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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Goddamn Huffpost making me look stupid.

I hadn't even noticed it was a different article until I searched, I just assumed that you'd only recently stumbled upon it. That's absolutely bizarre. They didn't even bother to get different images or put a new slant on it.

EDIT: In fact, they even link to the original The Sun article yet still reuse elements. Why would they do that?
left is better. the torso may not be as toned (though he still has nice arms), but I'm a "face person" first and foremost, and the guy on the left has a far more handsome face than Cristiano Ronaldo's fugly mug on the right tbh. A bad face ruins the rest of the package for me (speaking only of superficial physical appearance of course)
Yeah, definitely feel that. The guy on the left's face is too cute. :3 He also at least has some body hair (even if mostly confined to the legs), which is another plus in my book. :D


I bet Dead Man or Mumei would know more about that topic, they seem to very knowledgeable about a lot of stuff related to human psychology. At least that is my impression after I read a lot of their posts.


You punks should play Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne if you can get your mittens on it.

There ain't any other game like it.

I bet Dead Man or Mumei would know more about that topic, they seem to very knowledgeable about a lot of stuff related to human psychology. At least that is my impression after I read a lot of their posts.

We can't really summon Mumei, for better or worse. Probably doesn't like to get too involved in individual |OT|s.

I guess I'm not a real person Lol.
It's great to see and important making other non traditional body types in adverts and those pics could show more body diversity still but the "real men" rhetoric that's said by men is really irksome even if it's withing non harmful terms

It bugs the shit out of me too. Yes, people have body issues, but showing spite towards the people who conform to societal ideals without meaning any harm does less to help that than it does to justify the conceit of people who actually are vain.

This is why I stick to commie newspapers. These frivolities wear on my patience.


If 'Real Men' Posed In Underwear Ads


Um, I'll take that "Real Man" any time of day.

I'll take the bearish husky dude over Ljunberg thanks.


I prefer "fake men". I also agree that this "real _____" thing is highly stupid, especially when all the "real" men have basically the same body type.
I prefer "fake men". I also agree that this "real _____" thing is highly stupid, especially when all the "real" men have basically the same body type.

It is kind of like those Dove "real beauty" commercials. On the surface their message was really nice. You don't need makeup (or as much) to look beautiful. But then all of their makeupless women had a certain body type or look. Or had a level of natural beauty that most of Dove's target audience simply wouldn't have.

I'll take the bearish husky dude over Ljunberg thanks.

2 bearish 4 me. Idk I think I prefer bulkier men to twinks, but then I'm picky about not too bulky.

For me its mostly about the face though.


Repeats of last year? I can't believe clickbait sites have fallen that low.

I'll take the real men again thanks. Rewatching those pictures I think its also about photoshop. Not as insane as it is with women but you can tell its there. It kind of mocks the silly position some of those have, like Christiano Ronaldo's.


Hunky Nostradamus
Happy Birthday to everyone who had/is having/will have a birthday this month. :)

hairy all over, but not too hairy, great amount of hairyness. and thats my boyfriend, no one you could know, i just wanted to show him off, since i think he's the hottest guy around;)


Rewatching those pictures I think its also about photoshop.

That is definitely the main message of the (fake) ad campaign. Male models are pretty much always photoshopped in some way (whether it's to erase blemishes, make bulges look bigger, make muscles look more defined, etc.), and when you enhance an already amazing body, it creates an impossible to live up to standard that causes shame, body dissatisfaction, and self-objectification for many men and boys.

The message isn't supposed to be "fit people aren't real". 'If Average Men Posed In Underwear Ads' would have made for a much better title for the campaign.

Dead Man

That is definitely the main message of the (fake) ad campaign. Male models are pretty much always photoshopped in some way (whether it's to erase blemishes, make bulges look bigger, make muscles look more defined, etc.), and when you enhance an already amazing body, it creates an impossible to live up to standard that causes shame, body dissatisfaction, and self-objectification for many men and boys.

The message isn't supposed to be "fit people aren't real". 'If Average Men Posed In Underwear Ads' would have made for a much better title for the campaign.

Yeah, love the actual intention, but the way it is titled is unfortunate.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
How do you mean? (specific to him, or you feel too selective?)

edit: why am I always most awake at 1:30 AM
Try adding a few more hours . . .

But I agree, this is bullshit. Degrading another person to lift someone else up isn't cool. So what if the guy on the right works incredibly hard to achieve his body while the left obviously works far less on his? They're both men.
I don't think they're being degraded, it's more that people see these "perfect" bodies advertising underwear, when the reality is that by and large the "average" person wears them, so why not have the advertisers reflect that.


How do you mean? (specific to him, or you feel too selective?)

edit: why am I always most awake at 1:30 AM

I'm too selective. There are very specific traits I like in a man. Though I was just describing the ideal guy for me, not that I wouldn't date someone withouth those characeristics.
"Gays are cool I guess. I mean, Alexander the Great was gay."



