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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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It's a skill, though. It's something nice to keep honed and to have the confidence that you can do it whenever your circumstances demand it. You don't have to let people into your heart in a meaningful way or whatever, but making disarming first impressions/being liked and getting people to accompany you when you do stuff is fun even if you kind of forget about them when summer camp is over.

Took me way too long (20 years) to learn the concept of fairweather/temporary friends. Now I'm always a bit scared about making an effort to get to know people and be friends with them, because what if I intend for it to last but they just only want to be friends until summer camp is over?
Took me way too long (20 years) to learn the concept of fairweather/temporary friends. Now I'm always a bit scared about making an effort to get to know people and be friends with them, because what if I intend for it to last but they just only want to be friends until summer camp is over?

Then you just get hurt? People are complex and you never really know what they want from you or anything else, even if you ask them. You at least hope that people aren't too glib or callous about it, and if they are then that can make it a bit easier to forget them.

I don't know, it's tough, but it seems like an unavoidable part of human relationships. Friends in high school are all kind of like this, because you're forced to all go to the same place for a few years and to some degree you want to make your jail cell comfortable. I'm a bit of a coward when it comes to people, in the sense that I never want to be at the centre of any discord, so I tend to instinctively ingratiate myself to people. It can be a bit shitty or manipulative, but sometimes being pleasant or disarming is really uncomplicated and stands for itself, it's just something you want to do or feel comfortable doing. And sometimes people misunderstand without you really doing any more than that.
I don't really bother making friends anymore. Takes a long time for me to make them and by the time I do it's time to leave. It feels completely pointless to me.

I understand the need to shut down. Its pretty natural. In 7th grade the principal at my new school kept asking me to try out for track. I kept saying no because I didn't want to invest myself into something I'd have to leave. Its one of my biggest regrets. I would have been good at it.


I have lived in the same shitty town for years and people complain about not living in the same place for years. We should all change lives lol
Yes, and I haven't learned how to really handle that.

Yeah, sorry. Rejection is always 'personal', but there's that weird thing where often we shouldn't really care what their reasons are because they don't mean anything to us. But it often seems like you already have to not care to have that kind of freedom of perspective to not take it as an insult. I'm really prideful, and sensitive to rejection/approval, so my shit isn't really sorted out either. I've mostly just learned from necessity how to be less of a crazy person about it and not redirect my sense of rejection as contempt on the person that rejected me :p I don't think you're prone to processing it the same way as me, but what I mean is I know it's not an easy thing.


It's a skill, though. It's something nice to keep honed and to have the confidence that you can do it whenever your circumstances demand it. You don't have to let people into your heart in a meaningful way or whatever, but making disarming first impressions/being liked and getting people to accompany you when you do stuff is fun even if you kind of forget about them when summer camp is over.

The problem is that I don't. For me friendships have a particular emotional importance. Most of the friends I make are either people I have romantic feelings for or people I can legitimately be at ease with. As someone who is generally deeply fearful, contemptuous and suspicious of people that latter quality is a rarity. I don't do "casual" friendships because for the most part I hate people and I hate being around them when it isn't absolutely necessary, especially when I have no reason to trust them.

I know how to make friends without a ton of trouble (I wouldn't have made more than 6 over the space of 8 years if I didn't). The only real reason it takes so long is that I tend to observe for months on end to see if they're worthwhile people to get to know.

Either way it's something too painful for me to throw away repeatedly.

do you travel a lot? what do you mean by leave?

I come from a military family. We move roughly every two years.

I understand the need to shut down. Its pretty natural. In 7th grade the principal at my new school kept asking me to try out for track. I kept saying no because I didn't want to invest myself into something I'd have to leave. Its one of my biggest regrets. I would have been good at it.

To me most kinds of activities and commitments don't really bug me. It's just the people part that I get hung up on.
Yeah, sorry. Rejection is always 'personal', but there's that weird thing where often we shouldn't really care what their reasons are because they don't mean anything to us. But it often seems like you already have to not care to have that kind of freedom of perspective to not take it as an insult. I'm really prideful, and sensitive to rejection/approval, so my shit isn't really sorted out either. I've mostly just learned from necessity how to be less of a crazy person about it and not redirect my sense of rejection as contempt on the person that rejected me :p I don't think you're prone to processing it the same way as me, but what I mean is I know it's not an easy thing.

Yeah, I don't deal with it in the healthiest way. You may remember that time a month or so ago I posted about acting like an ass to a friend because I suspected our friendship would end after college and would rather have a concrete reason for why we didn't remain friends. Thankfully I'm self aware enough of the problem that I was able to fix it and change my behavior.
The problem is that I don't. For me friendships have a particular emotional importance. Most of the friends I make are either people I have romantic feelings for or people I can legitimately be at ease with. As someone who is generally deeply fearful, contemptuous and suspicious of people that latter quality is a rarity. I don't do "casual" friendships because for the most part I hate people and I hate being around them when it isn't absolutely necessary.

I know how to make friends without a ton of trouble (I wouldn't have made more than 6 over the space of 8 years if I didn't). The only real reason it takes so long is that I tend to observe for months on end to see if they're worthwhile people to get to know.

Either way it's something too painful for me to throw away repeatedly.

Most people are interesting, or have something of value to offer, and casual relationships or connections make up a majority of our experience with other people, because it's extremely unlikely that two or more people are going to move in the same direction in life for any meaningful length of time. That's why marriage is such hard work. Most of it is just crossing paths with a stranger on the sidewalk and smiling at them. And that can be a real pleasure, or make the world feel like a hospitable place.

I think I understand your perspective, I suppose it just seems unnecessarily harsh or arid to me and my inclination is to give you advice not to be complacent about it.


I just wish I could hook up with this one dude and then freeze time at that particular moment. So simplistic.

And I wish my co-worker wanted to hang out with me outside of work ;A;, not even a relationship but something strictly platonic, I wish I could legitimately not care about people, life would so much easier *sigh*
And I wish my co-worker wanted to hang out with me outside of work ;A;, not even a relationship but something strictly platonic, I wish I could legitimately not care about people, life would so much easier *sigh*

Does he brush you off when you try to invite him to stuff after work?
Yeah, I don't deal with it in the healthiest way. You may remember that time a month or so ago I posted about acting like an ass to a friend because I suspected our friendship would end after college and would rather have a concrete reason for why we didn't remain friends. Thankfully I'm self aware enough of the problem that I was able to fix it and change my behavior.

