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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Fuck, I need my ex-boyfriend :(

Came across his soundcloud account and now I'm listening to him singing and it's as close as I've been to hearing his voice in quite a while now.
You're so strangely insistent that this is all completely trivial...

Because it is.
I'm sorry that being told to "eat a burger" or "lift a weight" is a bit irritating, but stuff like that is generally equivalent to asking a tall person "How's the weather up their, stretch??"
Most skinny/thin individuals outside of this thread don't seem to care about people making remarks about their weight because they're generally seen as being normal and healthy in our society.
Some of you boys are really overselling the negative aspects of being skinny/thin.
Because it is.
I'm sorry that being told to "eat a burger" or "lift a weight" is a bit irritating, but stuff like that is generally equivalent to asking a tall person "How's the weather up their, stretch??"
Most skinny/thin individuals outside of this thread don't seem to care about people making remarks about their weight because they're generally seen as being normal and healthy in our society.
Some of you boys are really overselling the negative aspects of being skinny/thin.

Oh boy.

I'm 6'4", was a really skinny kid, and no they're not equivalent. What insight do you think you have? I'm getting a lot of insistence, but no insight.

Whatever this isn't worth it, chalk this up as a 'win' if you want, since it's clear that's all you care about, but taking what people of a different perspective say at face value would be the better value in this situation.
This whole discussion started with me basically telling a (presumably) skinny/thin poster that he probably doesn't care about dumb prerequisites like "no skinny guys" because being thin most likely doesn't effect him in the way that being effeminate or fat generally effects other boys.
It's not about winning, skinny/thin people aren't generally made fun of or completely devalued like effeminate men and fat men are because they're considered to be normal.


I'm getting a lot of insistence, but no insight.
skinny/thin people aren't generally made fun of or completely devalued like effeminate men and fat men are because they're considered to be normal.


Skinny people aren't considered "normal" where I come from. The "normal" is overweight, the "goal" is to become muscled. Being skinny means you are to be dismissed... as you so clearly demonstrate. As a skinny person here, you are to be regularly insulted over how "scrawny" you are, are more likely to receive physical threats, and are mocked for your stick-like appearance because it is more socially acceptable to do so than to mock someone over being fat. You don't just go and tell a fat man to get some exercise, but you can listen to your restaurant waiter tell you how you need meat on your bones and nobody bats an eye.

Note that yes, this is completely different for women, but being a skinny man is not some utopia because you consider it to be the normal standard. This isn't just the Oppression Olympics, it's your very subjective Oppression Olympics.
You don't just go and tell a fat man to get some exercise, but you can listen to your restaurant waiter tell you how you need meat on your bones and nobody bats an eye.

You're kidding right? That shit happens all the fucking time both to skinny and fat.


You're kidding right? That shit happens all the fucking time both to skinny and fat.

As I... repeatedly pointed out, I was referring to my personal experiences in my environment for demonstrative purposes. And that double standard of who is and isn't an acceptable target does exist here.
As I... repeatedly pointed out, I was referring to my personal experiences in my environment for demonstrative purposes. And that double standard of who is and isn't an acceptable target does exist here.

I'm sorry, I see, I tend to skim a little too much.


