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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Should I call out my ex out on the fact that he's on Tinder? He told me he's not ready/doesn't have time for a relationship. Why would you break up with someone and then start dating multiple people if you "barely had time" to "devote" to one person in the first place?

He has texted me every single day since we broke up. He's always the first to text me too. I mean, he did say he would like to be friends with me, but still.

Calling an ex out won't make you feel better, nor it will make him change his mind or become a considerate person. I learned that the hard way. What he did to you was shitty, but you can't do much about it, other than maybe distance yourself from him.

I mean, the guy doesn't want you as a boyfriend, yet he still wants you as a friend literally days after a break-up, and texts you all the time without taking your feelings into consideration? Fuck that if you ask me.
It was his first movie, so I cut him some slack. It's a bit over the place, quality-wise, for sure. But I like it because of the perspective and the very private nature of it, since it is based on the directors own experiences. (Who also plays the protagonist, himself)
Oh it's a very impressive debut in that case; I'd not looked into the background of it and was unaware it was partially his own experience. It certainly does capture the raw intensity of his experience anyway.

Should I call out my ex out on the fact that he's on Tinder? He told me he's not ready/doesn't have time for a relationship. Why would you break up with someone and then start dating multiple people if you "barely had time" to "devote" to one person in the first place?

He has texted me every single day since we broke up. He's always the first to text me too. I mean, he did say he would like to be friends with me, but still.
As with the above, I wouldn't really agree with calling him out as he certainly doesn't want you in a more serious relationship at the present time but, given that he is still in contact and made an excuse, was likely trying to soften the blow somewhat as he does want you as a friend EDIT: Actually the post below makes a good point. If you want to be his friend, by all means continue talking with him, but if this is the case I wouldn't call

Do short gay guys have it as hard as short heterosexual men in terms of finding a partner?
Not in my experience. A few people I've spoken to have a preference for taller guys (I'm 5'3"/160cm so I am admittedly much shorter than the average in my area) which I don't mind, but overall I've not seen it as a problem; generally it just ends up being seen as 'cute' which I don't really care about personally. I will admit there is somewhat of an insecurity about it, but it's not something I can change so there's not much point in focusing upon it. There is sometimes an expectation that I'm exclusively/primarily a bottom (I have only been in a 'top' position so far, but I'm interested in [the idea at least of] both), but that can be overcome with some communication.


Should I call out my ex out on the fact that he's on Tinder? He told me he's not ready/doesn't have time for a relationship. Why would you break up with someone and then start dating multiple people if you "barely had time" to "devote" to one person in the first place?

He has texted me every single day since we broke up. He's always the first to text me too. I mean, he did say he would like to be friends with me, but still.

Maybe he doesn't have time for a relationship but does have time for sex and non-committed hookups? I mean it sucks for you and seems like he doesn't know what he's doing but he might not be a liar :/


4x games are an evil, evil time sink and you should stay away from them if you value your life.


I wonder when hand-drawn animated films will have a comeback.

Oh who am I kidding

BRB throwing myself in a trash compactor.

The poster for this years pride festival here in Halifax been released.

Castro Clone Pinocchio plz

O(≧∇≦)O~~~ kawaii desu ne?! ~~~( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリ

Nah, that has more of an Adventure Time vibe to it.

Thought I give you people an update on the situation of my sister, since I talked about her yesterday in here. (Post #12963)

My sister just passed away. My family and a few people from hers were also by her side when she died. Since she was in a coma she couldn't speak with them but my mother said that she looked peaceful in death.

It was great knowing you, big sister! :)

My apologies mac. The siblings are always the hardest to say goodbye to, I think, especially in a situation like that.



My apologies mac. The siblings are always the hardest to say goodbye to, I think, especially in a situation like that.

Thanks Caladrius. And I've already accepted the death of my sister, now it's just about comforting my aunt, I think it hit her the most. She took over the role of parenting her after all for the last 20 years. She was basically the daughter that she never had.
Calling an ex out won't make you feel better, nor it will make him change his mind or become a considerate person. I learned that the hard way. What he did to you was shitty, but you can't do much about it, other than maybe distance yourself from him.

