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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Dead Man

Thanks man. I'll have to deal with it and get used to it. I don't wanna be like those guys going bald doing dumb shit trying to cover the baldness with a ridiculous hairstyle or wearing a bad looking toupee.

Yeah, don't do that, no matter what. Saddest looking fools around. Rock out with your scalp out. Feels good :)


Hunky Nostradamus
In my experience, and from what I've heard from friends, you're less likely to get responses from either gender if you label yourself as bi on OkCupid, unfortunately.


is this real life? Remind me never to join OKC.

my personality is abrasive, impolite, and amazing.


I'll say hi as a new gay member. Late to being out, late to playing video games, but I'm all in both! :)


Since I brought this up earlier, I wanted to know, LGBTGAF, How'd your immediate relatives react to your sexuality? If you're not out yet, How'd you think they would react?

Parents/grandma would disown me; great aunt, sister, brother-in-law, uncle, cousin #1 would be grossed out, but would still talk to me (mostly to tell me how wrong it was tho); aunt and cousin #2, I think, would be okay with it.

Thanks guys.

I learned it by messing around. Honestly the best way to get a hang of this stuff is to just goof off and feel it out for yourself hands on. That plus a bunch of youtube videos. Just look up "watercolor dolphin" for example if you wanna paint one, and then just see how they go about it. Or looking up "watercolor techniques" or something similar would also be good.

Oh and you might wanna check out WetCanvas. It's an online community for art that has super comprehensive information on all kinds of different mediums. Good luck! :)

Are supplies very expensive? I'd love to get into it, regardless...

Problem: I'm going bald.
Solution: Shaving the shit out of my head tomorrow.
Mood: Trying hard to not fall into a deep depression.

Don't you wear your hair really short anyway? I think you'll look just fine sis :)

Sorry to intrude, but can you guys sign this whitehouse.gov petition to end the ban on gay and bi men donating blood?

Sign here.

Thanks so much.

Signed! Gay/bi men should be able to donate their AIDS infected blood if they want to!

Everyone thinks their head is weird. It isn't (well, it may be, but odds are against it). It's just that most people don't see themselves without hair very often I think. The back of my head is enormous, I just have a big fat head in general, and I think I look better with a shaved than with most of the haircuts I have worn over the years.

I have no doubt that you will look awesome with a shaved or buzzed head.

I see you still haven't embraced my idea of wearing a wig ;/
Imma follow you on Tumblr, don't laugh at mine, it's nonsense lol.

I like nonsense, you just earned yourself a follower Mr! ;)

Sis, this:


"She makes me laugh"

Is TOO cute.

D'aaaw shucks, thanks gurl.
Also, thank you for going through a bit of my "gallery". :3

Also, yeah I like the scale-like texture ZombiePlatypus put on her as well. It's so unique looking.

Something I'm wondering reading the source of that (at AFP.com) is what they mean by 'exploding', as, to me anyway, it implies an exponential increase in the rate of homosexuals with HIV, but I really cannot see much figures listed in the article that indicates the extent of this rise. Based upon my reading of the article, it seems that the measure is being proposed as the decline from 2001 to 2012 has ceased and the rate of new infections is now rising instead, but given that 'exploding' is from Gottfried Hirnschall, it would seem that this is an incorrect reading. I just wished they had clarified the extent of this increase.

Either way, however, it's nothing to scoff at, and really is quite a shame. I must admit it's (combined with the rate of other STDs) one of the few things that utterly terrifies me, and makes me extremely hesitant to meet up with anybody. Perhaps it's overly paranoid, but it is really sad that the LGBT group is so heavily impacted by STDs.


WHO is quite a questionable organization, they lied often to the public and the media doesn't help with hyperbolic headlines. The danger of STDs is a real one, but I would never advise anyone to take pills as a precaution since that medicine has often so many bad side effects. And please, do not take every word from the WHO as pure truth.

Feel free to disagree with me (as I think my opinion of all this is a controversial one).


I wouldn't mind much if the shape of my head wasn't as weird as it is but I'll deal with it.

I feel ya

Started going bald about 2 years ago (24 now)
I've been keepin my hair really short since i started to notice

My head shape really doesn't help since my forehead is much wider than i would like too, but i decided to shave it all as soon as my beard is gonna look decent anyway

No hair on my face AT ALL is a big nope
Are supplies very expensive? I'd love to get into it, regardless...

It definitely can get expensive if you let it. (Or if you have the means to burn some cash on the nicer tools.) Some of the russian horse-hair brushes are insanely priced, but are supposed to give unparalleled stroke control, etc. I wouldn't know myself though, I'm still using peasant-esque synthetic hair brushes. :p

Some of the more expensive brands of paint are also around $50 for a pack, but some can go for cheaper. Just check for various reviews for the supplies and you'll be set. The pricier stuff are nice, but you don't have to break the bank to get started by any means.


I'm 21 now, but I have no clue how to celebrate. I'm under the impression that most people go out drinking, but I don't drink.


Hunky Nostradamus

Ugh I'll just have sex with women from now on thx :/

I have a green dress that would be smashing with that, not sure I have the legs to pull it off though ;)

I have some fab heels that I could lend you if I only knew your size!

No hair on my face AT ALL is a big nope

Same. I have to have some form of hair on my face (even if it's just a little bit) because I look horrible without it.

Ugh I can't wait until my gf dyes her hair. She's gonna look so great. Dyed hair fucking rules.

Is she a gaffer? Will there be pix? :3

At least its not Rugby where bare ass is shown :3


I'm 21 now, but I have no clue how to celebrate. I'm under the impression that most people go out drinking, but I don't drink.

Celebrate however you want - it doesn't matter what other people do.


partially because the infection doesn’t hold as much fear to a younger generation with access to drugs that enable users to live with AIDS.

the impact that AIDS has on people's lives are minimized so much today that its not a shock that the results reflect that attitude


Our local PBS channel used to show Australian Rules Football on Friday nights until about two years ago. Those men are in-friggin-credible.. and they wear those short shorts and sleeveless shirts.. umph..



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Hm. Rugby is certainly up there, but 'Soccer' has the most handsome of fellas~

Fut-le-bol has a wider range of men to choose from. Rubgy is, like, all Aussies and Brits. And Aussies are just Brits twice removed.

On the other hand, they're pretty much eating each other out on the green.


Hunky Nostradamus
It definitely can get expensive if you let it. (Or if you have the means to burn some cash on the nicer tools.) Some of the russian horse-hair brushes are insanely priced, but are supposed to give unparalleled stroke control, etc. I wouldn't know myself though, I'm still using peasant-esque synthetic hair brushes. :p

Some of the more expensive brands of paint are also around $50 for a pack, but some can go for cheaper. Just check for various reviews for the supplies and you'll be set. The pricier stuff are nice, but you don't have to break the bank to get started by any means.

Thanks for the info. Do you think it's doable for someone with no previous art experience?


I'm 21 now, but I have no clue how to celebrate. I'm under the impression that most people go out drinking, but I don't drink.

Chat with someone.

Or do what I do and lure everyone out of the house with a day-long diversion while I prance and act like a lunatic in solitude.


I've seen her post before! Is she bi too :3

Nah, she's straight!

fake edit: i'll miss the world cup for all the eye candy too :( i'm awful at keep up with sporting events. kisaya is super into it so I tried to keep up and get hyped for it but it just doesn't do anything for me.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
lol @ this thirst but I'm not surprised in the slightest
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