Tubby? I had forgotten about him, had to google lol I'm becoming Tubby again, sadly. I'm going to be part of that percentage of people that gains their weight back :/
You don't have to be! You can keep the weight off I believe in you!
That's a very impressive distance, even with breaks. While I walk occassionally, it's generally more goal-orientated (about 4.7km into town for work, and five or six hours later the same distance back) than doing it for excercise (swimming in a local pool and running about seven kilometres is the extent of my 'purposeful' excercise) and therefore would never end up remotely close to what you have walked, my suggestion would be, rather than aspire to how far others can go, to try and eliminate, or reduce, the amount of breaks you take and the duration of these breaks. Alternatively, if possible, you could try alternate between jogging and walking which, despite likely reducing the distance you can go for the first few times, would probably be more intensive excercise. At this point I should probably state that I've read very little on this subject, I could be completely incorrect as to how much of a benefit this would be, but it seems like a good way to 'step up' from what you're currently doing rather than merely adding on more kilometres. If you do want to increase the distance, given that you're at roughly 42km, the next 'step' seems to be to go to 50km (31 miles) or 56km (35 miles), by my only concern with constantly adding on more miles would be how long I imagine it must take you to walk such a substantial distance, and how it must consume such a sizeable portion of the day.
There's a lot to consider here, thanks. I think you're right, it'd make more sense to like work towards running the same distance or something rather than trying to go twice as far, which would take way too long. And don't worry about not being an expert, I'm really not either; so thanks for all help you give.
If I lived in America I'd give it ago, but alas I do not. Might give Land's End to John O'Groats a go one day.
26 miles? O.O
The farthest I could go were 22 km and after that my left leg hurt for a day or two.
Yeah dude, it's like 42.6km so my feat are killing me this morning.
What in the what? 26 miles? How long did that take?
About nine hours I think. Good think I had nothing else to do yesterday.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man

Skinny people aren't considered "normal" where I come from.
Where are you from?

In the US (and by extension Mexico), I can say that as a skinny person, I have never been discriminated against or anything, maybe teased but never to the point where it hurt.

Being tall and skinny and awkward growing up, well that was rough, but I don't really think being skinny or tall made anyone think negatively about me. Kids did make fun of my height much more than my weight, but as you grow up people start wishing they were my height. 8)

Bailey 87

I wish effeminacy wasn't as shunned in the gay community though, like it or not, feminine gay people are a significant part of the community and it kinda rubs me the wrong way when people say they want no "stereotypical" gay characters in media, being feminine just comes natural to some, I want more strong feminine gay male role models.

Agreed the gay community disappoints me at times. fem gays should be celebrated in our community because they're the ones who get called a faggot they're the ones who get picked on in school they're the ones who can't hide in the closet and blend in with the straight guys, but what do we do. We shit on them as well

When are they shunned?

Load up grindr or any dating app and count how many people say "I like real men etc" it's digusting
This whole discussion started with me basically telling a (presumably) skinny/thin poster that he probably doesn't care about dumb prerequisites like "no skinny guys" because being thin most likely doesn't effect him in the way that being effeminate or fat generally effects other boys.
It's not about winning, skinny/thin people aren't generally made fun of or completely devalued like effeminate men and fat men are because they're considered to be normal.

What country are you in? Its very rare indeed for a minority to oppress a majority.. Your rhetoric reminds me of people who complain whites are being discriminated against or the men's rights movement. When people complain about such things it mocks and belittles actual minority groups.

Just because a group is not found to be attractive by another group does not mean they are being devalued..


Today is a "play video games I hate" day.

how are fat people oppressed ? People choose to be fat if you eat right and workout you wont get fat.

A lot of people have thyroid problems and eating disorders, you can't solve those with "I'm going to eat less today." That is of course a minortiy, but it's not always a self-inflicted problem.


how are fat people oppressed ? People choose to be fat if you eat right and workout you wont get fat.

When you're a child, you have to eat what your parents give you. And some kids never made friends and had no one to play with so some just stay at home watching TV and playing video games. Kids don't choose to be fat, they're fat thanks to their parenting.

And in my experience, I got heavily bullied at school for being fat. All those skinny kids hit me and said many things to me. It wasn't until I was 15 that it stopped happening, but being fat was my choice at that point. At that time being fat was far less common though, I guess in today's society it has changed a lot and being fat is far more acceptable while thin kids may be the ones being oppressed.


how are fat people oppressed ? People choose to be fat if you eat right and workout you wont get fat.

You fuck off too

Jesus fucking Christ what is wrong with y'all

You're like the most interesting dude in this thread. I can't tell if you're trolling or not, half the time.


Edit: *post above* Totally :/

Cool to finally see some skinny people talking up.

Growing up skinny (like I remember passing 20kg and not being considered a small child by medicine) one thing I noticed a lot is how people think skinny people have it wonderful and are never afraid of mentioning how skinny they are. It's cool when I can be helpful and reach places others can't, but no I can't just eat a burger and gain weight.