I mean, the guy doesn't want you as a boyfriend, yet he still wants you as a friend literally days after a break-up, and texts you all the time without taking your feelings into consideration? Fuck that if you ask me.

As with the above, I wouldn't really agree with calling him out as he certainly doesn't want you in a more serious relationship at the present time but, given that he is still in contact and made an excuse, was likely trying to soften the blow somewhat as he does want you as a friend EDIT: Actually the post below makes a good point. If you want to be his friend, by all means continue talking with him, but if this is the case I wouldn't call

Maybe he doesn't have time for a relationship but does have time for sex and non-committed hookups? I mean it sucks for you and seems like he doesn't know what he's doing but he might not be a liar :/

Thank you guys, your advice has helped put some things into perspective. My friends have been telling me pretty much the same things as well. I think right now, it's not a good idea for us to be friends. It's not healthy, I still have some feelings for him (which is making things harder). I should probably stop talking to him for a few months then we can try being friends later on.. who knows.

Thanks again guys.

Dead Man

I really wish painters and carpenters would let you know when they won't be able to make it. I've now missed out on three days of work, and I'll have to miss one tomorrow, because they never told me that they wouldn't be able to show up when they said they would.

Monday: Carpenter was supposed to show up. He never did
Tuesday: Carpenter showed up, but he said they needed a special type of paint for the painter and that they would be back later that day. They never came back.
Wednesday: They were supposed to show up today. They never did.

At this rate I'll miss a full week.

The poster for this years pride festival here in Halifax been released.

Ugh, hate that. If a tradie misses a day without notice I tend to fire their arse and find another one. I understand things come up, but if you can't let me know you must not want my money.


Never. Hideous homogeneous CGI shit is here to stay.

Truly a fate worse than a Jerry Springer appearance.

I wonder why they all look so similar though.

I would begrudgingly accept CG's dominance if it weren't for the utter lack of diversity. I think the only CG film I remember watching in the past 10 years that looked distinctive was Robots, and that's the only thing I even remember about that film.

Thanks Caladrius. And I've already accepted the death of my sister, now it's just about comforting my aunt, I think it hit her the most. She took over the role of parenting her after all for the last 20 years. She was basically the daughter that she never had.

I have a hard time imagining the kind of pain that causes a parent/caretaker when something like that happens.

Dead Man

I have a hard time imagining the kind of pain that causes a parent/caretaker when something like that happens.

Yeah. My dads mum lost both her kids before she passed. They were in their 50's and had families so that was some consolation, but burying all your kids before yourself is rough. Took a toll on both of them.
Should I call out my ex out on the fact that he's on Tinder? He told me he's not ready/doesn't have time for a relationship. Why would you break up with someone and then start dating multiple people if you "barely had time" to "devote" to one person in the first place?

He has texted me every single day since we broke up. He's always the first to text me too. I mean, he did say he would like to be friends with me, but still.

No, He's your ex. His response would likely be "what are you doing on Tinder?"


Hunky Nostradamus
I wonder why they all look so similar though.

I would begrudgingly accept CG's dominance if it weren't for the utter lack of diversity. I think the only CG film I remember watching in the past 10 years that looked distinctive was Robots, and that's the only thing I even remember about that film.

Either a lack of imagination, a hesitance to break from the norm, or there's something lacking in the toolset to achieve a different look.


But does she play Drone Doom?

Yeah. My dads mum lost both her kids before she passed. They were in their 50's and had families so that was some consolation, but burying all your kids before yourself is rough. Took a toll on both of them.

It's commendable that they managed to hang on.
One of my Grandmothers' sons (I didn't know him personally so it's hard for me to call him my uncle) died quite some time ago. My grandmother is generally a pretty cold person, and I think that's the only time I really saw her legitimately upset about somebody else.

Either a lack of imagination, a hesitance to break from the norm, or there's something lacking in the toolset to achieve a different look.

2 seems the most likely. Now that I really think about it, I wouldn't say that there's a dearth of creativity so much as

A: Mass-market animation has usually been pigeonholed into either comedies or family films (or both), especially in the USA, and there's a certain feel and aesthetic that lends itself to those two genres (and more importantly, easily and safely marketable). Fairy tales and more poignant work have no such excuse, buuuuut...

