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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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I guess some us overdid it a bit with the comments and pictures about Erik and the other people from the Treehouse. Me included. Sorry for that.


Ouch, ouch, my mobile data. I hate when mobile GAF decides to not hide one single picture from a post :( Also that Treehouse thank you card thread went places.

You can change the preference so it won't display photos, gifs , youtube videos and avatar.


I think it's mostly that GAF gets angry when /v/ does something cool like sending cards to Iwata and the Treehouse guys :p And yes, people lusting for Erik Peterson and people thinking lusting for Erik Peterson is creepy, terrible, etc.

You can change the preference so it won't display photos, gifs , youtube videos and avatar.
I disabled everything, but sometimes pics load regardless. Like Mumei's entire post :p


Ouch, ouch, my mobile data. I hate when mobile GAF decides to not hide one single picture from a post :( Also that Treehouse thank you card thread went places.

That's why I like Dolphin Browser on Android. It lets you disable all images (no matter the format) when you're on mobile data. I learned my lesson when I once entered a thread where someone post a huge, high-res gifs from God of War: Ascension that mobile GAF decided not to hide. :|


I guess some us overdid it a bit with the comments and pictures about Erik and the other people from the Treehouse. Me included. Sorry for that.

Yeah, me too. Even though I meant what I daid. They are just handsome people :)


Gay New York is the best, and really changed how I thought about the history of the gay community before Stonewall. I haven't read these, but they all look interesting:


Thanks for these suggestions! And the band played is a book I already read. It deserves all the praise however, I would like to see a revised edition with an added chapter on how big the role of Gaetan Dugas as Patient Zero actually was and the way he was partially blamed for the spreading of aids in the book, even though we now know he was just a part of a much bigger group of men having regular sex and able to travel around the world. I also found this article on that subject: [url]http://www.positivelivingbc.org/news/110427/patient-zero-hero-criminal[/url]

[quote]"Don't blame Randy. Blame me," says Michael Denneny over the phone from his New York office. Denneny is the editor at St Martin's Press who worked with Shilts on And The Band Played On. Around the time the advance publicity for the book went out to the media, Newsweek ran a story on AIDS. Consequently, the major papers told the publisher that they would not be covering And The Band Played On. That AIDS had been "done."

Denneny asked a crackerjack publicist who used to work for St. Martin's Press to read the book and see if he could a find a hook that would grab the media's attention. The publicist came back with one idea: focus the PR material on Gaëtan Dugas and the Patient Zero story.

"It's the worst kind of yellow journalism. I admit I got my hands dirty," says Denneny, today. "Randy was horrified. He didn't want to do it but I pointed out to him that if we didn't no one would read the book and we'd sell 5,000 copies that would end up collecting dust on the shelves."

Grudgingly, Shilts made his Sophie's Choice.

Dugas' two closest friends, both Air Canada flight attendants, were horrified. So was Bob Tivey. He could not believe his eyes when he watched the television coverage: "Gaëtan Dugas is named as Patient Zero in the North American AIDS epidemic." "Promiscuous French-Canadian flight attendant responsible for the rapid spread of AIDS in the US."[/quote]

Of course, we can't ask Shilts about it anymore. Still, the book is a very thoroughly researched book and very well written.


That's why I like Dolphin Browser on Android. It lets you disable all images (no matter the format) when you're on mobile data. I learned my lesson when I once entered a thread where someone post a huge, high-res gifs from God of War: Ascension that mobile GAF decided not to hide. :|

But I own a lowly EyePhone :( EDIT: Wait, it's on iOS too. Downloading :p


Is anyone else disappointed that S-E gave Auron
a (supposed) daughter? I always thought his sexuality was meant to be ambiguous, but I guess not.


Is anyone else disappointed that S-E gave Auron
a (supposed) daughter? I always thought his sexuality was meant to be ambiguous, but I guess not.

I must've missed that in FFX. Or is that something that comes up in FFX-2 (which I haven't Played yet)?


I really need to play a good FF again, so I hope Final Fantasy Explorers turns out well.

Btw, I just saw that Fantasy Life already has a release date. According to NintendoLife it comes out in Oct 2014 (EU). Can't wait. :D


I really need to play a good FF again, so I hope Final Fantasy Explorers turns out well.

Btw, I just saw that Fantasy Life already has a release date. According to NintendoLife it comes out in Oct 2014 (EU). Can't wait. :D

I'm super excited for Fantasy Life. When it comes out everyone on Gaf that gets the game should split into teams of 4 to see who can take down the nap dragon first.


I'm super excited for Fantasy Life. When it comes out everyone on Gaf that gets the game should split into teams of 4 to see who can take down the nap dragon first.

Is it limited to 4 players?
I'm fine with that. Yeah, a little fun competition would be great.

What I'm also excited about in relation to this game is the Fantasy Life OT. Bravely Default's was a blast and this one will probably even bigger, because of the Sim nature of the game.


Hunky Nostradamus
no but he had nice facial hair.

that's good enough i guess

If you're into culture and history, I can recommend you "Homosexuality & Civilization" by Louis Crompton. Because of my backlog I've only managed to read the first chapter (it's available as a Kindle sample for free on Amazon), which is about ancient Greek, and I can already say that the book is very through-out. Each chapter is about a different time period and locations (Europe, China, Japan). It doesn't include modern history, though. It ends on 1810 Europe (or 1868 Japan).

