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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Beautiful story
That's such an awesome story (and I'm getting a bit teary-eyed just reading it)--so glad things turned out so well for you. ^_^ And yeah, I totally agree with the message of not losing hope at all. Sometimes these things just take time. I definitely can't understand how any parent could truly stay upset over something like that when they see just how happy their partner makes their child and truly realize its for real. That idea just sounds so foreign to me and I can't understand how any parent's heart wouldn't just melt at that, regardless of their personal beliefs.
I think this is a commonly held belief, even amongst the LGBT community.

My mum, who was super supportive from the beginning and is now completely normal and fine in every way, would probably be freaked out if I were to come out as a lesbian.

Yeah, most people aren't aware of the fact that trans-men and trans-women can be straight or gay because they know absolutely nothing about the difference between gender identity and sexuality. Everyone just sort of conflates the two terms, and assumes that they're mutually exclusive because they were taught that masculine boys like girls and feminine girls like boys for the majority of their lives.
It doesn't help that most of our media practically portrays gay men as trans-women (Especially if they happen to do drag or they're feminine) and lesbians as trans-men(Especially if they look or act masculine).


I think I found out I was gay when I touched myself for the first time in my life, shortly after watching a Buffy episode. I was 10, and it was all because of this guy:


yeah I think Angel/David Boreanaz was my very first celebrity crush.

My first celebrity crush also came from Buffy, but it wasn't Angel.


That raises an interesting question. When and how did some of you guys first "learn" about the different parts of the LGBT spectrum?

I always knew about gay men as a child. Though, I mostly pictured them in a stereotypical fashion thanks to my family, movies, and television. I didn't think that you could be "masculine" and gay, but they were definitely the first part of the spectrum I knew about.

Lesbians were a complete mystery to me until the 7th grade. I think I learned what they were from Ranma 1/2 or some other dumb manga. They were never really as visible as gay men on TV so I didn't learn about the stereotypes until I was in high school. I don't remember being incredibly attracted to gay female relations, but it was intriguing in a sense.

I think I learned what transwomen were from a lifetime movie that depicted the life of Gwen Araujo (R.I.P) when I was in middle school. Before that my idea of a transgirl was basically a crossdresser or an EXTREMELY gay man (1000 pardons to the transgirls in the thread)
I kind of thought that I might be trans (I didn't know about that word though) because I liked girl stuff, but I never really had a strong desire to become a female.
I didn't know what a transman was until I was in my senior year of high school. I always loved girly stuff so I didn't think anyone would want to willingly become a boy.

The bisexual umbrella was a completely and utter mystery to me until I started to really discover my own sexuality. lol
We'ere so underrepresented that it's not even funny, and if we are represented it's just a phase (Experimental college girl)

I've known about gay men for as long as I can remember. My cousin is gay and I'm pretty sure him and his partner have been together since before I was born. My mother says that when I was 3 I started chanting *my cousins name* is a F***** right in front of him because I wanted to show off that I had learned a new word, but had no idea that it was a slur.

I learned about lesbians through Buffy. Willow/Tara OTP.

I guess you can say I've known about trans* people for a long time, as I've always known I was a girl inside, but I thought I was a frak and that I was the only one in the world. I learned about the existence of other trans* when I was 10 and overheard some people talking about "freaks that should be executed".



My first crush from a TV series. (Balthazard/Cole, Charmed)


And my second crush. (Francis, Malcolm in the Middle)

I also had a crush on quite a few video game characters and characters from books when I was younger.


HylianTom, thanks for sharing your story, it got me teary-eyed. It is a pretty wonderful one :)


My first crush from a TV series. (Balthazard/Cole, Charmed)


And my second crush. (Francis, Malcolm in the Middle)

Haha both of these quickly followed my passion for David Boreanaz! I was a huge fan of Charmed so I even had pictures of Julian McMahon shirtless in a ring binder. Good times.

As for Christopher Masterson... He was just so cute in Malcolm In The Middle.


HylianTom, thanks for sharing your story, it got me teary-eyed. It is a pretty wonderful one :)

Haha both of these quickly followed my passion for David Boreanaz! I was a huge fan of Charmed so I even had pictures of Julian McMahon shirtless in a ring binder. Good times.

