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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Hey there! I'm Kubiubo, you may know me as Grant from the gaygaf Skype chat.
PM me if you want to join. :D

Well, well, well. What prompted this decision?

anyway... whatever, it's a flesh market there, people don't give a shit about other people. Courtesy goes out the window. lesson learned,

That sucks. Lack of empathy is common condition, but don't let it make you cynical. There are better people out there.

Bailey 87

Yay congrats!

If I'm not mistaken, you were the poster who was wanting to turn your relationship open, or at least have some more sexual experiences and partners due to your boyfriend having many more than you, am I right? How did that turn out? Have you gotten over that feeling or not?

Wow you have a good memory. We had a talk and decided it wasn't the right time to go back to an open relationship. He did say we could put threesomes back on the table, (we've done it before) which is awesome but we haven't met anyone to do it with.

I'm still worried that I'm going to be 70 and regret not having all those sexual experiences in my prime but at least the option to bring someone in is there.

Hey there! I'm Kubiubo, you may know me as Grant from the gaygaf Skype chat.
PM me if you want to join. :D

It's about time you joined Gaf. I was going to ask what your username was from but knowing you it probably translates to "I love Microsoft"


Had a threesome recently with the hubby. It was awesome. Getting fucked by someone else while sucking his dick. Our friend recently broke up with his bf and asked my hubby if he had thought of ever doing threesome. He wasn't closed to the idea. I ended up agreeing to it. I was somewhat attracted to our friend so I didn't need too much convincing.

Bailey 87

Had a threesome recently with the hubby. It was awesome. Getting fucked by someone else while sucking his dick. Our friend recently broke up with his bf and asked my hubby if he had thought of ever doing threesome. He wasn't closed to the idea. I ended up agreeing to it. I was somewhat attracted to our friend so I didn't need too much convincing.

who was better your hubby or the new guy :p
Had a threesome recently with the hubby. It was awesome. Getting fucked by someone else while sucking his dick. Our friend recently broke up with his bf and asked my hubby if he had thought of ever doing threesome. He wasn't closed to the idea. I ended up agreeing to it. I was somewhat attracted to our friend so I didn't need too much convincing.

lol wut?

Who was the third? Did I meet him?


It wasn't someone you met. Someone new. He was the bf of the guy the hubby was sexting.

The hubby feels better going in. His is not that long but it's thick. Our friend has a longer dick but I really didn't feel it when it went in (he went in first).


Had a threesome recently with the hubby. It was awesome. Getting fucked by someone else while sucking his dick. Our friend recently broke up with his bf and asked my hubby if he had thought of ever doing threesome. He wasn't closed to the idea. I ended up agreeing to it. I was somewhat attracted to our friend so I didn't need too much convincing.

Hot. I keep wanting a threesome myself - my ex was really into the idea, but I probably shouldn't open that can of worms by sleeping with him after being broken up
again :<


who was better your hubby or the new guy :p

I feel like this probably isn't the best way to approach a threesome ;P

I'm still worried that I'm going to be 70 and regret not having all those sexual experiences in my prime but at least the option to bring someone in is there.

This is something I've thought about a lot too. I wonder if a lot of people feel like this in their first long term relationship? Especially if their partner has had more partners than them?

Bailey 87

I feel like this probably isn't the best way to approach a threesome ;P

Oh I know but I love asking weird question to ruffles because we know he will answer them. I couldn't even imagine what I would do if Graham said to me that the guy we just had a threesome was better than me.

This is something I've thought about a lot too. I wonder if a lot of people feel like this in their first long term relationship? Especially if their partner has had more partners than them?