B: There's a hesitation to experiment for fear of diving into the uncanny valley, which CG is more prone to by virtue of being 3-dimensional and therefore closer to resembling living, breathing things that you're more likely to dream are standing over your bedside ready to kill you. Delgo and The Polar Express are probably the best examples I can think of where experimentation went horribly wrong.
For what? I stand by what I said :p


Hunky Nostradamus
Not how it works

How does it work? She's a product of the 80s!

Now that I really think about it, I wouldn't say that there's a dearth of creativity

I don't suppose there's really a way to determine that one way or the other.

A: Mass-market animation has usually been pigeonholed into either comedies or family films (or both), especially in the USA, and there's a certain feel and aesthetic that lends itself to those two genres (and more importantly, easily and safely marketable). Fairy tales and more poignant work have no such excuse, buuuuut...


B: There's a hesitation to experiment for fear of diving into the uncanny valley, which CG is more prone to by virtue of being 3-dimensional and therefore closer to resembling living, breathing things that you're more likely to dream are standing over your bedside ready to kill you. Delgo and The Polar Express are probably the best examples I can think of where experimentation went horribly wrong.

Well, I mean, there are a ton of different art styles that wouldn't veer into uncanny valley territory, so I don't think that's a good excuse.


5:25 am here in Austria, just woke up after only three hours of sleep. Feeling like a Zombie.

I think I may tell some of my co-workers today that I'm gay. I'm curious if anyone is surprised. :p

I have a hard time imagining the kind of pain that causes a parent/caretaker when something like that happens.

Yeah, I can't imagine it either. And she had depressions even beforehand, even to the point where she tried to kill herself. I am glad that those suicide attempts failed and that she got help by visiting a psychiatry. I hope she doesn't become as depressed as back then again from all this right now.


How does it work? She's a product of the 80s!

He has to have experienced it when he was growing up. :p

I don't suppose there's really a way to determine that one way or the other.

Well, I mean, there are a ton of different art styles that wouldn't veer into uncanny valley territory, so I don't think that's a good excuse.

The entire video game industry is proof of that and I'm not really sure how that managed to slip my mind.

Forgive me, It's late. >___________________________________>

5:25 am here in Austria, just woke up after only three hours of sleep. Feeling like a Zombie.

I think I may tell some of my co-workers today that I'm gay. I'm curious if anyone is surprised. :p

Yeah, I can't imagine it either. And she had depressions even beforehand, even to the point where she tried to kill herself. I am glad that those suicide attempts failed and that she got help by visiting a psychiatry. I hope she doesn't become as depressed as back then again from all this right now.

I'd say watch over her, just in case.


Alright GayGAF, so I have a bit of a minor dilemma. Some of you might remember I posted about my boyfriend and I breaking up about a month ago. Well about a little after I hooked up with this guy and we've been FWBing since. Today I got the feeling he might like like me and want to start actually dating - chatting and hand holding and cuddling and looking into my eyes a lot more than normal and whatnot. Also been texting me a lot more just to talk.

The problem is I'm not sure if I'm ready for a relationship yet, and also that I am definitely physically attracted to the guy, but not so much in a romantic/personality sense. Should I just cut it off? Keep going and hope I'm wrong? Say something? I just don't want to ruin the current arrangement because
the sex is fantastic, damn it

Stupid problem and a good one to have I guess, but figured I'd get some opinions from you guys. lol
Just got home from watching "The Fault in our stars" at the cinema. I really liked it, made me think of me and my "boyfriend" a lot (we're back together or something, don't hate me :p).


Hunky Nostradamus
So was anyone born in 1989 doesn't make them 80s in the slightest.

Even December 31 1989 is still the 80s!

The entire video game industry is proof of that and I'm not really sure how that managed to slip my mind.

Forgive me, It's late. >___________________________________>


Alright GayGAF, so I have a bit of a minor dilemma. Some of you might remember I posted about my boyfriend and I breaking up about a month ago. Well about a little after I hooked up with this guy and we've been FWBing since.

