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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Been meaning to say "hi" in here, so... "hi" :p Was encouraged to make a little appearance in here at some point and am just now doing it.

-Live in Seattle and Pride is about to come out in full force this week
-Work in the gaming industry
-Katamari Damacy is my favorite series
-Single (ooh la la); was seeing someone recently, or so I thought, who then got distant after the "are we dating?" discussion came up
-Sung Myu from Infinite is my current crush

I'll try not to be a stranger :)

Welcome, you better not!


Been meaning to say "hi" in here, so... "hi" :p Was encouraged to make a little appearance in here at some point and am just now doing it.

-Live in Seattle and Pride is about to come out in full force this week
-Work in the gaming industry
-Katamari Damacy is my favorite series
-Single (ooh la la); was seeing someone recently, or so I thought, who then got distant after the "are we dating?" discussion came up
-Sung Myu from Infinite is my current crush

I'll try not to be a stranger :)

Welcome, welcome! :) Good to have you here!

I wish I could go to another city for Pride! I love Chicago's parade and festivities, but I'd love to experience another city's festivities :eek:


It's hard for me to define exactly what my type is because my tastes are extremely broad.

I like anything from Metrosexuals to bodybuilders (though not necessarily bears)

Feel like I should introduce myself; been on GAF for a while but haven't posted here yet. I'm seen often on random gaming threads and on PersonaGAF thread. Favorite game series include zelda and the persona series.

Currently a single gay male in college.

Well, nice to meet y'all.


Dead Man

Care to explain? Or PM

It's sort of a weird thing to explain. I kind of feel like an imposter when talking to both gay and straight people. Most people assume I'm straight when they meet me, and unless the subject comes up I don't advertise my orientation. I don't hide it, but I don't volunteer it. When around gay people they either assume I'm straight or when they find out I'm not they think I am exclusively gay. I think because I fit the mould of a stereotypical bear pretty well (shaved head, beard, hairy, older, chubby, etc) so it fits into their schemas easily . I have tried explaining my orientation to gay friends and they seem to struggle to understand what I mean, which is probably just me not explaining it very well.

But the upshot is that I never quite feel connected to either gay or straight social gatherings. I don't feel I have had to deal with the same problems as a lot of gay people. For instance, I have never been called homophobic slurs unless I was with someone else, and yet there's a lot I can't really talk about with straight people in any depth since they have no context for it.

On the whole it makes me feel like an observer when dealing with both groups. Sometimes I feel like an imposter when posting in GayGAF for instance. Which is stupid, I have never misrepresented myself, I just don't understand what the thread is discussing some times even though I claim membership in a group that is represented in the thread. Combine that with some body image issues I have been dealing with for a while and have only recently started to get on top of, and it just feels like I am great at not quite clicking with most of the groups I interact with.

Shit, that sounds much more dramatic than I intended. It's not that bad. I like me, and I like all my straight and gay fiends. Just I sometimes feel a bit disconnected from them and start to second guess my identity. Sorry for the livejournal :)


He uses the same name on twitter and I read Jim Sterlings timeline a lot since I like his views on the gaming industry. Saw his name in one of the retweets yesterday or so, than I read it in here this morning and thought I asked him if he is that guy from twitter that got retweeted by Jim Sterling.

How or why is that creepy? :/

Because you actually gave a lot of info here, could have been a PM or somehing more private :p
Been meaning to say "hi" in here, so... "hi" :p Was encouraged to make a little appearance in here at some point and am just now doing it.

-Live in Seattle and Pride is about to come out in full force this week
-Work in the gaming industry
-Katamari Damacy is my favorite series
-Single (ooh la la); was seeing someone recently, or so I thought, who then got distant after the "are we dating?" discussion came up
-Sung Myu from Infinite is my current crush

I'll try not to be a stranger :)
Welcome Valerie!
You're definitely welcome here!

