My little dog died today. She was 7 years old. I miss her already :'( Nobody will scartch my dog, eat my breakfast, leave hair on my bed, lick my hands, nothing :'(
My little dog died today. She was 7 years old. I miss her already :'( Nobody will scartch my dog, eat my breakfast, leave hair on my bed, lick my hands, nothing :'(
Holy cow, I'm really sorryMy little dog died today. She was 7 years old. I miss her already :'( Nobody will scartch my dog, eat my breakfast, leave hair on my bed, lick my hands, nothing :'(
Damn Daripad. Sorry for your loss.My little dog died today. She was 7 years old. I miss her already :'( Nobody will scartch my dog, eat my breakfast, leave hair on my bed, lick my hands, nothing :'(
Holy cow, I'm really sorryI know how it feels. Be glad you had her in your life, and treasure the great moments you had with her.
I just noticed /r/NeoGAF got pretty much entirely removed, and the posting rules are now very strict. Now it's /r/NeoGAF_Sucks where people (19 of them) complain about GAF posters being "liberal nutjob retards". The banner has pics of GAF members, including the Vita-ass guy who used to post hereI wonder what happened with /r/NeoGAF.
I just noticed /r/NeoGAF got pretty much entirely removed, and the posting rules are now very strict. Now it's /r/NeoGAF_Sucks where people (19 of them) complain about GAF posters being "liberal nutjob retards". The banner has pics of GAF members, including the Vita-ass guy who used to post hereI wonder what happened with /r/NeoGAF.
Yeah, honestly I feel like Seth tries to be an ally to the LGBT community but Family Guy simply isn't an appropriate vehicle because it is built around offensive humor which really cheapens the message.
American Dad is a lot better I feel when it comes to LGBT episodes, and mostly because the show isn't built as much around offensive humor. Of course even there it feels like preaching and I don't think an animation is going to change an actual bigot's mind. Or maybe humans are more susceptible to fictional narratives than I want to think.
My little dog died today. She was 7 years old. I miss her already :'( Nobody will scartch my dog, eat my breakfast, leave hair on my bed, lick my hands, nothing :'(
Oh, man. It's one thing to be rejected from a video game forum, another to then start whining about said video game forum on a subreddit about said video game forum, and then another to be rejected from the subreddit about said video game forum.
And now they have to create another subreddit in which they complain about said video game forum.
Think of all the things they could've done with their lives in this time.
Entertianment can go a long way; it's possible for a great story to make people think about the issues around them.
Animation can be an incredibly powerful medium, but an enlightened sympathetic well-told LGBT-centric story will have to come from a well respected entity like Disney Animation Studios, Pixar, DreamWorks, Studio Ghibli, or LAIKA (Spoiler) because we're definitely not gonna get it from a FOX cartoon that isn't KoTH.
Real sorry to hear that.My little dog died today. She was 7 years old. I miss her already :'( Nobody will scartch my dog, eat my breakfast, leave hair on my bed, lick my hands, nothing :'(
It's also sad that he thinks gay men are disgusted by vaginas; I have no idea why straight guys think gay men are disgusted by heteronormative things when they live in a predominantly heteronormative society.
My little dog died today. She was 7 years old. I miss her already :'( Nobody will scartch my dog, eat my breakfast, leave hair on my bed, lick my hands, nothing :'(
I dunno I felt American Dad's gay parenthood episode was nicely done for the most part. Of course somewhat harmed by the fact that Stan has become the most liberal "conservative" ever as the seasons have gone by :lol
To be fair, a lot of gays do think vaginas are disgusting. This was brought up in one of the older threads and I remember quite a few people espousing similar views.
American Dad is a lot better I feel when it comes to LGBT episodes, and mostly because the show isn't built as much around offensive humor. Of course even there it feels like preaching and I don't think an animation is going to change an actual bigot's mind. Or maybe humans are more susceptible to fictional narratives than I want to think. do a lot of straight/bisexual guys; some of them don't like the aesthetic of the vagina
Also, I remember quite a few gay-gaffers saying that they have no problems with looking at women's vaginas.