As for Christopher Masterson... He was just so cute in Malcolm In The Middle.


I couldn't resist posting that lame joke. Sorry. :(

He is really good-looking though from the pictures of him I have seen so far. I didn't watch Buffy when I was younger, I regret it now. Missed out on some handsome actors. :/



I couldn't resist posting that lame joke. Sorry. :(

He is really good-looking though from the pictures of him I have seen so far. I didn't watch Buffy when I was younger, I regret it now. Missed out on some handsome actors. :/

Even more of a reason to start the GayGAF movie/TV club. You have to watch Buffy and Angel.


Even more of a reason to start the GayGAF movie/TV club. You have to watch Buffy and Angel.

I would be down for that. I don't have a headset for my PC though.
I do have a Wii U with Wii U Chat, but obviously not many people in here could participate, since not all that many LGBT GAFfers own a Wii U...
How/when did you know you were gay/bi?

When I was around 12 or 13, I started to notice other guys in my class. I would think, "Oh, he's so cute." In particular, I would always notice this guy who sat across from me in one of my classes. I even told my mom that I thought this boy in my class was cute, and she freaked out and said I shouldn't say things like that. I was a little confused because I don't think I knew exactly what being gay meant. I had always been raised by my family/church to think that "being homosexual was a sin, terrible, gross, the worst thing in world, etc." I finally realized what they were talking about around this time. I tried really hard to start noticing girls the same way I saw guys, but it just never... clicked. I could recognize when a girl was pretty, but I felt no attraction to them. On the other hand, my attraction to guys grew even more as I got older, and I developed some pretty heavy crushes on some of my male friends.
Meh, my angela merkel interview was cancelled. All press guys were just put behind some barrier to take their pictures and film their news-material, since there "was no time", since she had other meetings to attend right after (and indeed, she flew away with a copter minutes after), but I was a bit let down.

whatever, i guess the rest of the day has to make up for it (still at work at 5:50 pm, though, I hope I can leave soon)


I would be down for that. I don't have a headset for my PC though.
I do have a Wii U with Wii U Chat, but obviously not many people in here could participate, since not all that many LGBT GAFfers own a Wii U...

I do! But I never actually used Wii U Chat with anybody. Most of my friends on my Friend List are from NeoGAF.


Meh, my angela merkel interview was cancelled. All press guys were just put behind some barrier to take their pictures and film their news-material, since there "was no time", since she had other meetings to attend right after (and indeed, she flew away with a copter minutes after), but I was a bit let down.

whatever, i guess the rest of the day has to make up for it (still at work at 5:50 pm, though, I hope I can leave soon)

That sucks. Would you have asked her about her very questionable stance on adoptions right for same-sex couples? Or about the American spies in Germany?

I do! But I never actually used Wii U Chat with anybody. Most of my friends on my Friend List are from NeoGAF.

So it's you, Kinsei and daripad who have a Wii U.
Well, maybe we can try the Wii U chat first since I don't even know if it is any good. :/


I would be down for that. I don't have a headset for my PC though.
I do have a Wii U with Wii U Chat, but obviously not many people in here could participate, since not all that many LGBT GAFfers own a Wii U...

I've never used the Wii U chat before. Too many little kids randomly sending me chat requests turned me off from it. I know it's my fault for accepting their friend requests, but I didn't have the heart to say no.
How/when did you know you were gay/bi?
Just wished to thank you for asking this question as I always find answers to this quesition fascinating, and, indeed, many of the stories presented so far are quite interesting.
Anyway, my own experience is certainly more similar to ShironRedshift than others who knew at an early age, but it is much more longwinded (I've written elsewhere and it's 23,000 characters, so I'll avoid pasting that here) in that there was never really a particular moment of curiosity, interest, revelation, or whatever, it was a very gradual process that composed of many of my experiences up to now. To put it concisely, a friend asked me at one point in secondary school if I was gay. I became somewhat obsessed with the question, and concluded, over many years, that given the fact that I'd developed what I interpret as a crush on three boys, one of which was prior to puberty, and watched 'gay porn' primarily, that I was indeed gay. I ended up exploring it more thoroughly a good few months ago, and while there are still some aspects I'm unsure of (mainly if I'm gay or bi), I'm pretty confident I'm interested in men even if there's a slight doubt, and societal homophobia, combined with only having attended an all-male school, is likely partly preventing me from fully accepting it.

