Cmon details.Well my straight guy escapades was rather interesting.
Cmon details.Well my straight guy escapades was rather interesting.
I can't help but wonder if my friend is ignoring me.
Maybe I'm just a paranoid asshole.
He might be, but if so the question might be if it means anything or not. I avoid people all the time. When I'm depressed (extreme example) it's usually to shield myself from my own life-negating contempt that I have a way of projecting onto other people. People do things for all kinds of funny reasons, and they may or may not be completely meaningless to you.
Well my straight guy escapades was rather interesting.
Well my straight guy escapades was rather interesting.
Hello BB!
And thanks for backing me up!![]()
Haha I have some old stories in the older LGBT threads.![]()
I do have new stories though. But I do not understand why I have trouble finding a real relationship rather than quick flirtations with some random guys. I do place most of the blame on myself, I'm a very cautious person when it comes to love or letting people in, and I know I have to change this. This is my rationale for why I have these amazing situations with "straight guys." I don't know if it is because I appear straight to them and that makes me more "trusting" or luck in general, but I have no problems finding "straight" guys that want to hook up with me.
So story time: a few weeks ago a group of my friends and I went to the beach for a week of fun. Well like most trips this big, friends of friends go as well and you end up not knowing everyone at first. After a few days everyone figured out I was gay if they didn't know, I don't feel the need to proclaim my sexual orientation but I don't hide it either. One of the guys that I didn't know was super cool with me before he realized I was gay and very nice, he had a girlfriend, and when he found out I was gay he cooly said I always wanted a gay friend. So we sort of bonded as friends. One night we all got really drunk and the next day I realized that I had his number in my phone and I had text him stupid stuff, non sexual. We goofed about it the next morning so I played it off. The following night he text me asking if I was sleeping and I said no (cause I was browsing GAF lol), and he said do you want to go get drinks and walk the beach. Well yeah! We get tipsy, we go back to our rooms, he then texts me asking questions like have I done this and that, then ask if I have a bigger dick than him. I was freaking out, but said how can I tell if I've never seen it and he sends me a dick pic. Next thing I do is ask him over to measure side by side, he comes in and plays it cool trying to be all macho and acting like he wants to measure. Well long story short I give him a BJ and let him top me all of 5 mins. We pass out and wake up the next day acting like nothing happened.
I did get a text from him saying that he thought he was bigger lol. I do feel bad for his girlfriend though it seemed rather doomed anyway.
Haha I know. These guys try so had to be completely straight around others, and really having these "straight guys" hitting on me is a turn on.Lol I may be projecting here but I don't think he's straight. Call it a hunch.
he then texts me asking questions like have I done this and that, then ask if I have a bigger dick than him. I was freaking out, but said how can I tell if I've never seen it and he sends me a dick pic. Next thing I do is ask him over to measure side by side, he comes in and plays it cool trying to be all macho and acting like he wants to measure.
I did get a text from him saying that he thought he was bigger lol.
Hmm well to be honest him, but I am thicker.who was bigger?
this is of great importance to me
I think anxiety is just making me read too much into it.
He's already going to be pissed when he finds out I neglected to tell him I'm moving in 3 weeks. I've got at most two weeks to arrange something with him, and I can hardly get a hold of him to begin with, so I'm really itching to do this. I haven't been with him in person since last year on top of that.
Usually when I'm nervous about other people like this I have a bad habit of pinning things on them (not that I ever tell them that) even when they don't deserve it.
Hmm well to be honest him, but I am thicker.
Just to solve your water delinquencies![]()
how much bigger was he tho
i need both his and your exact measurementsso i can make my life size replicasbecause im doing a scientific study on penis size
Is it a hands on experiment?
occasionally such a thing is found to be necessary
You'll have to pay first!how much bigger was he tho
i need both his and your exact measurementsso i can make my life size replicasbecause im doing a scientific study on penis size
Yeah I do feel bad for her :/LOCK, you made him cheat anda that's not nice
I sort of do the same thing. I'm pretty good at reading people if they're in front of me, but if they're not my imagination can kind of go crazy. I guess it's that desire to 'be on the same page', not everyone is really socially driven by that tendency, but that plus a degree of insecurity has silence meaning everything and nothing to me at the same time.
If you only had three weeks notice that you were moving, he probably can't be too pissed off that you didn't tell him right away.
