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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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"I am repulsed by the sight of vegetables and that's okay, why isn't it okay to be repulsed when seeing two dudes kissing?"


To be honest, I don't see anything wrong in that. One can be repulsed by many things. However, the issue is when you try to prevent someone from doing something, or impose your will on somebody, even if it shouldn't concern you, just because you are repulsed by something.

Also, what CornBurrito said.


Neo Member
Thanks. and that. Holy crap. I get that once per week.

They tell me to go out and meet some girl. Ask my friends to hook me up. That I should meet girls soon, since I am not getting any younger. + any other variation of me meeting girls.

edit: I really don't have any excuse of not telling them. I am about to hit 30 :( .

I'm sort of in the same boat. I just turned 28 this past May and the only family member that knows is one cousin of mine, who is supportive of it, which I thank her for. I've been thinking of coming out to my brothers at least, but I been putting it off for whatever reason. Being part of a fairly conservative and religious family isn't so nice sometimes. It is hard, and for someone at my age and still closeted can be seen as rather weird I guess.

At this point I just go along with the 'meeting some girls' part though, I just nod my head and go mhm, haha.


Thanks for the welcome~

Do I have to do an introduction? I am James, 20, gay, from the UK.

Ask me whatever.

are you buying TLOU on PS4? I distinctly remember playing GAF matches last year and they were a lot of fun


To be honest, I don't see anything wrong in that. One can be repulsed by many things. However, the issue is when you try to prevent someone from doing something, or impose your will on somebody, even if it shouldn't concern you, just because you are repulsed by something.

Also, what CornBurrito said.

No, it's more the term that the people use that rubs me the wrong way. I'm fine with people not enjoying what they see. Just don't use language like that to describe how you feel about different people's lifes. (For example, a lot of people describe the sex life of people who are overweight to be disgusting/repulsive, which isn't okay either)
Honestly I am not convinced that being repulsed by gay sex is indicative of active hate. However, I don't buy the notion that it is a natural feeling. I think that in large part, what we find attractive/repulsive is influenced by culture. The easiest way to see that is with food. Surely something such as what we find tasty must be purely biological right? Well it clearly isn't. Americans aren't born with a genetic predisposition to find things like duck necks, bull testicles, cow heart, etc... disgusting. We aren't genetically predisposed to find those eggs with the dead chicken in them disgusting. We find those foods disgusting because we simply aren't exposed to them often in our culture.

I think that finding two gay men kissing "gross" is likely only repulsive to many because our culture is in many ways still homophobic. Straight men can be accepting of gays, but can't actually show acceptance of gay acts because then they might be seen as gay. So the simple way to show you aren't gay and don't want to participate in gay acts is going "ewww gross." That doesn't make the person saying that actively homophobic, but the act is definitely rooted in more subtle homophobia.

The good news is that it actually can be changed. I'm going to guess that people exposed to gay public displays of affection eventually become desensitized to it and no longer find it gross. Nudist communities aren't made up entirely of smoking hot nude people. There are people we would find "gross" naked, but other nudists don't see it as gross because they are so frequently exposed to it.

Pretty much, it needs to be normalised(which is happening with TV shows these days) and straight men need to man up.

Thanks for the welcome~

Do I have to do an introduction? I am James, 20, gay, from the UK.

Ask me whatever.

Welcome, your avatar is the absolute shit!

Love me some Dany <3


Do I have to do an introduction? I am James, 20, gay, from the UK.

Ask me whatever.

Finally someone who is my age :p Welcome, don't be afraid to discuss here, we talk about everything.

Oh and I find seeing naked women kind of gross, that's why I don't see any straight porn because I impulsively close my browser once I see naked women.


Finally someone who is my age :p Welcome, don't be afraid to discuss here, we talk about everything.

Oh and I find seeing naked women kind of gross, that's why I don't see any straight porn because I impulsively close my browser once I see naked women.

damn, you're so gay it's an impulse?


Finally someone who is my age :p Welcome, don't be afraid to discuss here, we talk about everything.

Oh and I find seeing naked women kind of gross, that's why I don't see any straight porn because I impulsively close my browser once I see naked women.

But then you can never watch Game of Thrones, dude! :<

I'm joking. ;)


I am so fucking sick of all the tone policing and concern trolling that goes on, coming from straight people. Nothing infuriates me more than being told to feel a certain way about things, or to not react a certain way.


I am so fucking sick of all the tone policing and concern trolling that goes on, coming from straight people. Nothing infuriates me more than being told to feel a certain way about things, or to not react a certain way.

It's alright for them, if you're a straight white male you're very unlikely to encounter prejudice/discrimination compared to a minority.

Makes me laugh in gay video game character threads when there's suddenly this outcry of "who cares about a character's sexuality?!" which equates to "I'm uncomfortable with queers in my games."


Makes me laugh in gay video game character threads when there's suddenly this outcry of "who cares about a character's sexuality?!" which equates to "I'm uncomfortable with queers in my games."

I hate whenever that specific response pops up anywhere. its marginalizing any attempt at progress and furthers the stigma of 'who cares about gays'


I'm bad a detecting if someone is just having me on the internet, jokes are easily missed without some hints like emoticons, etc.

Sorry, I forgot that I shouldn't make fun of people in this thread :(

Btw, somebody asked to be his friend, isn't that cute? That and I found that one female friend has a crush on the last guy I had a crush on :S


Gay related immune deficiency. aka AIDS.

I really hope no one still thinks that. It's just a ban that should have been removed but haven't yet.
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