Dead Man

Been meaning to say "hi" in here, so... "hi" :p Was encouraged to make a little appearance in here at some point and am just now doing it.

-Live in Seattle and Pride is about to come out in full force this week
-Work in the gaming industry
-Katamari Damacy is my favorite series
-Single (ooh la la); was seeing someone recently, or so I thought, who then got distant after the "are we dating?" discussion came up
-Sung Myu from Infinite is my current crush

I'll try not to be a stranger :)

And we have a new poster while I was writing whiny essays about the pain of having straight privilege. Welcome :)


Sorry for the livejournal :)

Nah, no problem. I understand what you think, you are very different from everyone and don't seem to find a place for yourself because you are on the middle of the scale while many people lean on one extreme or another. I guess you're life must be difficult :(


Been meaning to say "hi" in here, so... "hi" :p Was encouraged to make a little appearance in here at some point and am just now doing it.

-Live in Seattle and Pride is about to come out in full force this week
-Work in the gaming industry
-Katamari Damacy is my favorite series
-Single (ooh la la); was seeing someone recently, or so I thought, who then got distant after the "are we dating?" discussion came up
-Sung Myu from Infinite is my current crush

I'll try not to be a stranger :)

Hello and welcome to the LGBT OT, Valerie!
It's sort of a weird thing to explain. I kind of feel like an imposter when talking to both gay and straight people. Most people assume I'm straight when they meet me, and unless the subject comes up I don't advertise my orientation. I don't hide it, but I don't volunteer it. When around gay people they either assume I'm straight or when they find out I'm not they think I am exclusively gay. I think because I fit the mould of a stereotypical bear pretty well (shaved head, beard, hairy, older, chubby, etc) so it fits into their schemas easily . I have tried explaining my orientation to gay friends and they seem to struggle to understand what I mean, which is probably just me not explaining it very well.

But the upshot is that I never quite feel connected to either gay or straight social gatherings. I don't feel I have had to deal with the same problems as a lot of gay people. For instance, I have never been called homophobic slurs unless I was with someone else, and yet there's a lot I can't really talk about with straight people in any depth since they have no context for it.

On the whole it makes me feel like an observer when dealing with both groups. Sometimes I feel like an imposter when posting in GayGAF for instance. Which is stupid, I have never misrepresented myself, I just don't understand what the thread is discussing some times even though I claim membership in a group that is represented in the thread. Combine that with some body image issues I have been dealing with for a while and have only recently started to get on top of, and it just feels like I am great at not quite clicking with most of the groups I interact with.

Shit, that sounds much more dramatic than I intended. It's not that bad. I like me, and I like all my straight and gay fiends. Just I sometimes feel a bit disconnected from them and start to second guess my identity. Sorry for the livejournal :)

You're not alone, I definitely see some of this in myself. I've been an observer with many things in life, so it fits lol.

We're all different really, just enjoy life and appreciate good friends.

Dead Man

Nah, no problem. I understand what you think, you are very different from everyone and don't seem to find a place for yourself because you are on the middle of the scale while many people lean on one extreme or another. I guess you're life must be difficult :(

Nah, it's not difficult at all, I think that is what I don't like lol. It's too easy to just let people assume what they want and then bitch about it even though I haven't really made a huge effort to claim any particular identity.

But thanks. :)
You're not alone, I definitely see some of this in myself. I've been an observer with many things in life, so it fits lol.

We're all different really, just enjoy life and appreciate good friends.

Well said.


Thought I give you people an update on the situation of my sister, since I talked about her yesterday in here. (Post #12963)

My sister just passed away. My family and a few people from hers were also by her side when she died. Since she was in a coma she couldn't speak with them but my mother said that she looked peaceful in death.

It was great knowing you, big sister! :)

Dead Man

Thought I give you people an update on the situation of my sister, since I talked about her yesterday in here. (Post #12963)

My sister just passed away. My family and a few people from hers were also by her side when she died. Since she was in a coma she couldn't speak with them but my mother said that she looked peaceful in death.