The military...may...give you about 4 months notice. (Not that he would know this, but he's smart so he'll probably see right through any false excuses I make.)
I've been meaning to tell him but I keep getting distracted and not thinking to message him. On top of that we usually only talk every 6 weeks or so, so I've been reluctant to drop a bomb on him like that after not talking for that long.
Now that I think about it I deserve to get chewed out for being cowardly like this.
That's mostly how I feel. My motivation for it is mostly not wanting to be a nuisance though. I don't want to be around someone if they don't actually like me. I get this feeling a lot of people let me hang with them out of pity.
Just try not to stare or drool.
You'll have to pay first!
Haha I have some old stories in the older LGBT threads.![]()
I do have new stories though. But I do not understand why I have trouble finding a real relationship rather than quick flirtations with some random guys. I do place most of the blame on myself, I'm a very cautious person when it comes to love or letting people in, and I know I have to change this. This is my rationale for why I have these amazing situations with "straight guys." I don't know if it is because I appear straight to them and that makes me more "trusting" or luck in general, but I have no problems finding "straight" guys that want to hook up with me.
So story time: a few weeks ago a group of my friends and I went to the beach for a week of fun. Well like most trips this big, friends of friends go as well and you end up not knowing everyone at first. After a few days everyone figured out I was gay if they didn't know, I don't feel the need to proclaim my sexual orientation but I don't hide it either. One of the guys that I didn't know was super cool with me before he realized I was gay and very nice, he had a girlfriend, and when he found out I was gay he cooly said I always wanted a gay friend. So we sort of bonded as friends. One night we all got really drunk and the next day I realized that I had his number in my phone and I had text him stupid stuff, non sexual. We goofed about it the next morning so I played it off. The following night he text me asking if I was sleeping and I said no (cause I was browsing GAF lol), and he said do you want to go get drinks and walk the beach. Well yeah! We get tipsy, we go back to our rooms, he then texts me asking questions like have I done this and that, then ask if I have a bigger dick than him. I was freaking out, but said how can I tell if I've never seen it and he sends me a dick pic. Next thing I do is ask him over to measure side by side, he comes in and plays it cool trying to be all macho and acting like he wants to measure. Well long story short I give him a BJ and let him top me all of 5 mins. We pass out and wake up the next day acting like nothing happened.
I did get a text from him saying that he thought he was bigger lol. I do feel bad for his girlfriend though it seemed rather doomed anyway.
Yeah kind ofThis way he's probably going to feel a bit abandoned, because it will be so sudden to him. He might have felt that way if you told him sooner, too, but then he would've had the time to fully process it.
Not that it's a huge deal, I'd just try to not make it a habit
I get that too. I probably have a worse habit of reading too much into the smallest things. ("Are you mad at me? If so you can just tell me I'll just leave you alone." [and they're actually fine]). I had a pretty good friend at the start of college that moved across the country, and neither of us are really good at keeping in touch. I sent him an email not long ago spilling my guts and asking if we were 'still friends'. It's crazy.
The thing is a person can read meaning into anything. It's almost always completely plausible, and it may even be accurate, but it's still speculation, and at least speaking for myself I can't really act on information that I don't have without seeming vaguely crazy or insecure. It's tough, you want to be conscientious and not impose, but I think it's fair to expect enough from people, that if we are a nuisance, they'll tell us.
oh, ventus. i forgot he existed.
Yeah I do feel bad for her :/
I think that considerate mindset actually instills some kind of distrust in us, in a way. Being so afraid of disapproval after a certain threshold puts you at this weird point where you want to please people but can't trust a word they say because your own preconceived judgment of how they see you colors your perception of what's actually happening.
Ok guys, I can't make a thread and I don't know where to talk about this but does anybody here has had an important shift on your personality and then went back to where you were?
I'm asking this because I feet I have regressed. I thought I was becoming more friendly, easygoing and my speaking was getting more fluent but today I just couldn't articulate my sentences clearly, I was all shaky and nervous, I was too serious and even walked too timidly. I'm worried about this, I hope it was just a one day thing. I don't want to become as insecure as I used to.
Awesome. Hope it goes well and you get it! ^_^So I've got some good news. I havey first job interview on Monday. Its for an on campus job so I hope I get. Excited.![]()
Ok guys, I can't make a thread and I don't know where to talk about this but does anybody here has had an important shift on your personality and then went back to where you were?
