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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Sorry for your loss El Gato!


Nah, it's not difficult at all, I think that is what I don't like lol. It's too easy to just let people assume what they want and then bitch about it even though I haven't really made a huge effort to claim any particular identity.

But thanks. :)

Well said.

You're not supposed to tattoo your sexuality on your forehead anyway, it's just what you are attracted to, it's only a small part of your identity. And people assume too much lol, it's their doing not yours.


*squeezes Gato* I'm sorry for this fucking awful day. It will get better.

Speaking of fucking awful days, the other shoe dropped. My parents see me as a man, and further believe that I'm meant to be a man, and wouldn't even agree to refer to me by female pronouns until I stressed repeatedly how much being misgendered is hurting me. They disagree that transition is the best course for me, though they admit they don't know of any better way for me to deal with gender dysphoria. The level of evidence Dad would accept to convince him would be a CSI Miami-esque collection of complete brain and body scans, with a total accounting of where this or that part diverged from normal. Good luck diagnosing any body-mind variance at that level (ie bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD, depression, social anxiety... forget diagnosing anything), but he's stubborn.

At the end of this honestython I came out as bi after asking them how they would feel about me dating another woman, followed by asking the same of a man. From what I gather, they'd disagree morally if I dated another woman. A little less disagreement if I dated a man, but they rationalized that it would be sort of logical. They haven't thought about it enough to really know one way or another. Mentioned that my special someone could be either one, my straight up telling them that I was bi... but I'm not sure I was understood at all.

The upside is that they're not the disowning or cutting off types of people, and despite me feeling like crying uncontrollably or killing myself, they aren't opposed to talking with my psych about their questions and hangups.

*Hugs Bo*

The fact that they're willing to talk to your psych is good. I hope they come around and see what a wonderful daughter they have.


I'm sorry that I can't answer all of your nice replies at this moment (since I have to go to work now), but know that I'm very thankful for them. <3

That's a terrible situation you are in from the way you describe it, Bo. I hope your parent's can learn to accept you someday as the person you are.
Speaking of fucking awful days, the other shoe dropped. My parents see me as a man, and further believe that I'm meant to be a man, and wouldn't even agree to refer to me by female pronouns until I stressed repeatedly how much being misgendered is hurting me. They disagree that transition is the best course for me, though they admit they don't know of any better way for me to deal with gender dysphoria.

That's rough :(

My mother was pretty supportive but we haven't talked about it in like nine years since I started suppressing and I never told my father. Now that I've actually started I'm still kinda nervous about telling my dad even though I'm an adult now and can just cut contact with him if I have to.

Hopefully your parents' attitude will change after talking with your psych.


Well, the talk spawned a sequel after I had finished crashing on my bed in a depressive slump. They didn't talk much, just listened while I talked at length about how a lot of what they were saying hurt me deeply and contradicted the numerous personal observations, gut checks, and attempts at falsification I've made over the long years. I stressed too that it was tantamount to questioning my existence, and that short of saving me from a hypothetical danger or hurt down the line, it was exposing me to those right now. I think they understood.

My mother just listened and braided my hair. They cut very deep earlier, but I know they're really trying their best to do better in this regard. Time will tell if they come around. I hope they do.

Wait, they currently only accept you as a man, and are more inclined to seeing you with a man than with a woman? I would have imagined that would make them happy on some level, but it's interesting that they don't see it like that.

I suppose they're still processing all of it. I hope that some family therapy can help you all out.
I don't understand how it's supposed to work either, I think they're hung up on genitals and not really acknowledging that attraction and love come before the point of me caring about what my current toolbox has to offer.

Isn't that something we can actually do at this point? I thought there were legitimate differences in the brains of cis and transgendered individuals. With the brain images of trans individuals typically matching the gender they identify with rather than their physical sex.
You have to be dead first for them to pore over your brain in that manner, as far as I know. Technological limitation.

*Hugs Bo*

The fact that they're willing to talk to your psych is good. I hope they come around and see what a wonderful daughter they have.
*hugs* Thank you, Kinsei.