It was great knowing you, big sister! :)

So sorry to hear that. Missed your earlier post, but she sounds like she was awesome in every way. Condolences.


Thought I give you people an update on the situation of my sister, since I talked about her yesterday in here. (Post #12963)

My sister just passed away. My family and a few people from hers were also by her side when she died. Since she was in a coma she couldn't speak with them but my mother said that she looked peaceful in death.

It was great knowing you, big sister! :)

So sorry to hear that! I don't pray, but good thoughts and wishes to you and your family regardless. It must have definitely been comforting to have her loved ones by her side and she sounds like she was a great person for sure. :)


So sorry to hear that. Missed your earlier post, but she sounds like she was awesome in every way. Condolences.

Thank you!

Oh and don't beat yourself up for being bisexual. It's as legit as any other sexual orientation. And don't beat yourself up for being a bit chubby either, there are a lot of women and men out there, especially grown up people who will like you for your character alone.

So sorry to hear that! I don't pray, but good thoughts and wishes to you and your family regardless. It must have definitely been comforting to have her loved ones by her side and she sounds like she was a great person for sure. :)

Thank you alvmew. :)

I hope she returns to this earth and we will see each other again.
Thought I give you people an update on the situation of my sister, since I talked about her yesterday in here. (Post #12963)

My sister just passed away. My family and a few people from hers were also by her side when she died. Since she was in a coma she couldn't speak with them but my mother said that she looked peaceful in death.

It was great knowing you, big sister! :)

Goodness, i'm sorry for your loss. At least she was peaceful in death, and happy in life. Very sorry to hear that anyway... Eh, i'm the praying type, so i'll pray for the peace after death that she deserves.

Oh, and you take care, yourself.
Thought I give you people an update on the situation of my sister, since I talked about her yesterday in here. (Post #12963)

My sister just passed away. My family and a few people from hers were also by her side when she died. Since she was in a coma she couldn't speak with them but my mother said that she looked peaceful in death.

It was great knowing you, big sister! :)
So sorry to hear that.
Sounds like she was a great person.
My condolences.


Goodness, i'm sorry for your loss. At least she was peaceful in death, and happy in life. Very sorry to hear that anyway... Eh, i'm the praying type, so i'll pray for the peace after death that she deserves.

Oh, and you take care, yourself.
Thank you, dude. Thanks for praying for her. :)

And I will take care of myself, more or less. I will survive.

So sorry to hear that.
Sounds like she was a great person.
My condolences.

She really was! :D

Thank you!
J'ai Tué Ma Mère spoilers throughout.

My favourite movie. I killed my Mother. Best gay movie that I know.

I ended up watching this after the recommendation and I have somewhat mixed feelings about it. One of the aspects that I very much enjoyed was the focus upon the mother-son bond which is so rarely explored in comparison to the bond between siblings, the bond between friends, the bond between lovers, and the bond between father-son/mother-daughter. I thought it was portrayed in an interesting manner by framing it from the child's perspective leading to an irrational, over-the-top perspective of the mother that reflects the discontent a typical teenager may have with a parent. Similarly, I thought the homosexuality of the primary lead was handled very tastefully, and I particularly enjoyed that the mother's discovery was turned into an issue of the child's lack of trust rather than stealing the focus and turning it into a traditional coming out story. Unfortuantely the lack of believability in some events subtract from the literal plot quite drastically for me. The teacher's response to the child is something I simply cannot take as a believable plot-point which is unfortunate as it's quite significant within the film. Likewise, the juxtaposition between Antonin's mother and Chantale is something I like in theory, with Antonin's being what Hubert perceives to be the 'idea' reltionship between mother and son, but ultimately I don't believe the promiscuous mother is too credible in the mannerisms that comprise her character. The writing is a little awkward, and the directing seems like a complete mismatch of various techniques leading to some very bizarre framing and usage (static framing, bizarre transitions, weird lingering, odd foci) which probably is my greatest complaint with the film. The beating-scene seemed completely unnecessary, and while it certainly contributed to his isolation, hatred of the boarding school, and hatred of his mother for sending him there, was a strand too many. I didn't feel like the film pushed the idea of Hubert being irrational in his complaints, selfish in demands that are made, and outright embarassing in some of his philosophy. Overall, I really like some of the ideas in the film, and the film as an abstract, but the specificities of the film, and the directing in particular, seem to subtract from my enjoyment. Thank you very much for the recommendation however! It's great to hear that you have such high praise.

