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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Just hanging around idk


I was watching Conchita Wurst sing live in a stadium at the opening of a sports tournament in my city today. She has an amazing presence on the stage and off it. Lots of kids took photos with her afterwards. :D

It was a good evening all in all.

Here's a photo with Conchita surrounded with her young fans right after her performance.


Just hanging around idk

Oh, are you cutting raw chicken? I'mma just wait here and hope you don't notice.

Cute :3


Gaming side is fine. It's almost like you guys have never experienced GameFAQs :p

Also, cute cats. I reaaaally want a pet, but I can't have one right now.
I love pets, but emotionally it's hard seeing them get old and die. I always worry too since you're like their everything if I can devote enough attention to them to keep them happy and mentally healthy and stuff.


My dog dying was rough, yup. Even if it was of old age, it was pretty bad :(


My grandma had a belooooooved dog back in the 1960s named Snoopy. He passed around '68, and she never got over it. Decades later, until the very end of her life, she'd call-out his name out in her sleep. I hope they're together again.

So she's where I get my pet attachment from. When I die, if there's anything after this life, I hope to see Maw-Maw, Jake, and Snoopy there, waiting for me.


I still try to avoid his water bowl sometimes when the lights are off. Sometimes I don't move my feet while I'm sleeping because my brain kind of thinks there's a short, white, old, awesome little dog sleeping besides me. I've lived more years with him than without him, so I guess it's normal. He was one of the best things that has happened to me and I'm really glad I had him in my life :3 I'll forever miss miss looking at his beautiful black eyes and touching his soft, hypoallergenic hair.

He also gave me the ability to instantly summon watery eyes at will with his departure, apparently :p


With the news that the bi comic character Constantine will be straight in the television series, I was wondering if ya'll could think of any positive portrayal of bi men in mainstream media? Last bi character I came across was
Frank Underwood
in House of Cards, but he's a scumbag and the very epitome of the "sneaky bisexual" stereotype.
With the news that the bi comic character Constantine will be straight in the television series, I was wondering if ya'll could think of any positive portrayal of bi men in mainstream media? Last bi character I came across was
Frank Underwood
in House of Cards, but he's a scumbag and the very epitome of the "sneaky bisexual" stereotype.

I'll just hide them in case of spoilers.
in Da Divinci's Demons, and
Oberyn Martell
in Game of Thrones.
With the news that the bi comic character Constantine will be straight in the television series, I was wondering if ya'll could think of any positive portrayal of bi men in mainstream media? Last bi character I came across was
Frank Underwood
in House of Cards, but he's a scumbag and the very epitome of the "sneaky bisexual" stereotype.
Captain Jack Harkness of Doctor Who and Torchwood. He is comparable to Constantine in that the genres are similar and in Torchwood because he is a lead.


I'll just hide them in case of spoilers.
in Da Divinci's Demons, and
Oberyn Martell
in Game of Thrones.

Also, to a lesser extent in Game of Thrones,
Danaerys has some fun with her handmaidens, though I would label her more heteroflexible than bisexual

I really liked
in GoT. Really fantastically written and acted, and not stereotypical at all, thankfully.
Hi everyone, dont often post, but just wanted to ask, i recently moved to London, is there any cool LGBT things to do?

I dont have many gay friends, just boyfriends, but i'd like to be more a part of that community.

Totally missed pride recently, saw a poster for it but the date didnt register for some reason
Captain Jack Harkness of Doctor Who and Torchwood. He is comparable to Constantine in that the genres are similar and in Torchwood because he is a lead.

Jack Harkness is awesome!

Also, to a lesser extent in Game of Thrones,
Danaerys has some fun with her handmaidens, though I would label her more heteroflexible than bisexual

I really liked
in GoT. Really fantastically written and acted, and not stereotypical at all, thankfully.

Yeah, they're both great characters. There's also lots of bi women in Spartacus.

I just remembered, one of the main characters in Revenge is a bi guy, I need to catch up with that show.


I don't know many great bi characters besides
Jack Harkness
Oberyn Martell
and they were already named so I just throw in a character from a comic book series, called
(Young Avengers)



With the news that the bi comic character Constantine will be straight in the television series, I was wondering if ya'll could think of any positive portrayal of bi men in mainstream media? Last bi character I came across was
Frank Underwood
in House of Cards, but he's a scumbag and the very epitome of the "sneaky bisexual" stereotype.

While I read a good chunk of issues scattered throughout the run, I never caught any hints of his bisexuality. LBGT characters make appearances all the time, but I don't recall any boyfriend or even flirting. Could anyone point me to some arcs?


I don't know many great bi characters besides
Jack Harkness
Oberyn Martell
and they were already named so I just throw in a character from a comic book series, called
(Young Avengers)

I think there's literally only 1 straight character in Young Avengers that's straight hahaha.


I think there's literally only 1 straight character in Young Avengers that's straight hahaha.

You mean Noh-Varr, right?

He compensates that with literally having sex with every girl he can get a hold of. He's the Charlie Sheen of the Marvel Universe, basically.
Without the alcohol problem though...


You mean Noh-Varr, right?