Hello everyone, I am a new to GAF! Seems like I found the best thread ever. Hope you guys don't mind me posting here!


gone home really hit home (hah) for me, you all should play it, very good

Got so bored with it. The story didn't catch my attention one bit. But I can see how people can like this game. If the story "clicks" with you than you're sure to find it engrossing.


gone home really hit home (hah) for me, you all should play it, very good

It's my favourite PC game of last year. :)

My condolences El_Gato.
Thank you! :)

Hello everyone, I am a new to GAF! Seems like I found the best thread ever. Hope you guys don't mind me posting here!
Hello and welcome to the LGBT OT! You are welcome to come and post here whenever you feel like it.


Thank you everyone!!

Ya, it's kool. Welcome!


I'm an asexual lady! Currently dating another asexual lady because we have to stick together!

gone home really hit home (hah) for me, you all should play it, very good

That game is really cool; I liked it more as a 90's house exploration simulator, though. The textures were really well done and the way the story was presented was awesome!

Welcome Leila, your avi seems familiar lol.

Thank you! It's the cat from Ghost Trick.


Mad respect to you trans people. Just last night I was watching an episode of Taboo Latinoamérica about a mtf woman who is a soccer player, is besties with her ex wife and her son is 100% supportive of her. She's living a good life with good people around her, I look forward to the day when this is not really "taboo". Also she was going to tone down her boobs a bit because she felt like they weren't okay for a 43 years old anymore, lol. It's interesting how older women who get boob jobs usually want anything but natural looking boobs.


Not in my experience, but I'm relatively tall so I like short guys. I wouldn't be surprised if there were some expectations for tops to be tall.

Good thing I'm more of a bottom guy then, heh. :D

Though, to be honest, there are times were I'd like to be top too.


Bah, this is BS, not going to bother with this guy anymore. I hate this place. I better just focus my atention on myself, I need to improve many things inside of me.


What happened?

Err what Happened?

lmao you guys

This guy is a jerk, which doesn't mean is bad because it means he's confident in himself but this guy is plainly cold hearted, doesn't seem to sympathize whoever doesn't agree with him and hates everyone. It's like he's always right.

This is not bad at all, but he reminds me of my father, and I have lived enough with him to know that I'm not going to bother with another person who resembles him. I'm dissapointed.

Mind, I see the world in the same way as him, but the way he defends it is just not sending good vibes to me.


lmao you guys

This guy is a jerk, which doesn't mean is bad because it means he's confident in himself but this guy is plainly cold hearted, doesn't seem to sympathize whoever doesn't agree with him and hates everyone. It's like he's always right.

This is not bad at all, but he reminds me of my father, and I have lived enough with him to know that I'm not going to bother with another person who resembles him. I'm dissapointed.

Mind, I see the world in the same way as him, but the way he defends it is just not sending good vibes to me.

That doesn't sound like a person with which you should associate yourself, yeah. You're already quite the negative thinker, you probably don't want him to drag you down even more into his pit of negativeness.


I think I am the one who offended Vitanimus, sorry. Maybe you are not like that. But I just can't go to the same place that I dread.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I find its best to invest emotionally in people who compliment your personality, providing something you lack, or desire for yourself.


My best friend has a personality almost identical to mine, I think it's why we got so close and so quickly. We have matching opinions and interests about basically everything, it was fun to find out, lol. We even worship obscure games no one else played back in the day :p My closest group of friends is pretty homogeneous in this sense, I guess we need more diversity.
I agree with him. The gas pump does not belong in the radiator - it's liable to cause an explosion.

More deep, spiritual analogies. What does the explosion represent? And what does the smoke emitting from the explosion represent? And what does the fumes arising from the smoke emitting from the explosion represent? And what does the environmental damage by the fumes arising from the smoke emitting from the explosion represent? And how does the human race react to the environmental damage caused by the fumes arising from the smoke emitting from the explosion?

Simple~ They blame it on us!

Which is supremely logical. We should take a leaf out of their crusty, middle-aged, zealotry-riddled book.


So I've been hiding cus of E3 business and moving house. Gone back home for the summer until Uni starts again. Hate small town living there are like no guys here. How do I survive guys?
So I've been hiding cus of E3 business and moving house. Gone back home for the summer until Uni starts again. Hate small town living there are like no guys here. How do I survive guys?

Try doing that in a village for 10 years.

I was so bored and alone, I actually resorted to making a Gaf account.
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