Who has the bigger cock? Your old bf or your new one?
Okay guys, I'm gonna go on a stupid rant about my life so... yeah:

The thing is, I feel like such a looser lol. I'm bored out of my mind already and there's still a month left of Summer and I have done basically nothing. In fact, I'm 16 and I've never even been to a party that's not a family party and that's fucking embarrassing to admit and I don't know it just kind of gets to me because I see everyone else having fun and shit and I just feel like I'm not satisfied with my life really. Like.. I don't know, I feel like it's not enough? There's so much I want to do but the way I see myself just holds me back, and I just want to like do stuff with my life you know? Have fun, I'm always sitting in my room and feeling sorry for myself or thinking of things that are wrong with me.
It's so fucking toxic but it's pushed me to get some shit done, I got some classes out of the way with Summer School and now I'm studying for my Driver's permit so I can learn how to drive. Even then, I still feel like I'm stuck in a hole. I'm scared for what's going to happen after I graduate, I have no idea what I want to study, what I want to work on or my chances of actually being able to do the things I want to do. The only idea I have is that I want to major in English but even then I feel incredibly insecure about my English even though my Spanish is also shit and I've been in the United States for about 7 years now and I'd expect myself to be able to pronounce some stuff without feeling like an idiot and having to repeat myself.
My biggest dream right now is to move to California and live there, and I'm not sure if I'll even be able to do that, it scares me so much to think that I'm going to be stuck in this shitty ass town.
I'm just so tired of feeling like I have no future.

God this shit is so embarrassing, but thanks for reading if you did.


Okay guys, I'm gonna go on a stupid rant about my life so... yeah:

The thing is, I feel like such a looser lol. I'm bored out of my mind already and there's still a month left of Summer and I have done basically nothing. In fact, I'm 16 and I've never even been to a party that's not a family party and that's fucking embarrassing to admit and I don't know it just kind of gets to me because I see everyone else having fun and shit and I just feel like I'm not satisfied with my life really. Like.. I don't know, I feel like it's not enough? There's so much I want to do but the way I see myself just holds me back, and I just want to like do stuff with my life you know? Have fun, I'm always sitting in my room and feeling sorry for myself or thinking of things that are wrong with me.
It's so fucking toxic but it's pushed me to get some shit done, I got some classes out of the way with Summer School and now I'm studying for my Driver's permit so I can learn how to drive. Even then, I still feel like I'm stuck in a hole. I'm scared for what's going to happen after I graduate, I have no idea what I want to study, what I want to work on or my chances of actually being able to do the things I want to do. The only idea I have is that I want to major in English but even then I feel incredibly insecure about my English even though my Spanish is also shit and I've been in the United States for about 7 years now and I'd expect myself to be able to pronounce some stuff without feeling like an idiot and having to repeat myself.
My biggest dream right now is to move to California and live there, and I'm not sure if I'll even be able to do that, it scares me so much to think that I'm going to be stuck in this shitty ass town.
I'm just so tired of feeling like I have no future.

God this shit is so embarrassing, but thanks for reading if you did.
You're only 16, I felt the same way at your age but it's going to be okay. Right now it may feel like you're stuck but as you get older life begins to open up and you get to have fun, see the world, meet cute guys and stuff. I know this is cliche thing and everyone keeps saying it but it's true.

Hang in there and try not to worry too much! You have a whole life full of experiences ahead and I'm sure you'll figure out what you want to do. :)
Okay guys, I'm gonna go on a stupid rant about my life so... yeah:

The thing is, I feel like such a looser lol. I'm bored out of my mind already and there's still a month left of Summer and I have done basically nothing. In fact, I'm 16 and I've never even been to a party that's not a family party and that's fucking embarrassing to admit and I don't know it just kind of gets to me because I see everyone else having fun and shit and I just feel like I'm not satisfied with my life really. Like.. I don't know, I feel like it's not enough? There's so much I want to do but the way I see myself just holds me back, and I just want to like do stuff with my life you know? Have fun, I'm always sitting in my room and feeling sorry for myself or thinking of things that are wrong with me.
It's so fucking toxic but it's pushed me to get some shit done, I got some classes out of the way with Summer School and now I'm studying for my Driver's permit so I can learn how to drive. Even then, I still feel like I'm stuck in a hole. I'm scared for what's going to happen after I graduate, I have no idea what I want to study, what I want to work on or my chances of actually being able to do the things I want to do. The only idea I have is that I want to major in English but even then I feel incredibly insecure about my English even though my Spanish is also shit and I've been in the United States for about 7 years now and I'd expect myself to be able to pronounce some stuff without feeling like an idiot and having to repeat myself.
My biggest dream right now is to move to California and live there, and I'm not sure if I'll even be able to do that, it scares me so much to think that I'm going to be stuck in this shitty ass town.
I'm just so tired of feeling like I have no future.