I'm really sorry to hear that DaripadMy little dog died today. She was 7 years old. I miss her already :'( Nobody will scartch my dog, eat my breakfast, leave hair on my bed, lick my hands, nothing :'(
There's this cute guy who wrote me on instamessage just after I arrived, he's venezuelan too, though he has his phone number on his IG profile which is a huge red flag. Anyway I didn't pay attention to him because I was still with my bf back then.
I wrote him a couple of days ago and tonight he asked me out... because he was stuck at home while his boyfriend was out with his mother in law (his bf mom). I said yes because I had no plans, we talked a lot and had dinner, it was nice meeting new people but God I only attract trouble
He didn't really flirt or anything, but I still fear for the worst when it comes to men.
My condolences.My little dog died today. She was 7 years old. I miss her already :'( Nobody will scartch my dog, eat my breakfast, leave hair on my bed, lick my hands, nothing :'(
There's this cute guy who wrote me on instamessage just after I arrived, he's venezuelan too, though he has his phone number on his IG profile which is a huge red flag. Anyway I didn't pay attention to him because I was still with my bf back then.
I wrote him a couple of days ago and tonight he asked me out... because he was stuck at home while his boyfriend was out with his mother in law (his bf mom). I said yes because I had no plans, we talked a lot and had dinner, it was nice meeting new people but God I only attract trouble
He didn't really flirt or anything, but I still fear for the worst when it comes to men.
There's this cute guy who wrote me on instamessage just after I arrived, he's venezuelan too, though he has his phone number on his IG profile which is a huge red flag. Anyway I didn't pay attention to him because I was still with my bf back then.
I wrote him a couple of days ago and tonight he asked me out... because he was stuck at home while his boyfriend was out with his mother in law (his bf mom). I said yes because I had no plans, we talked a lot and had dinner, it was nice meeting new people but God I only attract trouble
He didn't really flirt or anything, but I still fear for the worst when it comes to men.
My little dog died today. She was 7 years old. I miss her already :'( Nobody will scartch my dog, eat my breakfast, leave hair on my bed, lick my hands, nothing :'(
*Whitney Huston gif*
remember that too. I think they were in the minority though.
Losing a friend is never easy. We are granted such a short period of time to spend in their midsts before we must return them to the earth that gave rise to them. But our memories of that precious time we spent together will live on for as long as we do.My little dog died today. She was 7 years old. I miss her already :'( Nobody will scartch my dog, eat my breakfast, leave hair on my bed, lick my hands, nothing :'(
Wait, y'all ended it for good now?Anyway I didn't pay attention to him because I was still with my bf back then.
Yes, it's been almost a month. We spent a few weeks still saying I love you and talking every day, just in a sort of more relaxed way. But this past Sunday I finally told him that I couldn't keep doing that anymore, it sucks treating someone as if he was your boyfriend when you're actually nothing at all.Wait, y'all ended it for good now?
It's pretty common for some straight/bi boys to like the idea of going into a vagina rather than looking at one.
I don't know, I'm looking through that "Does finding the act of gay sex repulsive, make you prejudiced?" thread right now and there aren't many gay-gaffers badmouthing lady parts. Most of them are attacking the straight boys who are trying to speak for all gay men ("Gay men are disgusted by vaginas so it's totally ok for us to be grossed out by gay sex!")
*Britney ain't impressed*
ive never heard of this, like, ever
I really, really doubt that there are as many gay guys that are grossed out by straight stuff as there are straight guys who are grossed out by gay stuff, It's not even close.
I honestly don't think people should make such a big deal about straight guys saying "ew gross" about gay sex.
