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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Jon is so scrawny lmao.

Does he even lift???


D'awww, he is so cute! :3


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
There's a lot more vag than dick on that show.

Unless you enjoy Peter Dicklage, and he is a very enjoyable actor.


There's a lot more vag than dick on that show.

Unless you enjoy Peter Dicklage, and he is a very enjoyable actor.

I was disappointed that I didn't get to see
Gethin (Renly) or Pascal (Oberyn)
fully naked in the show. I wanted more! But maybe they will give us more hot naked guys next season.

And Dinklage is the best, the little man is really carrying this show.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
They're made out of a kind of space-age material that's pinkish-purple, but shimmers iridescently like mother-of-pearl.

Also they're clingy in all the right places.


Gay Illuminatis

From the comment section
You have to stay away from ur partner, if u have one. Think more about if ur gay then you wont have the joy of being a mother/father. You wont have a baby bump if ur female, and ur mum and dad wont be able to have a grandchild/grandchildren. think more about boys if ur a girl. if u have female friends and ur a female, then stay away from them and explain that u need to be astray from gayness. hang around with boys more.. if u have male friends and ur a male, then hang around more with girls.. think about that if u dont get rid of ur gay feelings, then the illuminati are getting to u. pray to God. Ask Him for help and forgiveness. Ask him to rid u of ur gay feelings. hope this helped :)

Welp this feel awkward as I haven't posted here in months but here goes.

I might come out to my crush when I go hang out with him on Saturday. I think he likes me back but I'm not like 100% certain. I hope so because unrequited like is a bitch so yeah.
Ive only known him for 3 months now and its like we click as friends almost instantly. He make me laugh. I make him laugh. I don't knos . I'm all Topsy survey right now and it's only Friday.
Sigh. :| any advice?

Anyways, on a lighter note, the movie we're seeing Sat is 22 Jump Street. I loved the first one and I'm super pumped to see the second one. Yay!


Game of Thrones is one of those things that I didn't watch from the beginning, and there's no way I'm catching up now. Previous examples: Harry Potter, The Lord of The Rings.


I'm still resisting watching the TV series because I hope that one day I will finally read GoT books. :/
But my book backlog is already huge so I have no idea when that will happen.
I came out to my last crush today (the one who asked me if I was gay). He asked me if I was sure of it. He said that I should have experience first so I know what do I really want. I was confused by his response but I explained the way I feel and well, told him that I used to have a crush on him. Seems that he wasn't believing me up to that point and he started to say that if I really was that sure of my sexuality, I should accept myself and start doing what I should do to be free. He comprehended my entire situation, I told him everything (my inital rejection, my friends that didn't support me, my sister being lesbian, my father being homophobic) and he then told me that he finally found why I was depressed most of the time. He gave me a lot of advice. I'm glad I talked to him, I feel like I made a huge step, even if it seems insignificant. He encouraged me to tell my friends, but at the same time trust only in open minded people. And told me that he was totally straight so nothing will come from him haha, but at least I tried :p

Well done, he's a real friend!


He is 1,78. 5cm more than me.

I read he is 1,71, he doesn't look 1,78 to me.

Game of Thrones is one of those things that I didn't watch from the beginning, and there's no way I'm catching up now. Previous examples: Harry Potter, The Lord of The Rings.

The waits between seasons are almost a year and you've only got 40 episodes to watch before season 5, get on it!
Courtesy of anal thread:

Subtle shade or am I now (accurately) known for being crotchety? Hm...

All I know is that's the last thread I try satire in for a while. "Vaginas are icky" wasn't lowbrow enough to pass without people taking it seriously, apparently. And we all know where that led the thread.

I meant that your posts are hilarious. <3


As if Butters wasn't my favorite South Park character already, I just watched the episode where he's supposedly "bi-curious" (titled "Cartman Sucks"), lol. It was kind of classy for a South Park episode, at least during the part when
Butters prevents the suicide of the other kid
Ah, so you're just insane, then. =p

I guess it's better than the other things I was referred to as in that thread.

I'd much rather be insane than humourless lol.

Don't pay attention to that, there were a lot of childish insecure people in that thread.

As if Butters wasn't my favorite South Park character already, I just watched the episode where he's supposedly "bi-curious" (titled "Cartman Sucks"), lol. It was kind of classy for a South Park episode, at least during the part when
Butters prevents the suicide of the other kid

Butters is my fave too, that was a cool ep.


Don't know what possessed me to watch How to Survive a Plague at 2:00 in the morning. Now I'm equal parts enraged and sad. :-(

I can understand the sad feeling, but enragement? The movie IMHO is a perfect illustration of what can people achieve when they organize and start working together. Against all odds gay people managed to educate themselves about HIV and convince government and pharmaceutical companies to do something to cure HIV or to prevent its spreading. After watching the movie I was admiring those people. The movie was really inspiring.
I can understand the sad feeling, but enragement? The movie IMHO is a perfect illustration of what can people achieve when they organize and start working together. Against all odds gay people managed to educate themselves about HIV and convince government and pharmaceutical companies to do something to cure HIV or to prevent its spreading. After watching the movie I was admiring those people. The movie was really inspiring.
I should have explained myself a bit more. And, full disclosure, I was only about 40 minutes into the film at the time. I'll be done within the next 20 minutes.

I suppose my anger came from the fact that these people had to go through such extreme lengths to be even heard. You can't help shake the feeling that there were other powers at play impeding or propagating the lax attitude toward the epidemic specifically because it affected the LGBT community most directly. Some of the quotes coming from government/religious officials at the time had my blood boiling.

Make no mistake, I think this is an absolutely phenomenal film, and I would recommend it to anybody. I've broken down in tears numerous times already, and it's still not over yet.


So how are you supposed to deal with homophobic stuff when you're out cos me and my female friend were hurled with abuse because some guy refused to believe she was bi so we ended up kissing in front of him just to spite him

She bit my lip really hard mang &#128549;


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
So how are you supposed to deal with homophobic stuff when you're out cos me and my female friend were hurled with abuse because some guy refused to believe she was bi so we ended up kissing in front of him just to spite him

She bit my lip really hard mang &#55357;&#56869;
Jesus Christ I thought you were a guy from those photoes.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Oh okay, good going.

Nothing like getting people jelly out of spite.

I can't offer any advice, since I don't really meet homophobia in my day to day life, but if I was in that situation I'd just brush or laugh it off.

Homophobes gonna phobe some homos. Best not to waste anytime on them, unless you think there's actually a good chance you can help them overcome their deficiencies and you think they are a worthy cause... which this guy clearly isn't.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Civil ones I expect, because they weren't prepared for confrontation.

I imagine some others don't react all too well, best not to antagonize them.
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