God this shit is so embarrassing, but thanks for reading if you did.
Dude, you are NOT a loser. No way in hell. You want to know something? I'm 23 right now, about to turn 24 in less than a week on the 2nd. Like you, I'm also the person who has never been to any parties or anything, even now, when I'm 8 years your senior (and I have no problem admitting that because there's nothing embarrassing about that at all, since parties are so low down there on the totem pole. If not going to parties was the greatest of my worries, I'd be a very happy man, even if I had to tell that to everyone I know). Also, despite being 8 years older than you, I also still don't have my driver's license to a kind of phobia I have involving driving. However, on top of that, there's plenty of other stuff that would be considered embarrassing about me, like say how I never actually learned how to tie laces and wear velcro shoes (in addition to never learning how to ride a bike or how to swim), or how I just had all my teeth removed a few weeks ago and am currently waiting to get my first set of dentures because I was an idiot and didn't take care of my teeth at all.

But you know what? Even with all that, I still definitely don't consider myself a loser at all and in fact have a rather positive self-image and do my best to own all that stuff and wear it on my sleeve. Why? Because first off, all that stuff is in the past and doesn't define the present me any more than I let it, especially as each moment is a chance to change and do something about it.

But the more important reason is that just dwelling on it won't change anything--only actually taking action and doing something about it can result in things getting better. Just dwelling on it will make more more depressed and less willing to do anything at all, just getting progressively less motivated and not being productive at all. Why? Because I have a dream I absolutely want to make come true more than anything in my life and so I can't and refuse to let myself become lethargic.

Of course, this dream of mine, having a family of my own someday and making enough money to support them all, isn't something that I can completely control and no matter what I do, how well I do in school, or how money I make, there are still no guarantees that I'll ever find the right person or have kids or any of that, so I definitely understand all too well what it's like to have a dream that you care about more than anything in the world and being terrified about the possibility that it won't come true. Like, even if I do end up meeting the absolute perfect woman someday and everything else works out, it could easily wind up that one or both are infertile and aren't able to have kids, and that would definitely devastate me to find out. Or any number of other things could go wrong. And that's assuming I ever meet someone to begin with. And since having children someday is really the one thing I care about in my life, that's pretty terrifying to think about how the one thing I care about is something I have so little control over.

But you know what? I suppose that's why they call them dreams--they're definitely not easy to attain at all, but that's what makes them so satisfying and rewarding when you make them come true and what makes them worth fighting for. And the fact of the matter is that it doesn't even matter whether it's easy or hard or whatever. Whatever the case, that doesn't change the fact that having my own family is my dream and something that I want more than anything, and in the end, that's all the matters, and so I'll do anything to make that happen. Do I have any guarantees? No, and that's definitely scary. But it doesn't matter, because it doesn't change the fact that that's what I want, and so I'l keep doing whatever I can to make it happen, and that's all I really need to know, and is all anyone needs to know about their dreams. You have one? Go for it. Like, you say you want to move to California? Then, well, that's all you need to know right there. Of course, maybe it won't be easy, but that doesn't matter. Either way, it's something you care about, so that's reason enough to give it your best shot no matter what happens, and I'm sure you can make it happen. It might not be easy, but that's how you know it's something worth pursuing and fighting for.