He compensates that with literally having sex with every girl he can get a hold of. He's the Charlie Sheen of the Marvel Universe, basically.
Without the alcohol problem though...

He admitted to experimenting in the last issue.

Dead Man

With the news that the bi comic character Constantine will be straight in the television series, I was wondering if ya'll could think of any positive portrayal of bi men in mainstream media? Last bi character I came across was
Frank Underwood
in House of Cards, but he's a scumbag and the very epitome of the "sneaky bisexual" stereotype.

A bit older, but Det Tim Bayliss on Homicide: Life On The Street was a pretty decent portrayal of a bisexual/questioning man, especially for 90's American network TV.

In later seasons he explored bisexuality. He did not "come out," in the standard sense, until season 7. In the first episode concerning the matter he flatly stated he was "not gay" and did not formally declare himself to be bisexual until Season 7, but even then he did not want to be deemed "a crusader" on the matter. This way of treating his sexuality is believed to have made the network uncomfortable.[5] He had a fling with Dr. Cox and a semi-flirtation with Det. Ballard, and briefly dated a closeted uniform cop, but had no serious relationships in the final seasons of the show.


Haven't read that yet though. Spoilered it for myself now with clicking on the spoiler tag. :/

Crap. Ummm....There may or may not be a big orgy to look forward to at the end.
There isn't....damn it. stop clicking at spoilers. :p

Cool, thanks. A bit sadden that it seems like only one arc in 25 years incorporate his bisexuality into the story, though.
I think I'm going to splurge and get LASIK once I finish college. I feel so much better about my looks without glasses, but my eyes are often too dry for contacts.
I think I'm going to splurge and get LASIK once I finish college. I feel so much better about my looks without glasses, but my eyes are often too dry for contacts.

I want LASIK, too, but my prescription keeps shifting :p

It's funny, I remember hearing a while ago that it can mess with your night vision. They probably have that fixed now, but at the time my mind immediately created some improbable scenario where I'd have to run from a mountain lion in a dark forest or something and I was like "no".
I want LASIK, too, but my prescription keeps shifting :p

It's funny, I remember hearing a while ago that it can mess with your night vision. They probably have that fixed now, but at the time my mind immediately created some improbable scenario where I'd have to run from a mountain lion in a dark forest or something and I was like "no".

Yeah. My aunt/uncle/cousins have gotten LASIK from this guy in Ohio. Looked him up and he's basically really good at eye surgery. Famous for it. Nationally recognized. I actually was considering getting it a year ago but he makes his patients wait a year or two to ensure their vision won't change so quickly as to make the surgery pointless.

I think my vision was stable enough thankfully.

And yeah, it can impact night vision potentially but the tech has advanced a bit. Still might be a bit of a problem, though #yolo. I think I'd be willing to trade a bit of night vision to feel better about my appearance.

And for some reason contacts were super visible in my eyes when I wore them. Even people who didn't know me (and thus didn't know to look for them) could spot them in my eye somehow. I think maybe it had to do with them being contacts for astigmatism.
Yeah. My aunt/uncle/cousins have gotten LASIK from this guy in Ohio. Looked him up and he's basically really good at eye surgery. Famous for it. Nationally recognized. I actually was considering getting it a year ago but he makes his patients wait a year or two to ensure their vision won't change so quickly as to make the surgery pointless.

I think my vision was stable enough thankfully.

And yeah, it can impact night vision potentially but the tech has advanced a bit. Still might be a bit of a problem, though #yolo. I think I'd be willing to trade a bit of night vision to feel better about my appearance.

And for some reason contacts were super visible in my eyes when I wore them. Even people who didn't know me (and thus didn't know to look for them) could spot them in my eye somehow. I think maybe it had to do with them being contacts for astigmatism.

That's comforting. You'd think the procedure would be pretty straight forward by now, but on the other hand its our eyes :p

I honestly don't know what I'd ever actually need night vision for, aside from maybe night driving on a highway or something I guess, but I have a feeling my imagination has it exaggerated.
Sai-kun learn how to mediate. I always kind of feel like I'm on MDMA now, if I meditated that day. It's almost kind of awkward in practice because it's making me so gosh darn sincere!


Sai-kun learn how to mediate. I always kind of feel like I'm on MDMA now, if I meditated that day. It's almost kind of awkward in practice because it's making me so gosh darn sincere!

You should give me some links/advice on your practice! During my yoga practices I can generally do a decent job of clearing my mind and just lettings thoughts wash over and past me, but I have trouble doing it for a longer period of time than a couple minutes.

edit: also ecstasy flashbacks are such a cool thing. fun feeling.


I think I'm going to splurge and get LASIK once I finish college. I feel so much better about my looks without glasses, but my eyes are often too dry for contacts.
my aunt got LASIK and her eyesight still goes up every year

i thought it was a permanent solution :(
You should give me some links/advice on your practice! During my yoga practices I can generally do a decent job of clearing my mind and just lettings thoughts wash over and past me, but I have trouble doing it for a longer period of time than a couple minutes.

