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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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The guy you showed us last week?

Good luck, it seems that you'll be passionate about it

Yup! We've been dating for a bit over a year now but both of us never tried it before (he is the first guy I ever had sexual contact with, since I only dated women before), so we were a bit hesitant. A week ago we finally did it and it was a lot of fun, but I feel like it will be a totally different experience without the drinking.
Tomorrow will be a special day!

I'll do a short interview with Angela Merkel at some press event and later on ill try anal the second time, this time without drinking beforehand. Both are pretty exciting things :D

Angela Merkel...? How quaint. Should be interesting, mind. She's like a less evil Margaret Thatcher.

Mind, all professionalism in your sentence was eliminated, seeing as you mentioned Angela Merkel and Anal in that individual sentence.

In any case, have fun~
Middle of Highschool. I'm glad I wasn't really ashamed of myself for it. What really blew were all those male crushes I had back then that I was too afraid to really do anything about.


I was about 13/14 and he was beautiful, sat right next to me in German class.

I joined Runescape and pretended to like it just so we could talk more.

After cooking class I gave him a freshly made chocolate chip muffin and he said it was really tasty. I told him I fancied him and eventually he said he tried to 'like' me just to make me happy (in a nice way), but he was just straight and he couldn't force it.

Eventually he moved away and I never spoke to him again.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I was never really sexually active as a teen, having been absent the day they handed out adolescent libido. On the other hand, I started developing a very particular kind of aesthetic preference, heavily influenced by the manga I was reading around 7th-8th grade, most notably CLAMP, who are infamous for their androgynes:

(Both are dudes)

The people I hung out with were mostly girls and mostly into yaoi, so I got a head start on that front as well. Gay sex never bothered me in the slightest, even when I thought I was straight.

Later on, when I developed an interest in pornography and started actually seeing people as sexual objects, I gradually noticed that I had a preference for porn where both the actress and actor were attractive, and that I found myself looking at male models the same way I'd look at female ones. Actually, I prefer male models in general because they're not stick thin. The realization then dawned on me that beauty was beauty, and gender didn't matter in the slightest. As long as I'm attracted, be it physically or emotionally, I'll fuck anything (human).


How/when did you know you were gay/bi?

First "funny feeling" was at three; didn't think much of it, obviously. Stronger feelings came at five; wrote it off as a friendly feeling. Undeniable feelings came at eight; knew I was different. Full-blast feelings by puberty; tried to deny that I was, prayed a lot. Finally accepted being gay by 16.

So I guess it depends on how you define "knowing".


How/when did you know you were gay/bi?

Middle School, 8th grade.

In 6th grade I had my first boner towards one of my more physically imposing classmates, but I didn't understand what it was at the time so I paid it little heed.

7th grade was when I started to notice same-sex attraction. I went into denial up until the middle of eighth grade. I did my first coming out to a crush not too long after I came to terms with it.

It... did not go well.


Around 5 or 6. I had the biggest crush on Bo Duke, and watched The Dukes of Hazzard religiously. My male relatives were crazy for Daisy Duke, so I knew I was different..

How/when did you know you were gay/bi?

I'm definitely not one of those people who realized that he/she was queer when he/she was born. I never really had crushes on boys or girls and I really only loved people in my family. I knew that boys were "supposed" to like girls, but that was it.
My only qualities that made me think I was "different" was my fascination with girl's clothes (dresses, ballet flats, heels, etc.), female characters (Minnie Mouse, Gadget, Sailor Moon, etc.), and fashion dolls (keep in mind that I still liked a lot of "boy stuff" too)

I didn't really start thinking about who I liked until I got to high school.
For example, there was this tall super handsome senior that I remember having a crush on back in the 9th grade. I remember loving his face (eyes, lips, nose,etc.), and I thought his hair was the cutest hair that ever existed. I'd usually go out of my way to say "what's up??" to him anytime he was around. I don't think I really put a lot of thought into the idea that I liked him though; I was sort of like that naive lesbian girl in that mediocre "But I'm A Cheerleader" movie (The main character in the film sort of just assumes that it's "normal" for straight girls to put pictures of shapely bikini clad ladies in their lockers :p)

I think the person who might have really spurred me to think about my sexuality is my high school geometry teacher. He was a well built masculine looking Asian man who had a personality that I loved. Also,I don't know if I'm remembering wrong but he certainly wore more than a few tight shirts.
It kind of sort of clicked with me that maybe I might be someone who likes both boys and girls. :p
Once I got to college; I knew exactly who I was and who I liked (it took me 3 years to become "comfortable" with it though.)


