Any gaygaffers going to the Gentse Feesten?
You just gotta ask!
I do but no one is able to or wants to go with me. I'll just stay at home and watch movies.
I'm done with GAF. It's become clear that I don;t belong on the site. It was nice meeting you all.
I'll go! If you live in south Florida![]()
whats wrong?I'm done with GAF. It's become clear that I don;t belong on the site. It was nice meeting you all.
I'm done with GAF. It's become clear that I don;t belong on the site. It was nice meeting you all.
I'm done with GAF. It's become clear that I don;t belong on the site. It was nice meeting you all.
Wha-? Don't go just yet! Elaborate, at the very least, before you depart..
But what if I like them really, really hairy![]()
I'm done with GAF. It's become clear that I don;t belong on the site. It was nice meeting you all.
GAF has been to source of more misery than joy for me. Someone tried to infer things about my past from some stuff I posted, with a lovely allusion to sexual assault, and that was the last straw. I guess Internet forums just aren't for me.
GAF has been to source of more misery than joy for me. Someone tried to infer things about my past from some stuff I posted, with a lovely allusion to sexual assault, and that was the last straw. I guess Internet forums just aren't for me.
Ugh, that's awful. I'm sorry to hear that. I won't blame you for leaving, but you're definitely very welcome in this thread, methinks. Would you wish us to inform a mod about this...?
mods generally don't see every post in the threadThe thread was closed by a mod so I assume the one who closed it saw the post.
What? No, you're not going anywhere ;(
I live in south Mexico![]()
I live in south Mexico too, I'll take you to the movies!
Well, I probably live to far south for that but we are getting closer, the next gay mexican gaffer might be your neighbor.![]()
Really? Where are you from? I'm just curious, I don't want to be creepy, I swear
I'm in Acapulco at the moment.
I might move out to Morelos or Chiapas at the end of the year for work.
That's still far from me
I wonder if there are gaffers around me, I really don't think so
Too far, really? Where are you exactly?
Sounds like it would burn
But what if I like them really, really hairy![]()
Forgot to mention lol I'm in Tabasco.
Sounds like it would burn
(Hugs)GAF has been to source of more misery than joy for me. Someone tried to infer things about my past from some stuff I posted, with a lovely allusion to sexual assault, and that was the last straw. I guess Internet forums just aren't for me.
Why would you do that. I hope your friend doesn't mind
oh. XD... So any good looking guys?![]()
Yesand all of them want to have sex, I just want to meet people and have friends, I'm so naive
There are always going to be smartarses who think they are hilarious, ignore them and enjoy chatting with the people you like, GAF is huge, there are loads of good peeps too.
GAF has been to source of more misery than joy for me. Someone tried to infer things about my past from some stuff I posted, with a lovely allusion to sexual assault, and that was the last straw. I guess Internet forums just aren't for me.
GAF has been to source of more misery than joy for me. Someone tried to infer things about my past from some stuff I posted, with a lovely allusion to sexual assault, and that was the last straw. I guess Internet forums just aren't for me.
You can have sex with friends as well, you don't need to be in love or in a relationship to get intimate with someone.Always use protection though.
I just want friends to talk, maybe date later but I just want to know them for the moment. I don't know what's so hard to understand for some of them :/
I loved Frozen, though the only song I still remember from it is ''Let it Go'', I still remember all the songs from The Little Mermaid and Beauty & The Beast, etc. I don't know if that's nostalgia or if their classic music is legitimately more catchy.
Mother knows best ( and its reprise) is awesome!
I would rather if Disney modeled their future movies off of Frozen, rather than Tangled.
I'll make a man out of you from mulan is awesome. Not sing along material tho.
Fully agree with you on that, Art.
There's loads of cool people here and the moderation team cares a lot about the people on here, and it shows, most of the time. Obviously the mods are not able to notice every harmful post so sometimes you have to take the initiative and report it to the mods yourselves. There's a list of who of the mods is online for just that if anyone wants to contact a mod.
I just want friends to talk, maybe date later but I just want to know them for the moment. I don't know what's so hard to understand for some of them :/
the second one. the songs in Frozen (besides let it go) are all totally forgettable. tangled is a much better movie but even that one has pretty forgettable songs (though way more than frozen. mother knows best is v. good) disney used to be able to churn out amazing song after amazing song but now theyre lucky if they can even get 1 per film
Tangled is just one entry in a long line of fairy tale romances from Disney.
Frozen was actually Disney trying to break out of that mold.
So I want Disney to go beyond their comfort zone even more, rather than play it safe with princess stories ad infinitum.
They should just go for a same sex love story next time!
Baby steps!
u wot m8In my insane dream world Tetsuya Nomura would be the art director.
Tangled is just one entry in a long line of fairy tale romances from Disney.
Frozen was actually Disney trying to break out of that mold.
So I want Disney to go beyond their comfort zone even more, rather than play it safe with princess stories ad infinitum.
Mother Knows Best is the only song I remember from Tangled lol.
Sisterly loveBaby steps!