Yeah, it often seems like getting out of your head can be the hardest thing to do. I think you sort of get into practice with it with time, but even with progress, regress feels at least semi-constant.


Does he brush you off when you try to invite him to stuff after work?

I've only done it once via telephone after asking him how work was, he just said "we'll see what happens" which basically meant no, I haven't asked him again but I have joked about it telling him he doesn't want to hang out with me, and he just nervously laughs, if I wasn't stuck with this boy for 8 hours almost everyday I wouldn't attempt it, but I've known him for a year already and he's pretty cool and I'm interested, the kid is so emotionally stunted though, there's a thick wall that's almost impenetrable so I probably shouldn't try anymore.


I have lived in the same shitty town for years and people complain about not living in the same place for years. We should all change lives lol

You are so. freaking. young. though. I wish I was your age, you are going to live in dozens of different places if you put your mind and work towards that objective.


Speaking of complicated relationships, my boyfriend is such a mystery. He's been working a lot lately, and there are periods of like 3 days where we hang out every night and sleep together, then 3-4 days where I literally do not see him and we barely communicate. And it's always him. Like he's too tired or other some such bullshit. And that's not fucking normal. But then when I finally do see him he's super sweet and caring and tells me he loves me so much etc. Like last night.

Last night i was actually gonna go over to confront him about it because I'm getting sick of it. I don't think he's cheating because he's talked extensively about his disdain for cheaters since his dad cheated on his mom. But regardless going days without seeing your boyfriend who lives at most 10 minutes away isn't normal. It makes me feel like he can only stand seeing me for a few days before he needs a break or something. It's frustrating as hell. But last night I didn't bring it up since he was being so nice, and today I hate that I didn't. Because he texted me but no invitation to come over despite last saying we would hang out.

This is really hard for me too because this is only my second boyfriend and first one that lives in the same city as me and I can see everyday. Except I'm not seeing him everyday due to him. I just feel like I'm annoying or awful or something's wrong with me when my boyfriend can stand going days without seeing me yet then says how much he loves me.

He moved into his apt last week and his roommates won't arrive until tomorrow through Saturday. The whole time he kept saying how it'll be like we're living together and how he wants to have sex on the couch before his roommates arrive. Well now the first one's coming tomorrow and we've not had sex ONCE since he's moved in. He talks a big game about how he wants me to fuck him all the time but then when I'm all about it he has an excuse or something. He's not offering to fuck me either so idk. Not to mention, again, there was the entire weekend period of me not seeing him at all.

If I don't see him tomorrow, or at the latest Thursday, I'm gonna confront him. I was gonna wait until school starts next week to see if things would improve but I have a feeling it'll turn from "I work so much I'm so tired" to "I have homework or study and also I'm too tired@. I can't do this. I want to hang with him everyday. I want that for myself, and I want someone who wants the same. If he doesn't, then I can find someone who does. It sucks cuz I really don't want to breakup with him, but this relationship dynamic isn't exactly making me happy. I've wasted too much time closeted and not pursuing my true interests romantically to waste anymore time on a dude who doesn't want to see me everyday.

And of course I understand every now and again not seeing your bf a day or maybe 2 if you've got a lot of shit going on. But not like this. I don't think I'm being clingy either, at least I hope not.

Sorry for the massive post, this is so unlike me.


Most people are interesting, or have something of value to offer, and casual relationships or connections make up a majority of our experience with other people, because it's extremely unlikely that two or more people are going to move in the same direction in life for any meaningful length of time. That's why marriage is such hard work. Most of it is just crossing paths with a stranger on the sidewalk and smiling at them. And that can be a real pleasure, or make the world feel like a hospitable place.

I think I understand your perspective, I suppose it just seems unnecessarily harsh or arid to me and my inclination is to give you advice not to be complacent about it.

A fair amount of people probably do. It's just that I don't find the stresses of social interaction worthwhile unless I find the other person to be exceptional.

It probably is. I wasn't quite like this as a child. I was still an outcast who was shut himself in, but I didn't have any complex views on friendships or anything like that. I knew I wanted friends, but that was it. The way I am today started to come about once I did actually make my first friend at the age of 10. My father went into the military around the same time. (My parents were laid off within 6 months of each other.) I moved only a few months after meeting said friend and had to leave without saying a word to him about it.

The more misanthropic parts of me didn't really come about until my first encounters with homophobia, which lead me to becoming more aware about social issues and developing the stringent moral standards I have today.
A fair amount of people probably do. It's just that I don't find the stresses of social interaction worthwhile unless I find the other person to be exceptional.

It probably is. I wasn't quite like this as a child. I was still an outcast who was shut himself in, but I didn't have any complex views on friendships or anything like that. I knew I wanted friends, but that was it. The way I am today started to come about once I did actually make my first friend at the age of 10. My father went into the military around the same time. (My parents were laid off within 6 months of each other.) I moved only a few months after meeting said friend and had to leave without saying a word to him about it.

The more misanthropic parts of me didn't really come about until my first encounters with homophobia, which lead me to becoming more aware about social issues and developing the stringent moral standards I have today.

There's a distinction between having legitimate or valid reasons for feeling the way that you do (which, of course, you do) and legitimizing that perspective as something to carry on into the future. It's about whether you desire to change or not that's important, and not so much about whether you feel change is particularly possible. The latter is something that you should never actively think about, when you're in the midst of a problem, because you can't rely on yourself to foresee that outcome yet.

I have some degree of avoidant personality disorder. I'm paradoxically a rather social person, so how I run into problems with that is I'm sure a bit different than the problems you face. But what I do know is that problems are almost never simple. They're seemingly always complex, comorbid with a bunch of other problems or factors (for me, anxiety and atypical depression with some hypomania/bipolar characteristics), feeding off each other, and as a whole they seem like some kind of impossible Gordian Knot. But like a Gordian Knot, often if you change your perspective, 'undoing' it becomes far simpler than you realize.

I don't know how much it matters exactly what you do. Therapy is a good place to start, I've been resolving my problems with meditation and self-applied neurofeedback, strangely enough. There are a lot of approaches you can take, which start to pay off once you find yourself knee deep in them. But if you do want to change, you don't start worrying about that just yet, you focus on maintaining that conviction in spite of how silly it feels.
Speaking of complicated relationships, my boyfriend is such a mystery. He's been working a lot lately, and there are periods of like 3 days where we hang out every night and sleep together, then 3-4 days where I literally do not see him and we barely communicate. And it's always him. Like he's too tired or other some such bullshit. And that's not fucking normal. But then when I finally do see him he's super sweet and caring and tells me he loves me so much etc. Like last night.

