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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Welcome aboard, Scher ( ;P ). Hope you have a good time around here. Are you usually more fond on women than men, or viceversa?

Have you ever had a bf? Looking for one?

I don't know if I'd say i'm really more fond of one over the other. More that I have preferences for each and it's mostly just an issue of what I will like in an individual. I'm not all that picky when it comes to what I find attractive.

Also, dating isn't something I really do much of, considering I've been a student for forever now. As much as I'd love to have a boyfriend or girlfriend, there's just too much to do right now! I'll really be looking for a serious relationship when I get closer to done with school.


irresponsible vagina leak
I'm doing that on porpuse because he will never find out. I don't want him to know, I've had three coming out experiences and the three of them have brought horrible consequences and I don't want to dissapoint myself again. Btw this friend used to be my crush too (the most painful one) and I feel like coming out to him would lead to him ignoring me forever and he is too good to let him go like that :(

If he is really a friend he wont shove you away. No need to hide that part of you.


Has there been any indication whatsoever that he may harbor feelings of homophobia? If not, you should just go ahead with it. Even then he is your best friend, I don't think he would dismiss you abruptly if he initially disapproves of your sexuality.

If he is really a friend he wont shove you away. Not need to hide that part of you.

I don't want to ruin this friendship. He has helped me a lot with my self esteem issues and has bee there when I needed him. I'm afraid of losing him, he is a great person and makes me feel good. Coming out is really not that risky but what if he asks me if I like him? I'm terrible at lying and I don't want him to find out that part of my feelings for him, even if I already got over it a few months ago.


I'll be the one who tells you to not do it right now. You like him, so your coming out to him might be partially influenced by that. You really don't want to ruin a friendship you seemingly appreciate a lot.

Also, work on not fancying your friends :mad:


I wasn't going to do it. I'll do it when I'm ready and when I feel more comfortable with it. And I need to gather more information about how okay he is with homosexuality, and that is why I'm trying to hint at my sexuality right now.

And he is the only friend that I have had a crush on but I don't have those feelings for him anymore.


I wasn't going to do it. I'll do it when I'm ready and when I feel more comfortable with it. And I need to gather more information about how okay he is with homosexuality, and that is why I'm trying to hint at my sexuality right now.

And he is the only friend that I have had a crush on but I don't have those feelings for him anymore.
Gather more intel and do it when you feel like the time is right. :)


How come?

It seems to me that a lot of gay guys have absurdly high expectations, not just when it comes to personality but looks as well. But maybe I'm just going to the wrong places and I don't make a great first impression either.
Don't know. I know I'm not a looker; but still try to show interest in pursuing at least a friendship. Some say confidence helps, but when you have confidence and "decide to act"; then the others just take your confidence and slam it into the ground....it takes some times getting some of it back. And I'm going though that part right now...again!! :p

But, guess saying things like "Hey, hope you have a nice day" is too much for many guys. Then again, it goes back to looks. On multiple occasions, it seems that saying "have a nice day" makes you look like a a desperate psycho; when you look like I do. But when a better looking guy says the exact same thing.... "OMG! He's so adorable".

Still, is my fault. Guess I "try too much".
With time, I've been learning to not worry or care as much for others. It sucks, because it seems I'm one of those guys that cares, so "not caring" is not like a switch that I just turn off and ..boom, no longer care!!! Which in turn makes for some hard times when it comes to meet people since is no longer about the first impressions, but after that; when he'll stop talking to me. A day? Week? Month?


Hunky Nostradamus
So yeah, howdy y'all! I'm bisexual and live deep in the heart of Texas. Unfortunately, I never really did come to terms with my sexuality until about a couple of years ago. Being in such a generally religious area, it was certainly a very difficult thing for me to accept. In recent years, though, there's just been a lot of stuff that's happened that had really gotten me to reassess myself. My time as an undergraduate had certainly been eventful with Prop 8 and, umm, cute guys and stuff getting me to reevaluate a lot of things!

Kool, another guy bi. And a Texas one to boot! Are you a cowboy? :3

Do you have a story about coming to terms with your sexuality?


How come?

It seems to me that a lot of gay guys have absurdly high expectations, not just when it comes to personality but looks as well. But maybe I'm just going to the wrong places and I don't make a great first impression either.

I missed this post before but I wanted to address it. I might generalize a bit :p

See, there's one simple fact about life, we "ugly" people are by far the majority. Like 10 to 1. Everyone wants the "hot, perfect personality" ones, that is a very obvious thing to expect, but the "beautiful" people are scarce. Yet, against all odds, population booms, doesn't it?

