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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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So, on Friday night, I had sex with this guy. I bottomed for a moment, he used a condom, he didn't cum inside the condom but only later (on himself)

I've now come to learn he's HIV+ and just never mentioned this fact (my fault for not asking). I got tested the day after - Negative, but there's a window period until 2 weeks after infection, I guess.

For peace of mind, I have to imagine given what transpired (no blow jobs, condom was put on correctly), the chances of infection would be very low, yeah? I'm still going to keep getting tested, but again, for peace of mind.

edit: he says his viral load is undetectable, if that helps.
Like others mentioned, as long as the condom didn't break or anything you will be absolutely fine, even more if the guy is taking proper medication.

Having said that, I always get a bit anxious whenever I get tested. Waiting for the results is agonizing.


All my friends are straight, not that I have much of them anyway.
I just wish my friend/straight crush was bi or gay and was into me :'(
I was meaning to watch this but forgot about it. Another message board I was on, people were claiming it was an attention/pity-fishing fest, but I'm willing to bet some of them were being overly critical.

I saw the roof fence in the trailer that caused the accident though. Good lord how are those things up to code? They're so freaking short, they're practically parking-space bumpers.

Also, what an ironic last name...
Yeah, that seems overly critical. Which message board?

The poor guy lost his partner of 6 years after rushing him to the hospital following a freak accident and being denied access during his final hours. I don't understand why people immediately think 'hidden agenda' when something like this comes out. It's a documentary, it's supposed to make a statement and have a message. I swear, I think people try to numb themselves with conspiracy talk so they don't actually have to confront their feelings or recognize that our country isn't the infallible promised land they were brought up to believe.

This bullshit needs to be put out there front and center so the absolute insanity of the legal system in this country is put on task and fucking fixed.

Dead Man

Ah! Thanks man.

I used to post on here (and in older versions of this thread) a lot but kind of drifted away from it. Oh, and im in Brisbane :)

Melbourne is me. :)
More Aussies? Excellent. I need to move away from Adelaide.
facial hair suxxx
You however are a terrible person.

we accept personal submissions too that you label as "anonymous"

So, just for curiosities sake, someone could submit something and not have their tumblr id associated with it? Just asking... for a friend. To satisfy their curiosity.


Hunky Nostradamus
I finished DmC a few days ago. I ended up really enjoying it. It's no where near as bad as people make it out to be. The pre release scepticism was warranted considering Ninja Theory's dreadful track record with combat systems, but they really pulled a rabbit out of a hat this time (probably thanks to Capcom). It's a really fun game and the new Dante is actually a pretty cool dude. I hope they eventually make a sequel.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
What? It's completely mediocre and given that it bombed there's (thankfully) no sequel on the way.

I just want DMC5: Nero/Virgil/Dante's day out, Capcom. Why wouldn't you give me that over FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!? :(


I finished DmC a few days ago. I ended up really enjoying it. It's no where near as bad as people make it out to be. The pre release scepticism was warranted considering Ninja Theory's dreadful track record with combat systems, but they really pulled a rabbit out of a hat this time (probably thanks to Capcom). It's a really fun game and the new Dante is actually a pretty cool dude. I hope they eventually make a sequel.
Its biggest issue is the insane amount of cut-scenes thrown at you. Even if you skip them, it really hurts the flow of the game. Also, I don't remember the music at all.

New Dante, yeah, I like him now
he's hot :p
. But as an alternate character and not a replacement for real Dante.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

Honestly, the game isn't bad as the internet makes it out to be: I'll give you that. However, it's a weak action game and the color-coded enemies really suck out any fun the title could've had.

Vorgol's chapters were alright, but a retread and I don't like some of the changes they did for him.

Donte and the story is absymal though. For all that "LOLOLOLOLOLOL UNCLE DANTE WOULD BE LAUGHED OUT A WESTERN BAR AND THE STORY SUCKS IN DMC1-4 LOLOLOLOLOL" they didn't do better, in fact they did worse.

Frankly, I could do without a sequel and given how it bombed hardcore? I don't think a sequel will ever happen. Capcom would be better off putting their money toward a sequel to Devil May Cry 4 and giving the fans what they want: A tweaked DMC4 combat system for Dante, Virgil, and Nero.

And frankly, if Capcom kept Meth Donte and named it something other than Devil May Cry, maybe it could've turned out slightly better.

Its biggest issue is the insane amount of cut-scenes thrown at you. Even if you skip them, it really hurts the flow of the game. Also, I don't remember the music at all.

New Dante, yeah, I like him now
he's hot :p
. But as an alternate character and not a replacement for real Dante.