Last night i was actually gonna go over to confront him about it because I'm getting sick of it. I don't think he's cheating because he's talked extensively about his disdain for cheaters since his dad cheated on his mom. But regardless going days without seeing your boyfriend who lives at most 10 minutes away isn't normal. It makes me feel like he can only stand seeing me for a few days before he needs a break or something. It's frustrating as hell. But last night I didn't bring it up since he was being so nice, and today I hate that I didn't. Because he texted me but no invitation to come over despite last saying we would hang out.

This is really hard for me too because this is only my second boyfriend and first one that lives in the same city as me and I can see everyday. Except I'm not seeing him everyday due to him. I just feel like I'm annoying or awful or something's wrong with me when my boyfriend can stand going days without seeing me yet then says how much he loves me.

He moved into his apt last week and his roommates won't arrive until tomorrow through Saturday. The whole time he kept saying how it'll be like we're living together and how he wants to have sex on the couch before his roommates arrive. Well now the first one's coming tomorrow and we've not had sex ONCE since he's moved in. He talks a big game about how he wants me to fuck him all the time but then when I'm all about it he has an excuse or something. He's not offering to fuck me either so idk. Not to mention, again, there was the entire weekend period of me not seeing him at all.

If I don't see him tomorrow, or at the latest Thursday, I'm gonna confront him. I was gonna wait until school starts next week to see if things would improve but I have a feeling it'll turn from "I work so much I'm so tired" to "I have homework or study and also I'm too tired@. I can't do this. I want to hang with him everyday. I want that for myself, and I want someone who wants the same. If he doesn't, then I can find someone who does. It sucks cuz I really don't want to breakup with him, but this relationship dynamic isn't exactly making me happy. I've wasted too much time closeted and not pursuing my true interests romantically to waste anymore time on a dude who doesn't want to see me everyday.

And of course I understand every now and again not seeing your bf a day or maybe 2 if you've got a lot of shit going on. But not like this. I don't think I'm being clingy either, at least I hope not.

Sorry for the massive post, this is so unlike me.


Speaking of complicated relationships, my boyfriend is such a mystery. He's been working a lot lately, and there are periods of like 3 days where we hang out every night and sleep together, then 3-4 days where I literally do not see him and we barely communicate. And it's always him. Like he's too tired or other some such bullshit. And that's not fucking normal. But then when I finally do see him he's super sweet and caring and tells me he loves me so much etc. Like last night.

Last night i was actually gonna go over to confront him about it because I'm getting sick of it. I don't think he's cheating because he's talked extensively about his disdain for cheaters since his dad cheated on his mom. But regardless going days without seeing your boyfriend who lives at most 10 minutes away isn't normal. It makes me feel like he can only stand seeing me for a few days before he needs a break or something. It's frustrating as hell. But last night I didn't bring it up since he was being so nice, and today I hate that I didn't. Because he texted me but no invitation to come over despite last saying we would hang out.

This is really hard for me too because this is only my second boyfriend and first one that lives in the same city as me and I can see everyday. Except I'm not seeing him everyday due to him. I just feel like I'm annoying or awful or something's wrong with me when my boyfriend can stand going days without seeing me yet then says how much he loves me.

He moved into his apt last week and his roommates won't arrive until tomorrow through Saturday. The whole time he kept saying how it'll be like we're living together and how he wants to have sex on the couch before his roommates arrive. Well now the first one's coming tomorrow and we've not had sex ONCE since he's moved in. He talks a big game about how he wants me to fuck him all the time but then when I'm all about it he has an excuse or something. He's not offering to fuck me either so idk. Not to mention, again, there was the entire weekend period of me not seeing him at all.

If I don't see him tomorrow, or at the latest Thursday, I'm gonna confront him. I was gonna wait until school starts next week to see if things would improve but I have a feeling it'll turn from "I work so much I'm so tired" to "I have homework or study and also I'm too tired@. I can't do this. I want to hang with him everyday. I want that for myself, and I want someone who wants the same. If he doesn't, then I can find someone who does. It sucks cuz I really don't want to breakup with him, but this relationship dynamic isn't exactly making me happy. I've wasted too much time closeted and not pursuing my true interests romantically to waste anymore time on a dude who doesn't want to see me everyday.

And of course I understand every now and again not seeing your bf a day or maybe 2 if you've got a lot of shit going on. But not like this. I don't think I'm being clingy either, at least I hope not.

Sorry for the massive post, this is so unlike me.

You really should just talk to him now instead of inferring that he doesn't want to be with you. You're letting that eat you up real bad. At least you may be talking to him tomorrow, so that's (maybe?) good.

Me and my Guy:



Hunky Nostradamus
I noticed that visual novels are one of your favorite genres, and there are three English gay dating sim visual novels coming out soon, so it would be nice to see some GayGAF support for them.

They are all "adult" (read: SEX) VNs, but we still talk about them in the Visual Novel Community thread, plus the mods said I could make an OT for one of them as long as we don't show anything R rated. (I think it's actually the first time this has been allowed on GAF.) I don't know if I'm gonna do it or not yet, I'm a bit nervous about it. @_@

How does one go about playing those visual novel games, btw? I assume they're not going to be on the DS XD

1000% improvement

I actually liked this, especially after the 3-4 minute mark.

I myself found it to be a strangely captivating video. I wish more artists would try out weird shit like that.

Speaking of complicated relationships, my boyfriend is such a mystery. He's been working a lot lately, and there are periods of like 3 days where we hang out every night and sleep together, then 3-4 days where I literally do not see him and we barely communicate. And it's always him. Like he's too tired or other some such bullshit. And that's not fucking normal. But then when I finally do see him he's super sweet and caring and tells me he loves me so much etc. Like last night.

Last night i was actually gonna go over to confront him about it because I'm getting sick of it. I don't think he's cheating because he's talked extensively about his disdain for cheaters since his dad cheated on his mom. But regardless going days without seeing your boyfriend who lives at most 10 minutes away isn't normal. It makes me feel like he can only stand seeing me for a few days before he needs a break or something. It's frustrating as hell. But last night I didn't bring it up since he was being so nice, and today I hate that I didn't. Because he texted me but no invitation to come over despite last saying we would hang out.