Nope, I'm not close with them, never talk about anything with them, but I know they know, just prefer not to talk about it I guess.

My family is a conservative asian, so ... yeah.
conservative asian goodbye

my great grandmother served racism, i did not use


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I was 13 and I discovered trap hentai and it snowballed from there. Young Christian me tried his hardest to rationalize it as "Well they look like girls, so it's okay."

This is the best so far.


I just read Necromantis retort to the douche's post in this thread.


Kudos to you, Necromanti!

Yes, a brilliant post by Necromanti, deconstructing the idea of roles certain bodily traits are "supposed" to play. Shame it was somewhat wasted on someone who a.) was inevitably going to be banned and b.) hadn't the slightest clue of what he was speaking of to the point of being completely obtuse about most replies and criticism aimed toward him.

It continues to show that any arguments against gay people are ultimately either completely unfounded, or rooted in beliefs rather than reality. That guy falsely conflated biology with philosophy, and ultimately wound up with a religious point of view with that "user manual" garbage. Couldn't avoid his fate by screaming out about how all of his super-smart friends are so looking down on you right now and would totally kick your butt in one of their debates, mister. WATCH YOUR BACK FOR THE ARISTOTELIANS WILL COME BY NIGHT. I AM AN INTELLECTUAL.*

*And by "I", I mean "my friend". I'm not the bigot here, guys. Totally just my friend. Still, what sayest thou to him?
Thanks for mentioning that post, I missed it before.
It's all blurry. I became certain when I was 17/18 that I'm bi, but I was questioning for a few years (maybe 14-17). I knew I liked women and I knew I liked men, but there was that supposedly supportive social messaging that 'everybody's curious sometimes' that I picked up through osmosis and this downplayed the importance of the men. And the monosexist assumptions of society also treated what I experienced as 'confusion', bah. I remember when I was 16-17 a girl I was friends with said she is bisexual that I wanted to say that I am too, I think that might possibly be a breakthrough moment but I don't know, it's all blurry.

Then when I was late-17/early-18 and met new people at uni, it confirmed my sexual interest in men was notable, and I had a really bad internet crush with a man in another country, that had an emotional component I'd previously just had with women. So the direction of my questioning changed for a few months, but I realised it was confirmation bias and I was finding ways to downplay the importance of my interest in women for no good reason.
I was kinda iffy on sexuality (as in, didn't really give a shit save for porn and platonic stuff) until high school, and at that point it was mainly just cultural stigma that prevented me from coming out as bi right off the bat. Summer / fall of freshman year I put the pieces together and just went about my business as usual and at some point after that bothered looking up what pansexual meant and realized I was definitely that.

It's funny that the gender binary makes bi / pan such an important distinction, too. My current bf thinks that most bi guys are really just "gateway gays" that don't want to admit they want the dick, but the second I clarified I was actually pansexual he was like "oh, okay, I understand, that's cool." come on now lgbt community


How/when did you know you were gay/bi?

Around 7 years I had an obsession with one friend but never knew what it was. I just figured this out some months ago.

Then around 12 started knowing that I was attracted to soccer players. It progressed until I knew I was gay.

I was confused by it until 15, when I tried to deny it and never knew what happened in that period with my sexuality.