Cutscenes are least of the games problems. Outside of the Disco they are no where near frequent enough to be a bother. Compared to Pax Mayne 3's. Good lord that title throws cutscenes at you for every minute of gameplay.

(And it seems every gay person but me goes with the "yeah, but Donte is hot" defense for the title. :/)


Cutscenes are least of the games problems. Outside of the Disco they are no where near frequent enough to be a bother. Compared to Pax Mayne 3's. Good lord that title throws cutscenes at you for every minute of gameplay.

(And it seems every gay person but me goes with the "yeah, but Donte is hot" defense for the title. :/)
Wat. The cut-scene spam begins hardcore as soon as mission 2. I swear there is a part where you literally go through a cut-scene, jump twice, and then another cut-scene happens. Maybe I just have very low cut-scene tolerance, lol. Also new Dante being hot is not an argument in defense of the game, I just felt like mentioning it :p

The game is a bit too easy as well. I'm a DMC noob and while playing on normal, I feel like I'm playing on easy.


Well, Donte is hot, but the game is amazing, it has the best western combat, a gorgeus art design, good platfforming (so missed these days) and a decent storyline. I'm a fan of both DMC and DmC and I hope BOTH continue.

Well, as an update abut my telephone contact, we talked again today and well he's a sweet, he asked me for a photo and teased me saying I looked too cute for my mischievous jokes and he did the same and I was like ooh not bad, and as we were both in pajamas we started a "psychic pajama party" and well it's been a great time :p

Hey, somebody tell me about cock rings

pros/cons, you know.
They strangle your penis, would not recommend them.





Hunky Nostradamus
Its biggest issue is the insane amount of cut-scenes thrown at you. Even if you skip them, it really hurts the flow of the game.

I agree. There are way too many cutscenes, especially in the beginning, and it does hurt the flow of the game.

Also, I don't remember the music at all.

It's the same godawful heavy metal shit that makes my ears bleed, just like in the last few games.

New Dante, yeah, I like him now
he's hot :p
. But as an alternate character and not a replacement for real Dante.

I suppose, but it's not like Dante was ever a great character to begin with. (He was sort of cool in 3 though)

However, it's a weak action game

Compared to DMC3 or Bayonetta, maybe. Compared to alllll the other games in the genre? No. Nope.

and the color-coded enemies really suck out any fun the title could've had.

Exaggerate much? There are only, like, 5 color coded enemies in the entire game and they're not even that common.

Donte and the story is absymal though. For all that "LOLOLOLOLOLOL UNCLE DANTE WOULD BE LAUGHED OUT A WESTERN BAR AND THE STORY SUCKS IN DMC1-4 LOLOLOLOLOL" they didn't do better, in fact they did worse.

The story in DmC isn't very good (a video game with a bad story?! I'm shocked!), though I liked how they framed the villain - He's is a media mogul controlling humanity through sports drinks and news broadcasts and the like. It's easily the best story in the series (again, that's not saying much at all) and at the very least it's not a total embarrassment like the stories in the previous games.

The game is a bit too easy as well. I'm a DMC noob and while playing on normal, I feel like I'm playing on easy.

I agree with this as well. I played the game on hard and it was a piece. of. cake.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Wat. The cut-scene spam begins hardcore as soon as mission 2. I swear there is a part where you literally go through a cut-scene, jump twice, and then another cut-scene happens. Maybe I just have very low cut-scene tolerance, lol.

The game is a bit too easy as well. I'm a DMC noob and while playing on normal, I feel like I'm playing on easy.

They're frequent, and thinking back there are moments where they do "break flow" a bit, but they're short enough (on PC, which you really should play that version of it you're gonna bother with this title) to where skipping them is pointless. Angel-flightly over a platform, Donte cutscene on landing. Cue battle. Gameplay gameplay gameplay, Kat shows up. Donte conversation. Gameplay gameplay gameplay.

Disco is where Battle->small cutscene for Round 1/2/3...->battle->loop to 2/3->repeat happens.

I'd say it's low tolerance for cutscenes, but probably because after playing Pax 3 cutscene spam can't be as terrible as that game's cutscene art-direction and frequency.

_Isaac said:
pros: They make your weenie look funny.

What? all they do is restrict bloodflow, last I checked?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Compared to DMC3 or Bayonetta, maybe. Compared to alllll the other games in the genre? No. Nope.

No. Compared to Better action titles, one of which came out last year as well it's completely mediocre.

I'd rank it above God of War since it isn't a total button mash fest, but it isn't a good title.

