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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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You people should play SMT: Nocturne.

It's the equivalent of getting spanked by an underwear model while he licks you.

It starts slow, but when he starts whacking you

It hurts

But it feels so good.

I didn't actually go through with playing the Metal Gear games. The bomb mission in 2 irritated the shit out of me and I just watched all the cutscenes for both it and Snake Eater. I do think that I want to play Snake Eater eventually, but at this point I'm trying to finish enough of my backlog so that I can replay some of my perennial favorites. I have an itch to play Metroid Prime 1+2 and Sonic Adventure 2 that grows stronger by the day.

Civil ones I expect, because they weren't prepared for confrontation.

I imagine some others don't react all too well, best not to antagonize them.

That's when you apply the Tennessee tittie twister:

My stomach has felt soo shitty this whole day and I really want this day to end and it's only 9 AM I hate my life

this has been my unnecessary personal update, thnx 4 reading
Finished episode 10, it's 5 AM now. lol
Great watch overall.

I am hoping for more male nudity in the next season though.

More Gendry, certainly, but Jon Snow? Eh; the blond person Oberyn was with in that gif in place of Jon Snow would certainly be preferable.

I didn't actually go through with playing the Metal Gear games. The bomb mission in 2 irritated the shit out of me and I just watched all the cutscenes for both it and Snake Eater. I do think that I want to play Snake Eater eventually, but at this point I'm trying to finish enough of my backlog so that I can replay some of my perennial favorites. I have an itch to play Metroid Prime 1+2 and Sonic Adventure 2 that grows stronger by the day.
What!? No! You shouldn't have done that, why did you do that? What part of the bomb disposal was annoying you? It really isn't that difficult and passes by quite quickly if you can persevere. The gameplay in both it and Snake Eater are also fantastic. If you try and rush through I can certainly see frustration developing (that is, if you're playing them just to tick them off your backlog), but I really wish you'd given it more of a chance since there aren't that many bombs and the game is absolutely packed full of content, from the VR missions, to the Snake Tales, to the Dog Tags..


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I like Dany because she sort of looks like a boy.

I'm weak for that kind of androgyny, so weak.


This darn Morman guy at work keeps being too friendly to me and making me think he's flirting. Jerk. The South Park episode they did came to mind lol. "He's so nice, he must be flirting with me! Oh wait, he's Morman". Pretty sure he's just really nice (says hi every time, calls me buddy, and when I haven't fixed his computer probs for awhile said haven't seen you in awhile!) since I saw on FB he has a gf. Oh and he's Morman of course. Grr.


More Gendry, certainly, but Jon Snow? Eh; the blond person Oberyn was with in that gif in place of Jon Snow would certainly be preferable.

What!? No! You shouldn't have done that, why did you do that? What part of the bomb disposal was annoying you? It really isn't that difficult and passes by quite quickly if you can persevere. The gameplay in both it and Snake Eater are also fantastic. If you try and rush through I can certainly see frustration developing (that is, if you're playing them just to tick them off your backlog), but I really wish you'd given it more of a chance since there aren't that many bombs and the game is absolutely packed full of content, from the VR missions, to the Snake Tales, to the Dog Tags..

I've mostly been in a hurry to get to other games. I liked the game up to that point but I lost my patience halfway through disposal. and I was really eager just to get to Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga

I think once I've had my fill with other games I'll go back to them, but for now it's on the backburner.
Welp this feel awkward as I haven't posted here in months but here goes.

I might come out to my crush when I go hang out with him on Saturday. I think he likes me back but I'm not like 100% certain. I hope so because unrequited like is a bitch so yeah.
Ive only known him for 3 months now and its like we click as friends almost instantly. He make me laugh. I make him laugh. I don't knos . I'm all Topsy turvey right now and it's only Friday.
Sigh. :| any advice?

Anyways, on a lighter note, the movie we're seeing Sat is 22 Jump Street. I loved the first one and I'm super pumped to see the second one. Yay!
Sorry, but does anyone have any advice?


Hunky Nostradamus
There's a lot more vag than dick on that show.

There's a lot more merkins, but I don't think we've actually seen a vagina this whole season. I don't remember seeing one ever, actually, on GoT.

I'm still resisting watching the TV series because I hope that one day I will finally read GoT books. :/

But my book backlog is already huge so I have no idea when that will happen.

That's what I did. It was 100000000% the right decision. I find that it's difficult to read a book once I've seen the movie (or in this case, TV) because it takes way longer to read a book and it's sort of a bummer if you already know what's going to happen (even if the movie/show doesn't follow the book(s) exactly).