This is really hard for me too because this is only my second boyfriend and first one that lives in the same city as me and I can see everyday. Except I'm not seeing him everyday due to him. I just feel like I'm annoying or awful or something's wrong with me when my boyfriend can stand going days without seeing me yet then says how much he loves me.

He moved into his apt last week and his roommates won't arrive until tomorrow through Saturday. The whole time he kept saying how it'll be like we're living together and how he wants to have sex on the couch before his roommates arrive. Well now the first one's coming tomorrow and we've not had sex ONCE since he's moved in. He talks a big game about how he wants me to fuck him all the time but then when I'm all about it he has an excuse or something. He's not offering to fuck me either so idk. Not to mention, again, there was the entire weekend period of me not seeing him at all.

If I don't see him tomorrow, or at the latest Thursday, I'm gonna confront him. I was gonna wait until school starts next week to see if things would improve but I have a feeling it'll turn from "I work so much I'm so tired" to "I have homework or study and also I'm too tired@. I can't do this. I want to hang with him everyday. I want that for myself, and I want someone who wants the same. If he doesn't, then I can find someone who does. It sucks cuz I really don't want to breakup with him, but this relationship dynamic isn't exactly making me happy. I've wasted too much time closeted and not pursuing my true interests romantically to waste anymore time on a dude who doesn't want to see me everyday.

And of course I understand every now and again not seeing your bf a day or maybe 2 if you've got a lot of shit going on. But not like this. I don't think I'm being clingy either, at least I hope not.

Sorry for the massive post, this is so unlike me.

Definitely confront him and tell him how you feel. You don't deserve to be in a relationship that makes you unhappy all the time sis.


Speaking of complicated relationships, my boyfriend is such a mystery. He's been working a lot lately, and there are periods of like 3 days where we hang out every night and sleep together, then 3-4 days where I literally do not see him and we barely communicate. And it's always him. Like he's too tired or other some such bullshit. And that's not fucking normal. But then when I finally do see him he's super sweet and caring and tells me he loves me so much etc. Like last night.

Last night i was actually gonna go over to confront him about it because I'm getting sick of it. I don't think he's cheating because he's talked extensively about his disdain for cheaters since his dad cheated on his mom. But regardless going days without seeing your boyfriend who lives at most 10 minutes away isn't normal. It makes me feel like he can only stand seeing me for a few days before he needs a break or something. It's frustrating as hell. But last night I didn't bring it up since he was being so nice, and today I hate that I didn't. Because he texted me but no invitation to come over despite last saying we would hang out.

This is really hard for me too because this is only my second boyfriend and first one that lives in the same city as me and I can see everyday. Except I'm not seeing him everyday due to him. I just feel like I'm annoying or awful or something's wrong with me when my boyfriend can stand going days without seeing me yet then says how much he loves me.

He moved into his apt last week and his roommates won't arrive until tomorrow through Saturday. The whole time he kept saying how it'll be like we're living together and how he wants to have sex on the couch before his roommates arrive. Well now the first one's coming tomorrow and we've not had sex ONCE since he's moved in. He talks a big game about how he wants me to fuck him all the time but then when I'm all about it he has an excuse or something. He's not offering to fuck me either so idk. Not to mention, again, there was the entire weekend period of me not seeing him at all.

If I don't see him tomorrow, or at the latest Thursday, I'm gonna confront him. I was gonna wait until school starts next week to see if things would improve but I have a feeling it'll turn from "I work so much I'm so tired" to "I have homework or study and also I'm too tired@. I can't do this. I want to hang with him everyday. I want that for myself, and I want someone who wants the same. If he doesn't, then I can find someone who does. It sucks cuz I really don't want to breakup with him, but this relationship dynamic isn't exactly making me happy. I've wasted too much time closeted and not pursuing my true interests romantically to waste anymore time on a dude who doesn't want to see me everyday.

And of course I understand every now and again not seeing your bf a day or maybe 2 if you've got a lot of shit going on. But not like this. I don't think I'm being clingy either, at least I hope not.

Sorry for the massive post, this is so unlike me.

Tell him what you want, that's the only thing you could do. Right now you're over thinking and it won't do good for you.

And virtual hugs from me, I've been in that phase too.


Me and my Guy:


How does one go about playing those visual novel games, btw? I assume they're not going to be on the DS XD
They're all PC games, so on your personal computer. They won't be on Steam or anything though because of all that hot dick.

The three games I'm talking about are Coming Out On Top, Super Health Club and No, Thank You!!! (All links NSFW, the last one is a write up on my blog, because the publisher's main web site has some... stuff on it that I'm not a fan of.)

Peruse at your leisure.


They're all PC games, so on your personal computer. They won't be on Steam or anything though because of all that hot dick.

The three games I'm talking about are Coming Out On Top, Super Health Club and No, Thank You!!! (All links NSFW, the last one is a write up on my blog, because the publisher's main web site has some... stuff on it that I'm not a fan of.)

Peruse at your leisure.

DRAMAtical Murder is also have a fan-translation on the PC.
DRAMAtical Murder is also have a fan-translation on the PC.
Yeah, there's lots of fantrans out there. The ones I posted are all official releases though. And they're the first gay dating sims released in English ever. (Besides one that managed to slip through in 2006.)
And I wish my co-worker wanted to hang out with me outside of work ;A;, not even a relationship but something strictly platonic, I wish I could legitimately not care about people, life would so much easier *sigh*


I hate people, but I love them too. They can make me feel like garbage, or they can make me feel really great.


They're all PC games, so on your personal computer. They won't be on Steam or anything though because of all that hot dick.

The three games I'm talking about are Coming Out On Top, Super Health Club and No, Thank You!!! (All links NSFW, the last one is a write up on my blog, because the publisher's main web site has some... stuff on it that I'm not a fan of.)

Peruse at your leisure.
Super Health Club has the best art out of the 3. And also, according to the trailer, Emotions. Is the director of the game David Cage or what? ^^

Unrelated: I just found some video of two guys in Mario & Luigi cosplay kissing on Youtube. So good. (Don't know if it's okay to link it since it's a very intimate kiss. Just search for "Mario and Luigi make out" on Youtube.)
Speaking of complicated relationships, my boyfriend is such a mystery. He's been working a lot lately, and there are periods of like 3 days where we hang out every night and sleep together, then 3-4 days where I literally do not see him and we barely communicate. And it's always him. Like he's too tired or other some such bullshit. And that's not fucking normal. But then when I finally do see him he's super sweet and caring and tells me he loves me so much etc. Like last night.