Yesterday I watched the movie that El_Gato linked and this scene changed my life tbh (NSFW-ish)

This was my favourite scene also; this, the drug conversation, the boarding-school principal outburst, and the film's final scene were particularly strong.

EDIT: Oh and I am very sorry to hear about your sister by the way. I wouldn't be worried about the lack of a cathartic emotional response at this present time; everybody responds to grief in a different manner, and while I do think a more emotional response will follow at some point, so long as your reaction doesn't have negative reprecussions upon you, there is no 'wrong' way to react. She sounds like a very admirable individual, and very strong.


El_Gato :'( Be strong, your sister would have liked you to be happy, I hope you and your family can get through this hard moment


J'ai Tué Ma Mère spoilers throughout.

I ended up watching this after the recommendation and I have somewhat mixed feelings about it. One of the aspects that I very much enjoyed was the focus upon the mother-son bond which is so rarely explored in comparison to the bond between siblings, the bond between friends, the bond between lovers, and the bond between father-son/mother-daughter. I thought it was portrayed in an interesting manner by framing it from the child's perspective leading to an irrational, over-the-top perspective of the mother that reflects the discontent a typical teenager may have with a parent. Similarly, I thought the homosexuality of the primary lead was handled very tastefully, and I particularly enjoyed that the mother's discovery was turned into an issue of the child's lack of trust rather than stealing the focus and turning it into a traditional coming out story. Unfortuantely the lack of believability in some events subtract from the literal plot quite drastically for me. The teacher's response to the child is something I simply cannot take as a believable plot-point which is unfortunate as it's quite significant within the film. Likewise, the juxtaposition between Antonin's mother and Chantale is something I like in theory, with Antonin's being what Hubert perceives to be the 'idea' reltionship between mother and son, but ultimately I don't believe the promiscuous mother is too credible in the mannerisms that comprise her character. The writing is a little awkward, and the directing seems like a complete mismatch of various techniques leading to some very bizarre framing and usage (static framing, bizarre transitions, weird lingering, odd foci) which probably is my greatest complaint with the film. The beating-scene seemed completely unnecessary, and while it certainly contributed to his isolation, hatred of the boarding school, and hatred of his mother for sending him there, was a strand too many. I didn't feel like the film pushed the idea of Hubert being irrational in his complaints, selfish in demands that are made, and outright embarassing in some of his philosophy. Overall, I really like some of the ideas in the film, and the film as an abstract, but the specificities of the film, and the directing in particular, seem to subtract from my enjoyment. Thank you very much for the recommendation however! It's great to hear that you have such high praise.

This was my favourite scene also; this, the drug conversation, the boarding-school principal outburst, and the film's final scene were particularly strong.

EDIT: Oh and I am very sorry to hear about your sister by the way. I wouldn't be worried about the lack of a cathartic emotional response at this present time; everybody responds to grief in a different manner, and while I do think a more emotional response will follow at some point, so long as your reaction doesn't have negative reprecussions upon you, there is no 'wrong' way to react. She sounds like a very admirable individual, and very strong.

It was his first movie, so I cut him some slack. It's a bit over the place, quality-wise, for sure. But I like it because of the perspective and the very private nature of it, since it is based on the directors own experiences. (Who also plays the protagonist, himself)

And thank you for the advice! While I still don't feel anything in particular emotionally in reaction to her death, I agree that it's better than having a negative emotional response, of course.