EDIT: Oh and I second TheAbsolution. If yo'u've parents that accept your sexuality it is very much something worth being very grateful for.

That raises an interesting question. When and how did some of you guys first "learn" about the different parts of the LGBT spectrum?

Regarding homosexuality ("Lesbian" and "Gay" parts of the specturm), primary school was when I first learnt of it. There was a box painted on the ground, that served as a visual representation of one square metre to aid teachers in later classes who had to teach area to students, which was dubbed "The Gay Box". Knowledge just kind of seeped down through the classes due to this of what being gay was, and it quickly became obvious to me that if two men could love each other, obviously two women could too, and if a man could love a man, there was no reason a man couldn't love men and women. It wasn't until a few years later that I'd seen the term 'lesbian' and 'bisexual' (I think it was in a wordsearch that I saw them first), but I had been aware of the concept (even if I didn't have the name) before I saw them. "Transexual" I'm really not sure. It was certainly a considerable length of time later and I believe, but am not certain, that I learnt of it through older friends through derogatory terms. To be honest, I really cannot remember learning of this one specifically.


This will sound cheesy, but I learned a huge amount of sex ed from a radio show - LovePhones with Dr Judy and Jagger. Our sex ed at Catholic school was very, errm, perfunctory.. but Dr Judy was a worldly resource, teaching me about the whole spectrum of gender and sexuality for three hours a night, five nights a week. As a result of my listening, I found myself to be much better informed than my classmates on all sorts of sex matters.

She was also incredibly GLBT-positive; until her, I had had no real exposure to gay-positive people. Being so deeply closeted and scared, not being able to talk to anyone about it, she did my mental and emotional state a world of good on a nightly basis.
I just noticed I liked boys a lot was a couple of years ago, but I didnt actually pay attention to it, since I was still attracted to girls and found them aesthetically pleasing.

Now I feel like my sexuality is more fluid, some days I feel more straight, some days I feel totally gay. And this relationship with my current boy is the best relationship I ever had, so who knows what that means.
So many July birthdays here huh?

I turn 25 today, and part of me feels like I should be reflecting on this in some kind of sentimental way. But the bigger part of me wants to just drink and dance tonight and move full speed ahead. Lol


How/when did you know you were gay/bi?

Hmm, up to second grade I had an enormous heterosexual cutesy crush on a girl from class. After her family moved away, I rather quickly diverted my attention to a certain other girl from class (one day I even got to kiss her in a spin the bottle situation). Then, when we all went to different schools after that, I became obsessed with the daughter of my parents' friends who I had known since we were very little. I was in pursuit of her love for years, then we got together and until we thankfully (for rather non-sexual reasons) broke up two years ago I can't say my love was ever less than true.

Only caveat: Since I first laid hands on myself (ahem) it was only EVER to nude guys. But that never made me feel gay at all. It was just what I found more attracrtive. Sounds a bit stupid in retrospect, but to certain degree that's still how I feel. Anyway, kissing, cuddling, holding hands, holding her in my arms for hours was never less than satisfying. It was only that the thought of her naked body was a thought that never occurred to me, and when it did, I was rather disgusted than aroused. Well, she was... so cute and kind of pretty, but physically, all things considered, not objectively perfect.