Last night i was actually gonna go over to confront him about it because I'm getting sick of it. I don't think he's cheating because he's talked extensively about his disdain for cheaters since his dad cheated on his mom. But regardless going days without seeing your boyfriend who lives at most 10 minutes away isn't normal. It makes me feel like he can only stand seeing me for a few days before he needs a break or something. It's frustrating as hell. But last night I didn't bring it up since he was being so nice, and today I hate that I didn't. Because he texted me but no invitation to come over despite last saying we would hang out.

This is really hard for me too because this is only my second boyfriend and first one that lives in the same city as me and I can see everyday. Except I'm not seeing him everyday due to him. I just feel like I'm annoying or awful or something's wrong with me when my boyfriend can stand going days without seeing me yet then says how much he loves me.

He moved into his apt last week and his roommates won't arrive until tomorrow through Saturday. The whole time he kept saying how it'll be like we're living together and how he wants to have sex on the couch before his roommates arrive. Well now the first one's coming tomorrow and we've not had sex ONCE since he's moved in. He talks a big game about how he wants me to fuck him all the time but then when I'm all about it he has an excuse or something. He's not offering to fuck me either so idk. Not to mention, again, there was the entire weekend period of me not seeing him at all.

If I don't see him tomorrow, or at the latest Thursday, I'm gonna confront him. I was gonna wait until school starts next week to see if things would improve but I have a feeling it'll turn from "I work so much I'm so tired" to "I have homework or study and also I'm too tired@. I can't do this. I want to hang with him everyday. I want that for myself, and I want someone who wants the same. If he doesn't, then I can find someone who does. It sucks cuz I really don't want to breakup with him, but this relationship dynamic isn't exactly making me happy. I've wasted too much time closeted and not pursuing my true interests romantically to waste anymore time on a dude who doesn't want to see me everyday.

And of course I understand every now and again not seeing your bf a day or maybe 2 if you've got a lot of shit going on. But not like this. I don't think I'm being clingy either, at least I hope not.

Sorry for the massive post, this is so unlike me.

I don't think it's clingy at all, definitely have that talk with him.


Me and my Guy:


I'm now a SLS-free shampoo/conditioner kind of guy. My hair feels like what I imagine supermodels feel like. Much softer and scalp isn't as dry.

So with regards to the housing situation, yesterday I received this: https://soundcloud.com/adam-ryan-39/capture-20140812-1-2 Faced with little choice, I ended up telling my mother the results, at which point she told him, and I received this text:

I was then told by my mother that Raymond is 'absolutely fuming' (and it's not about my results which were far better than I needed thankfully, the one decent fucking thing in this abyss of a day) and to have bags packed as it's very likely I won't be going to college or living in this house anymore.

So it's quite clear that no matter what the hell I do there is no semblance of a victory here regardless of what I ever do.

EDIT: Oh I'm sorry this is the top of a new page. I'm quite sure this is very much the end of my housing situation, and college aspirations, short of an act of god.
So with regards to the housing situation, yesterday I received this: https://soundcloud.com/adam-ryan-39/capture-20140812-1 Faced with little choice, I ended up telling my mother the results, at which point she told him, and I received this text:

I was then told by my mother that Raymond is 'absolutely fuming' (and it's not about my results which were far better than I needed thankfully, the one decent fucking thing in this abyss of a day) and to have bags packed as it's very likely I won't be going to college or living in this house anymore.

So it's quite clear that no matter what the hell I do there is no semblance of a victory here regardless of what I ever do.

EDIT: Oh I'm sorry this is the top of a new page. I'm quite sure this is very much the end of my housing situation, and college aspirations, short of an act of god.

If it's not about the results then what are they mad about? Is Raymond your father/step-father?


Are there any The Little Mermaid attractions in Paris? Definitely gonna go some day, the American sounds cool but won't be possible financially any time soon.

David Giuntoli from Grimm, very handsome guy, the pics don't do him justice at all. He's crazy beautiful in season 3 lol.

No, there's no Little Mermaid attraction in the Paris one :(

But you should have some fun though! There are lots of other fun stuff to do, especially with the Walt Disney Studio Park (which have the best and most "extremes" rides of the whole park, like Toy Story's RC Racer and Rock'N'Roller Coaster with Aerosmith)

and thanks for giving me his name, I'm gonna google him right away, he already looks damn cute on that pic imo

I can't even remember the name at the moment of the place we where at the moment. It was a long time ago. I remember very fragile stones though, lavender fields and lots of amphibians crawling around in the little house we rented.
I'm actually getting angry with myself here because I totally forgot the name and the location we were at. Damn you, brain. :(

mmmh from what I'm reading, it seems like you were in the Provence region maybe? It's a south region mostly known for lavender, old stones and cicadas

I'm now a SLS-free shampoo/conditioner kind of guy. My hair feels like what I imagine supermodels feel like. Much softer and scalp isn't as dry.



Enjoy your hair!
If it's not about the results then what are they mad about? Is Raymond your father/step-father?

I have no idea what the hell it is now about because it had been about the act of telling them my results (see the voicemail), so I told the results to my mother when she came home from work, and now he's still, to quote my mother, "fuming", over what I can only imagine (I suspect it's because I told her the results face-to-face when she came home from work rather than text her the results). Raymond is my father and is currently in Spain (and has been since June or July, I can't really remember, nor do I care, at this stage, and will be home Friday night).

EDIT: The guy in Grizzo's quote is lovely.
No, there's no Little Mermaid attraction in the Paris one :(

But you should have some fun though! There are lots of other fun stuff to do, especially with the Walt Disney Studio Park (which have the best and most "extremes" rides of the whole park, like Toy Story's RC Racer and Rock'N'Roller Coaster with Aerosmith)

and thanks for giving me his name, I'm gonna google him right away, he already looks damn cute on that pic imo

That second vid looks hella scary, not sure I have the courage for that lol.

And the name is a clickable link to google =P. If you're looking for a new show to watch, Grimm's pretty good.


That second vid looks hella scary, not sure I have the courage for that lol.