The problem is not that he had more partners than me. It's that he is my first, I used to think it was cute, but corny when I read about people meeting their high school sweet heart and only being with them for the rest of thier lives, and it's scaring me because I might be one of those people, but as I said earlier we had the talk and threesomes are on the table. We just need to find some potentials :p


why are people comparing nazism to gay marriage

like what

On one hand I know deep down that the reason they refused to do the cake was because "ewww teh gayz" but on the other hand I believe you should be able to refuse to do a cake design if they don't like the image or message. For example we have all seen cakes in the shape of penises right? well I believe if I asked a cake shop to do me a penis cake that they have to right to say hell no *shrugs*
Sigh. I read one page of that thread and I already saw where it was headed so I closed that tab.

PS. New York is awesome so far. Headed into the city Wednesday. Going to a bunch of museums, meeting up with some friends of mine, then going to go see a play. Not sure which one yet but I'll figure it out.

Same here.
Enjoy NY, you just missed a shit ton of rain and thunder here lol. Have fun!

Bailey 87

Good news it seems the gay agenda is working. We have convinced kids to be happier and healthier when we raise them :p

Children of same-sex couples fare better when it comes to physical health and social well-being than children in the general population, according to researchers at the University of Melbourne in Australia.

but sadly it's not all good news.

According to the study, about two-thirds of children with same-sex parents experienced some form of stigma because of their parents’ sexual orientation.

It wasn't someone you met. Someone new. He was the bf of the guy the hubby was sexting.

The hubby feels better going in. His is not that long but it's thick. Our friend has a longer dick but I really didn't feel it when it went in (he went in first).

Pardon me but how loose does an ass need to be to legitimately get no sensation from a dick going into it?
On one hand I know deep down that the reason they refused to do the cake was because "ewww teh gayz" but on the other hand I believe you should be able to refuse to do a cake design if they don't like the image or message. For example we have all seen cakes in the shape of penises right? well I believe if I asked a cake shop to do me a penis cake that they have to right to say hell no *shrugs*

You should have the right to refuse some cake designs, but not all of them. IMO, the government should make society better. Part of that is stamping out discrimination.

So while the bakers could refuse to make a lewd gay cake, I don't think they should be able refuse, without penalties, to make a cake with like two grooms on it.


Hey guys, just wanted to ask if anyone here watches 'Major Crimes' on TNT by any chance?
It's a spinoff to the Closer (which I've never seen) and it has angelic Mary McDonnell (BSG's Laura Roslin) in the leading role (which is why I've been watching from the first episode)...

- Anyway, there's a character called Rusty who's a teenage witness in a big case and now lives with Mary's character Sharon in a sort of mother-and-son way.
And last night Rusty FINALLY had his coming out in a really great episode. They had developed this storyline literally over the course of two whole fucking seasons without ever calling it by name until 2 eps ago. I'm a sucker for far too many cable shows and I usually avoid crime procedurals like the plague, but I've grown so addicted to this show and it had me in cheers when he finally said the words. Like, I had my hopes since when I first met the character back in the pilot. To think they actually did it deserves respect (and my personal gratitude^^).
Anyhow, back to business. Just had to share a TV moment of awesomeness.


This is where you should stop:

There's really no point in discussing anything with someone who doesn't know (or denies) that humans are just a species in animal kingdoms.


It's really weird to find out that your childhood friends are gay, specially when they are triplets (well, 2 of them, the other is straight). My life has been full of gay people and I wasn't aware of it. Just so you know how antisocial I was :(



It's really weird to find out that your childhood friends are gay, specially when they are triplets (well, 2 of them, the other is straight). My life has been full of gay people and I wasn't aware of it. Just so you know how antisocial I was :(

a lot of times you wont know someone is gay til way later in life, dont worry about it


Hunky Nostradamus
I would refuse to do a Bert and Ernie gay wedding cake. Men can be close to one another without being gay.

Same. I hate the "Bert and Ernie are gay!" thing.

Hey guys, just wanted to ask if anyone here watches 'Major Crimes' on TNT by any chance?
It's a spinoff to the Closer (which I've never seen) and it has angelic Mary McDonnell (BSG's Laura Roslin) in the leading role (which is why I've been watching from the first episode)...

