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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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I feel bad sometimes about how easy my coming out was, though I have a small family that are accepting, though I don't think my grandma "gets it".

She always says "That boy you live with" or stuff like that.

Boyfriend grandma, BOYFRIEND.

I guess it could be worst, she could be like "That boy you are fucking like your grandpa used to bone me, mmmmmhmmmmm."
Today is Gravelord_Nito's [Previously Pupi18] Birthday today :p Yassssssss
Expressing my love on here, Happy birthday and Love you :3



I feel bad sometimes about how easy my coming out was, though I have a small family that are accepting, though I don't think my grandma "gets it".

She always says "That boy you live with" or stuff like that.

Boyfriend grandma, BOYFRIEND.

I guess it could be worst, she could be like "That boy you are fucking like your grandpa used to bone me, mmmmmhmmmmm."

That's usual with most grandparents and some relatives. They just try to "avoid it".
The boyfriend and I have been trying to find another guy to date, mostly because we feel like we can love more than one person and the fact that we are both versatile, but I really don't like to bottom.

Any experience with this type of thing? Are we crazy? I know I've asked this before.

Also, we really can't date anyone if they aren't gamers. It makes it a bit harder.
The boyfriend and I have been trying to find another guy to date, mostly because we feel like we can love more than one person and the fact that we are both versatile, but I really don't like to bottom.

Any experience with this type of thing? Are we crazy? I know I've asked this before.

Also, we really can't date anyone if they aren't gamers. It makes it a bit harder.

I've heard of this before, you're not crazy at all there are quite a few people out there like you and your boyfriend. If you both agree on it then I see nothing wrong with it.

I never experienced this firsthand but as long as all three parties involved are in agreement then go for it.
I just can't do it, I'm a loser. I have an A in English and US History but I have a D in Math and C in Science.

edit: happy birthday!

You're not a loser. Math is not everyone's best subject just relax and do the best you can.
Some guy will see how awesome you are in the meantime focus on school and see what comes your way.

Happy bday pupi.


Happy birthday Gravelord !

this week on guess who's a loser:

that awkward liam guy from one direction

Oh woah... I wonder if he's gonna pull the "I've been hacked!" card or stand by his tweet. I'm not sure the Duck Dynasty family values are compatible with One Direction's fan base (or even the generally vanilla content of their lyrics).

(I always thought he was the cutest one though)


The boyfriend and I have been trying to find another guy to date, mostly because we feel like we can love more than one person and the fact that we are both versatile, but I really don't like to bottom.

Any experience with this type of thing? Are we crazy? I know I've asked this before.

Also, we really can't date anyone if they aren't gamers. It makes it a bit harder.

I respect your position and both of your preference for that matter, but I learned not to meddle with polyamory situations anymore.

Edit: Grammar.
I just can't do it, I'm a loser. I have an A in English and US History but I have a D in Math and C in Science.

edit: happy birthday!

As above, don't worry about Maths, it certainly isn't for everyone. I don't know what the curriculum is like in your location, but are there any areas specifically which pose a significant hurdle to you? In addition to this, have you tried www.khanacademy.org? It is quite comprehenesive, so hopefully it will be of some benefit to you.

Oh and at Icarus, I've never heard of that but thanks for the suggestion. I think if I order it in a bar I'll probably have to ask for the drink by listing the ingredients though; I cannot imagine the name going down very well here (I'm in Ireland).

EDIT: Happy birthday also!
Religious people will be religious. Considering the Bible teaches you to question every other faith / God but your own, we can't be too surprised.

If anyone is religious I'm never surprised when some kind of bigotry spills out of their mouths. I'm more surprised when they say something accepting.

As far as backwoods hillbillies that are old enough to be my grandpa and lives in the south...no shit he is going to have less than progressive views.
Religious people will be religious. Considering the Bible teaches you to question every other faith / God but your own, we can't be too surprised.

If anyone is religious I'm never surprised when some kind of bigotry spills out of their mouths. I'm more surprised when they say something accepting.

As far as backwoods hillbillies that are old enough to be my grandpa and lives in the south...no shit he is going to have less than progressive views.

I really didn't get the surprised reaction when he made those comments considering his age and where he is from.

