So, I went out today, and actually discovered some places I didn't know about in my city. Also, it turns out I may have been a buddhist for years and didn't know it until now (it's really weird to read a book about Buddhism and realize your own philosophy is quite similar to Buddha's). I also met a (female :'( ) friend in the bus that I didn't see for a long time, and it was actually nice to reconnect with her, however briefly that was.
I consider to maybe go to some gay bars too, though I'm still unsure about that. There are some people I really wish to not see again and who go there. And I'm kinda of an introvert: I'm very open once I know people, but until I'm comfortable enough I can come off as rather shy (or just not very social), and in any case I avoid drinking alcohol (let's just say that I met way too many people who turned out to be drunkards ~ dangerous drunkards ~ and that I feel I'm better without that substance in my life).
Well, I guess that I just wanted to say that I feel a little better, and it's partly thanks to your support, so: thank you.