Yeah, I'm looking for exactly this sort of thing. I'm interested in the Stonewall era, the rise of HIV/AIDS, and modern homosex stuff in general, but I'm also really really interested in reading about ancient European/Asian/African/etc. views on homosexuality as well. Thanks!

I read a lot of books focussing on gay history and culture already

So what are some of your favorites? Care to recommend anything?

Thanks mumu I will read all of these! I shall be ignorant no more! When I win the Gay History Knowledge Awards I'll be sure to thank you in my acceptance speech.
that's good enough i guess

Yeah, I'm looking for exactly this sort of thing. I'm interested in the Stonewall era, the rise of HIV/AIDS, and modern homosex stuff in general, but I'm also really really interested in reading about ancient European/Asian/African/etc. views on homosexuality as well. Thanks!

So what are some of your favorites? Care to recommend anything?

Thanks mumu I will read all of these! I shall be ignorant no more! When I win the Gay History Knowledge Awards I'll be sure to thank you in my acceptance speech.

Same here, would be a great summer read :)
It's really interesting to me that HIV/AIDS are a modern "innovation" in the grand scheme of things. Mostly the fact that there was a time period where people could bang and not worry about something that life-threatening.

Then again, there were also a million other things that could kill you, so I guess it's a moot point.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
When you could die of a bad cut, or maybe the flu, a lifetime of chemo and drug cocktails probably didn't even figure into it.

Who needs "birth control" when 2 out of every 3 kids died? You'd be lucky for your first to survive to 10.


So what are some of your favorites? Care to recommend anything?

Some recommendations, not sure if it's something you'd like to read but I really love these books:

Of course the aforementioned 'And The Band Played On' by Randy Shilts.

I also like the writings of Jack Fritscher, 'Eyewitness Drummer' especially.

Another great book is 'Faeries, Bears & Leathermen' by Peter Hennen, although it focusses more on the subgroups mentioned in the title through several academic essays.

Then there is 'Gesodemieter in Den Haag' (Dutch for 'Troubles in the Hague' although Gesodemieter is also old Dutch slang for gaycontact if I'm not mistaken. Not sure if this is translated. The book focusses on gaylife in Dutch city the Hague around 1730, when a few gay men where executed and some sort of witchhunt started on gaylife there.

Also a great book is 'Leatherfolk', a compilation of several essays on the more kinky fetishes in gay culture. If that's not for you, you definitely won't find anything of interest here.

Also, Randy Shilts, writer of And The Band Played on wrote the official biography of Harvey Milk. I haven't read it but it should be pretty good.

I'm still looking for a great non-fiction book focussing on the Stonewall Riots and a book focussing on the bathouse culture of the '60's and '70's so if anybody want to recommend me something on these subjects I'd be grateful! :)


Hunky Nostradamus
It's really interesting to me that HIV/AIDS are a modern "innovation" in the grand scheme of things. Mostly the fact that there was a time period where people could bang and not worry about something that life-threatening.

all those hunky ancient greeks barebacking each other without a care in the world and here we are with condoms and std clinics...

le sigh

Some recommendations

thanks bro much appreciated!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
They didn't even wipe their asses properly.

It was poop city.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Marble busts, the original MySpace angles.

Heard it here first!
Just as people on Grindr manipulate all the filters and angles on our smartphonecamera's so people only see the good parts, if you think about it. :)

Yes~ As per usual, Grindr is copying Ancient Greece, much like everyone does. Everyone says that modern civilisation started with Rome, but Greece was where it was at.


But I own a lowly EyePhone :( EDIT: Wait, it's on iOS too. Downloading :p
I dunno how good it is nowadays, but back in the dumbphone era Opera Mini was awesome because it loaded the website onto Opera's server, downsized it and sent it back to you with a nice display of how many kB you were loading in per site. Downsides were some web pages were rendered poorly and some lag, but you could test it.

Mr. F

daaaaaaaaaamn i need to learn how to dance



The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Those dancers have been mentioned previously. The bearded guy is definitely the cute one, imo.

all those hunky ancient greeks barebacking each other without a care in the world and here we are with condoms and std clinics...

le sigh

thanks bro much appreciated!
If reports are correct, they didn't actually do that. The Romans were better known for it
It's really interesting to me that HIV/AIDS are a modern "innovation" in the grand scheme of things. Mostly the fact that there was a time period where people could bang and not worry about something that life-threatening.

Then again, there were also a million other things that could kill you, so I guess it's a moot point.

Yeah, I'd very easily take antibiotics along with modern STIs if given that choice. Even in the extreme of mortal fear, better to just fear the repercussions of sex, than if you're going to die because you stepped on a sharp rock or something.


I picked something up at the used bookstore that I hadn't heard of before. I hope it is good!


It looked like a pretty high-quality production, though reviews look mixed. Oh, well. It was only $10.


Other than the bad lighting, looking good.

And don't you look fine without one.

Bad lightning because I used the 3DS cameral, lol.

You think?

I just turned 28 today and i slept the entire day away. Perfect bday.

Happy Birthday, Delio.


I picked something up at the used bookstore that I hadn't heard of before. I hope it is good!


It looked like a pretty high-quality production, though reviews look mixed. Oh, well. It was only $10.

I hope we get a review of it from you after you finished it. It sounds interesting from the title alone.
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