People talk shit about fat people and I hate that as well, but they're less likely to hide it with thin people because they don't see it as offensive.

Agreed the gay community disappoints me at times. fem gays should be celebrated in our community because they're the ones who get called a faggot they're the ones who get picked on in school they're the ones who can't hide in the closet and blend in with the straight guys, but what do we do. We shit on them as well.
Preach. Those who were proud and out back then are the reason I can be out and them not behaving like me is no reason to hate on them.


Deep(fried) South.

I know mine isn't the most common set of circumstances, but one should always strive to have insight in these cases.

I'm from Texas and I feel the same way about it as you. Fortunately it's different up here in the northeast.

how are fat people oppressed ? People choose to be fat if you eat right and workout you wont get fat.

No, they don't, and no, that isn't necessarily true.


You fuck off too

Jesus fucking Christ what is wrong with y'all

... yeah, pretty much this. The fuck is going on in this thread? It's terrible to tell other people their problems aren't real, and that's basically what's going on.

It's almost always a bad idea to compare oppression. Not only because it leads to obnoxious false equivalencies, but because it ignores bad experiences that other people had. Playing oppression olympics with weight classes isn't constructive.

When you're a child, you have to eat what your parents give you. And some kids never made friends and had no one to play with so some just stay at home watching TV and playing video games. Kids don't choose to be fat, they're fat thanks to their parenting.

Very well put. It's also usually difficult for people who grew up fat to correct their diets once they leave the house.

And in my experience, I got heavily bullied at school for being fat. All those skinny kids hit me and said many things to me. It wasn't until I was 15 that it stopped happening, but being fat was my choice at that point. At that time being fat was far less common though, I guess in today's society it has changed a lot and being fat is far more acceptable while thin kids may be the ones being oppressed.

That really sucks :( Have an internet hug.

Nobody deserves to be bullied about their body type, and nobody who has been bullied deserves to have their experiences marginalized because of 'body type privilege.'
Good morning friends!! <33 How's everyone doing?! :3

how are fat people oppressed ? People choose to be fat

how are fat people oppressed ? People choose to be fat if you eat right and workout you wont get fat.

ok hell no with this. and not just this post.
Some of yall gotta stop pretending like people on both ends of the weight spectrum dont get shit on and we're seeing it in this thread with comments like this and a few more before and just life. Bigger people are always being told in many different forms (magazines, ads, media roles, LIFE and crappy people) that they are deemed unattractive, that their weight is a problem with hundreds of (very profitable imo non solutions mostly) even if they're fine and healthy considering the weight too. And thats just the tip of that argument
On the other side skinnier people its a weird and iffy situation too, that in some cases yes that skinner smaller image is considered ideal, but not for the people usually who are skinny especially that are trying to. Years of struggle to gain up in weight or muscle, being told they cant eat, dont eat enough, or look sick or this and that by the same people who would talk illy of people above in weight. It's really shitty too.
Does bigger people get more shit than skinner people, i'm gonna keep it real and say most likely( and thats because so many products are around to seem as solutions when its all to make money, further creating a culture of shaming larger people) but that doesnt make the problems that skinner people have any less real or serious and their issues need to be expressed and not shut down/
Smaller bodies are seen as ideal but when people do dangerous things to get to that size, and other people are just naturally thinner people are already going to attach that negative stigma onto those who are just naturally small

Body image and ideas are tricky because one may be wanting to get to where the other is, both both ends big and small get so much crap from people.( I can go on about this. Lets stop acting like both people dont get shat on)

Now back to Blackstarhat and others that express that might mentality in general
Lets not pretend like there isnt outside sources that affect peoples weight. Like work schedules, accessibility and resources , time and money, physical conditions and genes to name only a few. Its not a damn conscious decision or revelation that people are just able to go, ok lets change and get absolute results that will work. As if tons of products that barely work wasnt enough to shit on fat people already.
By your logic (Not mine!) skinny people wouldnt be as skinny if they just freaking ate. But you know


Good morning friends!! <33 How's everyone doing?! :3


I'm doing pretty okay plus I just got One Piece Unlimited World Red and that game is a real joy so far.