About religious people there are quite a few accepting ones it's just that you have a lot of idiots who are religious who say dumb shit and are the vocal majority.
Religious people will be religious. Considering the Bible teaches you to question every other faith / God but your own, we can't be too surprised.

If anyone is religious I'm never surprised when some kind of bigotry spills out of their mouths. I'm more surprised when they say something accepting.

As far as backwoods hillbillies that are old enough to be my grandpa and lives in the south...no shit he is going to have less than progressive views.

I really didn't get the surprised reaction when he made those comments considering his age and where he is from.

About religious people there are quite a few accepting ones it's just that you have a lot of idiots who are religious who say dumb shit and are the vocal majority.

I'd say vocal minority. That tends to be how things work these days. The voice of the few cry loudest, especially online. I think the majority of people just keep their thoughts to themselves these days.
I'd say vocal minority. That tends to be how things work these days. The voice of the few cry loudest, especially online. I think the majority of people just keep their thoughts to themselves these days.

Good point. The reason I said majority is because of people like Pat Robertson and others who have media power who spew homophobic bs.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
The boyfriend and I have been trying to find another guy to date, mostly because we feel like we can love more than one person and the fact that we are both versatile, but I really don't like to bottom.

Any experience with this type of thing? Are we crazy? I know I've asked this before.

Also, we really can't date anyone if they aren't gamers. It makes it a bit harder.
I just got up out of bed and made a strong coffee before replying to this, haha. Hoping I can at least give you some fresh perspective.

I came out of a 7-year relationship last year that was pretty open - now I'm not talking going out and randomly boning dudes all the time or whatever, more a 'bring a third in sometimes' or if one of us was in another city a hookup was fine, etc etc. Now in my eyes, we were mostly fine, we hads our ups and downs like all couples, but things were going south pretty fast, I just didn't realise it until it was too late.

In my experience, from my own situation but also interacting with other couples who are chasing that kind of thing (and turning them down) the truth is generally that there's always one person in the couple that wants the 'open' or polyamorous thing more. If you can identify who that is - if it's you, why? What are you missing from your bf? if it's just a sex thing, then I wouldn't be sure 'dating' a new person would do anything except introduce heaps of jealousy issues. And they will come up, believe me. Is he pushing for it and you're scared he will leave you if you say no? (Don't want to assume anything, just, sometimes that's the case!)

You can't just slot someone into your relationship (pun intended :p) and expect everything to be the same. Dynamics change, energy changes. Adding another person to spend your energy on will naturally reduce the amount you have for your current bf. He'll notice. People take things for granted, and can get lazy. You might feel your boy drifting away and overcompensate and make it worse.

As for the 'we can love two people' thing - I feel pretty strongly about this, that real, lasting, bonding love is incredibly hard work, takes time and investment and directing 'love' (not unguided lust, or whatever) at 2 different people is just a cop out coming from a real fear of commitment. A lasting relationship takes real effort and communication.

What I'm more saying is, don't try to find someone else as an outlet to deal with things missing from your current thing. Two people can be really hard at times, a third won't make things easier. Communicate honestly with eachother.

Sorry about the essay, just felt compelled to respond.


It's been well over a year since I last clicked on a GAF LGBT thread though. I take long breaks hence why I might've never noticed before.

Long breaks is an understatement lol, unless you hang only on gaming side, because Modmei makes appearances in several lgbt threads in the OT.

In other news, I'm in the most empty gay bar ever. I know what you are thinking, "what are you doing on GAF!? go talk to someone! ", trust me, I would, but there's literally no one here, only the waiters, and a woman singing karaoke lol, I tend to forget things start here way past midnight, and I didn't plan to stay long anyway, but this experience is kind of surreal hehe.
That's a really good response with some great advice.

So I asked this guy straight up and I got a vague response. This sounds like a bad fish that needs to be thrown back into the pond lol,

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
That's a really good response with some great advice.

So I asked this guy straight up and I got a vague response. This sounds like a bad fish that needs to be thrown back into the pond lol,
Thanks, hope I can help in some way.

As for your situation - I believe there's a term for people like that and it's called 'bread crumbs'. Enough to keep you guessing, but not enough to allow any kind of effort or commitment. It's probably an ego boost for him that your'e so into him. Text messages take 5 seconds to type out. Don't read into it - and don't accept anything less than clear intentions. It'll drive you nuts.

