Time to dye your hair.
What you guys got against purring???
What you guys got against purring???
Not from my experience. Seems to me that people become less happy as they get older due to more responsibilities heaped on them from society. I mean think about when you were a child and the only thing you had to worry about was eating your veggies and going to school. Most people looking back will find those years significantly happier than their adult years.
I purr sometimes, What you got against purring?purring? lmao
I purr sometimes, What you got against purring?
roaring is more my thing
Roaring is so angry tho.
What sounds do dragons make when they're pleased?
their online stuff is expensive as fuckjust dont go in to uniqlo, the gay cheap clothes haven
welp wha
Happy birthday! ^_^Thanks everyone. It's now after midnight where I am so Yay me.
just dont go in to uniqlo, the gay cheap clothes haven
Uh... Thanks?
Have you seen Season 4?
Selfie war, huh? I made a huge mistake in shaving my goatee this morning... the combination of my shaven face and the awkward point my hair is at right now as I grow it back out makes me not look like the 20 year old man I am...
Fuckin helmet head ass hair >_>
purring? lmao
I've never been so glad to see someone banned, what a pompous dick ��
Who, where?
In the "GAY SEX is REPULSIVE, am I prejudiced?" thread.
Yes, a brilliant post by Necromanti, deconstructing the idea of roles certain bodily traits are "supposed" to play. Shame it was somewhat wasted on someone who a.) was inevitably going to be banned and b.) hadn't the slightest clue of what he was speaking of to the point of being completely obtuse about most replies and criticism aimed toward him.
It continues to show that any arguments against gay people are ultimately either completely unfounded, or rooted in beliefs rather than reality. That guy falsely conflated biology with philosophy, and ultimately wound up with a religious point of view with that "user manual" garbage. Couldn't avoid his fate by screaming out about how all of his super-smart friends are so looking down on you right now and would totally kick your butt in one of their debates, mister. WATCH YOUR BACK FOR THE ARISTOTELIANS WILL COME BY NIGHT. I AM AN INTELLECTUAL.*
*And by "I", I mean "my friend". I'm not the bigot here, guys. Totally just my friend. Still, what sayest thou to him?
The funny thing is that the guy who posted this in that thread was the same guy who came to the people here in the LGBT OT, talking about his supposed friend who has something against homosexuality. I knew that he was lying. Glad we caught him red-handed.
Selfie war, huh? I made a huge mistake in shaving my goatee this morning... the combination of my shaven face and the awkward point my hair is at right now as I grow it back out makes me not look like the 20 year old man I am...
Fuckin helmet head ass hair >_>
Half an hour till my bday. Here's hoping 34 is better then 33 (doubtful)
The most confusing part of that whole "intellectual friend" thing.. how can someone be so ostensibly intelligent while lacking in understanding basic civil rights law?
And now we're having a "Would you date/fuck ____" thread about underage people. Is this trend supposed to be ban bait or an inside joke, or something?
I usually imagine that the OP is in the specified situation and wants to know other peoples' opinions on it, but doesnt want to actually talk about their situation
I just notice one asking if you date someone with herpes. What is going on.
Well, they admitted that they are in that situation. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=120340543&postcount=285
You do that at parties?
Pics please...nude pics, I mean.
Need visual confirmation.
For science, of course.
the dude who got banned seems like he'd be real cringey in real life, and it bled into his GAF posts
I just made a OKCupid account. There are so many stuff to fill. I don't feel like doing it anymore.
NYC is great, my bf and I plan on going back late summer when it's cooled off a bit
Try October, maybe. Since our Winter lasted well into April, I'd be surprised if our summer ended at August.
Thanksgiving/Christmas break?