And as for being uncertain about your future, that's the most normal thing in the world for your age. Of course, that doesn't stop it from feeling terribly frightening not knowing what you want to do with your life at all or what you're future will bring. I know that feeling all too well myself, but it is normal and I can ensure that you will figure things out. In fact, in my case, it's the fact that I never had any clue what I wanted to do with myself for the majority of my life which lead me to what I did want to do: I never had any clue what I wanted to do with myself in school, went to university anyway, ended up dropping after a year, and it wasn't until I was 22 that I figured out that I actually wanted to have kids and so decided to go back to school so I could try and get a job that will hopefully allow me to get a job to let me support a family. And what did I decide I wanted to do there? To try and become a high school guidance counselor, to try and do my best to help kids figure out what they want to do with their lives, precisely because I've been there and know how scary that is and so I can't help but want to help them through it and tell them that everything they're feeling is perfectly normal and to help them get through it and show them that if someone like me can figure it out, I'm sure they can and that there's even more hope for them.

So yeah--tl;dr--don't worry about it: I'm sure you'll wind up just fine. ^_^ And If I have one piece of advice for you in terms of not knowing what to study, it's that not only is that normal, but you have plenty of time to figure that out. After all, university's force you to take all kinds of general requirements/electives for your major, so take full advantage of that and take as diverse classes as possible and do your best to try as much as you can. But yeah, everything you're feeling is 100% normal and fine and I have no doubt in the world that you will be able to figure things out and get what you want out of life--time is on your side, so just relax, let it work with you, and I'm sure things will end up working out better than you could expect. ^_^
Alright GayGAF, so I have a bit of a minor dilemma. Some of you might remember I posted about my boyfriend and I breaking up about a month ago. Well about a little after I hooked up with this guy and we've been FWBing since. Today I got the feeling he might like like me and want to start actually dating - chatting and hand holding and cuddling and looking into my eyes a lot more than normal and whatnot. Also been texting me a lot more just to talk.

The problem is I'm not sure if I'm ready for a relationship yet, and also that I am definitely physically attracted to the guy, but not so much in a romantic/personality sense. Should I just cut it off? Keep going and hope I'm wrong? Say something? I just don't want to ruin the current arrangement because
the sex is fantastic, damn it

Stupid problem and a good one to have I guess, but figured I'd get some opinions from you guys. lol
Personally, I would consider there to be three primary options keeping in mind that you feel you are not looking for a relationship at the present time.

The first is simply be to let the situation run its course. If he wants to escalate the situation, you can be direct in telling him that unfortunately you do not feel the same way and the arrangement must end. If he doesn't wish to escalate it, well, the arrangement can continue as it was, it is just that he likely cares for you more now than he did initially (being more affectionate), and is talking more often because he wishes to cement the 'friends' aspect of 'friends with benefits'. This does have a downside though in that if he really does want to maintain a more significant relationship, and you keep it going for awhile, you may end up seeming somewhat mean by disregarding his feelings and almost teasing him, but from your perspective solely, this could be beneficial for longer.

The second is to communicate with him about your lack of desire for a proper, romantic relationship. You can do it either directly, or indirectly, and see how he responds. If you do it directly, it may be wise for both of you to set boundaries/rules of some sort as a long-term, continuous 'friends with benefit' scenario really cannot work without both people properly conveying their feelings towards it, and these feelings being resolved rather than allowed to fester. As far as I'm concerned, this, really, is the best option available to you, and you're really going to both havve to communicate your desires and serves as the most balanced option in my opinion. It shifts the ulltimate decision from you to him, and given that you're already prepared to leave the relationship, neither decision that he makes is going to have an overly-drastic impact upon you. It also allows him to re-assess what exactly he is looking for, and perhaps removes some negative emotions that he may have if you took another action instead.

The final option is what you've suggested in breaking it off. Personally, I think that, based upon the information you've given, and the lack of certainty you seem to have about his motivation for the behaviour (that is, having the feeling it's a desire for a 'proper' relationship), that this would be too hasty given that you're quite happy with how things currently are. It seems like it would be best to try and investigate whether or not it can be continued before making a rash decision. This has the benefit of preventing any teasing if he does want a relationship, but has the downside of ending what sounds like it was a good arrangement perhaps pre-emptively.


I think I've developed a fetish for thick-frame glasses.

Help me.