I personally think its a simple thing, once you adjust to reality, you realize you can find someone that will make you happy and your insanely high standards don't really need to be met. Also, you realize you focus in things that might not be that important. That adjustment to reality requires sometimes to kiss a lot of frogs, as they said. This process is something that straight people do since the onset of puberty through a lot of rituals: homecomings, proms, sleep overs, fraternities etc etc. Society then creates certain expectations for people for certain ages, with some overlapping, but that structure is there, it works for the most part.

We haven't had that luxury until very, very recently, so it is not surprising at all gay people act in a very adolescent way, for lack of a better word. We will have insane standards, obsession with our own bodies, crazy fantasies that simply don't meet reality, etc, etc, this is because we were just late to that freaking party, we grow up late, so to speak. Our growing up experiences spend a lot of energy, and time, in that coming out part. Society does not care for it though, so it expects from us certain maturity in relationships that we simply don't have for our ages. That of course creates conflicts, and many gay people get stuck in the "adolescent" way of living, others get depressed, 25 years of age being the "gay death" its a very simple example of this.

I can only hope this will improve in the future.
Do you think that you'd be attracted to some of the people you don't find attractive on dating sites if you saw them in real life?

There have been a few occasions that I saw people in real life who I recognised from dating sites and who were interested in me before even talking to me while online they completely ignored me. My photos are very representative of what I look like so I never really understood why that happens.
It actually happened when I recognized one guy from OkCupid on the streets, and he looked a lot more attractive in person than he did in his photographs. In general, though, people have tended to look better in their pictures than they have in person. Whereas, I thought I looked worse in pictures, but then I've had people say "you look exactly like you do in your photos!" (Ouch.)

I'm guessing the whole remote aspect of looking up people online can make one scrutinize someone's looks more deeply since that's all you really have to go off of in terms of visuals; you don't get the same connection as you would with someone in person and how they carry themselves. Some people may simply not be photogenic, either. Or maybe it's just my luck with online dating.

I'm not in a rush to find a relationship anymore, so I can't say I'm too bothered by it. I can always start up my love life once I'm older. The universe keeps sending me signals to become bisexual (since only girls come on to me in person), but I sadly know of no way to change once's sexuality. (Not that I'd want to, mind.) I have a friend who recently got out of a relationship and found a new boyfriend a mere week later, so it's probably my approach that's lacking.
I need to get this out of my system right now.

Some of you may remember I fell in love with a very special guy back in Venezuela like a month before I had to leave. He understood completely, we both said I love you before I left (like, the night before I left, he wrote it on a letter). Before that I told him that I was scared about what would happen to us and that I didn't really feel like I had the right to ask him to wait for me or something like that because I was the one who was leaving. He was like "I don't want to be with anyone else" etc.

So I left about a month ago. We went from dating to long distance relationship. Talking everyday, exchanging lots of pics, telling each other how much we missed us, skyping, etc. We even had a couple of "fights" :p

We've had our bad days too, I really miss him and wish he was here, feel really lonely and so does he. Earlier today he told me that he was very sad for the past couple of days. I told him that we should start planning our future now and not just wait until we're together once again. I know I'm coming back to Venezuela before the year ends at least for a few days because I'm still not able to work legally here so I'll have to leave sometime after my 3 month "trial" to do the paperwork and stuff I need to continue to work, permanently here.

So I told him we should start planning for his vacations, maybe next year, I could start saving some money to help him with the plane ticket since they're extremely expensive in Venezuela, just so we could spend some days together here (He will finish college by the end of the next year and graduate around march 2016 so it's a long path to our "Happy ending") I told him "I know it's not a pretty picture but that's all I can think about (to make us feel better)".

Somehow this made him feel even worse. Like he wasn't aware of all this stuff. He told me "I don't know, It's not a pretty picture, I don't like that scenario". He's only 22 and he tells me he's never missed/loved anyone like this. I've been through a lot though, so I'm very happy to have found someone who loves me back and even if it's really crazy, I'm willing to do all this just because I want to try, because right now my happy ending involves him.

I was heartbroken by his words because I was all like: hey this could be our future!!!! and he just told me he didn't like it. I think he cried for a while, I felt like shit most of the day. Then I tried to talk it out again tonight. Which didn't really go that well. In the end he just tells me he wants to wait until we meet again to make any further plans. I don't understand why, I kind of feel like I need to make plans because I don't even know when I'm going back this year so I just wanted to start planning ahead for the next one (even if that only meant start saving money) because I don't want to just leave things to fate. He just tells me he scared of basically feeling like shit, missing me for the next couple of years or so.

I basically told him: You can end this and be "happy" with someone else for the next couple of years (after which, ideally he'll leave the country as well), I'd rather be "unhappy" (which I'm really not) for the next couple of years for the greater good.

In the end I was like OK, we're not making any plans until we see each other, but I'm gonna plan anyway because I need to have some control over this situation. I told him I didn't really like how "let's wait" sounds, it makes me doubt what I thought we had but I guess I can't really ask much of him.