If you watch Game of Thrones, watch Gay of Thrones.


the most recent one was so funny. I love that the long haired guy uses female pronouns when referring to Jon Snow.

im gonna fucking CRY WATSKY

how Dar e uyOU

Game of Thrones -
I was trying to throw people off the trail! This isn't the show thread, so I don't think people should be posting spoilers out in the open! What if Mr. Zombie (who hasn't seen the show or read the books, but intends to) saw the Oberyn spoiler! He would be sad and his face would be all u__u

A bit late, but I feel compelled to add my support to Billy on the Street

Yes! His "IT'S DEBRA MESSING YOU GAYS" and Drew Barrymore videos are hilarious.

Sorry, but does anyone have any advice?

Just play it cool. What makes you think he's gay? If he's not, admitting that you have a crush on him might send him fleeing (or at least make things really awkward between you). Are you willing to take that risk?


I don't want to fill this thread with successful coming out stories, sorry, this is the last one I'm posting, just because it was important to me :)

Yesterday I came out to my best friend (the one who was my crush for more than a year). I feared that he was homphobic due to some comments he had made in the past, which may have been joking but I wasn't sure how he would react to me, I really thought he would reject me. But not everything goes as bad as I expect, and he was completely fine with it, or at least by the words he said to me.

Still today I thought he would treat me differently, I was hesintant to believe that he was ok with it. And not only he was the same as always, but he even took me to meet his father and his grandmother. He treated me as his best friend (or at least as one of his best friends) and I still can't believe it. This is like a dream come true. I love him because of this. I wish more people were like him.

The only thing that he told me yesterday that made me cry was that my fther owuld accept me no matter what because "a father loves his children no matter what". I know it won't e true in my case and remembered the pain I have of leaving him forever.

Oh well, I'm glad I met him. He is truly a great guy. I'm thankful with him for being with me when I need him the most.
I don't want to fill this thread with successful coming out stories, sorry, this is the last one I'm posting, just because it was important to me :)

Yesterday I came out to my best friend (the one who was my crush for more than a year). I feared that he was homphobic due to some comments he had made in the past, which may have been joking but I wasn't sure how he would react to me, I really thought he would reject me. But not everything goes as bad as I expect, and he was completely fine with it, or at least by the words he said to me.

Still today I thought he would treat me differently, I was hesintant to believe that he was ok with it. And not only he was the same as always, but he even took me to meet his father and his grandmother. He treated me as his best friend (or at least as one of his best friends) and I still can't believe it. This is like a dream come true. I love him because of this. I wish more people were like him.

The only thing that he told me yesterday that made me cry was that my fther owuld accept me no matter what because "a father loves his children no matter what". I know it won't e true in my case and remembered the pain I have of leaving him forever.

Oh well, I'm glad I met him. He is truly a great guy. I'm thankful with him for being with me when I need him the most.
That's a great story. Aww. :)
Sounds like you've got a great friend there.
Well, have you "Tested the water" to see how he might react?
What do you mean by that?
Just play it cool. What makes you think he's gay? If he's not, admitting that you have a crush on him might send him fleeing (or at least make things really awkward between you). Are you willing to take that risk?
That's what I'm flip flopping between.
This is difficult decision so maybe I'll just wait until I've known him for a longer period of time to tell him.
I wish I weren't so indecisive sometimes, heh.


Hunky Nostradamus
That's what I'm flip flopping between.
This is difficult decision so maybe I'll just wait until I've known him for a longer period of time to tell him.
I wish I weren't so indecisive sometimes, heh.

Buy a gay porn mag
Leave it on his doorstep/desk at work/mailbox
See if he mentions it to you/hide in the bushes/around the corner
What is his reaction to the porn


You're coming out to him expecting to get something out of it, and you're not even sure if he's gay. To me it seems like a common case of "guy is friendly to me so he totally wants me", but I guess you know better what's going on between you two :p Not sure what to advice, other than not mentioning the fact that you like him.


What do you mean by that?

That's what I'm flip flopping between.
This is difficult decision so maybe I'll just wait until I've known him for a longer period of time to tell him.
I wish I weren't so indecisive sometimes, heh.

I think you should be forthright about your attraction to him. If he's not into you then he's not into you and you can decide what to do from there.


Sorry, but does anyone have any advice?

Come out to him but don't mention you had a crush on him. If he's guy I'm 100% he would come out to you right after you do, if he doesn't then he won't say anything. Simple as that. Don't expect much out of it though.

That's a great story. Aww. :)
Sounds like you've got a great friend there.