- Anyway, there's a character called Rusty who's a teenage witness in a big case and now lives with Mary's character Sharon in a sort of mother-and-son way.
And last night Rusty FINALLY had his coming out in a really great episode. They had developed this storyline literally over the course of two whole fucking seasons without ever calling it by name until 2 eps ago. I'm a sucker for far too many cable shows and I usually avoid crime procedurals like the plague, but I've grown so addicted to this show and it had me in cheers when he finally said the words. Like, I had my hopes since when I first met the character back in the pilot. To think they actually did it deserves respect (and my personal gratitude^^).
Anyhow, back to business. Just had to share a TV moment of awesomeness.

kool go rusty!

Pardon me but how loose does an ass need to be to legitimately get no sensation from a dick going into it?

Dat bodyfat, though


Lol just messing :p

But i do give ESPN lots of credit though. Posting on the cover of their body issue a basically naked black man on what i'd presume is a heavily male targeted magazine(though i could be wrong) who certainly doesnt have the conventional cover model body, and promoting the idea that just because you're not cut and lean doesnt mean you're not working out and healthy.
And big props to him for doing the cover too!

There is video too
I'm so sorry for your losses.
All five of 'em~


Wish i've payed a bit more attention to the world cup. but you know us americans are not much fans of Football that doesnt involve tackling and helmets lol. Not a sports person anyway. Gotta say though i think this is the most i've seen the american public invested in the sport in a long time.
Also has gaf been acting shitty for you guys as it is for me?

Wish i've payed a bit more attention to the world cup. but you know us americans are not much fans of Football that doesnt involve tackling and helmets lol. Not a sports person anyway. Gotta say though i think this is the most i've seen the american public invested in the sport in a long time.
Also has gaf been acting shitty for you guys as it is for me?

Yup, GAF's awfully slow for moi.

Also, real sports do not require armour.
So I've been thinking about finally coming out to my older brother and his wife, but I'm not really sure how my brother feels about gay people. He sometimes says things are "gay" (like "that's so gay!") which isn't a great sign, but people say those types of things without thinking about how it sounds. Frankly, I think he's too old to be saying things like that - he's 32.

I was thinking about coming out to his wife first - I'm pretty sure she would be supportive, and I want to ask her how she thinks my brother would react. They both live pretty far away from me (like 6+ hours by car), so it'd be an overnight trip to visit them.

Not even sure why I'm posting this... I guess I'm just nervous/scared at his reaction. He's always been there for me, but this will probably surprise him. My family is generally very homophobic (especially my parents and extended family) which is why none of them know yet. I've only told my friends who were all very supportive and great about it. I'd like to finally tell someone in my family, and my brother is really the main one I want to know. Bleh, why does this have to be so hard?


Because you don't know how they would react, that's why it's so hard :(

I decide couple days ago that I am going to come out to my parents before my birthday in 2 months. I don't feel like hiding it from them anymore.
Because you don't know how they would react, that's why it's so hard :(

I decide couple days ago that I am going to come out to my parents before my birthday in 2 months. I don't feel like hiding it from them anymore.

Best of luck with your parents! Telling my parents feels like such a long ways off. I want to do it, but... I know they will freak out about it. I am tired of hiding it and them asking me if I'm seeing any new girls recently. -_-


Best of luck with your parents! Telling my parents feels like such a long ways off. I want to do it, but... I know they will freak out about it. I am tired of hiding it and them asking me if I'm seeing any new girls recently. -_-

Thanks. and that. Holy crap. I get that once per week.

They tell me to go out and meet some girl. Ask my friends to hook me up. That I should meet girls soon, since I am not getting any younger. + any other variation of me meeting girls.

edit: I really don't have any excuse of not telling them. I am about to hit 30 :( .


The cake thread (that one that isn't about the band cake but about a bakery not doing their job) is a real minefield for me. How you can defend such people. "Oh, but it's in their book, so it's okay if they don't serve them".


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