Cute photos!
Why thank you!
Cute photos!
I thought that was 30?
NA is 25, JP 30 and EU 12, we cleared that a few pages ago.![]()
Ah ok.
Wait what, 12?
Must've missed that.
I'm really tempted to buy a Wii U. 279 for a Wii U + Mario Kart 8 + downloadable game (will prob. go for NSMB U or Pikmin 3/Wonderful 101). And the online is free. And Smash this year!!! (although I could get it for the 3DS as well) I just really want a PS4 as well and the PS4 will probably have a longer lifetime then the Wii U. Wii U has a lot of games I want though. Could just wait 1.5 years and buy a PS4 then when it has a nice library of games. Decision decisions.
My sister is dating another girl ;__; I should be happy but I'm so selfish that I don't feel good for her. I'm the worst brother in the world
Go ask her adviceMy sister is dating another girl ;__; I should be happy but I'm so selfish that I don't feel good for her. I'm the worst brother in the world
I already expressed it here once, but I think she being lesbian makes my coming out proccess harder than it already is. I'm frustrated.
Why? It should be easier shouldn't?/ Coming out should be a process if your family has a daughter who is a lesbian.
Coming out to her was easy.
Now try coming out to your homphobic father, he would barely accept one of us, but if the other comes out too, it would crush him and tons of problems would come with it.
I feel like that right now because my sleeping schedule is completely messed up. A day feels like a week, while an hour can feel like a minute. Add feeling disoriented on top of that.You guys know that Chinese philosopher dude with the butterfly dream? I feel like that right now. Not sure which me is the awake me and which is the dream...
I feel like that right now because my sleeping schedule is completely messed up. A day feels like a week, while an hour can feel like a minute. Add feeling disoriented on top of that.Unless you meant something with a more positive connotation.
GAF, do I look okay? I'm really unpopular on dating sites and I've been on there for a really long time. I finally have some vacation now so I guess it's time to start going out again and meet new people in real life ^^
GAF, do I look okay? I'm really unpopular on dating sites and I've been on there for a really long time. I finally have some vacation now so I guess it's time to start going out again and meet new people in real life ^^
GAF, do I look okay? I'm really unpopular on dating sites and I've been on there for a really long time. I finally have some vacation now so I guess it's time to start going out again and meet new people in real life ^^
Pfft, just two? Learn to maximize your potential. What is this double life that you are leading?I meant more like I have two lives going on, and whichever one I'm in it feels like the real one and the other seems like a dream or something. But that sucks about your sleeping, how come it's messed up?
It's definitely not your looks.I'm really unpopular on dating sites and I've been on there for a really long time.
Yeah, I still talk with pretty much all of my previous crushes even if they kind of acted like assholes back then. So I pretty much suck at cutting ties with people.
I was talking the other day to one of my biggest crushes ever, who's been in a relationship for year (as documented here before), about what was going on with my ex and he was like "keep yourself busy with him, your future is me" or something along those lines. Thank God I don't really let him get to me anymore.
Turned 24 today~![]()
GAF, do I look okay? I'm really unpopular on dating sites and I've been on there for a really long time. I finally have some vacation now so I guess it's time to start going out again and meet new people in real life ^^
Doesn't really matter much anymore I guess, I'm about to graduate and want to move to Africa. Taking my life in an entirely different direction, I'll probably end up happier that way![]()
Out of curiousity, why Africa?
GAF, do I look okay? I'm really unpopular on dating sites and I've been on there for a really long time. I finally have some vacation now so I guess it's time to start going out again and meet new people in real life ^^
GAF, do I look okay? I'm really unpopular on dating sites and I've been on there for a really long time. I finally have some vacation now so I guess it's time to start going out again and meet new people in real life ^^
GAF, do I look okay? I'm really unpopular on dating sites and I've been on there for a really long time. I finally have some vacation now so I guess it's time to start going out again and meet new people in real life ^^
Okay, sorry if it's a bit creepy (like seriously, you have no idea how sorry I am in that case >.<), but when people say things like that I can't help but go back through their post history to see if they've posted a selfie before to see just how wrong they are, and surprise surprise, you look great! Seriously, you look real cute.I'll date you.
And I feel you. Not the whole looking okay thing, but being unpopular on those sites. Would be nice if people would at least bother saying they aren't interested. Blah.because I know I don't
Mostly because I want to move to a entirely different culture. I've pretty much had it with people's attitude where I live. I'll be an audiologist by the way, so I may end up helping people with hearing loss who are not getting sufficient attention.
South Africa more specifically because English is one of the official languages there.
Once again, thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! Really appreciate it! ^_^
Okay, sorry if it's a bit creepy, but when people say that I can't help but go back through the thread to see if they've posted a selfie before to see just how wrong they are, and surprise surprise, you look great! Seriously, you look real cute.#WouldDate
I took a selfie earlier and I look like a super twink... I need to grow a beard or something
Prez um we used to talk all the time and your super cute. It's not your looks.
I think you're very good looking. You seem to be in really good shape too. Maybe you need to find a social group in your area with other guys. Sometimes dating websites or bars aren't always the best places. Actually, there's a reddit gay group I am apart of that you would probably fit in very well. They also have Facebook communities that deal with group meet ups/social events, although I've never taken part in the Chicago group... I just post. You just need to find a good outlet to meet people that are like minded and gay.
That's pretty cool. At first I was like O_O, then I looked up lgbt rights in africa. South Africa seems to be the only country I would not want to avoid like the plague in Africa.
Yes. Stubble is the best. :3Stubbles. Get stubbles.
It's been a really long time since we talked, Delio. How you doin'?t!
I think I have a (dark) stubble fetish. As crass and vulgar as it may be, I get strong urges to lick it.Stubbles. Get stubbles.
I find stubble really annoying, all I end up doing is scratching my face all day and then shave it off >_>
My facial hair is never itchy. I used to do the stubble thing for a long time but now have a very clean, trimmed beard. I love it and couldn't imagine shaving it off.
And weight
I'm good just being single and NOW going on a low carb diet. But yeah your attractive go out there and talk to people.
Wow, very smooth face, haha. I don't think my face has been that hairless since I was like 13.