And the name is a clickable link to google =P. If you're looking for a new show to watch, Grimm's pretty good.

okay so it turned out that he's actually really handsome

thanks for the suggestion! I have a looooong list of shows to catch-up with or start watching (there are currently 25 of them on my list) but I'll make sure to add it on top because... reasons
okay I'll admit it, because of David Giuntoli
I have no idea what the hell it is now about because it had been about the act of telling them my results (see the voicemail), so I told the results to my mother when she came home from work, and now he's still, to quote my mother, "fuming", over what I can only imagine (I suspect it's because I told her the results face-to-face when she came home from work rather than text her the results). Raymond is my father and is currently in Spain (and has been since June or July, I can't really remember, nor do I care, at this stage, and will be home Friday night).

EDIT: The guy in Grizzo's quote is lovely.
Can I get the whole story here? I'm quite confused.
Also I'd recommend blanking out that number in the voicemail.
Can I get the whole story here? I'm quite confused.
Also I'd recommend blanking out that number in the voicemail.

Ok so:

Ok so I have quite a serious request. This morning, I received this:
For some context for those unaware (given that I've briefly mentioned it in the Mental Health thread and via PM to an individual), and to give a brief overview, there was an incident back in around April (I believe) where my father threatened to kick me out after making an assumption that I was gay, and I suspected my mother and he have been trying to work out a reason to kick me out of the house (college education funds are an issue I'm unsure of, he implied that he wouldn't be paying them and I've been researching student loans, yet I'm unsure if they are certainly going to assist at that time or not) because it would not be 'socially acceptable' to kick out a child and would reflect badly of them without an adequate excuse to tell relatives. To put it rather bluntly, I abhor them. I can recognise, and be grateful for, the large financial assistance they've always provided, but when one's mother is neurotic, passive-aggressive, emotionally manipulative, obsessive, condescending, gossips endlessly about everything you do, and seeks to control and dominate every facet of your life (ringing relatives after you leave to find out what you did and said, interrogating friends and their parents, accompanying you everywhere to observe what is done), and your father is an aggressive, pompous, racist, homophobic, lying, domineering drunkard who violates any and all privacy measures he can (from breaking into locks, to trying to bypass passwords) there's only so long that you can weigh excellent financial service higher than a completely destructive pair of personalities. I'm not trying to alleviate myself of fault, by any means, being rather blunt repeatedly with my dissatisfaction towards their personalities, but I've never 'stepped out line' in a manner that would warrant obsessive observation, passive-aggressive behaviour, over-reactions to the slightest errors (which is a primary cause of my displeasure; one can only face being screamed at and told how worthless, selfish, and useless they are for an hour so many times after using the wrong cloth, identical to the correct one, to wash dishes).

With that out of the way, I am hoping for some advice on how exactly to respond. The dilemma presented is that I'm quite sure if I respond in too vitrolic a manner that I will be kicked out of the house. At the same time, I do not wish to respond too passively, and in such a submissive manner that she continues to degrade every aspect of my life; I very much wish for her to change, and if I am too light in my response, this will not happen. In short, how the hell do I balance my respose so that it's harsh enough to provide a dose of reality (my aunt has repeatedly told her to go to a therapist, and I'm half-contemplating advising it), yet not harsh enough that I'm immediately kicked out when I'm not yet financially independant (I have a job as a waiter at a local hotel for weddings and banquets, yet that's only a day or two per week for five to eight hours, not nearly enough to sustain myself, particularly with college looming)?

--- (this is the detailed version of the 'for some context' bit above and can be skipped)---
I had been talking to FillerB in April and this was my detailing of the entire situation that had occured, the entirety of the private message copy and pasted directly as I imagine he won't really mind:
The One Who Knocks said:
I'm quite sorry for the delay.

Obviously I haven't actually killed myself yet so I am quite sorry for (probably) worrying you, and certainly for leaving after a rather depressing note without having given some possibility of a resolution.

Regardless, a rundown of the situation is pretty much as follows:

I'm eighteen. I'm gay. I'm currently in secondary school and (was) planning to go to university to study Mathematics next year. I'm diagnosed with Asperger's (once while extremely young, my parents shred the initial diagnosis, and once again after being referred by my secondary school that a diagnosis be sought). Can be somewhat arrogant, nihilistic, abhor both parents (I'm sure, given my age, my abhorrent hatred of him will be seen merely as teen angst [regardless of it being continuous from a very young age] and potentially a rather irrational hatred; there are, after all, no major events such as a brutal beating or a violent rape to lead to this, it's merely as a result of his toxic personality and the cumulative effect of many minor incidents), have a very good memory (not to brag, but my memory is quite excellent which serves as a rather significantly to my detriment regarding a relationship with them), have repeatedly made my discontent with their personalities clear (at five years old, eight, eleven, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen [now]) while acknowledging, and respecting, the financial backing they provide. I've a rather cold personality.

Forty-five, and a lecturer (Accounting). He's an extremely arrogant individual, incapable of being wrong or admitting mistakes, homophobic, manipulative, lacking any apparent ability to trust another, jumps to conclusions and unwilling to hear anything to the contrary, almost bipolar in his reactions to events, without any form of humour, an alcoholic, prone to outbursts of constant screaming, has a rather dominant personality, extremely condescending, and extremely gossipy with no respect for privacy (anything said to him or my mother is common knowledge by the evening). When confronted about certain negative aspects, the reply given was that he was "a parent, not a friend".

With that brief summary out of the way, prior to five/six months ago, I rarely communicated with any friends outside of school, or the internet, as I never wished to mix that (positive) aspect of my life with the extremely negative, and toxic home environment of constant belittling, shouting, manipulating and arguing. Which I decided to do after my mother and father 'interrogated' a friend I brought home from school, involved their selves in all activities, and making him no longer wish to involve himself with me as a result; having had previous experiences involving them such as their tainting my love of swimming for many years, where my father always demanded to accompany me, always ended up shouting at me or telling me I was shit at it, and leaving me returning home feeling like a diarrhoea-turd, I decided to learn from the experience to ensure there's no corrosive tangling. Unsurprisingly, one gets quite lonely sticking stringently to a routine of isolation while outside school to prevent a collision and it ended up being too unbearable at the time to handle. As a result, I began inviting my friends to my house, or going to theirs, while my parents were away on a night out so I would at least have some semblance of company and normalcy, From time to time we would occasionally have a few drinks, as legally aged teenagers do, yet my parents (despite me being legally old enough) would have strongly opposed this relatively normal situation (despite my father's alcoholism) and, as a result, I hid the bottles in a locked drawer under my bed (disposal was an issue though, so the empty bottles were being kept until my parents go abroad for the entire summer). At the same time, I began to become aware of/accept my sexual orientation, and had entered into a somewhat casual relationship with somebody in my school (while I am quite out with my orientation amongst friends, he was/is not, so there never was a possibility of his name being revealed), and we had become sexually active.