Kool, another guy bi. And a Texas one to boot! Are you a cowboy? :3

Do you have a story about coming to terms with your sexuality?

I am not country enough to be a cowboy, although that doesn't stop me from talking like a southerner at times.

As for coming to terms with my sexuality, I can't really say there's much of a story there. I certainly noticed cute guys growing up, but I had always tried to kind of gloss over that since I still very much liked women and kind of grew up with the idea that same sex stuff was all very bad. Even after I started college and was pretty much on my own to do whatever, I still tried to ignore those attractions simply because of how I was raised. It wasn't until all the Prop 8 stuff where I really began questioning what I was raised to belief. A large part of why that really got to me was because I was raised in the Mormon church, which kind of found itself involved in a scandal regarding Prop 8. I think that whole think is what put me in the mood to really question what I thought and reassess something.

Around the time that was all happening is when I took Organic Chemistry, and that was kind of important because my lab partner for that class was way too cute! I don't know what it was about him, but his looks and personality just really pushed all my buttons, and I couldn't really ignore my attraction to him. Considering all the other stuff involving Prop 8 that was going on, I didn't even really care to ignore the attraction at the point. I started not being so afraid to notice the guys around me, and it was a pretty nice feeling to be able to admit that stuff to myself. Although I'm still not really out to family and close friends, it's certainly been nice to feel like I really understand my attractions a lot more.
I am not country enough to be a cowboy, although that doesn't stop me from talking like a southerner at times.

As for coming to terms with my sexuality, I can't really say there's much of a story there. I certainly noticed cute guys growing up, but I had always tried to kind of gloss over that since I still very much liked women and kind of grew up with the idea that same sex stuff was all very bad. Even after I started college and was pretty much on my own to do whatever, I still tried to ignore those attractions simply because of how I was raised. It wasn't until all the Prop 8 stuff where I really began questioning what I was raised to belief. A large part of why that really got to me was because I was raised in the Mormon church, which kind of found itself involved in a scandal regarding Prop 8. I think that whole think is what put me in the mood to really question what I thought and reassess something.

Around the time that was all happening is when I took Organic Chemistry, and that was kind of important because my lab partner for that class was way too cute! I don't know what it was about him, but his looks and personality just really pushed all my buttons, and I couldn't really ignore my attraction to him. Considering all the other stuff involving Prop 8 that was going on, I didn't even really care to ignore the attraction at the point. I started not being so afraid to notice the guys around me, and it was a pretty nice feeling to be able to admit that stuff to myself. Although I'm still not really out to family and close friends, it's certainly been nice to feel like I really understand my attractions a lot more.

Hello, fellow Bi!
You'll never leave.

Everyone in Biology, Chemistry and Physics is somewhat cute, mind. This is coming from experience.

Also, maybe i'm a bit late, but welcome to the LGBT club in general!
Again, you'll never leave.


I've avoided the leak to hear Ultraviolence legit. I'm gonna cry so much
Initial impressions say that Born To Die is the more cohesive album, but all of the singles that she's released have been fantastic, Brooklyn Baby in particular. I prefer Aubach's production in general though.


Initial impressions say that Born To Die is the more cohesive album, but all of the singles that she's released have been fantastic, Brooklyn Baby in particular. I prefer Aubach's production in general though.

I've liked all 4 singles, but especially love Brooklyn Baby and West Coast.
Dahling, if you feel as if I am going into this thread to simply attention-whore then you are mistaken. I've always been a lurker around these parts, and I didn't feel it necessary to make a more "proper" introduction because I post here infrequently. If anything, I would like to be more active in this thread, simply because I feel like I have reached the age in which I can communicate more eloquently on a discussion board compared to when I first joined. Sorry if my posts have that vibe, wasn't my intention.
Ties, I really wasn't calling you out or anything. I was talking about myself.. I felt like shit last night.

Thank you :)

Let it all out if you need to, I'll see if I can help though I don't have much experience.

Also up very late I see? Go ahead, let it out.

Hey, thanks for the responses. But luckily I was so shitfaced last night that it didn't take long to fall asleep once I laid down. Apart from a huge hangover, I'm feeling better.

But long story short: I've been feeling lonely and depressed for about a year now, and getting through the day is becoming harder. That my job is so time and energy consuming is a double edged sword, because when I get home I just want to go to bed, but at least I haven't had any time to wallow in my own misery. In the weekends I just drink until I'm gone. And last night it sort of culminated into me being a crying mess, drunk posting on gaf. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Depends on the region. There's always a chart floating around the web with that info. I think asians have an average of 5.5, yeah.

I don't think this is the chart you're thinking of but:


From where I got it:
Note that the first two as well has the study carried by Dr Acuña refer to self reported measures, while the rest are measured by professionals.

