One and PS4, two platforms which are both doing well in the west right now and look to have good futures ahead of them, so that those fans are able to do so. This is something that of course no one expected, came completely out of nowhere, and is something S-E definitely didn't have to do, especially after all this time. Is it still disappointing that it's not coming out on the Vita? Definitely.
But at the same, people expected pretty much nothing to happen in terms of Type-0 at this point. And if it were to come over, people were speculating all kinds of possibilities of it popping up on more healthy platforms, just so that people have a change to play the game in the west at all, such as such an HD remaster or even the idea of a 3DS port.
The main takeaway for me is that prior to today, people really weren't expecting an actual localization of Type-0 at all, and now, out of nowhere, S-E did indeed make the decision to announce a remaster for it on the Xbox One and PS4. Those may not be the platforms people expected or wanted, but prior to today, people weren't expecting the game to ever be released in the west, and now S-E actually did make the decision to do a remaster of the game so that fans of the game actually do have the ability to play a localized version in the west. Does it suck that it's not on even more platforms, so that people who only have one of those other platforms can have the opportunity to play it as well? Of course. But at the same time, people basically would have killed for any localized version yesterday and indeed today Square-Enix announced a remaster of the game aimed at the western audience, which they really had no reason to ever make in the first place, especially at this point, so that they indeed do have that possibility which most had entirely given up on at this point.
Now, do I understand being disappointed at this not being at the Vita? Of course, and I definitely know that feeling myself, really wanting to play stuff like Sunset Overdrive and such, but having no clue when I'll be able to afford an Xbox One, or a PS4 for that matter (heck, I can't even afford the games I want on the platforms I do have). But while I definitely understand being disappointed, actually being outraged just strikes me as silly precisely because... well, listen to yourself: your outraged that S-E actually is taking the time to localize a game they really had no reason to ever localize at this point and make an HD remaster of it, and getting outraged just because despite this being something they had no reason to actually do to begin with, and is just an attempt to even give western fans an attempt to play the game at all on platforms that aren't dead, being outraged because it's not on your platform of choice? Being disappointed I understand, but being outraged over Square-Enix localizing a game they had absolutely no reason to at this point and no one expected them to, just because it's not on one's platform of choice is definitely silly, IMO.
EDIT: ...Really sorry that this ended up changing into such a fucking huge rant though. xD Really has nothing to do with anyone in here. Just been absolutely disgusted with some of the attitudes I've been seeing in the thread over in gaming and how there's pages and pages of nothing but pure juvenile whining in there and glorified port-begging and just trudging through even a bit of the BS in that thread filled me with disgust and rage that ended up carrying over to this post, since I haven't had a chance to get it out anywhere else yet. Definitely feel a bit better now though and again, definitely apologize for this turning into such a huge rant and definitely hope that I don't end up bringing some of that platform-wars BS over here. I definitely respect Vita owners and understand their frustration, but just the attitudes in that thread... ugh... Just way, way, over the top, IMO, especially since it really is something that by all means should be a wonderful and happy announcement because of how unexpected it was for us to ever get the game ever, on any platform and just seeing all that negativity really gets to me and in turn makes me all negative and grumpy and stuff, which I really hate being. Why can't we all just be friends? Why are we so at each other's necks with this platform war bs and which platform deserves what games, instead of being happy that anyone is lucky enough to have the chance to play localized versions of fantastic games like that, even if those lucky people unfortunately might not be ourselves? Sigh.