I've found myself being asked if I have a girlfriend a lot recently, it's always difficult to answer no and then they wanna know why, like I know this would be a great opportunity to come out and all if it wasn't for the fact I just get a sense of homophobia coming from them as soon as I utter the words "no" feeling already judged, considering I get asked this question primarily by older people and one in particular even saying, "what's wrong with you, why don't you wanna sleep with no woman?" just makes the whole thing really awkward.


If 'Real Men' Posed In Underwear Ads


Um, I'll take that "Real Man" any time of day.

Step away, he's mine.

I know I'm repeating what was already said but the usage of that "real men" term is wrong on so many levels. It's damaging to both models/athletes who work hard to achieve these bodies and now are criticized for that (because apparently they are not "real men"), and those average guys because it indicates that the athlete look is beyond their reach.

Actually it reminds me of complains that appeared after the "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" Old Spice ad was first aired in Poland. Apparently, National Broadcasting Council received letters from men who criticized the ad by saying that... it humiliates, depresses and frustrates all normal men (that's the exact term that was used in the complain letter) who have to work for their families and thus don't have time for gym
but apparently still have time to watch TV

I've found myself being asked if I have a girlfriend a lot recently, it's always difficult to answer no and then they wanna know why, like I know this would be a great opportunity to come out and all if it wasn't for the fact I just get a sense of homophobia coming from them as soon as I utter the words "no" feeling already judged, considering I get asked this question primarily by older people and one in particular even saying, "what's wrong with you, why don't you wanna sleep with no woman?" just makes the whole thing really awkward.

A friend of mine once said: if you're in your late twenties and still don't have a girlfriend it means you're either gay or IT guy
or both ;)
. So I have an excuse. :p


I've started reading "The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals" that Mumei recommended few pages back (apparently when you press "Buy This Book Now" in Kindle, even if by accident, it really does buy the book now, without even asking for confirmation; I learned that the hard way; however when I discovered that I was charged I just sticked with it and started reading the book). I've finished the chapter about Himmler. If it wasn't for the tragic consequences of this man's ideology about Aryan race, I would find his views and phobias really comical. Because how can you hold a straight face when you read (or hear) something like this:
If a man just looks at a girl in America, he can be forced to marry her or pay damages... therefore men protect themselves in the U.S.A. by turning to homosexuals... women in the U.S.A. are like battle-exes - they hack away at males.

And he was dead serious about that. :|
And courts could even prosecute you for giving a "lewd glance from one man to another"...
I logged in to grindr yesterday because, well, I have to meet people in this town
(though not really looking for romance right now). I talked to a couple of good looking people and it was nice but it just makes me realize how much I want/need my ex :(

We still talk (the ex and I) though much less than before. It's still kind of weird because sometimes we act/talk like we used to before (
as in sexual stuff and
still saying I love you). Yesterday was terrible, I think it was the longest I've been without talking to him.

I know I'll be OK eventually.

Sorry for using GAF as my diary :p



Also I have half a dozen unanswered messages from OKcupid and it makes me look like a snobby twat (And I am!) since it shows about how many messages you tend to answer, but I'm moving soon so there's no intrinsic point in answering the messages. I'm at a loss as to what to do.

I logged in to grindr yesterday because, well, I have to meet people in this town
(though not really looking for romance right now). I talked to a couple of good looking people and it was nice but it just makes me realize how much I want/need my ex :(

We still talk (the ex and I) though much less than before. It's still kind of weird because sometimes we act/talk like we used to before (
as in sexual stuff and
still saying I love you). Yesterday was terrible, I think it was the longest I've been without talking to him.

I know I'll be OK eventually.

Sorry for using GAF as my diary :p

Trying to distance yourself from people is rough.

I was in a long-distance-relationship-or-so-I-thought for 4 years, and even over a year after last speaking with the guy I get tempted to start talking to him again. There's no point to me actually doing so yet the sentiment is somehow still there.

Maybe I have some sort of proto-Battered Wife Syndrome.

... You can't PM people? Huh. I thought everyone had PMs.

It's not really the same since not everyone is going to see it. It isn't about asking you for personal (and personal as in 1-on-1, not in the sense of an opinion) input/answers so much as it is asking for input to help galvanize a discussion that's short on direction.
Trying to distance yourself from people is rough.
Yeah, I still talk with pretty much all of my previous crushes even if they kind of acted like assholes back then. So I pretty much suck at cutting ties with people.

I was talking the other day to one of my biggest crushes ever, who's been in a relationship for year (as documented here before), about what was going on with my ex and he was like "keep yourself busy with him, your future is me" or something along those lines. Thank God I don't really let him get to me anymore.
Step away, he's mine.

I know I'm repeating what was already said but the usage of that "real men" term is wrong on so many levels. It's damaging to both models/athletes who work hard to achieve these bodies and now are criticized for that (because apparently they are not "real men"), and those average guys because it indicates that the athlete look is beyond their reach.