As a first approximation we can see from these studies that the average penis size in flaccid state is 9.1cm (3.6′) long and 9.6cm (3.8′) thick (circumference at the thickest point), but due to the great disparity of the averages [7.76-11.76] it would be more realistic to say that average flaccid penis size is somewhere between 8.5 and 9.5 centimiters (3.3-3.75 inches) and between 9 and 10 cm (3.5-3.9 inches).

From where I got it:
It is even more evident here how self reported surveys give statistically larger averages that those studies done by professionals. The average shown in yellow takes into account the size of the population studied, so these studies rise the average by being the biggest. That’s why we shouldn’t say anything else than the average erect penis size is somewhere between 14 and 15 cm long (5.5′ – 5.9′) and between 11.5 and 12cm thick.

Summing up we can say that a real mean penis size is difficult to find due to the variability of penis size and the lack of good and big studies.

The website it's on is 5Sizes but I don't think I can link it here due to some of the content on displa, despite them being of an educational nature/them being examples.

There is also this image:
Which seems to be more inline with what you were thinking of, but it's based on a study of debatable reliability.

If that's not the one you mean, it could be this very long and thin image:

In summary? There are lots of supposed means, but generally it's assumed to be between five and six when erect.


I wasn't going to do it. I'll do it when I'm ready and when I feel more comfortable with it. And I need to gather more information about how okay he is with homosexuality, and that is why I'm trying to hint at my sexuality right now.

And he is the only friend that I have had a crush on but I don't have those feelings for him anymore.

I can relate to that because that's exactly how I felt back in highschool. Truth be told, you're better off on your own if he decides to turn his back on you after you come out to him. You need to keep it real, son. Surround yourself by people who accept you for who you are.

¿Qué edad tienes, por cierto?

If that's not the one you mean, it could be this very long and thin image:

In summary? There are lots of supposed means, but generally it's assumed to be between five and six when erect.

Amazing! Very informative charts. The last time I saw a graph comparing penis sizes from around the world came from a post on Facebook earlier this year, but it wasn't as in-depth as your "Todger Size Around the World" chart. Great compilation, man.

Congo and Ecuador seem to be the paradise for size queens, ha.
Korea and China didn't shook me as much as India did... I wasn't expecting them to show up as part of the lowest common denominator.
... Goddamnit. Does anyone ever get it when you gain hope, before it gets brutally stomped out in seconds...? It's been happening to me for ages now constantly, and now, at the culmination of the college year, it has happened. I've never wanted to simply stop this much all of my life, but now... Ugh.

Sorry, just venting a little.


... Goddamnit. Does anyone ever get it when you gain hope, before it gets brutally stomped out in seconds...? It's been happening to me for ages now constantly, and now, at the culmination of the college year, it has happened. I've never wanted to simply stop this much all of my life, but now... Ugh.

Sorry, just venting a little.

Basically my life story with Tinder. Every time I get a match, they block me within seconds, whether I send something or not. Just more of those people who swipe right on everyone and then pick and choose out of their matches. Sucks. Lol.


Basically my life story with Tinder. Every time I get a match, they block me within seconds, whether I send something or not. Just more of those people who swipe right on everyone and then pick and choose out of their matches. Sucks. Lol.
I remember two years ago I was chatting with this guy on Grindr who initiated a conversation with me and immediately blocked me after I told him that I, too, have an affinity towards the Soul Calibur franchise. I was confused ngl

Online dating has never been my thing. I suppose I have an issue with commitment so I'd rather see my date face to face rather than through a device's screen.
How do you guys deal with setting (or not setting) boundaries with your gay friends as far as meeting guys and/or sleeping with them? Does it make you uncomfortable if you find out your friend slept with or dated someone that you did beforehand, or are you generally okay with it? If you do want boundaries, do you set them vocally with your friends or is there an underlying assumption?

So basically there's this gentleman that I've liked for a while, and we've hung out on and off for about a year now. I've always felt like there was a building chemistry with the two of us and that I was sort of nurturing the friendship/relationship slowly over time. My friend who's met him a few times downtown decided that he HATES him, mostly because he's timid and sort of anti-social. I tell him that he's much more open and entertaining when he's in a comfortable setting, but my friend has relentlessly vocalized how much he despises him every time the topic comes up. He's really quick to judge sometimes and I've gotten used to him passing judgements on people I talk to because it's just what he does. So a few weeks ago he mentions him in passing ("God that guy is so shitty") and I respond with "well I like him, and I think he and I have a lot of sexual chemistry." He then tell me "I don't think that's the case, because when we had sex a little while ago he shaded you and told me that he doesn't think you two had a lot of sexual chemistry." I was like "u wot m8"