I'll admit I was guilty of what he's doing since my split - had a wonderful, amazing guy into me. We were so, so close to eachother - I don't think I've ever laughed so much with someone and had so much fun - but I didn't want him to be drawn into a rebound situation.

But at the same time I needed his support, so it was push and pull and mixed messages and pushing him away and just completely messy and horrible. He ended up dating someone else and still contacts me dailiy saying I'm still his best friend. We're very close. I think he is still reallly into me , but it's not fair on him to expect him to wait for me.

Oh god, I don't want to come off like I'm some expert at all. Just, been in the same situation, as I'm sure many others have.
Thanks, hope I can help in some way.

As for your situation - I believe there's a term for people like that and it's called 'bread crumbs'. Enough to keep you guessing, but not enough to allow any kind of effort or commitment. It's probably an ego boost for him that your'e so into him. Text messages take 5 seconds to type out. Don't read into it - and don't accept anything less than clear intentions. It'll drive you nuts.

I'll admit I was guilty of what he's doing since my split - had a wonderful, amazing guy into me. We were so, so close to eachother - I don't think I've ever laughed so much with someone and had so much fun - but I didn't want him to be drawn into a rebound situation.

But at the same time I needed his support, so it was push and pull and mixed messages and pushing him away and just completely messy and horrible. He ended up dating someone else and still contacts me dailiy saying I'm still his best friend. We're very close. I think he is still reallly into me , but it's not fair on him to expect him to wait for me.

Oh god, I don't want to come off like I'm some expert at all. Just, been in the same situation, as I'm sure many others have.

Thanks for the advice. At this point I was thinking on to give him a chance or not and by the sounds of it I don't think I should.

We don't have the relationship you and this guy had/have. I mean this guy went off and dated some guy without telling me that I was not someone he wanted to be with I had to get it out of him.

I told him from the jump that I don't mind it if things don't turn out well just tell me.
So that kind of plays in the back of my head.


Do not worry, as a complete newbie in this stuff I've done the same and I agree with what you say. edit: I meant Ollie! I would listen to someone out of a 7 year relationship first thing anyway :p

It made me think about that thread about girls giving out numbers only to never respond, I've done it because I feel it's rude, but then I regret it, but responding just to clarify you wanted nothing Its even more rude.

Only once a guy was really starting to get serious with me and I had to clarify bluntly I wasn't interested, it felt crappy, but so much better than leading him on without a clear response. Many guys have done the same thing to me, at this point I just take it as something inevitable.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Thanks for the advice. At this point I was thinking on to give him a chance or not and by the sounds of it I don't think I should.

We don't have the relationship you and this guy had/have. I mean this guy went off and dated some guy without telling me that I was not someone he wanted to be with I had to get it out of him.

I told him from the jump that I don't mind it if things don't turn out well just tell me.
So that kind of plays in the back of my head.
I think some people are just shit at communicating, sometimes you just need to go by the 'actions speak louder than words' thing. Like me and this other dude - if we were meant to be together we would be.
Do not worry, as a complete newbie in this stuff I've done the same and I agree with what you say.

It made me think about that thread about girls giving out numbers only to never respond, I've done it because I feel it's rude, but then I regret it, but responding just to clarify you wanted nothing Its even more rude.

Only once a guy was really starting to get serious with me and I had to clarify bluntly I wasn't interested, it felt crappy, but so much better than leading him on without a clear response. Many guys have done the same thing to me, at this point I just take it as something inevitable.

Yeah, I guess in my case I can tell someone I am not interested in a way where it doesn't come off as rude. I mean he could just say I don't see things working out between us but we can still be friends (real friends not the line people use as a cop out)

I think some people are just shit at communicating, sometimes you just need to go by the 'actions speak louder than words' thing. Like me and this other dude - if we were meant to be together we would be.

Good point. I mean if it is meant to be it will be if not that's cool I always had this mindset myself. Right now I just want to know what his intentions are and him giving me vague answers only reaffirm that it was not meant to work out anyway.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Good point. I mean if it is meant to be it will be if not that's cool I always had this mindset myself. Right now I just want to know what his intentions are and him giving me vague answers only reaffirm that it was not meant to work out anyway.
Yeah, you sound pretty balanced about it all! Maybe just give you guys some space for a few days/weeks and you may not even want to bother if it's not reciprocated.