It wasn't until a year ago that I accepted my condition but I still have doubts about this, though they are not as frequent and painful as they used to be. Still my three major crushes have been male people and they were from two years ago up to this day.
I suppose I'm kinda a late bloomer, only realizing I was bi late last year, when I was 23. It's super obvious in retrospect that I was pretty much always bi, but my mind was in other places in my adolescence, namely school and desperately trying to figure my shit out, and then mostly procrastinating reading manga, playing video games, and browsing internet forums, and doing whatever I could to escape from and do the bare minimum of schoolwork necessary to get by in high school. Dating and stuff wasn't anywhere near the surface of my mind at the time, being dominated by all that other stuff. I just new that I seemed to be attracted to women, and that was good enough for me at the time.

However, another key part of my sexual fantasies has always been a sort of fascination with the male form in particular. But the thing is my thing is nonetheless my fantasies tended to focus on imagining having sex with women, whereas the fascination with the male form typically manifested itself in the form of me imagining myself to be all kinds of super muscular and all that stuff, so I pretty much just wrote all that stuff off as just typical male power fantasy stuff at first I guess and didn't think much of it especially since while I wasn't interested in dating in general at the time, I at least felt some girls were cute but didn't really feel that way about any guys (probably due to a combination of bad luck and not really being looking), so I didn't think much of it.

But in hindsight, if anything, I had it kind of backwards if anything. While imagining hot naked ladies did get me going as a teen and that was great, it was always the fascination with the male form in particular and the forms it can take and how attractive it can be that really dominated by attention and got me going, especially at the time (I tend to have a better mix these days that if anything has gone slightly the other way around, especially since I realized I wanted kids more than anything a few years back and kinda ended up developing a pregnancy/impregnation fetish along with that). Looking back on it, it was pretty clear from the beginning that they were anything but power fantasies and it was the male form itself that was getting me going and I don't really know how I came to any other conclusions. Sorry if that doesn't really make sense at all, since I can't really explain it better without going into more detail about what my fantasies actually entailed, which I'm not exactly comfortable with and you probably don't want me to anyway, so just take my word on it on that part.

Whatever the case though, none of this stuff really clicked until I was 23 (probably due to me having a lot of other shit on my mind until then like I said and nowhere close to having my shit figured out until that point and I guess finally being relaxed enough about other aspects of my life to think about this stuff) and just randomly thought about this stuff one day and it just finally clicked and I was baffled that I really ever thought of myself as anything else and why it took so long for me to start thinking of myself at all. It was especially ironic for me since as a young teen, I definitely had an angry atheist phase where I even considered myself an antitheist for a bit (long past all that stupid shit though, thank god) and what was the reason for me becoming such? The area of LGBT rights--something about reading debates about it on the NarutoFan forums when I was a teen just shot off the empathy centers of my brain something fierce, years before I consciously realized I was bi and despite me having a kind of homophobic father. Definitely unusual and I don't quite get it myself, but that's how things went down for me.
I was 13 and I discovered trap hentai and it snowballed from there. Young Christian me tried his hardest to rationalize it as "Well they look like girls, so it's okay."

If you realized this in your 20s you would have been a total tuck chaser.
"They look like glamorous show girls. So it's ok, right?"
I don't believe that guys who like drag queens/crossdressers are automatically Bi or Gay btw. Especially if they mostly date cis/trans women.


I remembered knowing that I was gay and being super attracted to boys but social conditioning always makes you hide it, I was totally in denial, first I tried to ignore it then I said I was going to fool around with boys until I found a woman to marry and then it wasn't until 2010 when I just said, "Fuck it, I'm gay, I've always been gay, and I will spend the rest of my life with another guy" it was due to me hanging with a community of people who were super open and supportive that I learned to accept myself, it is a liberating experience.

Now I just need to come out to family *sobs*


I remembered knowing that I was gay and being super attracted to boys but social conditioning always makes you hide it, I was totally in denial, first I tried to ignore it then I said I was going to fool around with boys until I found a woman to marry and then it wasn't until 2010 when I just said, "Fuck it, I'm gay, I've always been gay, and I will spend the rest of my life with another guy" it was due to me hanging with a community of people who were super open and supportive that I learned to accept myself, it is a liberating experience.

Now I just need to come out to family *sobs*

Your male voice, my answer for the other thread :p
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