Also, what is going on?! Body-shaming is not okay!

Everyone who thinks being fat is always a choice should check out Boogie2988's (The guy who plays "Francis, the raging fat nerd") DML video.
Here's a link to his Draw My Life video:
ok hell no with this. and not just this post.
Some of yall gotta stop pretending like people on both ends of the weight spectrum dont get shit on and we're seeing it in this thread with comments like this and a few more before and just life. Bigger people are always being told in many different forms (magazines, ads, media roles, LIFE and crappy people) that they are deemed unattractive, that their weight is a problem with hundreds of (very profitable imo non solutions mostly) even if they're fine and healthy considering the weight too. And thats just the tip of that argument
On the other side skinnier people its a weird and iffy situation too, that in some cases yes that skinner smaller image is considered ideal, but not for the people usually who are skinny especially that are trying to. Years of struggle to gain up in weight or muscle, being told they cant eat, dont eat enough, or look sick or this and that by the same people who would talk illy of people above in weight. It's really shitty too.
Does bigger people get more shit than skinner people, i'm gonna keep it real and say most likely( and thats because so many products are around to seem as solutions when its all to make money, further creating a culture of shaming larger people) but that doesnt make the problems that skinner people have any less real or serious and their issues need to be expressed and not shut down/
Smaller bodies are seen as ideal but when people do dangerous things to get to that size, and other people are just naturally thinner people are already going to attach that negative stigma onto those who are just naturally small

Body image and ideas are tricky because one may be wanting to get to where the other is, both both ends big and small get so much crap from people.( I can go on about this. Lets stop acting like both people dont get shat on)

Now back to Blackstarhat and others that express that might mentality in general
Lets not pretend like there isnt outside sources that affect peoples weight. Like work schedules, accessibility and resources , time and money, physical conditions and genes to name only a few. Its not a damn conscious decision or revelation that people are just able to go, ok lets change and get absolute results that will work. As if tons of products that barely work wasnt enough to shit on fat people already.
By your logic (Not mine!) skinny people wouldnt be as skinny if they just freaking ate. But you know

I'm doing pretty okay plus I just got One Piece Unlimited World Red and that game is a real joy so far.

Yayyyy nice!! I preordered Layton vs. Ace Attorney and Danganronpa 2 the other day! I'll literally cry happy tears for hours when I get each of those ;_______;



Yayyyy nice!! I preordered Layton vs. Ace Attorney and Danganronpa 2 the other day! I'll literally cry happy tears for hours when I get each of those ;_______;

Here's a screenie from OP:UWR
My animu husbando! xD

I still need to get Layton x AA, so many people already recommended me this game (well, Kinsei and someone else on GAF).
Also heard that Danganronpa is a great game. I'll get that one day when I find a cheap Vita somewhere. Wish I had a job that payed off more than the one I have at the moment, I'd gotten a Vita already then... /(-_-)\
Here's a screenie from OP:UWR

My animu husbando! xD

I still need to get Layton x AA, so many people already recommended me this game (well, Kinsei and someone else on GAF).
Also heard that Danganronpa is a great game. I'll get that one day when I find a cheap Vita somewhere. Wish I had a job that payed off more than the one I have at the moment, I'd gotten a Vita already then... /(-_-)\

Ahhh looks so good!!!! :3 :3

YAAAS you need to play both games if possible! Danganronpa was AMAZING. God. The plot twists. I need moments ;___;.

Also tonight is my photo shoot for my EP album cover!! o___o I'm so nervous X_X


Very well put. It's also usually difficult for people who grew up fat to correct their diets once they leave the house.

That really sucks :( Have an internet hug.

Nobody deserves to be bullied about their body type, and nobody who has been bullied deserves to have their experiences marginalized because of 'body type privilege.'