Actually it reminds me of complains that appeared after the "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" Old Spice ad was first aired in Poland. Apparently, National Broadcasting Council received letters from men who criticized the ad by saying that... it humiliates, depresses and frustrates all normal men (that's the exact term that was used in the complain letter) who have to work for their families and thus don't have time for gym
but apparently still have time to watch TV

While I completely agree, I think it's important to recognise that it originates from "The Sun", a tabloid that could be sensationalistic journalism at best, and the title is intentionally designed to grab attention and entertain the reader. The idea of "real men" is designed to be a reference to the "Real Beauty" campaign that uses the 'real beauty' campaign, while also being emotionally evocative. This is supported by the lead paragraph in the original "The Sun" article, that refers to this (bolded only as it's bolded in the article):

The Sun said:
REAL women with real shapes have figured in ad campaigns for years, with brands such as Dove and M&S showing the female form as nature intended.

It is important to keep in mind the largely male demographic of "The Sun", a sizeable majority of whom are manual labourers (in the C2, D, and E class), a category which "ha higher rates of obesity than non-manual groups". While obviously this isn't meant to imply all readers of "The Sun", or the majority, are overweight, it is clear that implying 'real men' are not "perfectly sculpted males modelling boxers beneath impossibly taut six-packs", a blatantly incorrect and emotionally manipulative statement that insults the models while flattering others by clear examples of supposedly "impossibly taut six-packs", is something which would appeal to a sizeable percentage of the demographic that read "The Sun". Such an insulting, callous phrasing is far more hyperbolic and typical of a tabloid than stating 'average' men which, while certainly more applicable (but not really, given that they didn't determine the various types of 'average men' that read the paper in any real way as far as I can tell), does not have the same impact upon a reader who is expecting bombastic, striking phrasing.

It is unfortunate that the Hufington Post who reproduced the article have not, themselves, taken it in a different slant while removing the tabloid-traits that remain present, as the concept of portraying more typical body styles in advertisements rather than models that would fall into a more stereotypical category of what a 'perfect' body-type (although, the reasoning for these type of advertisements is certainly different than featuring other body types would be, something that has to be acknowledged) should be, further enhanced by photo-manipulation through applications such as "Photoshop" to create a near-unrealistic perception of the level of beauty that must be maintained in order to be desirable, is something that could be looked at with a multi-faceted approach (in how it affects male and females viewers , the models, and societal values towards looks). Unfortunately, this isn't the case, and they simply copied what is a flimsy and cheap article; they altered it just enough that it appears slightly more founded than the source article itself, but didn't remove some of the terrible phrasing found in it.

This isn't to excuse the usage of the term; on the contrary it is, as you stated, horrible (as is the 'real women' used). Unfortunately, however, it is to be expected from a source more concerned with entertaining and shocking readers to try and boost its numbers with outlandish claims than by featuring any 'boring' insightful pieces.


I don't mean to be rude, mean-spirited, or sarcastic in this comment, so I very much hope it does not come across in that manner, but, while there's a thread about it in the Off-Topic forum, have you ever seen the movie "Her"? The only reason I ask is that the film is very applicable to 'long-distance relationships' and while it is also quite an excellent movie in my opinion with some well-considered themes, the reading of which are open to interpretation, and great acting, you may find some degree of insight or resemblance to your current situation (not necessarily in the literal plot which is completely different of course). It isn't too lengthy at a running time of two hours, but it may be something that could appeal to you (admittedly I've no idea what sort of media you like to consume so I could be way off-base).
Try adding a few more hours . . .

I would never get out of bed.

I'm too selective. There are very specific traits I like in a man. Though I was just describing the ideal guy for me, not that I wouldn't date someone withouth those characeristics.

I think lust is greedy, so the criteria for what you find attractive grows naturally over time to satisfy an endless appetite. At least it seems to go that way for me :p I can't decide if it's a good thing or not.

I don't mean to be rude, mean-spirited, or sarcastic in this comment, so I very much hope it does not come across in that manner, but, while there's a thread about it in the Off-Topic forum, have you ever seen the movie "Her"? The only reason I ask is that the film is very applicable to 'long-distance relationships' and while it is also quite an excellent movie in my opinion with some well-considered themes, the reading of which are open to interpretation, and great acting, you may find some degree of insight or resemblance to your current situation (not necessarily in the literal plot which is completely different of course). It isn't too lengthy at a running time of two hours, but it may be something that could appeal to you (admittedly I've no idea what sort of media you like to consume so I could be way off-base).
I actually saw it with him, at my place, back home.

I found it really silly then, though I obviously can relate to it.
I just burst out laughing at the part when they where having sex. I mean, yes, I had sex with him by pictures or video a few times but this was someone having sex with a bunch of zeros and ones :p
I couldn't take it seriously after that.

No offense taken :)
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