I don't really know how each person differs in this regard, but I'm a big Thanissaro fanboy, personally. In essence it's meditation on breathing, but the way he presents it is generally as a subtler phenomenon of 'the whole body breathing', it's this sensation you notice in relation to the physical process of inhaling and exhaling, where you can feel a kind of sensation (sort of like an 'energy') through your whole body. You observe that in the background, and then you take a fixed location to act as your center of focus. For me the center of my head works best, but I think that area can cause headaches for some people.

Again, I'm not really sure if this is a particular thing to me since I did a lot of trial and error (learning from a teacher is sure to be the best way, I was obstinate about trying to figure it out on my own for what I know now in retrospect was some silly reason), but first I notice a kind of energetic sensation in the middle of my head. It's weird because it feels really neutral, and sometimes even pretty overwhelming or like it will make me anxious, yet I often hook myself up to a brainwave monitor at the same time and it actually shows that I'm more relaxed. So I guess what I mean is sometimes stuff happens that actually seems kind of scary, but it's actually not how it initially seems.

Anyways then I notice a pleasurable quality within this energetic sensation, maybe even fabricating it a bit if I have to and if it doesn't come as naturally, and then I extend that to the whole breath-body sensation kind of mentally overlapping the peripheral focus and the central focus with each other while paying attention to both. I find I reach a really nice balance between energetic-alertness and tranquility this way. It naturally leads to a substantial feeling of calm, but mentally doing these activities requires just enough alertness that I never run the risk of becoming mentally dull or foggy, or overexerting myself by trying too hard or doing some kind of unnaturally vigorous activity and destabilizing myself.


Croatia has just passed a civil partnership law (with 89 votes for and six against). Sadly, same-sex couples who legitimize their union won't be allowed to adopt (yet), but still, for a conservative, predominantly Catholic country this is huge, because the law finally gives those couples legal recognition. I'm so proud of my country right now.


Croatia has just passed a civil partnership law (with 89 votes for and six against). Sadly, same-sex couples who legitimize their union won't be allowed to adopt (yet), but still, for a conservative, predominantly Catholic country this is huge, because the law finally gives those couples legal recognition. I'm so proud of my country right now.

Omg yas

hopefully you find yours soon


Croatia has just passed a civil partnership law (with 89 votes for and six against). Sadly, same-sex couples who legitimize their union won't be allowed to adopt (yet), but still, for a conservative, predominantly Catholic country this is huge, because the law finally gives those couples legal recognition. I'm so proud of my country right now.

Good on your country and all the LGBT people living there. I wonder what the present stance on this is at the moment in my own country, Austria. Haven't checked in a while but as far as I know you can't get married to a partner of the same sex here.
Portugal though (which is a lovely country) allows it. Maybe I'll get to live there someday. A boy can dream.


WTF, Switzerland.


In der Schweiz haben gleichgeschlechtliche Paare derzeit kein Recht auf Eheschließung.

Jedoch ist es seit 2005 möglich, dass zwei Personen verschiedenen Geschlechts nach geltender Rechtsprechung in der Schweiz eine Ehe weiterführen dürfen, sofern ein Partner sein Geschlecht ändert und aus einem bis dahin verschiedengeschlechtlichen Ehepaar rechtlich ein gleichgeschlechtliches Ehepaar wird.

Zur Zeit ist eine Volksinitiative der CVP hängig, die auf Verfassungsebene die Ehe als «(…) die auf Dauer angelegte und gesetzlich geregelte Lebensgemeinschaft von Mann und Frau.» festlegen will.[155][156] Die Initiative wird vom Bundesrat zur Annahme empfohlen.[157] Die Beratung im Parlament und eine allfällige Volksabstimmung steht noch bevor. Eine Annahme der Initiative durch Volk und Stände würde die Öffnung der Ehe für homosexuelle Paare über den Gesetzesweg verunmöglichen.
Source: Wikipedia

Translation from Google Translate:


In Switzerland, same-sex couples currently have no right to enter into marriage.

However, it has been possible since 2005 that two persons of opposite sex under applicable laws in Switzerland may continue to perform a marriage, if one partner changes his gender and from a hitherto-sex couple legally a same-sex couple is.

Currently, a popular initiative of the CVP is pending, which seek to impose "the stable long-term and statutory cohabitation of man and woman. (...)" At constitutional level the marriage as well. [155] [156] The initiative is recommended by the Federal Council for adoption . [157] The advice in Parliament and a possible referendum is yet to come. An assumption of the initiative by people and the cantons would make it impossible to opening marriage to homosexual couples through the legislative action.


I have a boyfriend and he's so cute and hot it hurts. Jk it definitely feels gud



Good on your country and all the LGBT people living there. I wonder what the present stance on this is at the moment in my own country, Austria. Haven't checked in a while but as far as I know you can't get married to a partner of the same sex here.
Portugal though (which is a lovely country) allows it. Maybe I'll get to live there someday. A boy can dream.


WTF, Switzerland.

Source: Wikipedia

Translation from Google Translate:

What the hell

How come my country is more progressive in that regard than Austria and Switzerland? That must be some kind of a mistake

One of the downsides of the new act is that the union between a same-sex couple can't be called a marriage. I've explained why it's like that a few months ago, and it sucks, but it's definitely better than nothing.
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