So that stunned me so much that I said I needed a bathroom break just to walk off. I don't know if I was more mad at 1) the fact that he had sex with someone he hated (which just makes him come off like some promiscuous mess), or 2) that he had sex with someone very recently who I liked, 3) that he had the nerve to tell me something the other guy probably told him in confidence, or 4) that he told me something that he probably assumed would hurt my feelings. That's when I felt like whatever boundaries he and I shared were completely fractured and I felt sort of exposed, and shitty. I get jaded a lot about how heavily networked the Austin community is, and that I probably share 80% of the same partners that my other friends share. I hate that, and it's why I have sex so sparingly. And that exchange really pounded that feeling into my brain. I'm thinking I should sit down with him and tell him that we need to have some kind of system. If I like someone, he's embargoed, and vice versa. Does anyone have something like that with their friends?


How do you guys deal with setting (or not setting) boundaries with your gay friends as far as meeting guys and/or sleeping with them? Does it make you uncomfortable if you find out your friend slept with or dated someone that you did beforehand, or are you generally okay with it? If you do want boundaries, do you set them vocally with your friends or is there an underlying assumption?

So basically there's this gentleman that I've liked for a while, and we've hung out on and off for about a year now. I've always felt like there was a building chemistry with the two of us and that I was sort of nurturing the friendship/relationship slowly over time. My friend who's met him a few times downtown decided that he HATES him, mostly because he's timid and sort of anti-social. I tell him that he's much more open and entertaining when he's in a comfortable setting, but my friend has relentlessly vocalized how much he despises him every time the topic comes up. So a few weeks ago he mentions him in passing ("God that guy is so shitty") and I respond with "well I like him, and I think he and I have a lot of sexual chemistry." He then tell me "I don't think that's the case, because when we had sex two weeks ago he shaded you and told me that he doesn't think you two had a lot of sexual chemistry." Wat

So that stunned me so much that I said I needed a bathroom break just to walk off. I don't know if I was more mad at 1) the fact that he had sex with someone he hated, or 2) that he had sex with someone very recently who I liked, 3) that he had the nerve to tell me something the other guy probably told me in confidence, or 4) that he told me something that he probably assumed would hurt my feelings. That's when I felt like whatever boundaries he and I shared were completely fractured and I felt sort of exposed, and shitty. I get jaded a lot about how heavily networked the Austin community is, and that I probably share 80% of the same partners that my other friends share. I hate that. And that exchange really pounded that feeling into my brain. I'm thinking I should sit down with him and tell him that we need to have some kind of system. If I like someone, he's embargoed, and vice versa. Does anyone have something like that with their friends?

Wow, if it's that bad in a big city like Austin it's hopeless. I go to a college town with about 30,000 students, and the gay population is not only small, but everyone knows everyone and talks and, more importantly, have fucked each other. Like my one friend is my go to "who is this guy" on Grindr and 8/10 times he's already slept with him lmao.


How do you guys deal with setting (or not setting) boundaries with your gay friends as far as meeting guys and/or sleeping with them? Does it make you uncomfortable if you find out your friend slept with or dated someone that you did beforehand, or are you generally okay with it? If you do want boundaries, do you set them vocally with your friends or is there an underlying assumption?

So basically there's this gentleman that I've liked for a while, and we've hung out on and off for about a year now. I've always felt like there was a building chemistry with the two of us and that I was sort of nurturing the friendship/relationship slowly over time. My friend who's met him a few times downtown decided that he HATES him, mostly because he's timid and sort of anti-social. I tell him that he's much more open and entertaining when he's in a comfortable setting, but my friend has relentlessly vocalized how much he despises him every time the topic comes up. He's really quick to judge sometimes and I've gotten used to him passing judgements on people I talk to because it's just what he does. So a few weeks ago he mentions him in passing ("God that guy is so shitty") and I respond with "well I like him, and I think he and I have a lot of sexual chemistry." He then tell me "I don't think that's the case, because when we had sex a little while ago he shaded you and told me that he doesn't think you two had a lot of sexual chemistry." I was like "u wot m8"

So that stunned me so much that I said I needed a bathroom break just to walk off. I don't know if I was more mad at 1) the fact that he had sex with someone he hated (which just makes him come off like some promiscuous mess), or 2) that he had sex with someone very recently who I liked, 3) that he had the nerve to tell me something the other guy probably told him in confidence, or 4) that he told me something that he probably assumed would hurt my feelings. That's when I felt like whatever boundaries he and I shared were completely fractured and I felt sort of exposed, and shitty. I get jaded a lot about how heavily networked the Austin community is, and that I probably share 80% of the same partners that my other friends share. I hate that, and it's why I have sex so sparingly. And that exchange really pounded that feeling into my brain. I'm thinking I should sit down with him and tell him that we need to have some kind of system. If I like someone, he's embargoed, and vice versa. Does anyone have something like that with their friends?
If you like someone then yes you should definitely make it clear to your friends that he is off limits. I mean I'm okay with someone that I'm not aware of sleeping with the person I am enamored with but a close confidant of mine that is aware? Good fucking bye. Also it was really shitty of your friend to disclose that information to you in that scenario. Deliberately trying to hurt others ain't shit.
My stomach turned just from reading that, If that was me I'd be mad at both of them. One for being an asshole and the other for being a fake ass. Also why would you have sex with someone you hate? I don't get it, ugh.