My little dog died today. She was 7 years old. I miss her already :'( Nobody will scartch my dog, eat my breakfast, leave hair on my bed, lick my hands, nothing :'(
The "eww gross" thing is one more little straw in the gigantic haystack of attacks on LGBT people's dignity, one more daily reminder that we're still not normal in the eyes of the straight majority. Those reactions are easy to overlook by themselves, when they come from people who are generally reasonable and tolerant, but since they're aimed at a group that's already heavily stigmatized, they're damaging. They salt wounds inflicted by real bigots. In fact, it's exactly that kind of widespread, socially acceptable, apparently benign ignorance that puts the burden on LGBT people to keep a low profile. We aren't free to be ourselves as long as our romantic and sexual lives are considered disgusting. "Eww gross" reactions are a direct obstacle to social equality for anyone who doesn't fit the heteronormative mold, because those reactions reinforce homophobia.I honestly don't think people should make such a big deal about straight guys saying "ew gross" about gay sex. Like some of you have already mentioned, even the straights who are supportive of the gays, sometimes say it. I understand their sentiment - I don't like the sight of a vagina either, and I find lesbian sex pretty weird too because I never watch it so I'm not that familiar with it - but that doesn't make me a lesbian or hetero hater.
Sometimes the "ew gross" sentiment can be stated a little crass, but that's just because that macho attitude is tolerated, and well, people love to exaggerate. I feel like calling straight people out on it and calling them homophobes might antagonize them despite their otherwise supportive attitude for us. How about we focus our attention and efforts on actual homophobic assholes instead...
I've definitely seen the sentiment somewhere around GAF before. I found this:![]()
ive never heard of this, like, ever
But I'm not sure howI think a penis is more aesthetically pleasing than a vag. But i rather play with a vagina ;P.
Nothing beats a good female ass though. i can watch that all day.
When a gay guy says that vaginas are gross, he's not contributing to the miasma of nastiness and unease centered around straight people, because it doesn't exist.
The "eww gross" thing is one more little straw in the gigantic haystack of attacks on LGBT people's dignity, one more daily reminder that we're still not normal in the eyes of the straight majority. Those reactions are easy to overlook by themselves, when they come from people who are generally reasonable and tolerant, but since they're aimed at a group that's already heavily stigmatized, they're damaging. They salt wounds inflicted by real bigots. In fact, it's exactly that kind of widespread, socially acceptable, apparently benign ignorance that puts the burden on LGBT people to keep a low profile. We aren't free to be ourselves as long as our romantic and sexual lives are considered disgusting. "Eww gross" reactions are a direct obstacle to social equality for anyone who doesn't fit the heteronormative mold, because those reactions reinforce homophobia.
When a gay guy says that vaginas are gross, he's not contributing to the miasma of nastiness and unease centered around straight people, because it doesn't exist.
*Raises hand*. It kinda depends though. Sometimes (as a straight guy) I just find vaginas very displeasing to look at but then sometimes it's quite nice to look at them. I don't think it even depends on the individual vagina nor how horny I am.![]()
ive never heard of this, like, ever
I haven't read that thread, so I can really speak to what people are and aren't saying, but it wouldn't surprise me if some of the gays acting outraged by that didn't find straight sex repulsive themselves, but are loath to admit it for fear of being called out. :O
That seems pretty aggressive. Such comments aren't targeted against women and thus it's not misogyny.Such comments are not an attack on straight people, they are targeted against women.
It's misogyny.
That seems pretty aggressive. Such comments aren't targeted against women and thus it's not misogyny.
Sorry what to you? No offence, but do you think it's impossible to look at individual parts of things, whether living or inanimate, of larger scale and find them either pleasing or displeasing, without being against or for the wholeness of the bigger picture?Sorry, what??
Sorry what to you? No offence, but do you think it's impossible to look at individual parts of things, whether living or inanimate, of larger scale and find them either pleasing or displeasing, without being against or for the wholeness of the bigger picture?
I honestly don't think people should make such a big deal about straight guys saying "ew gross" about gay sex.
I don't think being grossed out by it is homophobic, but I don't think they should feel the need to say it or be thinking about it in the first place, which is why I found that thread daft to begin with, a better question would have been ''Is it prejudiced to be grossed out by two guys kissing''.
Having said that, going ''ewww gross'' at a sex scene on TV(which is just kissing and fondling) is childish, it's usually guys who are totally fine with gore too. Grow up.