This TBH. But I'm not like gonna shun them or anything.Honestly im not a big fan of flamboant guys. Its a big turn off to me. i like guys that are nerdy
This TBH. But I'm not like gonna shun them or anything.Honestly im not a big fan of flamboant guys. Its a big turn off to me. i like guys that are nerdy
Honestly im not a big fan of flamboant guys. Its a big turn off to me. i like guys that are nerdy
This also.Another important distinction to make campy/flamboyant=/=effeminate, there are such things as feminine guys with very muted personalities
Nerdy is good. Also, we all know the average nerdy guy looks like this.
Think I'm gonna break up with my bf
feminine guys with very muted personalities
Why that?
I have a bf already thoSo he can be with you obviously.
I have a bf already tho
'no fems'When are they shunned?
I wish effeminacy wasn't as shunned in the gay community though, like it or not, feminine gay people are a significant part of the community and it kinda rubs me the wrong way when people say they want no "stereotypical" gay characters in media, being feminine just comes natural to some, I want more strong feminine gay male role models.
When are they shunned?
Another important distinction to make campy/flamboyant=/=effeminate, there are such things as feminine guys with very muted personalities
I wouldn't use these, but at the same time it's basically stating what you're into, which IMO is not really shunning if it's not accompanied by insults.'no fems'
'straight acting only'
I wouldn't use these, but at the same time it's basically stating what you're into, which IMO is not really shunning if it's not accompanied by insults.
I wouldn't use these, but at the same time it's basically stating what you're into, which IMO is not really shunning if it's not accompanied by insults.
The thing is that those phrases imply that the guy would write them off immediately. People are shallow. A lot of the time they don't use those phrases to mean "I prefer masculine men" so much as "Don't message me if you aren't".
There's an undercurrent of disdain to it as far as I see.
This is my approach. I agree that a profile that consists of what you DON'T like is not very inviting.Talk about the stuff you do like! Leading off with this laundry list of things your don't like just makes you seem like a negative, crabby, and full-of-yourself kind of person.
That, and it's just general negativity.
Talk about the stuff you do like! Leading off with this laundry list of things your don't like just makes you seem like a negative, crabby, and full-of-yourself kind of person.
Well, again, I don't use those statements and I can see why they'd be considered offensive. Now, it might not be the same, but I honestly don't feel offended when guys state "no skinny guys", for instance. It's a good filter, I don't waste my time approaching that person (if I had the intention).
This is my approach. I agree that a profile that consists of what you DON'T like is not very inviting.
If people say "masculine only" or god forbid "whites only" they'd probably come off just as bad if not worse. Also it doesn't sounds so bad when you say "no skinny guys" because I don't imagine that's a very common thing. Skinny guys kinda have it better than fat guys. I agree that it is kinda convenient to filter out those guys that are always excluding people. Like I don't even have to waste my time on him sort of thing, but when you're constantly seeing all these guys excluding you, I imagine it hurts a bit.
Guys in my quest to stop being kinda tubby I walked 26 miles today. It's not really a marathon cus I wasn't running and I took breaks, but still. So, I wan't to know: what's the furthest other people can go? I need a new goal to aspire to.
A late response:
Usually when men are interested in things that are seen as traditionally feminine (dance, showtunes, pop music), the thing most tend to think is that the man is gay. Because male homosexuality and femininity are often conflated. Which is why people mistakenly believe gay men are gay due to increased estrogen levels.
Interestingly enough, occupations that are traditionally held by females often command less pay and confer less social status. Feminists and sociologists tend to argue that this is because feminine traits are seen as less valuable by our culture. This might explain why gay men (but not gay women) are often the targets of extreme vitriol.
I'm sure Mumei or someone else could source you papers covering this in more detail. I'm 2lazy4that.
Guys in my quest to stop being kinda tubby I walked 26 miles today. It's not really a marathon cus I wasn't running and I took breaks, but still. So, I wan't to know: what's the furthest other people can go? I need a new goal to aspire to.
How about this: How about you just don't put that unattractive sit in your profile, and if someone messages you that you aren't attracted to, you just Hansen le it the old-fashioned way and not responds to their messages? Or tell them you're not interested? Both options will save you from looking like a total tool.
Now, it might not be the same, but I honestly don't feel offended when guys state "no skinny guys", for instance. It's a good filter, I don't waste my time approaching that person (if I had the intention)..
NewpYou're polyamorous and don't know it yet.
Actually that'd be interesting to try.
It's definitely not the same.
"skinny"/non-muscular men don't have to deal with the same kinds of historical prejudices that effeminate men or fat men have to deal with on a regular basis.
"No skinnies!" should have just as much effect on "skinny" people as cracker has on white people; none.
Yikes. Wrong, sorry.
Yikes. Wrong, sorry.
It's definitely not the same.
"skinny"/non-muscular men don't have to deal with the same kinds of historical prejudices that effeminate men or fat men have to deal with on a regular basis.
"No skinnies!" should have just as much effect on "skinny" people as cracker has on white people; none.
Us skinnies have feelings too![]()
Of course you do.
However, I find it hard to believe that anybody thinks that skinny men face the same amount of historical prejudices as effeminate men and portly men.
Of course you do.
However, I find it hard to believe that anybody thinks that skinny men face the same amount of historical prejudices as portly men.
Of course you do.
However, I find it hard to believe that anybody thinks that skinny men face the same amount of historical prejudices as effeminate men and portly men.
Again with the fucking oppression olympics lmao.
Sure, maybe skinny guys don't have it as bad. You win. Now what?
Again with the fucking oppression olympics lmao.
Are skinny people even qualified to compete in the Oppression Olympics?
You've actually gotta face some real discrimination before you can start arguing about who has it worse.
Are skinny people even qualified to compete in the Oppression Olympics?
You've actually gotta face some real discrimination before you can start arguing about who has it worse.
I suppose the best way to deal with oppression is to convince everyone that they're not quite as oppressed as you are.
I'm guessing you weren't a really skinny kid growing up.
Lmao fuck off
Least funny post I've read in this thread
Of course you do.
However, I find it hard to believe that anybody thinks that skinny men face the same amount of historical prejudices as effeminate men and portly men.
... but conventional mores tell us that its perfectly acceptable to discuss a skinny person's weight whereas its completely taboo to discuss a fat person's.
I often fluctuated in size, but I'm actually the kind of person who's height and build does a good job of hiding their chubbiness.