I'm asking this because I feet I have regressed. I thought I was becoming more friendly, easygoing and my speaking was getting more fluent but today I just couldn't articulate my sentences clearly, I was all shaky and nervous, I was too serious and even walked too timidly. I'm worried about this, I hope it was just a one day thing. I don't want to become as insecure as I used to.
So I've got some good news. I havey first job interview on Monday. Its for an on campus job so I hope I get. Excited.![]()
jail gif
They're giving jobs to racoons these days?
I'm trying to get a better job right now, and I won't let raccoons stop me! (Though if any raccoons are hiring, please let me know.)What about all of the humans who are out of work? Shouldn't they take precedence over racoons?
So I just saw a previous crush's dick via picture and it was so big that it was a bit of a turn off.
What about all of the humans who are out of work? Shouldn't they take precedence over racoons?
It's true, I know what you mean. But I often think that people really aren't all that generous with their time and energy to keep up that kind of facade.
I think as a species we're inclined to use thinking to solve all of our problems as an extension of a kind of survival programming. Like having some vague feeling of dread about someone and acting on it might keep us from being shanked, for example. But this anxious tendency is easily over-applied to everything, and there are a lot of situations where thinking about things to assure our circumstances or a particular outcome can do a lot of harm.
I think a lot of our fear of disapproval comes from an earlier time when we were more susceptible to feelings of rejection. It's like a wound or a memory of a wound we preserve from that original 'trauma'. But now it's a bit different, we can understand who we and other people are to a degree, how much rejection reflects on us, what rejection is, and what is meaningfully about it. It's a total cliche, but if we were rejected, what is the worst that would happen? Shame, sure, but I'm plenty familiar with that from my own individual fuck ups, and they don't seem to be stopping anytime soon![]()
I hope after 3 finally comes out (and the current arc ends), we'll be done with all these lookalikes and clones and shit.
Aw yiss!Well, looks like I'm giving this long-distance relationship thing a shot!
My crush's dick is too big. #gayproblems
Until sexIs it still your crush if you have seen his dick? #confused
No way, I'd just sit idle and watch him jerk off.Until sex
Or you watch him jerk off in his bedroom window
While Kingdom Hearts is being discussed, I've only recently, finally, finished the first game after many-years of waiting (as a child I reached Hollow Bastion only to encounter a game-breaking glitch where one of the pieces that needed to be collected to complete the crest to unlock a door was not appearing and, as the game was borrowed and many hours were spent getting to that point, I gave it back and deleted the save) after purchasing the high definition remaster and I must say, I thought it was quite good. The primary issues I had with it were that the combat was much clunkier in the opening stages than I remembered it being (this becomes less of an issue as more abilities are acquired) and the level design is very counter-intuitive, with some of the events necessary to trigger progression seeming like something you must stumble upon after exploring every area for the umpteenth time rather than a logical sequence of events that suggests the next step to the player. It wasn't as strong as I remember it being, paticularly the "Deep Jungle", "Agrabah", "Wonderland", "Atlantica", "Monstro", and the start of "Traverse Town" areas (were either frustrating, unfun, or laid out poorly), but "Halloween Town", "Hollow Bastion", "Olympus Coliseum", "Neverland", and the final world were all as enjoyable as I remember (or, in "Hollow Bastion", Olympus Coliseum's matches after the Hercules cup, and the final world's case, were excellent given that it was my first run through them). I feel that part of this slight disappointment may be caused by a degree of frustration as I wished to return to where I had been prior to the glitch, and also may be a result of starting on Proud mode, but this also must be offset by the possibility that the accuracy of my memory was tinted by some nostalgia which had previously hid my recollection of certain flaws. The "Gummi Ship" missions are also terrible. I love creating the ships, and collecting the parts, but the missions themselves are dreadful.
I've heard the second game is a significant improvement so I'll definitely be checking that out given that I walked away pleased overall with the first. After a brief search of the second game, I am surprised that (map related spoilers?)you don't seem to go to the Final Fantasy worlds. I thought it would have been an obvious progression that if the first game dealt with you primarily exploring the Disney Worlds, the sequel would have dealt with you primarily exploring the Final Fantasy worlds, but clearly they didn't wish to go in this direction.
EDIT: Oh and just as I remember it, I have to express my displeasure with the lack of a New Game Plus though; I thought it would have been a perfect fit given that by the time you have acquired most abilities you're far too late to make use of them for a sizeable portion of the game.