My stomach turned just from reading that, If that was me I'd be mad at both of them. One for being an asshole and the other for being a fake ass. Also why would you have sex with someone you hate? I don't get it, ugh.
Yeah it's despicable to string someone along for a year or two even though you have an inability to reciprocate.


That's super scummy of them really. I'm kinda glad I have such a small circle of friends who are gay, because stuff like that never even comes up in conversation really.


So basically there's this gentleman that I've liked for a while, and we've hung out on and off for about a year now. I've always felt like there was a building chemistry with the two of us and that I was sort of nurturing the friendship/relationship slowly over time. My friend who's met him a few times downtown decided that he HATES him, mostly because he's timid and sort of anti-social. I tell him that he's much more open and entertaining when he's in a comfortable setting, but my friend has relentlessly vocalized how much he despises him every time the topic comes up. He's really quick to judge sometimes and I've gotten used to him passing judgements on people I talk to because it's just what he does. So a few weeks ago he mentions him in passing ("God that guy is so shitty") and I respond with "well I like him, and I think he and I have a lot of sexual chemistry." He then tell me "I don't think that's the case, because when we had sex a little while ago he shaded you and told me that he doesn't think you two had a lot of sexual chemistry." I was like "u wot m8"

The biggest issue here is your friend who deliberately hurt you with that piece of information. Pardon my language because I'm about to cuss... but what a cunt! A real friend wouldn't do that to you. And honestly, I'd take what he said with a grain of salt, because that might have been his bitterness talking.

Unfortunately I can't help you with that other problem since I don't mingle with gay people outside the Internet (I would like for that to change), because I live in a town with a population of 20 000, so... yeah, I don't have any experience there, it's not exactly possible. I hope that the other guys can chime in and help you a bit more.
Yeah, I hadn't talked to my friend since that time, which is pretty unusual for us since we tend to see each other like 4-5 times a week. And thankfully I'm over that other guy... saying something like that so frivolously to a close friend of mine and not assuming it'll come back to me? They're both shitty for doing what they did at the end of it.

So this last Saturday I went downtown with another friend of mine, and I ran into my friend (the one who had sex with the guy I liked), who then asked me why I was ignoring him. I told him what was on my mind (about how sleeping with someone he hated made me wonder where his boundaries were, and him telling me what he did felt both like a breach of trust and a personal attack, and that I'm trying to distance myself from him right now so that I can get a better grasp on why it affected me as much as it did), and he sort of gave a "I think you're overreacting" kind of response. He was like "the reason I told you what he said was to show you how shitty he is / why would he tell me that about you if he wasn't a dumbass" and then says something along the lines of "me having issues with your personality is completely separate from any physical attraction I may have toward you," as a defense for why he'd have sex with a guy he admittedly didn't like. His perspectives are always super honest (and occasionally weird) but they tend to blend into bullshit territory sometimes. I told him this. He still doesn't quite get the gravity of the situation, but that's enough to tell me that we are probably not as close as I thought we were. He seems more inclined to tell me his side and why I shouldn't be mad than trying to understand WHY I'm mad in the first place. It's such a reckless way to handle a friend's feelings, and that breaks my heart a little bit.

(and thanks for responding, everyone <3)


Soulscribe, methinks your friend is a narcissist who'll always turn things in his favor and shift blame onto someone else, he's probably the type of person who'll play victim, even if he's to blame. He's not really a true friend after what he did to you. I mean, he didn't even consider your feelings about that situation? Fuck that, there are other people who'll actually care about you and who are worth it.


His justification is flimsy as fuck.

I don't know about you, but if I detest someone that I initially found physcially attractive all of that immediately goes out of the window when it is apparent that our personality types are not compatible.

He's the type that thinks he's infallible, he should have known the repurcussions of what he has done, he's not an idiot.


Hey hey - let's not diss hate sex. It has some merits. I currently have a similar situation with a guy who's friends of a friend of friend, and I see him out sometimes in large group settings, and I don't even really like him, but one night while we were all out with friends we got drunk, and one thing led to another and...come to find out, the sexual chemistry was EVERYTHING. We didn't like each much, we barely even talked, but the sex was spectacular. The kind of chemistry where both of you fuck in the EXACT way the other person likes it...without even having to communicate it. And then when it's over you just go your own way, but every now and again....you know...