Thank you for the kind words about her.

El_Gato :'( Be strong, your sister would have liked you to be happy, I hope you and your family can get through this hard moment

Oh, daripad. *smiles*
I hope I can be strong enough to not break down, but I can't promise anything.

Not just from my sisters death, but also from the general day-to-day life problems.

Thank you for being concerned about me and my family. :)


Thought I change the topic again. I'm really glad for all your nice words but I don't want this thread to be only* about my dead family members.

So here is some punk music from Robinson Krause and The Gays of Thunder (german groups, german lyrics) which is funny and makes me laugh at the moment.


(Sorry for the DP)

*(hyperbole, of course)
Thought I give you people an update on the situation of my sister, since I talked about her yesterday in here. (Post #12963)

My sister just passed away. My family and a few people from hers were also by her side when she died. Since she was in a coma she couldn't speak with them but my mother said that she looked peaceful in death.

It was great knowing you, big sister! :)
Sorry for your loss, my friend.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I fell in love a bit on the subway today.

He was in his late teens/early twenties, probably traveling with his folks as tourists. The first thing I noticed were his really tight denim shorts, which stopped above his knees and showed off his smooth and hairless shins. He wasn't muscular by any means, with thin wiry arms and an average pair of shoulders, but he in good shape because even when unflexed, I could make out the outline of his biceps and triceps. I couldn't get a good look at his face but he looked Germanic, with a bony brow and a very thin, sharp nose. His hair was short, wispy and platinum blonde.

My heart went dokidoki as he sat down next to me and our shoulders bumped to the rocking of the car.

(That's my thirst quota met for the week I think.)

((Also saw a punk looking dude at a coffee shop with gelled hair like a Hitler youth, wearing a shirt with a skull on it and a short black skirt.))
I fell in love a bit on the subway today.

He was in his late teens/early twenties, probably traveling with his folks as tourists. The first thing I noticed were his really tight denim shorts, which stopped above his knees and showed off his smooth and hairless shins. He wasn't muscular by any means, with thin wiry arms and an average pair of shoulders, but he in good shape because even when unflexed, I could make out the outline of his biceps and triceps. I couldn't get a good look at his face but he looked German, with a bony brow and a very thin, sharp nose. His hair was short, wispy and platinum blonde.

My heart went dokidoki as he sat down next to me and our shoulders bumped to the rocking of the car.

(That's my thirst quota met for the week I think.)

((Also saw a punk looking dude at a coffee shop with gelled hair like a Hitler youth wearing a shirt with a skull on it and a short black skirt.))
Where's the story for the punk though


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Punk wasn't my type.

The double macchiato I got was a lot more interesting.
Sorry for your loss El_Gato :(. The way you described your sister shows how much you cared about her and how much of an awesome strong and beautiful person she was. I know you're proud to of been her brother. It's so wonderful to see someone with such a strong connection to another sibling that inspires you too. Carry out her legacy and spirit with pride.


Hunky Nostradamus
Feel like I should introduce myself; been on GAF for a while but haven't posted here yet. I'm seen often on random gaming threads and on PersonaGAF thread. Favorite game series include zelda and the persona series.

Currently a single gay male in college.

Well, nice to meet y'all.

Nice to meet you

bi/male/final fantasy/kingdom hearts/dragon quest/metal gear/ace attorney/cool gamez

Been meaning to say "hi" in here, so... "hi" :p Was encouraged to make a little appearance in here at some point and am just now doing it.

I'll try not to be a stranger :)

Welcome! I'm the Juna to your Valerie btw.

Thought I give you people an update on the situation of my sister, since I talked about her yesterday in here. (Post #12963)

My sister just passed away. My family and a few people from hers were also by her side when she died. Since she was in a coma she couldn't speak with them but my mother said that she looked peaceful in death.