1. That's exactly my case. I can't stop consuming some kind of foos because that is what my family eats/prepares everyday and they won't stop doing it even though I have warned many times how bad is for our health. And even then they just say "oh, is just a littke , it won't have any effect" when is obvious that it will not be beneficial.

2. Thanks :)

3. It's not exclusive of bodies. People get shamed for other things, be it religion, sexual preference, etc. But we'll never stop doing it because we all want to feel superior, so we will always end up saying terrible stuff to people because they are not what we think is fine. We should learn to respect :/
What country are you in?

I'm on the west coast of the United States.

Your rhetoric reminds me of people who complain whites are being discriminated against or the men's rights movement. .

Hardly comparable (especially since we've still got effeminate boys in this conversation; people who face very real discrimination for their gender presentation and expression from both the LGBT community and straight/cis people.)
It's quite obvious that more people make fun of and devalue portly people for being fat. There is reason why people who bring up fat people's weight are considered jerk offs while people who tease skinny/thin people are paid no mind by the majority of other people; There is (a recent) negative historical context behind the treatment of fat people.
Again, that doesn't mean that anyone should go around body shaming skinny/thin peeps; just don't make false equivalencies in regards to the treatment of the two weight classes.
Speaking of image issues, my photo shoot for my EP album cover is tonight, and I'm so nervous and insecure about it :S. I've never had a legit photo shoot before. I don't know how people can just "look natural" ;____; I'm scared. LOL.


Yayyyy nice!! I preordered Layton vs. Ace Attorney and Danganronpa 2 the other day! I'll literally cry happy tears for hours when I get each of those ;_______;

You haven't got this yet Mr Badger? Oh, right, it's not out in America. It's SO good. Like, wow. Seeing as you clearly have awesome taste in Ace Attorney style things
Bropollos represent!
I'm curious to hear what you think of it.
You're very handsome BB, you'll be fine. Just relax ;)
;____; You're sweet. Wahhh though. We'll see what happens I suppose X_X!!!

You haven't got this yet Mr Badger? Oh, right, it's not out in America. It's SO good. Like, wow. Seeing as you clearly have awesome taste in Ace Attorney style things
Bropollos represent!
I'm curious to hear what you think of it.

AUGUST 29TH YAAAAAAASSS I've been waiting for so long man my heart is actually aching for it ;____;. New Ace Attorney is good Ace Attorney in my books :D :D!

I'm so glad to see another Apollo fanatic <3. 4eva your Bropollo, bb. :3

Did you enjoy the game? No spoilers tho ;___;! LOL!


;____; You're sweet. Wahhh though. We'll see what happens I suppose X_X!!!

AUGUST 29TH YAAAAAAASSS I've been waiting for so long man my heart is actually aching for it ;____;. New Ace Attorney is good Ace Attorney in my books :D :D!

I'm so glad to see another Apollo fanatic <3. 4eva your Bropollo, bb. :3

Did you enjoy the game? No spoilers tho ;___;! LOL!
I wouldn't go as far as to say fanatic...
for Klavier though? Sure, he's hotter :p
The game is really, really good. I'll have to replay it and AA5 to decide which I like better though. I mean, the setting makes the experience feel really fresh; and if you're a fan of the series for the story and characters they do a pretty good job of capturing how they'd act in the scenarios they're in. I'm mean, Nick and Maya, as well as Luke and Layton, never do stuff that makes you go 'that's not what they'd do'. There's some stuff I REALLY love that's too spoilery to talk about too. I'm curious though, have you played any Layton? Cus I'd say this game feels a little more Layton-guest-starring-Phoenix-Wright than the other way round; so if Layton gameplay is something you really hate you probably won't enjoy this much.


sorry if i offended anyone in my last post.

Best one piece game ive ever played looks amazing on vita but blurry on 3ds.

It's gorgeous. Sadly I'm not quick enough to get good screenshots of the fighting moves. ;_;

But here's a nice still with Zoro, Sanji and Brook
-eh (why do they spell "Brook" like "Brook-eh"?