NGB > DMC 4 = DMC 3 > MGRaiden > NGS2 >= NG2 >= Bayonetta > DMC 1 > DMC2 > Donte Must Cry: DmC > Castlevania: Lord of Shadow = Dante's Inferno > God of War

Exaggerate much? There are only, like, 5 color coded enemies in the entire game and they're not even that common.

They're common enough on higher difficulties and in waves of cannon fodder enemies to break combo/flow of the game to where "exaggeration" to you means "sucks the fun out of the game" for me. Breaking my flow of combat to have to switch to ONE weapon to deal with an enemy to continue to style = no. The color-restriction removing mod for the PC version fixes this, but then you get into the combat systems that are entirely shallow
and favor demon form for pure damage output
that it shows the game is completely mediocre and needed that for the sake of trying to fix their (terrible) weapon sub-system systems.

The story in DmC isn't very good (a video game with a bad story?! I'm shocked!), though I liked how they framed the villain - He's is a media mogul controlling humanity through sports drinks and news broadcasts and the like. It's easily the best story in the series (again, that's not saying much at all) and at the very least it's not a total embarrassment like the stories in the previous games.

I'll take This and This over:



At least DMC1-4's cheesy-cornyness is an in-joke after the first's "I WANNA BE THE ONE TO FILL YOUR SOUL WITH LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT" flopped as hard as FFX's laughing scene. Donte Must Cry tries to be edgy and falls flat on it's face for being too tryhard.


Gold Member
Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound every time you type "Donte"? Can't you just let your criticisms stand on their own merit rather than piling juvenile mockery tactics on top?
Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound every time you type "Donte"? Can't you just let your criticisms stand on their own merit rather than piling juvenile mockery tactics on top?
Donte is what DMC fans call DmC's Dante to differentiate between DMC Dante and DmC Donte.
DMC 1-4 Dante is Dante and DmC Dante is Donte.
i think


Gold Member
Donte is what DMC fans call DmC's Dante to differentiate between DMC Dante and DmC Donte.
DMC 1-4 Dante is Dante and DmC Dante is Donte.
i think

I know why they're doing it, and it's about as effective as referring to the current President as "Obummer", or as classy as what some Sega and Nintendo fans did back in the day by referring to Sony's first console as the "Gaystation" in the late 90s.
I know why they're doing it, and it's about as effective as referring to the current President as "Obummer", or as classy as what some Sega and Nintendo fans did back in the day by referring to Sony's first console as the "Gaystation" in the late 90s.

I didn't care for the new Dante look but I didn't go around calling him Donte it was a petty insult.
No. Compared to Better action titles, one of which came out last year as well it's completely mediocre.

I'd rank it above God of War since it isn't a total button mash fest, but it isn't a good title.

NGB > DMC 4 = DMC 3 > MGRaiden > NGS2 >= NG2 >= Bayonetta > DMC 1 > DMC2 > Donte Must Cry: DmC > Castlevania: Lord of Shadow = Dante's Inferno > God of War

Where would you rank The Wonderful 101? That's an action game, too.
Guys, I wanted to get into watching Looking while it's airing on HBO, but then I realized that I don't have that channel included in my cable package. Is there an alternate way for me to watch it?

(I know that the pilot episode is on Youtube, but I'm not sure if the rest of the season will be uploaded there.)


Guys, I wanted to get into watching Looking while it's airing on HBO, but then I realized that I don't have that channel included in my cable package. Is there an alternate way for me to watch it?

(I know that the pilot episode is on Youtube, but I'm not sure if the rest of the season will be uploaded there.)

There is.
I started playing Persona 4 Golden on my Vita today.

Any non-spoilery tips?

I'm really enjoying it so far!!

Hi guys.

Re: this game and a certain character everyone is probably aware of, what is GayGAF's impression of
Tatsumi Kanji

Unsure of whether or not I would play the game and curious about some of the discussion, I spoiled myself about his plot development via debates on NeoGAF. Playing through the game now, it's charming and I've enjoyed it a lot. However,
it's really disappointing to see itself shit all over Kanji's development. If I'm not mistaken, Naoto is revealed to be a girl, resolving Kanji's sexuality problem with the silly anime logic implication that he was straight all along (corroborated with his reaction to the girls in the game). Maxing his social link and the progression of the game is leading me to believe that he was never intended to be a character accepting his sexuality, but rather a character coming to terms with how he might come across. Naoto just ties up the final loose end. This is probably a little bit premature, but it's on my mind and I'm assuming it will be tackled soon now that Naoto has made himself out to be a "decoy." I was told that the game is a bit "vague" and "open ended" in terms of his sexuality. But more than anything, it seems like it might just be immature.

I'm playing the Japanese ver. if that's relevant.
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