Okay guys, I'm gonna go on a stupid rant about my life so... yeah:

The thing is, I feel like such a looser lol. I'm bored out of my mind already and there's still a month left of Summer and I have done basically nothing. In fact, I'm 16 and I've never even been to a party that's not a family party and that's fucking embarrassing to admit and I don't know it just kind of gets to me because I see everyone else having fun and shit and I just feel like I'm not satisfied with my life really. Like.. I don't know, I feel like it's not enough? There's so much I want to do but the way I see myself just holds me back, and I just want to like do stuff with my life you know? Have fun, I'm always sitting in my room and feeling sorry for myself or thinking of things that are wrong with me.
It's so fucking toxic but it's pushed me to get some shit done, I got some classes out of the way with Summer School and now I'm studying for my Driver's permit so I can learn how to drive. Even then, I still feel like I'm stuck in a hole. I'm scared for what's going to happen after I graduate, I have no idea what I want to study, what I want to work on or my chances of actually being able to do the things I want to do. The only idea I have is that I want to major in English but even then I feel incredibly insecure about my English even though my Spanish is also shit and I've been in the United States for about 7 years now and I'd expect myself to be able to pronounce some stuff without feeling like an idiot and having to repeat myself.
My biggest dream right now is to move to California and live there, and I'm not sure if I'll even be able to do that, it scares me so much to think that I'm going to be stuck in this shitty ass town.
I'm just so tired of feeling like I have no future.

God this shit is so embarrassing, but thanks for reading if you did.

The first step of planning is probably the hardest:Start collecting information

Introspection can help somewhat, but if you are legitimately lost with where to go from here you need to seek resources that will help point you in the right direction. Look up a variety of specialist topics on the internet and see what piques your interest, take interest inventory tests, look for school/local clubs to join. You can even just look back on your grades or hobbies to figure some of that information out.(And in the former case determine what you perform best in.)

After you figure out that basic study/career path it's mostly a matter of doing well in school and deciding where you want to go to college. It's especially important that you figure out your field of interest as soon as possible, because the earlier you go into a specific degree program in college the better off you are, and taking specialty courses in high school will let you prepare better for the subject.

My sister and I learned the hard way that being indecisive bites you in the ass hard. I waited too long before locking down a major and now I have to try and ramrod myself into completing either the physics or material science program in the space of 2 and a half years, on top of me having started a semester late and being forced to miss the Fall and possibly spring semester because of my move (Though that last part is just military bullshit of course). My sister is set to graduate a semester late because she waited too long herself.


Okay guys, I'm gonna go on a stupid rant about my life so... yeah:

The thing is, I feel like such a looser lol. I'm bored out of my mind already and there's still a month left of Summer and I have done basically nothing. In fact, I'm 16 and I've never even been to a party that's not a family party and that's fucking embarrassing to admit and I don't know it just kind of gets to me because I see everyone else having fun and shit and I just feel like I'm not satisfied with my life really. Like.. I don't know, I feel like it's not enough? There's so much I want to do but the way I see myself just holds me back, and I just want to like do stuff with my life you know? Have fun, I'm always sitting in my room and feeling sorry for myself or thinking of things that are wrong with me.
It's so fucking toxic but it's pushed me to get some shit done, I got some classes out of the way with Summer School and now I'm studying for my Driver's permit so I can learn how to drive. Even then, I still feel like I'm stuck in a hole. I'm scared for what's going to happen after I graduate, I have no idea what I want to study, what I want to work on or my chances of actually being able to do the things I want to do. The only idea I have is that I want to major in English but even then I feel incredibly insecure about my English even though my Spanish is also shit and I've been in the United States for about 7 years now and I'd expect myself to be able to pronounce some stuff without feeling like an idiot and having to repeat myself.
My biggest dream right now is to move to California and live there, and I'm not sure if I'll even be able to do that, it scares me so much to think that I'm going to be stuck in this shitty ass town.
I'm just so tired of feeling like I have no future.

God this shit is so embarrassing, but thanks for reading if you did.

I hear you. I've been there in that hole before. Not even that long ago. But the thing is, there are people outside of this hole. I can certainly tell you that everything will be better in the future, but I will also tell you that you have to work to get to them for yourself. So try everything, try to go out to the mall, maybe even speak to random people sometimes, if you find them interesting.
Go to concerts and game expos.
Or maybe if there is a little group in your school who share interests with you, try to approach them, ask if they would let you hang around with them.