(Just replace "super super cool" with "hot")
I wouldn't go as far as to say fanatic...
for Klavier though? Sure, he's hotter :p
The game is really, really good. I'll have to replay it and AA5 to decide which I like better though. I mean, the setting makes the experience feel really fresh; and if you're a fan of the series for the story and characters they do a pretty good job of capturing how they'd act in the scenarios they're in. I'm mean, Nick and Maya, as well as Luke and Layton, never do stuff that makes you go 'that's not what they'd do'. There's some stuff I REALLY love that's too spoilery to talk about too. I'm curious though, have you played any Layton? Cus I'd say this game feels a little more Layton-guest-starring-Phoenix-Wright than the other way round; so if Layton gameplay is something you really hate you probably won't enjoy this much.
To be honest, I haven't really played Layton o_____o. But I do think I'll really enjoy it <3.


I keep hearing that!! Should I play all of them or is there one you recommend over the others? :O!
Well there's a continuous story, a trilogy and then a prequel trilogy. So either 1 (and the Curious Village) or 4 (and the Last Spectre). But, if you're only going to play one, the GAF favourite and best in the series is 3 (and the Unwound Future). Alternatively the first 3DS game (and the Miracle Mask) is an easy place to start and will give you the best impression of what to expect in the crossover. So basically, play whichever you want, but don't start with 2 (and the Diabolical Box) because it's the weakest or 6 (and the Azran Legacy) because it'd be too hard to follow.

If all you want is a quick intro to the characters though, you could always watch the film, Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva. It's a pretty solid film which captures the spirit of the games.

Personally I'd recommend playing them all, but that's expensive and time consuming and you'll burn yourself out.
It's gorgeous. Sadly I'm not quick enough to get good screenshots of the fighting moves. ;_;

But here's a nice still with Zoro, Sanji and Brook
-eh (why do they spell "Brook"
Id noticed that theres some slowdown on the vita version of OP:UWR while the 3ds version runs at a smother framerate. its mainly when you do the special attacks. its a great game otherwise.
Well there's a continuous story, a trilogy and then a prequel trilogy. So either 1 (and the Curious Village) or 4 (and the Last Spectre). But, if you're only going to play one, the GAF favourite and best in the series is 3 (and the Unwound Future). Alternatively the first 3DS game (and the Miracle Mask) is an easy place to start and will give you the best impression of what to expect in the crossover. So basically, play whichever you want, but don't start with 2 (and the Diabolical Box) because it's the weakest or 6 (and the Azran Legacy) because it'd be too hard to follow.

If all you want is a quick intro to the characters though, you could always watch the film, Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva. It's a pretty solid film which captures the spirit of the games.

Oooooh.. If it's a continuous story, I wanna play the whole thing from scratch!!! :D


Oooooh.. If it's a continuous story, I wanna play the whole thing from scratch!!! :D

Yeah, I kinda figured you'd be that sort of guy. In that case it's 1, 2, 3, 4, Movie, 5, 6. The crossover stands apart from that so don't worry, just play the first one and you're good to get your Ace Attorney fix.
Yeah, I kinda figured you'd be that sort of guy. In that case it's 1, 2, 3, 4, Movie, 5, 6. The crossover stands apart from that so don't worry, just play the first one and you're good to get your Ace Attorney fix.

1, 2, 3, 4, Movie, 5, 6... Hmm.. Okay I think I can remember that!!! :D <3 I'm so excited!! Thank you! You're awesome!! <3
It's just counting so it should be memorable :p No problem dude. If
you fall in love with the series thank me then.

Hahaha definitely when! I've seen some gameplay stuff for the series, and it seems right up my street :3. Some of the puzzles seem hard as hell though! :O


Hahaha definitely when. I've seen some gameplay stuff for the series, and it seems right up my street :3. Some of the puzzles seem hard as hell though! :O
They can be, but the hint system is very fair. All puzzles have multiple hints, each more explicit than the last, purchased with in game currency. It's pretty much impossible to get stuck and unable to progress the plot because all mandatory puzzles have hints that are super answer-giving-awayish. Optional puzzles are harder but you can come back to them any time if your stuck. Getting very frustrated with the game requires being particularly stubborn.
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