It was great knowing you, big sister! :)


I'm sorry to hear that gato. :(


Sorry to hear about your sister El_Gato!

Today I signed up again for my local gym and bought lots of fruit and veg and ate just under 1600 calories, so first day went well...

Anybody have any nice recipes / meals to recommend that are fairly easy and healthy? I don't cook at all really so I'm trying to expand my palate so to speak, I'm quite the fussy eater so it's time for change, osu!


Thought I give you people an update on the situation of my sister, since I talked about her yesterday in here. (Post #12963)

My sister just passed away. My family and a few people from hers were also by her side when she died. Since she was in a coma she couldn't speak with them but my mother said that she looked peaceful in death.

It was great knowing you, big sister! :)


Hugsies again.


Feel like I should introduce myself; been on GAF for a while but haven't posted here yet. I'm seen often on random gaming threads and on PersonaGAF thread. Favorite game series include zelda and the persona series.

Currently a single gay male in college.

Well, nice to meet y'all.

Hiya! I'm a single bi trans woman, and my favorite series is Monster Hunter.

Thought I give you people an update on the situation of my sister, since I talked about her yesterday in here. (Post #12963)

My sister just passed away. My family and a few people from hers were also by her side when she died. Since she was in a coma she couldn't speak with them but my mother said that she looked peaceful in death.

It was great knowing you, big sister! :)

I'm so, so sorry. Hugs: (>'')>
I am sorry about your sister, El_Gato. :(

It's sort of a weird thing to explain. I kind of feel like an imposter when talking to both gay and straight people. Most people assume I'm straight when they meet me, and unless the subject comes up I don't advertise my orientation. I don't hide it, but I don't volunteer it. When around gay people they either assume I'm straight or when they find out I'm not they think I am exclusively gay. I think because I fit the mould of a stereotypical bear pretty well (shaved head, beard, hairy, older, chubby, etc) so it fits into their schemas easily . I have tried explaining my orientation to gay friends and they seem to struggle to understand what I mean, which is probably just me not explaining it very well.

But the upshot is that I never quite feel connected to either gay or straight social gatherings. I don't feel I have had to deal with the same problems as a lot of gay people. For instance, I have never been called homophobic slurs unless I was with someone else, and yet there's a lot I can't really talk about with straight people in any depth since they have no context for it.

On the whole it makes me feel like an observer when dealing with both groups. Sometimes I feel like an imposter when posting in GayGAF for instance. Which is stupid, I have never misrepresented myself, I just don't understand what the thread is discussing some times even though I claim membership in a group that is represented in the thread. Combine that with some body image issues I have been dealing with for a while and have only recently started to get on top of, and it just feels like I am great at not quite clicking with most of the groups I interact with.

Shit, that sounds much more dramatic than I intended. It's not that bad. I like me, and I like all my straight and gay fiends. Just I sometimes feel a bit disconnected from them and start to second guess my identity. Sorry for the livejournal :)
If you're ever in Melbourne on a fourth Tuesday of a month, you can come to the Melbourne Bi Chat, run by Bisexual Alliance Victoria. It's not just for people who label as bi, if you don't label as such. http://www.bi-alliance.org/?page_id=37

A message I want to promote is that queer spaces are EQUALLY for all queer people, with no caveats at all. People in queer spaces should EXPECT us to be there, to ASSUME we are there.


So, guys, I'm a chronic worrier and it seems like when I don't worry, the bad things happen, but anyway: after a binge of romantic movies, a good time in Miami, and a possible opportunity in a new city I was considering moving to, I am trying to change my life and also give my current city another shot,since apparently it's supposed to be so great for LGBT people.