Last Friday, after returning home from school, it was quite clear that somebody had been plundering through my underwear drawer (foolishly I had kept condoms there, thinking nobody would have such a disregard for privacy that they would go rooting through somebody's underwear) as all of the condoms were cushioned on top of the underwear, which, obviously, is not where they had been prior to me leaving. Nevertheless, I ignored it. My parents went out for a meal on Saturday night (I guess my issue is that I'm not paranoid enough to see that it was planned as a way to 'trap' me) and friends came over (somebody brought with them a bottle of Smirnoff). Yesterday, after returning from school, I was ambushed in my room by my father, demanding explanations and wildly throwing accusations that I was an 'alcoholic'. I, obviously, denied such an absurd notion at which point he said "Oh yeah? Then why do you have those empty bottle of vodkas and the half drank bottle of Smirnoff (it wasn't half gone, just to point out) under your bed?". I obviously replied with a bewildered "What?" completely unaware as to how he could know about them, considering it was locked in a very secure area with a digital lock, the code of which consisted of 12 characters. He pulled open the drawer, opened the container with the code, and there is, absolutely no way, he could have guessed it, it was a random string of numbers generated on Excel not noted anywhere so I'm still completely unaware as to what he did to locate it, and asked when I bought it. Wishing him to know as little as possible, and knowing he wouldn't believe it anyway as he wouldn't have asked if he didn't know, I (foolishly) stated it was two months ago, at which point he said "Oh, really? Because it wasn't there when I went through this on Friday while looking for an important document I thought I misplaced" (bullshit as I'd bought, and set up, the container myself years prior to store receipts for everything and any electronics while travelling abroad so there was absolutely no reason he'd go looking there, or through my underwear). Demanding answers, he asked me "how many drinks do you think that is?", stating I was drinking every night, that I always came downstairs in a "dark mood" and clearly I was drinking every night (which is nonsense, and I don't go downstairs in a dark mood, I go downstairs after waking up fatigued, and exhausted, half-asleep) calling me a "childish piece of shit", with "no manners" or "positive aspects", and one who was "corrupting siblings" through reminding me that they were 'minors' and stating that if they misbehaved it would clearly be my fault from now on, ignoring my comment that they've been around alcohol their entire lives through him and considering "we" (big mistake) kept to my room and made no noise it was never an issue, stating they'd begun picking up my many terrible traits (he scoffed at my comment that perhaps if I had so many bad traits, and now they were getting so many bad traits, the common factor isn't me, but him as a parents, and his inadequacy to impart positive ones).

Having made the mistake of saying "we" he questioned who the "we" was. I, continuously, resisted at all points. While I understand this is not a way an unreasonable comment, it, combined with his gossiping, is not something I would ever indulge, lest I hear about it from every individual who even remotely knows him and further destroy any tiny confidence or trust I may have, unbeknownst to myself, had in him. I replied, vaguely, "my friends obviously" at which point he stated it was unreasonable to have friends over, that if there was anybody in his house who he did not know he would "murder them", stating that if I speak to anybody who he did not know (I'm breaking this completely sane request right now coincidentally) that I could live in their house, or on the street, and it didn't make a difference to him, while also commenting that I should remember who I would need funds off of for university (which I again noted I'm well aware of, and respectful towards his financial provision, just nothing else), who is 'in complete control' yet only "concerned for your well-being".

He then turned towards the condoms and lubrication. He began by stating that, for years, he's been concerned I had a 'dark side' through the media I consume ("The Wire", "Arrested Development", "Mad Men", "The Sopranos", "Treme", "Breaking Bad", "Hannibal" as examples of TV shows, and "The Last of Us", "Rayman Origins", "Metal Gear Solid", "Mass Effect", "Demon's Souls" as examples of games) by focusing on the subject matter (and ignoring his own media consumption, the television shows in particular being focused on all shows he watched as well) and ignoring the quality or critical acclaim, and that this was his justification, asking who it was with (I would very much rather die than betray him), first stating a prostitute (indirectly calling me pathetic) to which I lashed out in reply, and later randomly calling out names, He ultimately stopped at "And are they a woman, or a man?" (I replied, to this and everything except the prostitute comment, that "I will never tell you") which he continued to labour on, asking me if I was getting "fucked like a bitch", if I was a "fucking faggot", a "cocksucker", or a "shit-stuffer", and if that's what the lube was for (it was clear that he already had convinced himself of the answer and the question was merely a pleasantry). Finally, after this, he stated that I should pack my things as I was on the verge of being kicked out, and told me to beg to him to stay (which I didn't, which enraged him more) before leaving the room. After five minutes he returned that he wouldn't be telling my mother, but that I will be telling him both my mock examination results (which, despite getting the highest in my year of two-hundred and fifty students in Maths, Applied Maths, Physics and English, he will take these poorly, because the results of those subjects were all 78% [having been corrected guillotine-style by the outsourced correctors in spite of the marking scheme] and I can certainly look forward to being called an 'alcoholic whore of a failure" whenever they're posted home) and Leaving Certificate results, despite it having been mentioned over two years ago, and agreed upon, that they are "something private which shouldn't be shared for praise or scorn" (this point of contention is not one I'll yield to).

Ultimately, it's quite clear that he's merely looking for an excuse to my mother (who is homophobic,, yet too concerned for her appearance to kick me out) in order to throw me out onto the street, won't be providing a cent of financial aid towards university as he had repeatedly stated he would be doing (which I wouldn't care for as college application fees, accommodation, and materials are expensive, if it wasn't being done out of a homophobic and distrusting, despite never having done anything 'out of line' other than this my one gigantic failing of wishing to have a non-toxic relationship in my life, spite), and is once again trying to strangle any modicum of happiness which I somehow managed to obtain. It would admittedly be easier to kill myself right now, particularly since I have both thoroughly wiped my laptop and phone, save for a single Word document in a locked folder (because no doubt they will pillage my laptop should I die for any clues as to why I could possibly have done it) which I planned to email to friends while hanging to try and relieve some form of confusion, and had removed all traces of myself online, than continue to dwell in their joy of my misery, but unfortunately, as of right now, I'm too much of a coward to tie my carefully balanced fate to a suitably miserable end. I can recognise that they'll wail crocodile tears to flood the earth and curse their inability to save me from the damaging effects of social media, alcoholism, and media with a dark subject matter, and the extreme hurt it will impose not only upon my old child minder and grandmother (the two living individuals I care about most), but also the one who I'm in a relationship with, and my other friends, yet it's negligible to the completely unfulfilled imprisonment that is my current existence, and soon, the complete abandonment which I will face.

