So are intercrural sex and frottage simply not popular with gays anymore? Why did it fall out of favor compared to anal?
Porn sadly.
Because it's not fun.
Speak for yourself
So are intercrural sex and frottage simply not popular with gays anymore? Why did it fall out of favor compared to anal?
Because it's not fun.
Yeah my hypothesis was porn basically. At least others had the thougt. I might PM Mumei since he might have 100 articles or books memorized about the subject.
I might buy that it isn't as fun, but that begs the question of why don't we find it as fun. Possibly less physically stimulating?
Anal sex probably feels like "sealing the deal" to people. Interthigh sex (or whatever the fuck) feels like an almost-there scenario. I dunno. I think people like to say "we fucked" as opposed to "we fooled around", especially when it comes to something that's really really close to actual anal. Might as well just go all the way.
That said, I don't really care all that much for anal... much prefer foreplay, wrestling, cuddling, kinky stuff, and all the other works.
The thing is, why do we see non penetrative sex as being lesser in realness/intimacy/sealing the deal? I wouldn't consider passionate non penetrative sex to be "just fooling around" and somehow not as serious as penetrative sex.
I am going to have a rough time as a guy not particularly interested in anal sex aren't i...
Yeah I agree. I think it's the same principle with straight guys who consider "scoring" as actually having sex with someone, and the idea of there being different bases (like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) also fetishizes the notion that if you're not having vaginal/anal sex with someone then you're not at the finish line yet.
I suppose the real reason why people get so caught up in overstating the importance of sex is because we haven't really found something that would be considered *more* official. Anal will always be the final frontier of sexual interaction until we decide that something else should be more standard. Like if we were to say "We haven't ____ yet, but we did have anal sex so we're getting there." Like what activity could make us view anal sex the same way we view oral sex now?
Yeah my hypothesis was porn basically. At least others had the thougt. I might PM Mumei since he might have 100 articles or books memorized about the subject.
I might buy that it isn't as fun, but that begs the question of why don't we find it as fun. Possibly less physically stimulating?
So porn popularized anal sex? Hmmm okay.
Why did it start in porn?
So porn popularized anal sex? Hmmm okay.
Why did it start in porn?
You have a highly inflated conception of how informed I am!
(17:28:12) Mumei: > why would I have read studies about changes in gay men's sexual activities and whether the relative popularity of anal sex vis-à-vis other sexual activities is up due to the influence of porn
(17:28:17) Mumei: does that sound like something I'd read about :|
(17:28:32) quincognito: ....yes?
(17:28:36) Mumei: motherfucker
(17:28:44) quincognito: it's
(17:28:50) quincognito: a) a study
(17:28:54) quincognito: b) about sociological sexuality
(17:29:01) quincognito: c) as influenced by the media over time
(17:29:07) quincognito: d) involving subaltern groups
(17:29:12) Mumei: okay, hannibal
(17:29:17) Mumei: with your lectures
(17:29:19) quincognito: if you set it to music you pretty much have a Mumei Special
... you win this round
I will give any of you hairless guys my beard if you also take the back and shoulder hair age has seen fit to bestow on me![]()
I'm automatically suspicious of guys with bushy beards. I bet like 97% of them are crazy.
Last night my bf and I had anal-sex for the first time. I bottomed and it was a pretty cool experience. Then later on we just decided that we should try it out (I was hesitant up until now) and with some lube it didn't even really hurt. Well we wanted to do it doggy style, but it didn't really work out (started to hurt when he went in) but then I went on top and had control over the speed etch. and it was a really fun time then.
Because it's not fun.
We frot now and then, 'cuz sometimes buttsex just isn't a good idea. I enjoy it. I also can't last any longer than during penetrative sex, so yeah, that's a bummer. :|
If it doesn't hurt, you're doing it wrong(or his coq is far too small). [/SPOILER](or both)
Na, he's got a big dick, bit since i had all the Control, i managed. i Imagine it would habe hurt if he took action
how big we talkin
how big we talkin
Down Ratsky, Down boy!
Hmm, larger than my ~6 inches . i did not exactly measure it
~6? Is that sub 6 or over 6?
Also, measure it ffs!
~6? Is that sub 6 or over 6?
Also, measure it ffs![/QUOTE]
Tape measure or metre stick...? [spoiler]You silly boy, unaware of how etiquette works~[/spoiler]
Lol how is that a response?
Tape measure or metre stick...?You silly boy, unaware of how etiquette works~
You're the red sign and I'm the ghost guy busting through
Edit: I googled, and ~ means approximate.
Etiquette. As in don't attempt to measure the size of genitalia whilst it is erect. Truly, I would loathe such an instance to occur to me. It would be awfully teasing, but not in a funny way. More a "For God's sake, what the bloody hell are you doing to me" way.
I'm a Lord of Tildes.And I don't care what Mumei says about that.
On the contrary! Getting the exact size of your bf/fb's dick and then letting them know, exactly, how in/adequate they are is one of the helpfullest things a person can do!
Poser. Mumei is the true lord! Masquerader is not right!
On the contrary! Getting the exact size of your bf/fb's dick and then letting them know, exactly, how in/adequate they are is one of the helpfullest things a person can do!
Poser. Mumei is the true lord! Masquerader is not right!
"Hey baby...why's that measuring ruler in your hands?"
I am so glad to be learning the art that is dirty-talk and foreplay from a master.
lol this thread got funny
I don't get itNo thanks to post 14145. >:C
Okay, sorry if it's a bit creepy (like seriously, you have no idea how sorry I am in that case >.<), but when people say things like that I can't help but go back through their post history to see if they've posted a selfie before to see just how wrong they are, and surprise surprise, you look great! Seriously, you look real cute.#WouldDate
Now I want to find his picture. thanks.
damn straight, like a ruler
I don't get it
lol, I'm still confusedThis ruler is flexible, peon.
... Tsk, that's it. I quit!
Go find another Bi to mock!
idk, i was agreeing with him, but i got called a peon..
Btw sis,did you ever get a hold of your premature ejac problem? I have a friend (who is actually a friend - not me) who struggles with that problem and it's sort of killing his sex life.
I wasn't singling you out or anything like that. Everyone is a peon to me. At the very least, revel in the fact that Masquerader refers to you as a Greater Peon. Which is better than a standard peon.
EDIT: Also, I just searched what the word "Peon" means. Wow. Years of usage, only to find out that the meaning is rather meh. "Unskilled worker". Bah.
Are you okay?
Nah, I figure this is just the way it is. Neither of us has a super high sex drive or anything, so we enjoy our moments of pleasure and life continues on nicely.
So apparently you can make some cool music in Tomodatchi Life?
I have work tomorrow, but I'm not tired. Somehow I managed to sleep for 16 hours straight, I didn't wake up until 2 PM. Any tips on falling asleep?