I am introverted at first and find it hard to start a conversation and I guess make friends so I have none here. But I can't take being single any longer. I am 26 now and missing out on so much. So, anyway I have decided I need to stop moping and hanging by myself on weekends and go regularly to the gay bars, if even just to meet friends. One problem, besides I would be along making it harder for me is that I live about 30 minutes from downtown where the bars are. My chronic worrying is considering what to do about getting home affordably. How do people do it? I don't want to get drunk, but I do feel I need a beer or two both to loosen up and also just not feel like a weirdo at the bar. But is that even possible without worrying about a DUI? It would ruin my life and probably make me lose my job, not to mention the embarrassment. So, the crazy person in me is looking at a breathalyzer, making me feel like an alcoholic, but also worrying that it's still might not be accurate when pulled over and yeah...I get excited about making changes and then move into the next obstacle and start worrying again.

I know I'm crazy, but any tips on what to do? I obviously know about getting non alcoholic stuff at the bar too, but what would you do in my situation, assuming moving isn't an option?


*squeezes Gato* I'm sorry for this fucking awful day. It will get better.

Speaking of fucking awful days, the other shoe dropped. My parents see me as a man, and further believe that I'm meant to be a man, and wouldn't even agree to refer to me by female pronouns until I stressed repeatedly how much being misgendered is hurting me. They disagree that transition is the best course for me, though they admit they don't know of any better way for me to deal with gender dysphoria. The level of evidence Dad would accept to convince him would be a CSI Miami-esque collection of complete brain and body scans, with a total accounting of where this or that part diverged from normal. Good luck diagnosing any body-mind variance at that level (ie bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD, depression, social anxiety... forget diagnosing anything), but he's stubborn.

At the end of this honestython I came out as bi after asking them how they would feel about me dating another woman, followed by asking the same of a man. From what I gather, they'd disagree morally if I dated another woman. A little less disagreement if I dated a man, but they rationalized that it would be sort of logical. They haven't thought about it enough to really know one way or another. Mentioned that my special someone could be either one, my straight up telling them that I was bi... but I'm not sure I was understood at all.

The upside is that they're not the disowning or cutting off types of people, and despite me feeling like crying uncontrollably or killing myself, they aren't opposed to talking with my psych about their questions and hangups.


Thought I give you people an update on the situation of my sister, since I talked about her yesterday in here. (Post #12963)

My sister just passed away. My family and a few people from hers were also by her side when she died. Since she was in a coma she couldn't speak with them but my mother said that she looked peaceful in death.

It was great knowing you, big sister! :)

So sorry for your loss. *hugs tight* Stay strong. Best wishes for you and your family.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
At the end of this honestython I came out as bi after asking them how they would feel about me dating another woman, followed by asking the same of a man. From what I gather, they'd disagree morally if I dated another woman. A little less disagreement if I dated a man, but they rationalized that it would be sort of logical.
Wait, they currently only accept you as a man, and are more inclined to seeing you with a man than with a woman? I would have imagined that would make them happy on some level, but it's interesting that they don't see it like that.

I suppose they're still processing all of it. I hope that some family therapy can help you all out.
*squeezes Gato* I'm sorry for this fucking awful day. It will get better.

Speaking of fucking awful days, the other shoe dropped. My parents see me as a man, and further believe that I'm meant to be a man, and wouldn't even agree to refer to me by female pronouns until I stressed repeatedly how much being misgendered is hurting me. They disagree that transition is the best course for me, though they admit they don't know of any better way for me to deal with gender dysphoria. The level of evidence Dad would accept to convince him would be a CSI Miami-esque collection of complete brain and body scans, with a total accounting of where this or that part diverged from normal. Good luck diagnosing any body-mind variance at that level (ie bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD, depression, social anxiety... forget diagnosing anything), but he's stubborn.

Isn't that something we can actually do at this point? I thought there were legitimate differences in the brains of cis and transgendered individuals. With the brain images of trans individuals typically matching the gender they identify with rather than their physical sex.


lol this guy just got into turn off mode or something, is like he's trying too hard to be unlikable for me, at this rate I'll never date anyone in this place. He was so perfect up to this point, good thing I never gave my intentions away
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