So, for most of that time, I thought that's how it's gonna be. Gonna marry her someday, have kids and a wonderful family while feeling godfucked in the sense that my emotional fixation and my physical fixation weren't born to be aligned. So, yeah I basically pitied myself and was jealous of all those billion people who would not only love their partners, but also get easily aroused by them. What seemed normal for the majority seemed like an unattainable jackpot for me. Now, that sounds like denial, but, again, I didn't see it that way because I never lied to myself. I knew who I found hot and I knew who I loved and wanted to hold forever in my arms.
Anyway, after we finally broke up, then, I felt so relieved to have finally come out of an unfulfilling relationship (this is a bit confusing, but my sexual issue is actually not why it was unsatisfying - it rather suffered from a high dysfunctionality from the beginning and that's why I felt relieved the most) and now I'm basically free.
For the year after that relationship I didn't even bother to seek another partner, and since after that up until now I follow a kind of fish-net attitude: whoever fate sends in my way, be it boy or girl, I don't really care. It's only in the last months or so that the persistent lack of a partner made me consider my gay identity more directly, because if I'm honest with myself, having fate put a BOY in my way would still feel like the jackpot option. (On my train last week, though, I actually instant-fell-in-love when I saw an incredible girl step on - but that's another story, and yeah, she rather looked like a boy than a girl, oh well)...
So yes, I'm physically almost exclusively drawn to the male body. That's something I've always acknowledged. And I totally identify with gay people because I feel the same way. I just don't really identify as gay (yet). Even the slightest "gayness" in a guy (I know, this is where I unavoidably get offensive, sorry) turns me off instead of on. Rainbow colors do nothing for me, I'm not exactly attracted to anyone over 24 or something (I'm 20) and I'm not yet sure if I could really love a guy (although I'm actually a lot more open to the idea than after my relationship, back then I thought that was totally out of the question for me).

So, sorry if you decided to read that long. But this is where I'm at right now. A few weeks back I had a few days where I felt I had something of a "gay phase" where I felt so thirsty I considered making plans to go to all the gay bars in town and start an account or something. But that was more or less just me feeling lonely and thirsty. And goodness, the websites of those bars quickly convinced me of how stupid an idea that was to begin with.
- So in effect it all reduces to where some of u guys are at this moment as well: I'm lonely and I don't know where to start looking for people to hang out with.
God, that was soo too long. shit, sorry

EDIT: Oh and the prospect of anal sex kind of freaks me out (can't we not all have, like, vaginas in the shape of dic- no wait that's even worse. damn, sexuality seems a lot more complicated than just who someone finds attractive...)
Hmm, up to second grade I had an enormous heterosexual cutesy crush on a girl from class. After her family moved away, I rather quickly diverted my attention to a certain other girl from class (one day I even got to kiss her in a spin the bottle situation). Then, when we all went to different schools after that, I became obsessed with the daughter of my parents' friends who I had known since we were very little. I was in pursuit of her love for years, then we got together and until we thankfully (for rather non-sexual reasons) broke up two years ago I can't say my love was ever less than true.

Only caveat: Since I first laid hands on myself (ahem) it was only EVER to nude guys. But that never made me feel gay at all. It was just what I found more attracrtive. Sounds a bit stupid in retrospect, but to certain degree that's still how I feel. Anyway, kissing, cuddling, holding hands, holding her in my arms for hours was never less than satisfying. It was only that the thought of her naked body was a thought that never occurred to me, and when it did, I was rather disgusted than aroused. Well, she was... so cute and kind of pretty, but physically, all things considered, not objectively perfect.

So, for most of that time, I thought that's how it's gonna be. Gonna marry her someday, have kids and a wonderful family while feeling godfucked in the sense that my emotional fixation and my physical fixation weren't born to be aligned. So, yeah I basically pitied myself and was jealous of all those billion people who would not only love their partners, but also get easily aroused by them. What seemed normal for the majority seemed like an unattainable jackpot for me. Now, that sounds like denial, but, again, I didn't see it that way because I never lied to myself. I knew who I found hot and I knew who I loved and wanted to hold forever in my arms.
Anyway, after we finally broke up, then, I felt so relieved to have finally come out of an unfulfilling relationship (this is a bit confusing, but my sexual issue is actually not why it was unsatisfying - it rather suffered from a high dysfunctionality from the beginning and that's why I felt relieved the most) and now I'm basically free.
For the year after that relationship I didn't even bother to seek another partner, and since after that up until now I follow a kind of fish-net attitude: whoever fate sends in my way, be it boy or girl, I don't really care. It's only in the last months or so that the persistent lack of a partner made me consider my gay identity more directly, because if I'm honest with myself, having fate put a BOY in my way would still feel like the jackpot option. (On my train last week, though, I actually instant-fell-in-love when I saw an incredible girl step on - but that's another story, and yeah, she rather looked like a boy than a girl, oh well)...
So yes, I'm physically almost exclusively drawn to the male body. That's something I've always acknowledged. And I totally identify with gay people because I feel the same way. I just don't really identify as gay (yet). Even the slightest "gayness" in a guy (I know, this is where I unavoidably get offensive, sorry) turns me off instead of on. Rainbow colors do nothing for me, I'm not exactly attracted to anyone over 25 (I'm 20) and I'm not yet sure if I could really love a guy (although I'm actually a lot more open to the idea than after my relationship, back then I thought that was totally out of the question for me).