I hope I or somebody can help you out a little, build you up with words or something, the rest is up to you though.

You can do it, boy!
So horny at the Moment. Not until tomorrow evening that ill sea my bf. Casually browsing pornblogs before going to bed does not help the slightest.
Alright GayGAF, so I have a bit of a minor dilemma. Some of you might remember I posted about my boyfriend and I breaking up about a month ago. Well about a little after I hooked up with this guy and we've been FWBing since. Today I got the feeling he might like like me and want to start actually dating - chatting and hand holding and cuddling and looking into my eyes a lot more than normal and whatnot. Also been texting me a lot more just to talk.

The problem is I'm not sure if I'm ready for a relationship yet, and also that I am definitely physically attracted to the guy, but not so much in a romantic/personality sense. Should I just cut it off? Keep going and hope I'm wrong? Say something? I just don't want to ruin the current arrangement because
the sex is fantastic, damn it

Stupid problem and a good one to have I guess, but figured I'd get some opinions from you guys. lol

I'd say just keep doing what you are doing since you both enjoy it. If he does want a relationship he will bring it up, and you will deal with it then. If/when that happens, just be honest.


What the hell is wrong with me?

So I was just checking the twitter timeline of the guy I tried to date days ago (I wasnt following him, so practically I was stalking him lol) and then I see the first tweet had a favorite. The tweet was obviously referring to his homosexuality though it wasn't very explicit. I accidentally clicked the favorite button because I wanted to see who gave a favorite to it (definitly thought it would be another gay guy in my town or something) and then I see that I gave a favorite to the damn tweet. Now I had to gave him follow because it would seem to awkward to give a favorite to the tweet out of nowhere and now he will suspect I'm gay and more people in this town will know I'm gay if he figures out. I'm so stupid x)


What the hell is wrong with me?

So I was just checking the twitter timeline of the guy I tried to date days ago (I wasnt following him, so practically I was stalking him lol) and then I see the first tweet had a favorite. The tweet was obviously referring to his homosexuality though it wasn't very explicit. I accidentally clicked the favorite button because I wanted to see who gave a favorite to it (definitly thought it would be another gay guy in my town or something) and then I see that I gave a favorite to the damn tweet. Now I had to gave him follow because it would seem to awkward to give a favorite to the tweet out of nowhere and now he will suspect I'm gay and more people in this town will know I'm gay if he figures out. I'm so stupid x)

You know that you can see whoever favorited a tweet if you click on the tweet itself? :p

Anyway, I'm sure it will all turn out fine. And if not, what do you have to fear? It's not the middle ages anymore and this guy has survived a gay life in this city too.

You will survive it, whatever happens, I am sure of it.


Damn, good poets on tumblr are rare
and this one has really got a talent for making one cry



You know that you can see whoever favorited a tweet if you click on the tweet itself? :p

Anyway, I'm sure it will all turn out fine. And if not, what do you have to fear? It's not the middle ages anymore and this guy has survived a gay life in this city too.

You will survive it, whatever happens, I am sure of it.

I'm aware of it, but I was on mobile and my finger didn't help :p
Seems that he doesn't know or doesn't want to say something, I'll have to talk to him again, which I really don't want to, but I have to make sure he doesn't say anything if he knows. I don't care if everyone knows, I just don't want my father to know, so that's why I'm keeping my sexuality as a secret.


I think I've developed a fetish for thick-frame glasses.

Help me.

Hi ;)

What the hell is wrong with me?

So I was just checking the twitter timeline of the guy I tried to date days ago (I wasnt following him, so practically I was stalking him lol) and then I see the first tweet had a favorite. The tweet was obviously referring to his homosexuality though it wasn't very explicit. I accidentally clicked the favorite button because I wanted to see who gave a favorite to it (definitly thought it would be another gay guy in my town or something) and then I see that I gave a favorite to the damn tweet. Now I had to gave him follow because it would seem to awkward to give a favorite to the tweet out of nowhere and now he will suspect I'm gay and more people in this town will know I'm gay if he figures out. I'm so stupid x)

Amateur :p

love makes you do stupid things :(

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