Be aware there's always the 'someone took my toy' effect. I was pushing this guy away until I saw he was seeing someone else then I was like a kid having a tantrum. "BUT I WANT TO BE WITH YOU" etc. Human nature 101 :p haha! But I'm not ready, and I know that.
Yeah, you sound pretty balanced about it all! Maybe just give you guys some space for a few days/weeks and you may not even want to bother if it's not reciprocated.

Be aware there's always the 'someone took my toy' effect. I was pushing this guy away until I saw he was seeing someone else then I was like a kid having a tantrum. "BUT I WANT TO BE WITH YOU" etc. Human nature 101 :p haha! But I'm not ready, and I know that.

I have had colorful dealings with guys I can handle that if it were come to pass.


Speaking of relationship, I'm ignoring my bf for the last few days. And while I'm ignoring him, I feel nothing, like I don't miss him at all and I feel fine. I'm trying to break things up with him, but he didn't want to. I can leave him just like that, but he's nice guy, very nice guy, he doesn't deserve it, in fact no one deserves it.

I guess my love has changed and I don't love him as much as I used to.

edit: fuck new page :|

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
I have had colorful dealings with guys I can handle that if it were come to pass.
If only I had that wisdom.... so embarrassing :p I was a sight, that's for sure.
Speaking of relationship, I'm ignoring my bf for the last few days. And while I'm ignoring him, I feel nothing, like I don't miss him at all and I feel fine. I'm trying to break things up with him, but he didn't want to. I can leave him just like that, but he's nice guy, very nice guy, he doesn't deserve it, in fact no one deserves it.

I guess my love has changed and I don't love him as much as I used to.

edit: fuck new page :|
This actually reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where George tried to breakup with his girlfriend and she just outright said 'No'.

Feel for ya man, there's no rulebook for breakups... always gonna be shitty.


Speaking of relationship, I'm ignoring my bf for the last few days. And while I'm ignoring him, I feel nothing, like I don't miss him at all and I feel fine. I'm trying to break things up with him, but he didn't want to. I can leave him just like that, but he's nice guy, very nice guy, he doesn't deserve it, in fact no one deserves it.

I guess my love has changed and I don't love him as much as I used to.

edit: fuck new page :|

You can't help that your feelings have shifted away from him. No one deserves to be ignored, but then again, no one deserves to have to force themselves with someone without strong feelings for them.

On another, more curious, note:

Is that you in your avatar?


Speaking of relationship, I'm ignoring my bf for the last few days. And while I'm ignoring him, I feel nothing, like I don't miss him at all and I feel fine. I'm trying to break things up with him, but he didn't want to. I can leave him just like that, but he's nice guy, very nice guy, he doesn't deserve it, in fact no one deserves it.

I guess my love has changed and I don't love him as much as I used to.

edit: fuck new page :|

I guess there's no way to make it simple. Keep your distance and let things settle by themselves. It might be hard in the beginning (well, especially for him, obviously), but that's the best way to do it.

If only I had that wisdom.... so embarrassing :p I was a sight, that's for sure.

This actually reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where George tried to breakup with his girlfriend and she just outright said 'No'.

Feel for ya man, there's no rulebook for breakups... always gonna be shitty.

I'm on a Seinfeld watching-spree at the moment so your reference is just music to my ears :D
Nothing worse than being emotionally held hostage but you have to call it quits sooner or later.

Reminds me of this line from a song.
Is this really what I want?
The more I think about it
My heart keeps blocking me
Though it hurts, I want to end this


As for the 'we can love two people' thing - I feel pretty strongly about this, that real, lasting, bonding love is incredibly hard work, takes time and investment and directing 'love' (not unguided lust, or whatever) at 2 different people is just a cop out coming from a real fear of commitment. A lasting relationship takes real effort and communication.

After having experienced the struggles of several ex-friend couples who were in an open relationship this is exactly how I feel now.

Long breaks is an understatement lol, unless you hang only on gaming side, because Modmei makes appearances in several lgbt threads in the OT.

LOL, well, I go into "regular user" mode every once in a while, just like I am atm, actively posting since the Steam holiday sales thread (which is what actually brought me back in here).
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