Of course, I don't actually "HATE" him. That might make it a deal-breaker. But, he is someone that I would never be friends with, and whose opinion I don't think too highly of. But when you only live a few blocks from each other, and you KNOW the sex is fantastic and "no-strings"...it's hard not to scratch that itch on occasion.

Anyway, I'm losing the point. Don't knock hate sex.

ANYWAY, Soulscribe, I'm going to play devil's advocate a little bit, because your friend honestly SOUNDS like me. Albeit, a younger, dumber me. Just the type of person who goes around thinking they have it all figured out, and they're just "keeping it real." Like, I can imagine a reality in which your friend probably really DID think he was doing you a "besties favor" by telling you what that guy said to him. If I'm right, and he IS like me, if he didn't care about you, he wouldn't have told you. He would have just laughed about it behind your back. So, if you can (and you don't have to), try to consider that in some warped way he really was looking out for you.

THAT SAID, the lesson I had to learn when I was younger is that it's ok to "keep it real,"
but you don't have to be an asshole about it. And your friend, despite his intentions, definitely WAS an asshole about it. Tell him that, and don't back down. The friends who I have today who were my friends back then are still around because they were the type of people to no be afraid to get up in my face like, "Now, you know a low-down-dirty-bitch for that right? I don't wanna hear your excuses." And I love 'em for it.

As far as the sex...I don't know. I'm not a big believer in putting "restrictions" on sex because of the nature of the gay community. It's not just an Austin thing: WHATEVER city you live in, you're going to find that the gay community is a) small; b) tightly knit; c) extremely horny. That's an "everywhere" thing. The only way to really protect yourself from getting hurt, is to just assume that everyone is already fucking everyone else.

Of course, I DO put restrictions on sleeping with guys who are currently dating, or are in relationships that I am aware of. That's going a bit too far. But, if you try to limit the guys you're interested in to "hasn't slept with anyone I know and/or am friends with," you're going to find that pickings are slim. Really slim.


Of course, I DO put restrictions on sleeping with guys who are currently dating, or are in relationships that I am aware of. That's going a bit too far. But, if you try to limit the guys you're interested in to "hasn't slept with anyone I know and/or am friends with," you're going to find that pickings are slim. Really slim.

And more than likely ugly. Sigh.


I missed this post before but I wanted to address it. I might generalize a bit :p

See, there's one simple fact about life, we "ugly" people are by far the majority. Like 10 to 1. Everyone wants the "hot, perfect personality" ones, that is a very obvious thing to expect, but the "beautiful" people are scarce. Yet, against all odds, population booms, doesn't it?

I personally think its a simple thing, once you adjust to reality, you realize you can find someone that will make you happy and your insanely high standards don't really need to be met. Also, you realize you focus in things that might not be that important. That adjustment to reality requires sometimes to kiss a lot of frogs, as they said. This process is something that straight people do since the onset of puberty through a lot of rituals: homecomings, proms, sleep overs, fraternities etc etc. Society then creates certain expectations for people for certain ages, with some overlapping, but that structure is there, it works for the most part.

We haven't had that luxury until very, very recently, so it is not surprising at all gay people act in a very adolescent way, for lack of a better word. We will have insane standards, obsession with our own bodies, crazy fantasies that simply don't meet reality, etc, etc, this is because we were just late to that freaking party, we grow up late, so to speak. Our growing up experiences spend a lot of energy, and time, in that coming out part. Society does not care for it though, so it expects from us certain maturity in relationships that we simply don't have for our ages. That of course creates conflicts, and many gay people get stuck in the "adolescent" way of living, others get depressed, 25 years of age being the "gay death" its a very simple example of this.

I can only hope this will improve in the future.

Yeah I hope so too, I'm actually good looking and I've lowered my standards a lot but seems that people who are uglier than me or 10 years older are looking for models... The adolescent mindset is aburd and a lot of people never seem to grow up. There's plenty of 40+ year olds who are lonely because they won't settle for anyone close to their own age.

I thought that 30 was considered gay death? I'm 25 already :p


And more than likely ugly. Sigh.

Idk. I've never been the type to just hook up... I always have to have an emotional connection to the person prior. I don't know if I'm weird or whatever in that department, hopefully someone out there is looking for the same type of thing.
Hey hey - let's not diss hate sex. It has some merits. I currently have a similar situation with a guy who's friends of a friend of friend, and I see him out sometimes in large group settings, and I don't even really like him, but one night while we were all out with friends we got drunk, and one thing led to another and...come to find out, the sexual chemistry was EVERYTHING. We didn't like each much, we barely even talked, but the sex was spectacular. The kind of chemistry where both of you fuck in the EXACT way the other person likes it...without even having to communicate it. And then when it's over you just go your own way, but every now and again....you know...