Sorry for it being so large. I am aware I probably don't come off particularly well, I can understand my failings in the situation, and recognise where certain queries may be rational. Frankly, I don't care; there is no reasoning anyway, he isn't an individual driven by a logical assessment of possibilities. It doesn't help to get it off my chest, talking doesn't particularly help, I had felt a compelling sense of obligation to try and provide some irrational sense of catharsis to NeoGAF last night before hanging myself today however this, unfortunately, is clearly not going to happen, in the present time at least (maybe if I'm alone for a considerable period at some point, or can buy some inert gases to lull me away I'll carry though but right now isn't the case). Regardless, thank you anyway, and once again I must commend you, and everyone else, who regularly partakes in, and assists those in need, in the thread and chat.
---that's the end of it---

Then I ended up settling on a response and style:
[missing quotes go here]
The latter suggestion wouldn't work (she is too smart for that), the former is actually an interesting thought, particularly given that she wants a written, and not verbal, response, making it perfect to use in a justification to relatives.

[missing quotes go here]

Neither parent would agree with family therapy, and anything said inside of family therapy would quickly be reported to relatives through them. This would not happen.

[missing quotes go here]

Well, I had intended to write up a few responses,and post some here to see what people think would be the most tactful way to handle the situation, taking the advice to go for a passive approach, and then she began berating my brother and citing his selfishness for refusing to babysit for my aunt, and how it makes her look bad and is disrespectful towards her (Ethel), while simultaneously keeping in mind the possibility that given that she wants a written response so I have instead decided to become another NeoGAF user who ignores the correct advice given to him in favour of a catastrophicly bad, emotional response that refuses to give her the peace of mind she wants, even if it certainly won't change anything about her. I saved the draft here if any feedback wishes to be given (I would appreciate some even if it's "Holy shit don't send that you damn lunatic") as I haven't yet sent the reply (I've been working) and will do so tomorrow evening if I have not ended up calming down. Thank you all for the assistance.

EDIT: Oh and welcome back BlueBadger.

Surprisingly, that email response, slightly touched up, appeased her, and she was happy with the response even if initially things did not seem optimistic. Then, however:
So with regards to the housing situation, yesterday I received this: https://soundcloud.com/adam-ryan-39/capture-20140812-1-2 Faced with little choice, I ended up telling my mother the results, at which point she told him, and I received this text:

I was then told by my mother that Raymond is 'absolutely fuming' (and it's not about my results which were far better than I needed thankfully, the one decent fucking thing in this abyss of a day) and to have bags packed as it's very likely I won't be going to college or living in this house anymore.

So it's quite clear that no matter what the hell I do there is no semblance of a victory here regardless of what I ever do.

EDIT: Oh I'm sorry this is the top of a new page. I'm quite sure this is very much the end of my housing situation, and college aspirations, short of an act of god.

And that's pretty much the entirety.

Oh and thanks for commenting on the number, I changed the link to one with the number removed, and deleted that track that had the number in it.

EDIT: And it is absolutely, one hundred percent not about what I got in the Leaving Certificate; I got far higher than I needed to do my first preference of Mathematics; to the extent that no matter how much the points for it rise, I will be able to study it assuming I've assistance with the finance, which is admtitedly unlikely.


okay so it turned out that he's actually really handsome

thanks for the suggestion! I have a looooong list of shows to catch-up with or start watching (there are currently 25 of them on my list) but I'll make sure to add it on top because... reasons
okay I'll admit it, because of David Giuntoli


I really don't like the suit in the second picture though, doesn't fit the colour of his hair at all. And the tie is just... bleh

mmmh from what I'm reading, it seems like you were in the Provence region maybe? It's a south region mostly known for lavender, old stones and cicadas

Could be, I have to ask my mother, she probably still remembers the name of the village or at least the region.


A close friend of mine doesn't believe I'm gay. He just believes that I haven't met the right girl. I don't know how to feel about that...



I really don't like the suit in the second picture though, doesn't fit the colour of his hair at all. And the tie is just... bleh

oh you think so? I love his suit, the tie is meh, that, I agree with you. Other than that he's really good looking! (that I agree with you too)

Tell him you don't believe he's straight, he just hasn't found the right guy :)

ha! that does actually sound like a great comeback!


And that's pretty much the entirety.

Man. I am certainly not in any position to help or give professional advice or probably even to be heard for my opinion on this. But having read through all of this, I hope you know that these people are not your family (bloodlines aside).
In my interpretation, it is more than justifiable to argue that it was THEM who tried to take your life, and entertaining the thought to end it, to suffer, or to do anything at all because of, or just to spite these people sounds to me like two steps too far in the wrong direction.
The way I understand it, financial support is the only leverage your father has to claim paternity over you and the only reason you didn't already abandon them altogether. But the one thing to always remember is that only, and really none other than, the individual counts here.
Your life and your gift and your dreams and your legitimate right to happiness should be worth so much more than parental bonds or even accomodation.

You are a wonderful person and I know that doesn't mean anything from me. It doesn't even have to be true. But the most important (and hardest) thing is to acknowledge it for yourself regardless. If the chance of getting the college funds are high enough, it might still be reasonable to appease your parents because then you would probably be away from them soon and once you're out of their home, your life will be so much better anyway. But if the torment of their regime and imprisonment does not justify suffering for only slim chances of financial support, leave them immediately by any means necessary, regardless of all implications. Because there are so many lines here already crossed or about to be that are so far beyond any framework of normalcy, in the sense that tame reactions will not apply anymore.

They have already taken so much from you. Do not let them take one bit more and if you make it the only thing to live for at this moment. Look ahead to a life of freedom and hospitality. This is all that counts. Regardless of any of that, I'm sorry for your situation. We are all born with our burdens but yours has been huge. At least you know that none of this is your fault. Many people in your position at some point start to believe that shit, making it even harder for them to oppose what must be opposed.
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