So, sorry if you decided to read that long. But this is where I'm at right now. A few weeks back I had a few days where I felt I had something of a "gay phase" where I felt so thirsty I considered making plans to go to all the gay bars in town and start an account or something. But that was more or less just me feeling lonely and thirsty. And goodness, the websites of those bars quickly convinced me of how stupid an idea that was to begin with.
- So in effect it all reduces to where some of u guys are at this moment as well: I'm lonely and I don't know where to start looking for people to hang out with.
God, that was soo too long. shit, sorry

EDIT: Oh and the prospect of anal sex kind of freaks me out (can't we not all have, like, vaginas in the shape of dic- no wait that's even worse. damn, sexuality seems a lot more complicated than just who someone finds attractive...)
Why so? It may help you overcome the ideas of some of the things that turn you off.


Why so? It may help you overcome the ideas of some of the things that turn you off.

Believe me, it's not a place I belong. Also it turns out, we don't really have something like an active scene of sorts. In order to find a heterosexual partner, people don't go to places where the heterosexual orientation is stereotypically foregrounded and made the whole point of the show. I'm sorry, because that probably reads also very offensive, but the only kind of bar I would feel interested in would be one where guys meet to meet guys. not one where guys meet to throw their gay pride at each other. I'm sure there are better places for me to find the right partner. And all the bars around are not really bars to begin with. Rather, well I don't know but I'm also not very interested. Discos and bars have never been my thing anyway, so I don't know why I mentioned it. Making plans also doesn't name it right. Rather I was googling my location for the first time in terms of gay activities - didn't find anything is what I'm saying.


So many July birthdays here huh?

I turn 25 today, and part of me feels like I should be reflecting on this in some kind of sentimental way. But the bigger part of me wants to just drink and dance tonight and move full speed ahead. Lol



Ah, whatever.

Happy Birthday! :D
i started going gay when i was pretty young. i just did what most girls do imagining some cute firefighter coming to save me and we just make out. weird considering that growing up i hung out with more guys and played sports. must have been school where i hung out with more girls but still plenty of guys back then.

i saw my first porn when i was 15 lol. i was so LTTP.


So many July birthdays here huh?

I turn 25 today, and part of me feels like I should be reflecting on this in some kind of sentimental way. But the bigger part of me wants to just drink and dance tonight and move full speed ahead. Lol

Happy anniversary of your birth!


Happy birthday Victor!

Saw my first porn when I was 5.
Damn you cousin, damn you for overwriting Aladdin with Bukkake porn. >_>

I'm now imagining you as a child going to one of your parents and asking what Aladdin is doing.

"Now El_Gato, he's HOLY SHIT"


So many July birthdays here huh?

I turn 25 today, and part of me feels like I should be reflecting on this in some kind of sentimental way. But the bigger part of me wants to just drink and dance tonight and move full speed ahead. Lol

Wow you're only 2 years older than me. Not sure why I thought you were older hehe. Mine's the 20th.

Happy birthday though!


Woulda fractured my young psyche.
It did. The worst part was that it cut right off to the porn when the whole balcony scene is happening.

Happy birthday Victor!

I'm now imagining you as a child going to one of your parents and asking what Aladdin is doing.

"Now El_Gato, he's HOLY SHIT"

I did ask my parents about it, I even showed them the VHS cassette. Don't remember their reaction though.


Happy Birthday, Victor! :)



I have one too! My NNID is Aarglefarg.
I'll add you if you have nothing against it. Friend list is limited to 100 friends, right?
Woah. Made me laugh though.

There used to be a gay gaf movie viewing thing on skype a few years ago. It fizzled out, I think.
In retrospect I can also laugh about it. Still want to punch my cousin for it though. That stupid pothead. -.-
What up guys. I know there's an RPDR thread but I'm not entirely sure how active it might be, anyway, I did an Adore Delano watercolor piece. :p

-beautiful art-

Makes me want to draw more. I really like your colours and the style.
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