Yeah, he's really that good :) I wish I had more friends like him
or I wish I was as good a friend as him
I've mostly been in a hurry to get to other games. I liked the game up to that point but I lost my patience halfway through disposal. and I was really eager just to get to Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga

I think once I've had my fill with other games I'll go back to them, but for now it's on the backburner.
Oh in that case it was probably the correct decision if it was more an eagerness for those games than a disatisfaction with the game itself. No point in pushing through it, becoming more and more frustrated with the game and potentially ruining your opinion of the game simply because you want to play something else. Probably a good decision to return to it after you've done your other games rather than simply advancing to Metal Gear Solid 3 (not a real spoiler but a controversial topic)
particularly since it's the last good, full console game, sorry Metal Gear Solid 4

And yes I most certainly do mean Olyver, I really like him and Gendry for some reason. Kit Harington's beard is really nice, but his hair just doesn't seem to suit his head in my opinion, it's just too bushy/sprawling (I've probably phrased that poorly). Jack Gleeson is quite good looking too actually. In fact, it's probably easier to just say Game of Thrones has/had quite a lot of good looking male actors; certainly more than The Sopranos, The Wire, Six Feet Under and Breaking Bad did anyway.

Come out to him but don't mention you had a crush on him. If he's gay I'm 100% he would come out to you right after you do, if he doesn't then he won't say anything. Simple as that. Don't expect much out of it though.
Not to put a downer on things, but this isn't necesaarily the case. A friend came out to me about two years ago before he did to anybody else, and, not being out, I didn't end up coming out just because he did as you suggest he certainly would. Now, this could be different in that the age bracket is presumably older, but if he is closeted I wouldn't expect him to come out just because TheAbsoluteion mentions it. If he is openly gay though, what you say is very likely to happen, and what you say is probably the best thing to do as a result. I also absolutely agree that not mentioning the crush is essential.
What do you mean by that?

That's what I'm flip flopping between.
This is difficult decision so maybe I'll just wait until I've known him for a longer period of time to tell him.
I wish I weren't so indecisive sometimes, heh.
I mean, how do you think he might react to being gay? Have you discussed gay topics with him before?


Yeah, he's really that good :) I wish I had more friends like him
or I wish I was as good a friend as him

Remembers me of the one time were I came out to a best friend and didn't hear anything from him for a week and dropped him. I thought he wants to stay away from me now.
I'm a horrible being.

And now to something completely different. I bought Gay New York - Gender, Urban Culture and the Making of the Gay Male World 1890 - 1940, looking forward to reading it. (Mumei mentioned it somewhere so I looked it up and imported it.)

Edit: I'm sorry if I spoiled anything for you, Mr_Zombie. Just wanted to share my excitement for the last season with you people here.


That's what I did. It was 100000000% the right decision. I find that it's difficult to read a book once I've seen the movie (or in this case, TV) because it takes way longer to read a book and it's sort of a bummer if you already know what's going to happen (even if the movie/show doesn't follow the book(s) exactly).

Sometimes reading a book after watching a movie is an interesting experience due to changes made in the adaptation. I remember reading few Stephen King's books that were like that (e.g. "Carrie" - about half of the book with Carrie making mayhem in the city was missing in the 1976 movie, "Dolores Claiborne" - the whole book was narrated by the main character as a testimony to police). But those books were pretty short. Reading through the whole GoT saga knowing beforehand what happened (who died and when, who fucked who etc.) would probably be a bore, though.


Remembers me of the one time were I came out to a best friend and didn't hear anything from him for a week and dropped him. I thought he wants to stay away from me now.
I'm a horrible being.

Sorry for that :( Well, who I thought was my best friend rejected my homosexuality a year and half ago, good thing she's no longer my friend


Sorry for that :( Well, who I thought was my best friend rejected my homosexuality a year and half ago, good thing she's no longer my friend

He said he accepted me but I was just unsure if he is telling the truth since he used a lot of hateful homophobic language in the past. A total dudebro and listens to a lot of sexist, racist and homophobic rap songs.
Buy a gay porn mag
Leave it on his doorstep/desk at work/mailbox
See if he mentions it to you/hide in the bushes/around the corner
What is his reaction to the porn
Best advice given
slip a gay mag in his mail and hand it to him and tell him you was passing by and thought it might be nice to give his junk to him in person
I mean, how do you think he might react to being gay? Have you discussed gay topics with him before?
No, but I don't think he's a homophobic person. O could be wrong though.
Best advice given
slip a gay mag in his mail and hand it to him and tell him you was passing by and thought it might be nice to give his junk to him in person
Hahahahahaha. LOL.

Thanks for all of your advice guys. I'll keep it in mind for tommorow. Will let you know.
He said he accepted me but I was just unsure if he is telling the truth since he used a lot of hateful homophobic language in the past. A total dudebro and listens to a lot of sexist, racist and homophobic rap songs.

Sounds like a homophobe to me, you're better off without him.<3

No, but I don't think he's a homophobic person. O could be wrong though.

Hahahahahaha. LOL.

Thanks for all of your advice guys. I'll keep it in mind for tommorow. Will let you know.

Just come out to him, if he's gay he'll tell you, if he's closeted a gay friend might help him. You got nothing to lose.
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