Of course, I don't actually "HATE" him. That might make it a deal-breaker. But, he is someone that I would never be friends with, and whose opinion I don't think too highly of. But when you only live a few blocks from each other, and you KNOW the sex is fantastic and "no-strings"...it's hard not to scratch that itch on occasion.

Anyway, I'm losing the point. Don't knock hate sex.

ANYWAY, Soulscribe, I'm going to play devil's advocate a little bit, because your friend honestly SOUNDS like me. Albeit, a younger, dumber me. Just the type of person who goes around thinking they have it all figured out, and they're just "keeping it real." Like, I can imagine a reality in which your friend probably really DID think he was doing you a "besties favor" by telling you what that guy said to him. If I'm right, and he IS like me, if he didn't care about you, he wouldn't have told you. He would have just laughed about it behind your back. So, if you can (and you don't have to), try to consider that in some warped way he really was looking out for you.

THAT SAID, the lesson I had to learn when I was younger is that it's ok to "keep it real,"
but you don't have to be an asshole about it. And your friend, despite his intentions, definitely WAS an asshole about it. Tell him that, and don't back down. The friends who I have today who were my friends back then are still around because they were the type of people to no be afraid to get up in my face like, "Now, you know a low-down-dirty-bitch for that right? I don't wanna hear your excuses." And I love 'em for it.

As far as the sex...I don't know. I'm not a big believer in putting "restrictions" on sex because of the nature of the gay community. It's not just an Austin thing: WHATEVER city you live in, you're going to find that the gay community is a) small; b) tightly knit; c) extremely horny. That's an "everywhere" thing. The only way to really protect yourself from getting hurt, is to just assume that everyone is already fucking everyone else.

Of course, I DO put restrictions on sleeping with guys who are currently dating, or are in relationships that I am aware of. That's going a bit too far. But, if you try to limit the guys you're interested in to "hasn't slept with anyone I know and/or am friends with," you're going to find that pickings are slim. Really slim.

Yeah, I think you've described him pretty accurately. I know in my heart of hearts that he is looking out for me, and does care a great deal about me, which is why him saying something as obtuse as "I told you that I slept with him to show you how shitty he is" is actually sound logic to him. I've had to deal with his kind of logic for a long time and every time, after the dust settles, I just chalk it up to "well that's just the kind of guy he is. He's ridiculous, but he does love me." No matter how many times I've fought back, he has always managed to counter with a response that seems incredibly ridiculous but is logically sound. And I end up giving up on "changing his mind" and eventually get over it. Like a few years ago when he completely forgot my birthday (the only one of my best friends to do so), and it admittedly got me frustrated since I was talking about it like the day before. I text him being like "you forgot it was my birthday!" and he gets defensive, saying that he thinks birthdays are stupid and doesn't respect the holiday enough to go out of his way to wish me a happy birthday, and that I'm being ridiculous for being mad about something as silly as that. We argued for like WEEKS about that, me being mad that he's insisting on putting up a fight, and him being mad that I'm still insisting on putting up a fight, lol. I backed off eventually from that but it showed me that he's REALLY good at acting infallible. And of course with this, that attitude comes right back except this time I'm actively avoiding being confrontational about it, because I know what I'm expecting from him. His method seems to be solution-heavy and rational, but without much empathy. He listens but he doesn't hear.

He says he likes being called out on his bullshit and there are many times when he genuinely feels "busted" by a friend and admits to it (like I imagine you do). There have been times when I flat out tell him "okay that's BULLSHIT" and he says "yeah you're right." But it never seems to happen when it's something that really hurt me, lol. It's always a battle that endswith me thinking less of my ability to argue or defend myself. I feel less articulate about my opinions than him and that could honestly be why he sometimes doesn't "get" why I'm mad.

@Ties: I think I've hooked up literally 3 times in my life from apps and dating sites and whatnot. It's not a comfortable thing for me. I like to have a grip on your personality a little bit because I feel like it helps in forming some sexual chemistry, but like Roy says sometimes people are just sexually compatible regardless of how well you know them.


Your "friend" sounds more and more obnoxious the more you describe him. It sounds like he never wants to admit he made a mistake and blames others instead.

Anyway, what makes you sure that he slept with the guy you like and isn't making it up?



I think your "friend" is an narcissist jerk. Get rid of him, he will bring you nothing but sadness and betrayals. No, this kind of behaviour isn't normal. You shouldn't even try to rationalise it and find excuses for the way he treats you. Be careful, he may be more dangerous and inconsiderate in reality than you think he is. If I were you, I wouldn't trust him, he seems to be the kind of guy who lie through his teeth.
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